


Learn the VITAL goal-accomplishing step called "cut the crap" so you can break the cycle of giving up on your goals and instead make your dreams happen.


Dec 2, 2019 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

“We all have crappy things in life that hold us back, but you always have a choice.”

It’s that time of year when I hear from so many people the dreams they have for what’s next. With a new year approaching (and in this case, a new decade too), the excitement and possibilities for finally making goals happen is typically highest now.

Being in this high energy place around goals and dreams isn’t a bad thing. In fact, it’s great! Dreaming up what’s next is so important for making new goals and dreams happen. It’s so important that we see beyond our current reality and think of things beyond what we can see today. It’s the first step to change!

However, for many, they don’t realize that dreaming up new goals is only the first step to change and they stop there.

Then, these same people spend the remainder of the year wondering why their dreams and goals aren’t happening or why it feels so hard to make change happen. So they (80% in fact) give up on their annual goals by mid-February and strive to start again next year just for the cycle of dreaming and giving up to start again.

Many assume there may just be something “wrong” with them to not make their goals and dreams happen or they blame external circumstances in their life for making it too hard.

Both thoughts aren’t correct though. There’s likely nothing wrong with them and there are very few circumstances in the world that can keep someone from their goals (when they really want them).

The problem with the people stuck in the “I can’t make my goals happen” cycle is that they’re failing to recognize and complete the second (and most important) step in the goal-setting process.

It’s the step I call “cutting the crap.”

In this “cutting the crap” phase, you look at all the things that are holding you back from making your goals and dreams happen. You look at things like your mindset, your relationships, and your day-to-day activities in order to understand WHY you haven’t already made your dreams and goals happen today.

It’s a vital process to complete to make your goals happen and it’s a process that isn’t always fun or easy to feel. (It’s no wonder we avoid it!)

I’m currently going through my own “cut the crap” phase with a goal in my marriage. My husband and I made a recent goal to take our slightly above-average marriage and make it an exceptional marriage instead.

We’ve never seen (in our eyes) an exceptional marriage, so this is a big dream that we both wonder at times is even possible. I ask myself at times, “Can we do this?”, “Am I crazy to even think this is possible?”, “Why can’t I just be happy with what we have?”

However, despite my occasional disbelief, I know I’m a goal-setting and accomplishing queen who has helped hundreds of women make their own once impossible goals and make them possible today. I know the phase we’re in right now is just a phase and we’ll “cut the crap” soon enough to be on the other side of things.

I believe in and know the results that the “cutting the crap” phase of goal-setting can create though so I stick with it and I know within a few months if not weeks, we’ll be well on our way to making this dream a reality.

We’re not a part of that 80% club anymore that quits on their goals because we know how to “cut the crap.”

I want this for you too. I want you to accomplish ALL of your big goals and dreams next year. I want you to experience first-hand the beauty and magic of what it feels like to be alive in a way where you know how to make change happen.

So today on the podcast, I’m teaching you 3 steps on how to “cut the crap” in your own life so you can make your goals and dreams happen continuously in your life.

This is a powerful episode that I hope you’ll listen to. It may be uncomfortable to hear some of the things that you’ll need to do to “cut the crap” in your own life, but I promise the rewards will be worth it.

Listen to the episode via the link at the top of this page to learn by step-by-step “cut the crap” process!


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Full transcript:

Episode 22: CUT THE CRAP

This is the Become an Unstoppable Woman podcast with Lindsay Preston Episode 22, Cut the Crap.


Welcome to the Become an Unstoppable Woman podcast, the show for goal-getting, fear-facing women for kicking ass by creating change. I’m your host, Lindsay Preston. I’m a wife, mom of two, and a multi-certified life coach to women all over the world. I’ve lived through enough in life to know that easier doesn’t always equate to better. We can’t fear the fire, we must learn to become it. On this show, I’ll teach you how to do just that. Join me as I challenge you to become even more of the strong, resilient, and powerful woman you were meant to be. Let’s do this.


Hi, there Ms. Unstoppable. Thanks for tuning into today’s episode. I am so grateful that you’re here. This episode is going live on December 1st, 2020, which means for a lot of you, you’re thinking about the next year and what you want to accomplish. Many people at this time are looking at the next year with a child-like dream-like fantasy world view, I think of, “Well, in 2020, I’m going to do this. In 2020, I’m going to do this,” or whatever year it is that you’re listening. We always look to the next year, “Well, next year is going to be different.”

That’s great, and I love that childlike dreaming state. I think it’s important for all of us to get there, but I think it’s also important for us to be realistic too and to look at some of the things that are holding us back. If we’re doing things like losing weight or getting the new jobs, running the business, improving the relationship, whatever goal you have in mind, we also need to look at what is it that’s holding us back from getting that. Why haven’t we gotten it before?

Sometimes it’s external things like, well, maybe we just haven’t had the clarity to know we want to go after that goal or we haven’t had the time, and now we’re making the time or we have the money. Sometimes, and many, many times it’s something that’s going on with us and something that we’re putting up with either in our relationships or with ourselves that needs to go. Today we’re going to talk about that crap. We’re going to cut it out, and I’m going to teach you three practices to implement specifically to cut the crap in your life, so you can make your goals happen for 2020 and beyond.

Today’s episode is going to be a little bit hard, I must admit. We’re going to talk about some hard things, but that’s why you’re here. You’re here to grow and to get better and stronger. You know that everything in life, isn’t just easy-peasy. It is hard at times. Today, we need to take a good hard look at your life and the things that can be holding you back. I’ve been doing this naturally every year, about this time in the fall season. I spend my time really looking at myself and looking at what I want for the next year and thinking, “Okay, what is it that I need to cut in essence to make this happen?”

I’ll give you an example, is something I’m really working on is improving my marriage. It’s not that our marriage is bad. It’s just been mediocrely okay for a while, and it had been really great. Granted, that’s very common after you have a child that it gets like this. I know, but I’ve been really looking at myself, and I’ve hired a relationship coach for me and my husband to really analyze what is it that’s holding us back from having one of those amazing exceptional marriages.

It’s been hard. I’ve had to really face some “Demons” in essence, in myself and some of the behaviors I’m doing to change and to get better. I’ve, in essence, have to cut the crap. You’ve got to do that to my friend. Again, three practices today, we’re going to cover on how you can do that in your life. let’s jump into it. Number one. The number one practice to cut the crap in your life is to cut out activities you don’t want to do, but you’re doing them anyway. This could be big things like activities you’re committed to every single week, to smaller things. Just little bitty things you’re doing throughout your day that maybe take you in just five or 10 minutes, but they make a bigger impact on you throughout the day.

An activity you can do here is to just sit down and write out an average day. What time are you waking up? How are you feeling when you wake up? If you’re not waking up with a lot of energy, well, why is that? Is it that you’re scrolling your phone? Is it that you’re staying up late to talk to somebody when you really should be getting sleep? Is it that you’re getting up with a child and it’s really time to cut the cord on that one? That’s mine. I’m raising my hand on that one. There’s so many different things to look at as to why you’re waking up tired. We could easily just start there and go from there, but let’s keep going.

Then after you wake up, what are you doing? Do you have a morning routine that you love? If you don’t, how come? Why don’t you have a morning routine that you love? If you want to do things like meditate or pray or journal or work out or whatever it is, even just say gratitude in the morning, what is stopping you from doing that? Then just keep going throughout your day and think about every little thing that you’re doing and ask yourself, is this something that I really don’t want to do, but I’m doing it anyway?

I’ll walk you through my life. I typically wake up around 7:00, usually 6:37, and I wake up tired. The reason I have been waking up tired is I have been getting up with the baby, and he’s not really a baby anymore. He’s 19 months at the time of this recording. When I just did this exercise last week before I recorded this episode, this past week I have gone back to being more firm with him at night and doing a little sleep training. It’s been great. He slept through the night last night. He basically slept through the past two nights before that. That’s all I needed to do, was set that boundary and get back into this flow state of waking up refreshed again.

That already has made a huge impact in my life from just doing this exercise. I’m already seeing the benefits, but then as I kept going throughout my day and wrote it out, at 7:15 I’m usually getting up and having to pull my daughter out of bed. There was a period of time when she was getting up on her own, getting ready to make her lunch. For some reason we’ve gotten into the cycle again, of me making her lunch, me really having to pull her along until we get out the door in the mornings for school, and that’s not okay. I’m having to set that boundary again with her.

Then as my day went on, there’s just these little things sometimes that I was doing that I just didn’t want to do. There’s a couple of activities that my daughter’s involved in and I’m carting her all around town to do that. It’s really kind of pushing her along. She doesn’t really want to do drums. Every time it’s like, “Mommy, I don’t really want to go.” Then she goes, and she’s glad she is, but why am I the one that’s pulling her along? It’s not even enjoyable for me to go and do those things. Again, I’m just looking at every little thing that I’m doing in my life and cutting it out.

There are a couple of things with relationships, with people of letting somebody text me certain things. I just don’t allow it or I don’t respond to it, and I just move on. They get the message pretty clearly, but I don’t want to respond to those kinds of texts. Just look in your own life. It can be as little as being in a conversation longer than you want to be or talking about something with someone that you don’t want to talk about. That can be very draining for people, especially for women. They just feel like they need to be nice and do that, but what’s the cost of that?

A lot of times it’s costing your energy. It’s definitely costing you your time, and then you’re not going after your goals like you want to, because you’re doing all this crap that doesn’t really add to a fulfilling life for you or for anybody else. All right, my friends. Again, cut out the activities you don’t want to do, but do them anyway. As you were doing this exercise and writing out your day, watch out for those shoulds of, “Well,” for example, we can read another in my own life, “Well, my daughter doesn’t really like to go to drums, but she should get some music in there. That’s really great for her brain and it’s not that big of a deal.” That’s what I was telling myself as I was doing my own exercise.

Then I realized, no, catch the should. I should not have to take her with that kind of attitude. If she was all gung ho, she loved drums. Great. Let’s go. This is awesome. She loves volleyball, and it’s a pain for me to take her there as well, but her love of it makes me want to take her, because I see it passionate in her versus me just dragging her along. Again, watch out for your own shoulds. Really make sure you write out every single thing you do. This is hard for women. We have this thing called the invisible to-do list. I’ve brought it up in another podcast episode, and we just do some things in our world every single day that we don’t even realize we’re doing.

Really sit down and think about what is it I’m doing every single day and take away those things that you don’t want, and add-in instead the things that you do. Got it? That’s number one, cut out of activities you don’t want to do, but doing them anyway. Number two. On the practices that you can cut out the crap in your life so you can accomplish your goals, is it’s time to cut out some of your own crap. Yes, you are sabotaging yourself in many ways in your own mind.

I want to just make it very clear to you, and this is again, going to be hard for you to handle, is you are very rarely the victim in your life. Every once in a while you may be a victim in big ways, but in your day-to-day everyday life you’re not really the victim. You’re making choices every single day toward either your goals or you’re making choices away from your goals.

I was given this little nugget of wisdom when I was going through my divorce. I went to a class called divorce care. It’s really popular within churches. It was a great free community for me for about three months as I was going through my divorce. In one of the classes the video said, “You really need to look at yourself not only as somebody who needs to heal, but also as somebody who contributed to this divorce. No matter what has happened, no matter how bad your spouse acted, you need to be looking at yourself as well.” That was hard for me to handle.

In my situation– If you don’t know that story, my partner was living a double life with another woman. Had completely lied about it for a year and all this stuff. I sat there and I was so mad that they had said that, but I was so open to the idea of, “Okay. Well, what am I doing to contribute to these kinds of relationships, because I don’t ever want to go through this again.” I certainly don’t want to pass this pattern down to my daughter for her to go through this.

I saw that there were definitely some things I was doing that was sabotaging myself and sabotaging my relationships. It took me out of that victim mode where I’m helpless and hopeless to a place of empowerment of, “Okay, I’m going to go and I’m going to look at these behaviors, and I’m going to change them. As uncomfortable as this is and as hard as this is, I’m going to face it and I’m going to do the work to cut this crap in my life.” That’s what I did.

I really want you to start to do that with yourself of, if you’re blaming external things in your life. Well, it’s my husband or, my job or my kids or my childhood, and all that stuff. Yes, we all have crappy things in life that hold us back, but you always have a choice. Now, you may think you don’t, you may say, “Well, I have to go to my job, Lindsay, because I have to pay the bills.” You’re right. You do want your job to pay the bills, but you still have a choice in that. You could choose to quit and not pay your bills.

You could choose to not show up anymore. You’re still making that choice to go, because you’re choosing to pay your bills over quitting your job. It may not sound fun and nice to hear that, but it’s the truth. If you don’t want to go to that job anymore, well, that’s on you. You may think, “Well, maybe I need some certifications or something else,” or, “My community doesn’t have the job that I want.” Again, you are making that choice. You are making the choice not to go get those certifications. You are making the choice not to move.

That’s okay. It’s completely fine. If you’d rather stay where you are for certain reasons or you don’t want to pay the money to go get those certifications or go to college or whatever, but again, you’re making that choice. You are not the victim. You are empowered my friend. You’re empowered choice maker. Stop telling yourself those kinds of stories that’s just not true.

We can easily say here, “The patriarchy. The patriarchy is screwing us.” The research has shown, yes, most times women don’t get paid as much as men. Most times women are discriminated against, and certain things are happening, because of that. I really believe deep down that’s because as women- and I’m saying this just generally as a whole- we’ve allowed that stuff to happen. We’ve gone in with these beliefs about ourselves that we’re not as worthy or we’re not there. If we change our mindset around the way that we need to be treated, then the whole game changes.

This goes back to something the Life Coach School teaches called, The Model. I am not a student of theirs, just a follower. In their model practice, they talk about how our thoughts create everything. They create our feelings, and they create our actions, and our results. A lot of times we think our circumstances creates our life of, for example, go back to the job thing. “Well, I just have this crappy job.” Now that’s a circumstance, my friends.

If you had a thought process of, “I can easily find a new job. I am worthy of new pay or a new position,” or whatever. If you have those thoughts, you’re going to have feelings of things like empowerment and joy and go-getter-ness. I don’t know if that’s a word, but you are going to go and you’re going to do those things, and that’s going to create some amazing actions in you. You’re going to be applying for jobs, and you’re going to be going in with a high energy, and people are going to be gravitating towards you. That’s going to create new results in your life. If you go into your job of, “My life stinks. I’m never gonna leave here. This is all I can get,” that’s what you’re going to feel like and those are the actions you’re going to take, and the results you’re going to get are probably you’re going to stay stuck in your job.

I hear so many times from people of, “How did you go from having this horrible divorce, Lindsay, and creating this pattern of dating basically, Narcissus after Narcissus to now having the marriage that you have?” I’m a little perplexed, because I just think, “Well, because I always believed that I could have that. I always knew that that kind of person was out there and that’s what I deserved.” It’s so funny when I have clients or just encounter people in my personal life, and they don’t have those beliefs and they’re just continually staying stuck with another jerk after another jerk, because they haven’t done the work yet or haven’t created the belief yet to make that happen.

All right. I really want you to start to think about the BS in your own mind. If you need help with this, you know this is my area of expertise is helping women find what is going on in their minds to hold them back and change it. We do exercises like their top 10 timeline or their top 10 worst memories and how those impacted their belief system about the world, and what we need to do to change that. Many times we’re just handed down this belief system from our parents and from things that happened in our childhood when we had a very highly emotional brain that was just programming things that didn’t make sense.

Like I said, in many other podcast episodes and within my courses, I had these beliefs that my body was gross and nasty. That was impacting the way I was dating, because I didn’t think I was pretty. That came off of something that happened- so silly- in the seventh or eighth grade with a boy. How silly is that? You have those same things until you go in and you start to analyze them in a different light and reprogram those beliefs.

It’s really important too that you know about the voice of your inner mean girl or the voice of the ego is what they call it in a psych world, and how she’s impacting you. She’s the one that’s criticizing and wanting perfection and doubting, and all of those things. A lot of people just think, “Well, that’s just me. I just am critical,” or, “I’m just perfectionistic,” or, “I’m a people pleaser,” or this or that. You may be right now, but you don’t have to be forever. You can change those thoughts. You can change those ways of thinking.

You have to go in there and do the work to do that. Ask yourself really clearly how you’re holding yourself back. As I said earlier on this podcast, I’m working on my own marriage and improving it, and taking it to this nine, 10 marriage where people are just like, “Wow, they have an amazing marriage.” I really have to look at my own crap of how I’m holding myself back, how I avoid in certain instances and how I pull away from my partner out of safety.

Those things are our beliefs that have been passed down to me from behaviors of many generations of women in my family that I’m looking at now and saying, “Hey, I don’t want to be like that anymore. I’m stuck. I need to figure out how to get unstuck.” That requires me looking at the beliefs that are going on in my mind. I’ve got to cut that crap out and really do some heavy work here to make it happen, because it just feels so ingrained in me to do these certain behaviors. I know I’m going to get to the other side and I’m going to get create great results from that, because I’ve done this work before.

If you haven’t done any mindset work or belief work or whatever you want to call it, I really encourage you to try it, because this is what’s going to really change your life. Just changing your mind alone is going to help you cut out the activities that you don’t want to do and cut out some other things that we’re going to talk about here in a minute in the podcast. It really is the core of everything in your life, is what you think and what you feel about yourself and about others in the world is the result you’re going to create.

It’s very powerful, powerful stuff. All right. Just start to ask yourself, “What BS do I need to cut out?” If you have BS, it’s really just a place where you’re just feeling stuck of, “I’ve done really well in my career, and now for whatever reason I can’t uplevel anymore. Why is that? I don’t understand?” Well, you’ve got some mindset issues. Just like I said with my marriage, “Why is it that I can’t get it better?” Well, I’ve got some mindset things I need to clean up. It’s just a part of life.

People start to shame themselves sometimes with that or feel bad about it. It’s just the way our brain works, my friend. You’re just going to be a smart cookie by going in and doing that mindset work to go and change it. You’re going to be ahead of the game. That’s why so many people are like, “Well, it’s my job. My job can’t get me out of this,” or, “I just don’t have that or this or that.” It’s like, “No, my friend. You just haven’t done mindset work.”

Let’s just call it what it is. You’re just not wanting to look at your mind and how your mind is creating your results. You want to blame everybody else and everything. Remember, we are not the victim of our lives. That was number two of cutting the crap in our life, so we can make your goals happen for 2020. The last thing I want to talk about today is cutting out the bad relationships. This one’s pretty obvious. We want to cut those draining relationships. Relationships that are no longer serving us. It’s easier said than done. Sometimes we know our relationship is draining. It is so obvious that that person is somebody we don’t need to have in our lives.

Sometimes it’s a little bit tricky, especially if they’ve been in our lives for a while and especially if they’re family. We feel like we can’t cut them out. How do we handle that? Let’s back it up for a second before I get into how to go in and cut those relationships. Let’s talk about some of the questions I can see people asking me of, “Lindsay, how do you know what’s a relationship you need to cut? Because I’m introverted and some of my friends are extroverted. They’re just inviting me to things, and I feel really drained by it sometimes.

I want to just go back to the number one practice we talked about, which is cutting the things you’re doing that you don’t want to do anyway. If you’re going out with them more than you want to go out with them, maybe that’s the problem. Maybe it’s just you don’t need to hang out with them as much, and then see where that takes you, because I know I have some extroverted friends and I am constantly saying no to stuff.

But when I do go out with them, because it’s activities that I want to be doing with them, I enjoy it with them. It’s just I can’t hang as much as they can hang, because I’m introverted. Ask yourself, when you’re going out and hanging with them, are you glad that you went? Are you glad that you’re still with them? It may just be an activity issue. At the end of the day, they are just doing too much. The second thing, if somebody comes to me and says, “Lindsay, it’s family, and I’m not really sure if I can cut them out, because I really want them involved.”

Listen, I get it, I have family members the same way. I have made the decision that I just have very strong boundaries with a couple of family members, because I have learned to accept and love them as they are, which is they are generally unhealthy people. That is what has kept it healthy for me as I know if I go and spend the smaller amount of time with these people, it will stay healthy. If we go beyond that amount of time with them, it normally goes unhealthy.

I just know my limits there. I know when certain conversations happen, I just don’t play into that. Otherwise, it goes down a rabbit hole where it very easily becomes unhealthy. I know there are certain behaviors that I have with them that if it happens, then I’m out. I leave, because that behavior is not okay. Again, I have very strong boundaries with that. I can see somebody asking to me, “Lindsay, I want to cut our relationship, but what if it’s me? What if I’m the problem here? What if they’re a great person, I just don’t know how to handle great people.” Again, I totally get it. When I have been with my husband, he is such an amazing person. Many times I feel like I was the one self sabotaging that. It’s just really important that you know how to manage your mind.

You do things like journal or you have a coach that you can get coached on with certain things. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve coached with my coach on my husband of, “Is this me or is this him? What is this? I don’t understand.” I’m just not used to having a lot of healthy relationships. I have seen this with a lot of my clients. They haven’t had healthy relationships with their parents or siblings or spouses, whatever. When you get a healthy relationship, you ask yourself, “Is it me? Is it them? I don’t know.” That’s where mindset work is really important. I can see other people asking me, “Well, I can’t decide if I want to cut the relationship or not.” I just want to suggest there, play around with it. Go, maybe spend some time away from that person and see how you’re feeling.

Then if you go back and hang out with them again, see how you feel after that. Continually just try and test it out and test the waters of if you want to keep that person at all. Again, it’s a testing game, you’re setting yourself like a scientist is what I always tell my clients, because sometimes you don’t know. You just need more information to decide if you want to cut the relationship or not. I can see people asking me, “But what if the relationship changes, Lindsay? Yes, right now, it’s probably a relationship I need to cut, but it could change.” I have to say this.

As somebody who loves to help people and to help develop people and believes very much so and the best of everybody, you have to take people for who they are, especially if you’ve never seen that side of them before. For somebody who was really great and then maybe they’re having a hard time now, I can understand the staying and their relationship, because they could go back to that old way of being. If you’ve never seen that greatness in the person and they’re not actively working on themselves, it’s probably not going to happen. You’ve got to, again, take them for who they are, and make the decision in the now of, “I’m I going to either love and accept this person as is or is it time for me to let it go with love and grace?” It doesn’t have to be this huge, big blow up of just cutting the relationship, because it’s just not serving you anymore.

Really start to ask yourself if that’s what you want to do, and maybe some people want to wait it out. That is totally okay. You’re the master of your life here. You’re the one in the control seat. You get to decide, but just make sure you’re making authentic, strong choices. Then two, I just want to bring in there, because so many people don’t know what a healthy relationship looks like. When I went and I did a little research of it, here are some telltale signs.

The first is, do you have trust and do you have security in that relationship? If you don’t have those things, nothing else really matters. That’s what all the research backs up, is if you don’t have that safety, security, that dependability in that relationship where you feel you can trust that person, then nothing else really matters. You can’t build a loving connection off of that. It’s really the foundation of any relationship.

You may have had a relationship where the trust was compromised. You need to go in and do that work with that person, if you want to keep that relationship, to maintain that, because if you can’t trust the people around you, then what’s the point. Of course, if you have that trust and security above that of just being able to love and accept the person as they are. You’re able to listen and understand with empathy, you can agree to disagree, you have openness and vulnerability, you have healthy boundaries with one another. That’s a sign of a really great relationship of just having those things. If you do know that you need to cut a relationship, I do suggest you do it in a very loving and kind way. Maybe sometimes it’s just gradually distancing yourself from somebody.

Again, this is where maybe working with a coach like me or somebody else can help you make those decisions. I helped a client recently cut out a family member. That was a decision she wanted to make. She knew she needed to make that. We played with different options of how to do that for a couple of weeks, so that she could decide that this is definitely the way I want to do it and his is definitely what I want to say. She definitely wanted to cut that person out very in a black and white way. We did that.

Sometimes we just need that little hand holding or help to get us to do those things. Not the most fun episode today. I know we’re cutting all the crap out of your life, but man, when you cut that crap, it feels so light. You feel free. You feel you’re creating so much goodness and action in the world, before you’ve been carrying all this weight that you didn’t even know you were carrying around.

Once you cut that crap, you’re just out there, able to just go and make your goals happen in a really fun and easy way. This is where you see people just start to build a very strong momentum in life, because they’ve gone in and done some behind the scenes work of either in their mindset or cutting out relationships or cutting out activities. Then all of a sudden, it’s they’re a, butterfly, and they’ve bloomed and they’re moving, and they’re grooving. It’s very important you go in and cut this crap, my friend. You can go out and you can make your goals happen with whatever weight you’re carrying on your back, but it’s just going to be so much harder and it’s not going to feel as good. Hopefully, today you have some takeaways of crap you need to cut in your own life. That’s a mouthful, my goodness.

I’m just so appreciative you’re here and you’re listening and you’re doing this work that is sometimes uncomfortable, but so needed to be the best person that you need to be, because when you are the best person in life, then the world thrives off of that, and you inspire so many people to go out and be their best selves and create their best life. All of a sudden, everybody is peaceful and happy in the world. One day. Thank you again for tuning in today’s episode. If you have not left a review for the show, please go do so, especially if you’re on Apple Podcasts. I would love to hear from you. Those reviews are the things that keep me going to make this show happen.

Of course hearing from you, either via email or if you reach out to me on my website and take my free coaching assessment, let me know you have been listening to the podcast, because otherwise if I don’t get any feedback about the show, I just think nobody’s listening and maybe I shouldn’t do this anymore. I always love your feedback. I can’t wait to hop on for the next episode in a few weeks. It’s actually going to be another solo episode instead of an interview.

We’re going to be talking more about goals, and things that I encourage you to do as you step into the next year or your next round of goals whenever you’re listening to that episode. Until next time, my friend. Remember you’re only as unstoppable as you believe you can be. Believe in yourself. You got this.


Hey there, Miss Unstoppable. Thanks so much for tuning into this episode. If you enjoyed it, share it with a friend. Send them a picture of this episode via text, via email, share it on social media, I’m sure they would be so appreciative to know these strategies and tips on how to accomplish your dreams. If you are ready to guarantee you’re going to accomplish your goals and dreams, then it’s time to start coaching with me.

In my nine-month simple success coaching system, I am going to walk you every single step of the way to ensure that you get the goals and dreams that you want. The first step is to apply for a free 60-minute consult call. Just go to LindsayEpreston.com/apply to get started. As always, my friend, remember, you’re only as unstoppable as you believe you can be, so believe in yourself. You got this.

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Hi! I'm Lindsay

Hi! I’m Lindsay Elizabeth Preston. I’m a certified & trauma-informed life & leadership coach who has spent the last decade helping successful women create lives that feel as good on the inside as they look on the outside by using my neuroscience-backed coaching process called, Awakened Woman.

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