

LIVE CLUTTER FREE w/ Lisa Tselebidis, Certified KonMari Expert

A cluttered life = a cluttered mind. That’s why I brought Lisa Tselebidis, certified KonMari expert on the show. She’s here to keep your home and life clutter-free so you can create a mindset that feels good!

LIVE CLUTTER FREE w/ Lisa Tselebidis, Certified KonMari Expert

May 24, 2021 | GOALS | 0 comments

“By really going through all of your stuff, it makes you reflect on your past. It makes you deal with your past because you have to make a decision. “Am I going to keep this or not?” It makes you confront your feelings. It’s kind of just like therapy in that way. It’s cathartic because you are saying goodbye to things that no longer serve you. It has this cleansing effect in a very physical way.” – Lisa Tselebidis

I don’t know about you but clutter drives me crazzzyyyyy. Einstein said once, “A cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind.” 

It’s so true. When my mindset isn’t strong, my surroundings start looking very “hot messy.”  Then, the clutter makes my mindset feel even worse and the cycle continues in a downward spiral until I finally take the time to declutter around me.

I’m not alone here. Clutter drives most people (including many of my clients) mad.  

So that’s why I brought on Lisa Tselebidis today on the Become an Unstoppable Woman podcast. Lisa is a certified KonMari expert who helps her clients declutter their homes.

Lisa’s work goes beyond decluttering the physical stuff though. She works with her clients to help them clear their minds as they declutter their homes.  

I gained so much from this episode. After having a year of children in my home nearly 24/7 (because of COVID), my house wasn’t as organized as I like. After this interview, I got to work to get organized again. I just needed the simple tips Lisa shared to inspire me into action.

I hope this episode helps you as much as it did me!  

Listen now via the link at the top of this page.



Full Transcript

This is the Become an Unstoppable Woman podcast with Lindsay Preston Episode 113, Live
Clutter Free.


Welcome to the Become an Unstoppable Woman podcast, the show for goal-getting, fearfacing women for kicking ass by creating change. I’m your host, Lindsay Preston. I’m a wife,
mom of two, and a multi-certified life coach to women all over the world. I’ve lived through
enough in life to know that easier doesn’t always equate to better. We can’t fear the fire, we
must learn to become it. On this show, I’ll teach you how to do just that. Join me as I
challenge you to become even more of the strong, resilient, and powerful woman you were
meant to be. Let’s do this.


Hi there, Ms. Unstoppable, welcome to another episode of the show as always so grateful to
have you today and for you to spend time with me and my very special guest today, Lisa.
Lisa, I forgot to ask you how to pronounce your last name, but we put you this it’s Tselebidis.
Lisa is a professional organizer she’s specifically certified in the KonMari method. Yes, Marie
Kondo. Remember that show on Netflix a few years ago, that was super hot and popular.
Lisa is certified in that method. I personally love that method. I have found a lot of success
in it, myself, some others I know aren’t a fan of it.

If you are wanting to organize your home or just get a little bit less clutter in your life, I
highly suggest you listen to this episode today with Lisa, she dropped some nuggets on it
that blew even my mind and allowed me to start to see ways in my life that I can declutter
even more. Even though I have young kids, which can be tricky, let’s face it.

I love this interview with Lisa. she, just really talks about beyond just, physically decluttering
your space. She talks about the mentality you need to have when you’re decluttering and
how simple shifts in your mindset will make a big difference and the decluttering process
for making it kind of the tedious task to feeling like you’re having to give things up.
Change it into a very joyful process that feels you’re gaining a lot from the process of
decluttering. Get ready. Lisa is one that supports people in their homes and she’s helping
them in essence, doing a lot of coaching work. It sounds like from our interview, as she’s
helping people decluttering and allowing them to really trust themselves. Which if you are
a fan of this show, you know I’m big about that. Helping women be able to tap into that
decision-making muscle inside of them and to tap into their desires. Lisa does that so well,
Lisa believes in having a home that you are surrounded by items that you love and that you
feel can be life-changing in many ways.

Lisa used to be in the fashion industry and she took a step back and tapped into her innate
strengths and skillsets and started this business of helping others declutter instead. She’s
been helping women go from overwhelmed to organize and thriving in her business. I must
admit, after this interview, I started going through and thinking, “Should I hire Lisa in my
life?” It’s really impactful. We think, decluttering can be pretty simple and it can be right. It
depends on the mindset you have with it, but, why not just totally knock it out of the park
by bringing in a professional like Lisa.

Regardless of you hire her or not, this interview is great. I guarantee you’re going to take
some nuggets from it unless you are just the organizing pro but Lisa’s great and you’re going
to love her energy with it. Without further ado, here’s my interview with Lisa.
Lindsay: Hi, Lisa. Excited to have you on the show. Before we get into all the things about
living clutter-free I have to know, how did you get into this minimalist KonMari kind of

Lisa: Hi, Lindsay, first of all, thank you so much for having me I’m super excited to be on your
show. How I got into that, it’s actually kind of a funny story. Well, not funny, but maybe
unusual because I’ve done so many different things before and they had nothing to do with
organizing or decluttering. It was, I think not really sure 2016, 2017. I quit my job. I used to
work in fashion at a small fashion company there. I was their e-commerce manager. I’ve
worked there for three years and, it was just time to quit for me. I quit and took a break and
this was planned. I was just looking to find something that I’m more passionate about.
Well, let me say that I’ve always been passionate about fashion but I decided, I don’t have
to work in fashion anymore to live out my passion for fashion. I was just taking a break,
taking some time off to travel with my husband and just looking for something, and then I
stumbled upon it. I had heard of Marie Kondo before, I had read her book. I was really
fascinated by it and by her approach to tidying and everything, and I listened to a podcast
actually. Tim Ferriss’ podcast, I’m not sure if you’re familiar.

Lindsay: Yes.

Lisa: He interviewed Marie Kondo back in, I think it was 2017 and it doesn’t matter. This
made me look back into her again. I went on her website and social media and everything.
Then I found out that she had this certification program and that you can get certified in her
message and her KonMari method. Something just clicked for me. I was like, “This just makes
total sense for me.” I immediately signed up for the seminar and then went through the six
months training program and then got certified in 2018 and essentially started my own small
business, which I had never intended to do. Something like being an entrepreneur was never
on my horizon. I thought I would be an employee forever, but I guess it found me. It just
made me– It clicked for me.

Lindsay: I feel the same way. How did we end up an entrepreneur? I am not quite sure.
[laughs] It’s been an adjustment. Tell us about your business. What do you do?

Lisa: I am a professional organizer and a combined certified consultant. Mostly I help people
move through the KonMari process, the KonMari tidying process. That’s what makes sense
to me. It’s a categorical approach to decluttering and organizing your whole home. I work
with people one-on-one here in New York City. Sometimes I travel for my work for my clients
and I also help people virtually.

Lindsay: Awesome. I remember I don’t know what year it was when Marie Kondo was really
hot on Netflix. Is that like 2018?

Lisa: I think it was 2019. I got certified in 2018, beginning of the year. Then one year after
she had her show on Netflix, which was 2019 and all gave us a boost.

Lindsay: I bet. From what I remember of the show is she goes around and like you say,
categorizing, and one of the big things is, does this bring you joy from what I remember.

Lisa: Exactly.

Lindsay: So cool how you got into this. Do you enjoy what you do?

Lisa: I do enjoy what I’m doing. As I said before, I’ve never in my whole like professional life
in my career and I’ve done many different things. It never felt right. I’ve worked in marketing.
I worked in PR, I worked in an electrical company, so many different things and now I’ve
always been organized. I’ve never thought about, I could help people with that. I’m just
naturally good at that. I would say I hope so if I ask my clients, but it’s something I really
enjoy doing because I’m good at it. I like working with people one-on-one and just help
them, create space in their lives to do something. To create space for things that they’re
more passionate about doing because that’s really essentially what it is.

Of course, I enjoy creating, a more aesthetically pleasing space, but what it really is is helping
people, feel less stressed, feel less overwhelmed because that’s usually what I hear most
often when people come to me. It’s just I have so much stuff, I feel so overwhelmed or
paralyzed or something I’m hearing a lot of the time and just create more space more time
for other things.

Lindsay: Let’s talk about that, so obviously, I know when I feel like I’m in a cluttered space,
it does create a lot of overwhelm and stress. What are you finding that most clients are
coming to you and they’re saying, “Okay, enough is enough.” What is the drawing line? Is
there any commonality with that?

Lisa: You mean, why they’re coming to me?

Lindsay: Yes.

Lisa: The word I hear most often is overwhelmed. Sometimes it’s just a certain occurrence
in their life, that maybe they had a baby, or they moved or they got married, and they had to
combine households and things just got out of hand. They are just seeking guidance of
moving through the process in a more seamless way in a time-efficient way. Other times, it’s
people who say parents had hoarding issues. I’ve actually had a couple of clients, I’m not
working with hoarders, let me say that, that’s a condition that’s a serious condition and I’m
not equipped to help people with those issues.

Sometimes if your parent has those issues, you are not used to a clutter-free lifestyle, and
they just adopt those habits that their parents have and they’ve basically never learned how
to keep a tidy home. Those people come to me and other times, it’s about retail therapy is a
big thing. We are living in a country and where consumerism is big. Also, it creates a lot of
stress, the average American household, I don’t know if you’ve ever heard that number, or
that study, has 300,000 items. I always say each item has an energy field around it everything
holds our attention.

Items they demand our attention. Just think about working on a desk, or in a workspace that
has a cluttered area, has a lot of clutter or imagine working on a desk, that is clear. You’re
not looking constantly at those different items. It just creates this image in your head, and
you’ll immediately know that clutter just creates stress, it demands our attention. We have
to maintain it if we want it or not at some point, we have to deal with it.

Lindsay: 300,000 items, Lisa?

Lisa: The average, probably not here in New York City.

\Lindsay: I really need to go count through my house now, how many do we have? I’m big
into Clifton strengths. It’s a personality assessment, Lisa, and I have my clients take it and
one of the strengths from there is input. An input is about, it’s learning, but it’s the stuff of
learning or just having stuff and I have that strength pie. Once I realized that I realized how
much clutter was really impacting me and taking in my own emotional health. I’ve been able
to shift that a little bit. Then when I go into a space where there is a lot of stuff, I’m
overwhelmed with it.

Hearing when you’re saying is like an energy field around it, it’s so true and what I’m taking
into and I’m coaching a lot of my clients on to their go-getter women. What I’m finding is
their high ambition or their go-getterness, that’s even a word is really linked to even like
ADHD tendencies of they don’t want to take in the details. They’re more of a vision thinker,
and they want to be able to achieve again at a high level.

The mundane stuff, isn’t their cup of tea, in essence. For a lot of them, I’m saying we’ve got
to cut the clutter and that’s what I wanted to bring you on and so when you reached out to
me, I’m like, “This is so perfect and hiring somebody like you to say, okay, let’s get you into
these systems and let’s cut everything and get you just the basics because it’s going to be
so much easier on your brain.” Is that what you see too, Lisa is on their brain.

Lisa: Absolutely.

Lindsay: The overwhelm goes away.

Lisa: Absolutely. I always say clearing the physical clutter, it also creates inner calm. You’re
much more able to focus more clearly because if there’s no clutter around you, you just can
focus on your tasks like the example I brought with the workspace, right? It really affects so
many different areas in your life and productivity or focus is just about being able to focus
on one thing. The more you can cut out everything else that’s unnecessary, the more you’re
able to focus especially ADHD.

A good example, lots of people who come to me also they struggle with ADHD. Of course,
that’s like an added level of difficulty but it’s so important for those people, especially to try
and achieve a tidy space and cut the clutter, and really try and focus on what’s really

Lindsay: I’ve found since I’ve watched those few episodes of Marie Kondo, and then taking
in my own work, of knowing when I buy something that I’m going to have to have it for its
lifetime, then I ask myself, when I’m looking to buy something I think, “Is this going to bring
me joy?” The whole briefing, and then do I want to take this item on for my lifetime, or its
lifetime? Then most of the time now it’s a, no and we move on, and we part ways. Just the
simple shifts.

Even now, I feel like even though I do that, I know, I’m looking at my master bedroom closet
recently, and I’m like, “How did we get here again?” It’s just little things, and it just keeps
coming and coming. With that, Lisa, how often do you suggest that people de-clutter?
Lisa: Good question. The KonMari method is really a whole home approach and the ideal is
that you do what we call a tidying festival, once in your lifetime, ideally, and then never have
to do it again. I really see that when people take it seriously, and really apply the core
principles of the method and move very thoroughly through the process and essentially,
make a decision about each item, about each of their 300,000 items. It really creates a shift
in your mindset and you will experience it yourself.

I don’t know if you’ve gone through this whole process, or through a serious decluttering
process, but it really makes you think about if you want to acquire this new thing, or not
because you really go through your entire home, you evaluate each thing if it brings you joy,
and it shifts your shopping behavior. You really think about if you want to acquire something
or not. As I work with clients each category that we complete, I teach my clients maintenance
habits, because that’s my goal.

There’s traditional professional organizers and I make this distinction, there’s nothing wrong
with that. It’s just my goal is to teach my clients so that they can be on their own and keep
up a tidy home on their own. A traditional Professional Organizer typically goes in and
organizes for you. My focus is really on creating a clean slate, focus on decluttering first, and
then organizing comes later. Maintenance it’s really two things. For each new item, you
decide if it brings you joy and after you’re done with the whole tidying festival, the goal is
for each item to have a home.

If you buy something new, do the joy-check, and then assign a home to each new item.
Usually where people struggle is when things don’t have the home. That’s when clutter
builds up because you don’t know where to put stuff. Once everything has a home, it’s really
easy to maintain it because tidying up at the end of the day, you’re using your stuff, of course
so you got to take it out, but it becomes easy because you know exactly where things go
back. If you just joy-check new items if you’re aware if you just have this awareness if you
fall out of love with items that you already have in your home.

What I usually recommend is having an area where you put all your donation items. If you
do your laundry for example, and you notice a shirt doesn’t bring you joy any longer, just put
it in this basket which is designated for all the things you don’t want any longer and once
it’s full, just do donation. It sounds very easy but once you’ve gone through the process, I
really find that people are able to stick with it and not return to a cluttered state again. It
really requires a whole-home tidy. That’s the whole [crosstalk].

Lindsay: I learned so much just from that one segment there of does it bring you joy and
then assign it at home? I’m thinking through, especially some of my kids’ stuff, and that’s
why it drives me crazy because it doesn’t have a home. We have certain drawers for like
Legos or whatever, but then there are those random toys that don’t fit. I’m like, “That’s what
the problem is.”

Lisa: Exactly.

Lindsay: My head is just like, and then the donation thing is so smart. Just when you’re going
through your laundry or whatever it is, you’re cleaning up is like, is this bringing you joy? If
not, here we go.

Lisa: Exactly.

Lindsay: Good. On that note, so my head is going to kids and so what are good ways to teach
kids this stuff, Lisa? Because that’s my hardest part in my home is getting my kids on board.
Lisa: How old are your kids?

Lindsay: I have a ten-year-old daughter and then a two-year-old son, a little one, but my 10-
year-old can definitely get on board.

Lisa: Awesome. I would say as long as you– Kids watch their parents. When I work with
parents, they usually come to me and complain about the kids’ toys, just like you did which
is okay, I get it. It’s overwhelming, they have birthdays and what do they get as gifts toys?
Again, it’s about, and I usually recommend okay for parents to go through the process first
because again, kids watch their parents. If they are mindful about this stuff if they are
organized, you can teach your kids. You also have a much better awareness. I’ve just recently
completed working with a family and first to help the parents, they got a sense. We move to
all their clothes, all the books, and the kids were watching.

Then they help the kids and they were much more willing because if you’re setting a good
example for your kids, they watch you, they might not join in. They might be some tears
when we go through the toys but it’s much easier if you have adopted this lifestyle as a
parent to also teach your kids to be a good example because just complaining about the
toys. Usually, you as a parent have a responsibility and you allow what comes into your

It’s essentially on you, you know what allow into your home, I get it. Kids have this
attachment to toys and it can be really difficult sometimes to pair down. Again, you want to
create this clean slate go through the toys, create boundaries in terms of maybe you have a
certain space and you can’t have more toys than that. That really helps sometimes even
though the KonMari method is not really about setting boundaries in terms of how many
items you should or could have, but we also have to live in our homes. It creates a boundary
in a natural way because we don’t have unlimited storage space. I’m not sure if I went off
on a tangent or if I answered the question.

Lindsay: No I loved it. You’ve got to set your boundaries with them and they’re modeling
after you, and if you’re walking your walk, they’re going their walk.

Lisa: You can see that kids really enjoy being organized. Sometimes they don’t even know
what it means, but then they enjoy folding their clothes. I’ve seen that in Marie Kondo, she
says kids as young as I think she says three, it depends on the kid and how mature it is can
make decisions about what brings them joy. Again, you’ve got to work with the parent, me
as a professional, I always ask the parent, “Do you want to be involved? Are you making the
decisions or do you want to involve your kid?” Sometimes I work with kids just one-on-one
and sometimes it really helps the kid, like 10 year old.
I’ve worked with 10-year-olds and sometimes they’re really hesitant with the parent in the
room. They enjoy making the decisions about not with the parent looming over them. They
make good progress.

Lindsay: I was just thinking about my daughter’s at that age where she’s like, “Mom, leave
me, get out of here.” I want to go back to the decision-making with Marie Kondo and of the
method. For me, I’m really good at making decisions. Like it’s just something I’m good at,
but I know for a lot of my clients, that’s a lot of work I have to do with them is to really make
a decision and go with it. That’s what I love about this method is it allows you to start to
just trust yourself and go with it but if you have clients and they’re like, “I don’t know. I don’t
know if it brings me joy. Let me sit on it.” What do you tell them?

Lisa: I have a whole arsenal of what I call the helper questions. I can give you a couple of
those. Let’s say we go through clothing and people who have a really hard time or they’re
new to the method. They have a hard time grasping the spark joy concept. First I watch if I
work with people, one-on-one I watched their body language and reaction. Usually when
they pick up an item and we do one by one. We don’t focus on a pile of clothes. I want them
to make the decision one by one. Usually, I can tell already either they frown or they have a
smile and they don’t even notice.

If they have a frown and they put the item on the keep pile, I dig because I was like, “Does
this really bring you joy?” Or if they really have a hard time, I ask them to pick out the favorite
item or their favorite three items. Usually, people do have a favorite item. In each category,
even though sometimes people say, “Oh if I should go according to joy, I’m not going to keep
anything.” Let me tell you one thing, I’ve never left a client with nothing to wear. There’s
always something that they like. We start there and that creates a baseline. We move forward
in the process by comparing those items to the favorite items.

That helps usually another helper question I like asking is, “Would you buy this again?” If
you saw it in the store at full price. Another thing “Is this something that makes you feel
good when you put it on?” If you never reach for something, it usually is for a reason. Maybe
the material is itchy. There’s always something and it usually takes just someone to be there
and ask the right questions.

I have a whole arsenal, if we talk about books, I might ask you, “Is this something that you
would like to immediately read or take with you on vacation.” If it’s a fiction book or
something like that. There’s always questions where you can really get to the bottom of it.
Sometimes it takes practice, sometimes people move through the process and they just get
used to it. Sometimes they’re like, “Okay, now I get it. I understand it and I want to redo
clothing again.” Which is totally fine and it happens but I like to use those helper questions
as I like to call them.

Lindsay: What a great way to build self-awareness. [crosstalk] It looks like a version of
coaching and a lot of ways and getting them to trust themselves and figure out their desires
and what they truly desire. So much that you’re doing with that, Lisa. I hope you see that.

Lisa: There’s so much attached to it, to some people, I’m almost like a therapist, I’m not a
therapist, but it takes more talking for others. I’m there for different reasons, for different
people. For some, it’s just the physical help for others we do more talking. A lot of the time
there’s so much guilt attached to items especially if it’s a gift, a lot of people get a lot of
gifts, so they’re like, “Oh my God, this person is going to be mad at me.” It takes a lot of
coaching in those circumstances as well.

Lindsay: For sure. Let’s talk about that therapy piece. How is tidying cheaper, more effective
than therapy? I could list many ways that I want to hear from you, Lisa.

Lisa: Yes. I know this is a very provocative statement let me say that. Let me preface this by
saying I’m not against therapy but this statement really came out of, a couple of people just
telling me “I feel like this is just like therapy or better, or I needed that.” I think what it is,
it’s a couple of things. We are literally up in people’s stuff when we’re doing this work. It’s
about doing something instead of just talking about it. I think our life in a lot of cases and a
lot of people haven’t like, I’ve worked with people who have not decluttered in 27 years.
Their life is represented in their stuff in a way. There’s a lot of mementos sometimes people
have, and they’ve never gotten rid of anything.

They’re quite emotional and quite sentimental about those items and by really going
through all of your stuff, it makes you reflect on your past. It makes you deal with your past
because you have to make a decision. Am I going to keep this or not? It really makes them
confront with their feelings. It’s kind of just like therapy in that way. It’s cathartic because
you are saying goodbye to some things that no longer serve you. It really has this cleansing
effect in a very physical way. Again, it’s therapy, you’re just talking if it’s talk therapy and of
course there’s different kinds of therapies. I guess I’m always just talking about talk therapy
because that’s what I have experienced.

I don’t have any experience with other types of therapy, but another aspect is the aspect of
gratitude. In the KonMari method, you are encouraged to show gratitude towards your items,
not just the ones that you are keeping, but especially to the ones that you’re letting go of. I
always encourage my clients to say a little, thank you, or at least think it in their head
because believe it or not, it makes the transition process easier for a lot of people just by
having this gratitude feeling. I actually, I looked this up online and it’s proven to boost
mental health. The act of gratitude.

As you’re going through the tidying process, you’re letting go of a lot of things, maybe not a
lot of things, but you’re being grateful towards those items. So that’s always encouraged.
Then there’s the feeling of accomplishment. It’s a huge task going through your whole home.
That boosts your self-esteem. And last but not least it’s about the choosing joy. I ask my
clients to only choose what brings them joy. I don’t ask them to pick out what they want to
get rid of. It’s this slightly different angle, but I think it’s a very important one. It’s about
choosing what I want to keep choosing what brings me joy and not what I want to get rid
of. It’s just a positive thing and it has an end and therapy can last for a lot of years.

Lindsay: I love it, Lisa. So many things tied into my coaching and there too, of like the
gratefulness, the strengths focus in essence or the joy focus. Getting into action, not just
talking about it, so cool. I love all your reasons. Those are so dead on. I feel like we talked
about a lot, Lisa, like I’ve had my own mind-blown moments, but one more question for you.
If somebody wants to just maybe do a little decluttering today because they hear this
episode and they’re like, “Oh, I listened to that episode today and I’m ready to go get started
to put this in place.” What should they do first?

Lisa: What they should do first is think about the vision. That’s a principle of the KonMari
method. I think it’s really important instead of just diving head bite into the physical tidying
and picking through your junk drawer. If they want to make a huge dent think about why
you want to do that. Again, I’m about the whole home tidying and making it really
sustainable. Just ask yourself a couple of questions, something like how do you want my
ideal day to look like? What would a tidy home allow me to do? What are some things that
I want to do with my life? What do we want to create more time for?
So take a couple of minutes to just answer those questions for yourself. If you want to do
some physical tidying, I recommend starting with the clothing category. That’s the first
category in the method. You can just pick a sub-category. If you don’t want to do all of your
clothes, if that’s too overwhelming and I get it, just pick sub-categories, something like tshirts or sweaters, and get all of them out. It’s encouraged to pile them all up and then go
through them one by one and decide if those items bring you joy or not.

Lindsay: I love that. I do the same thing. Lisa we’re like soul sister [chuckles] You start with
the vision, you got to have the vision. Otherwise, you’re just hot messing it. It’s already going
through of like, “What’s my vision?” Even for me, the first question that came up was like,
“How do I want to feel in my home? What do I want to create there.” Was the question that
really stood out to me and then going with that, but so good. Okay. Lisa, tell us all the things,
how can we find you on social? How can we work with you? Tell us everything.

Lisa: I hang out on Instagram a lot. So you can, let’s be friends there. It’s @lisatselebidis and
then just send me a DM. I work with people one-on-one so in the capacity that I’m with
them, as we’re doing the tidying and you can also work with me in the form of a VIP day. If
you just need to get the gist of the KonMari method, how it’s done, we get it all done in one
day. I set you up for success so that you can do the tidying on your own.

Lindsay: Awesome. I’ll have your links in the show notes because the way you spell your last
name can be a little hard to follow. You definitely want to check her out on Instagram. Y’all
we just connected and I’m already obsessed with her videos. They’re so entertaining and so
helpful. You definitely want to follow her there and then if this is something that’s on your
mind and your heart, I know I have many clients who they’re like “One day I want to
declutter.” That’s something that’s big for them and now I have this resource. I can say, here’s
Lisa, go call her up and get it done. It’s going to be so much better.

You’re going to feel so much better once that’s off your plate and why not just knock it out
with somebody who is a professional that can help you do this instead of making it this long
drawn out process, it can actually be something that can be really fun and joyful right Lisa?
Lisa: Absolutely yes.

Lindsay: Well, thank you so much for sharing all your wisdom today.

Lisa: Thank you so much Lindsay for having me. I had so much fun.

Lindsay: Good.


Hey there, Miss Unstoppable. Thanks so much for tuning into this episode. If you enjoyed it,
share it with a friend. Send them a picture of this episode via text, via email, share it on
social media, I’m sure they would be so appreciative to know these strategies and tips on
how to accomplish your dreams. If you are ready to guarantee you’re going to accomplish
your goals and dreams, then it’s time to start coaching with me.

In my nine-month simple success coaching system, I am going to walk you every single step
of the way to ensure that you get the goals and dreams that you want. The first step is to
apply for a free 60-minute consult call. Just go to LindsayEpreston.com/apply to get started.
As always, my friend, remember, you’re only as unstoppable as you believe you can be, so
believe in yourself. You got this.

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Hi! I'm Lindsay

Hi! I’m Lindsay Elizabeth Preston. I’m a certified & trauma-informed life & leadership coach who has spent the last decade helping successful women create lives that feel as good on the inside as they look on the outside by using my neuroscience-backed coaching process called, Awakened Woman.

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