


How to ensure you get the results you want no matter what the situation.


Jun 29, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

“Act as if your results were guaranteed.”

Wouldn’t it be amazing to know that when you invested in something that you were GUARANTEED the results you wanted?

Of course, guaranteed results are thrown out often in our world.  From products to buy, to jobs we’re presented with, to promises others give us in our personal life, we’re often given “guarantees” that we find later to be misleading, if not downright untrue.

But, what if you had a mindset that if/when the letdowns and lies happened, you STILL got the results you wanted?

It sounds to good to be true, right?  

It isn’t.

Tune into the podcast today as I teach you how to maximize your results so you can get exactly what you want time and time and time again.

I promise, no bs here, friend.  Just good old mindset tips that will change your life.


  • How to get guaranteed results no matter what let downs or unexpected changes happen in your life
  • Questions to ask yourself (and beliefs to believe) to ensure you maximize your results
  • How the word “try” is a red flag and how it will cost you on maximizing your results
  • How the fear of not being enough can be leveraged to HELP you vs. harm you
  • What resources you can use when you feel like you want to quit

…and so much more

You can listen to this episode via the link at the top of the page.


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“Becoming Us” – the Enneagram and marriage course I took with my husband

Full Transcript

This is the Become an Unstoppable Woman podcast with Lindsay Preston Episode 51,
Maximize Your Results.


Welcome to the Become an Unstoppable Woman podcast, the show for goal-getting, fearfacing women for kicking ass by creating change. I’m your host, Lindsay Preston. I’m a wife,
mom of two, and a multi-certified life coach to women all over the world. I’ve lived
through enough in life to know that easier doesn’t always equate to better. We can’t fear
the fire, we must learn to become it. On this show, I’ll teach you how to do just that. Join
me as I challenge you to become even more of the strong, resilient, and powerful woman
you were meant to be. Let’s do this.


Hi there, my friend, so happy to have you for this episode. This episode is one that just
poured out of me within 10 minutes, and I was so excited about it, and I think it’s going to
really rock your world. It builds upon the other episodes I’ve done recently from making
strong decisions, I think the title was called, to massive versus frantic action. It’s the
episodes right before these two. This one is like taking it to the next level. Once you learn
how to make strong decisions, you’ll learn how to get into massive action, then you’re in
massive action and you’re like, “Okay, how can I ensure I’m maximizing my results because
I want my action to really deliver and I want the results that I’m envisioning for myself?”

Today we’re going to talk all about that. I do want to give a quick shout out to one of my
clients who really just embodied today on the online community about the power of what
I’ve been teaching again in these past two episodes. When I met her in January, she was
just at a place that she didn’t feel good, you would even maybe call her depressed or
having anxiety. We started coaching together and she just started taking action in our life
and we started clearing out all the things that were making her feel not so great. I call
them your blocks or your barriers. Within three months, she started feeling better than ever
to a point where she was like, I can’t even imagine not having done this work.

Then now we’ve gotten into a place where she’s getting in alignment and getting into
massive action like I talked about last week. What was so interesting as we work together
just in the first few weeks, I knew what her profession was and then I saw what her Clifton
strengths were and I said, “It’s just doesn’t align at all. Do you feel that way at all in your
career?” She was like, “Oh my gosh. Yes. I just really don’t like what I do at all.”

I said, “Well, what made you choose that?” She said, “Well, it was just a good major at my
college and I just thought, “Well, this sounds good enough” which sounds so silly right
now, later looking back on it but I remember when I was in college, I had no idea what to
major in at all. I thought about dance and I’m like, “Why am I going to college for dance?” I
just happened to do really well in a psych class my freshman year and I thought, “I guess
this is a good idea.” I followed that but had I not had that experience, I probably would
have majored in business, I don’t know. Who knows where I would have ended up?

I really don’t think what you major in college makes that big of a difference except if
you’re in really specialized professions like nursing or in her case, I don’t want to give what
her profession is because she hasn’t given me freedom to do that. She may come on the
podcast here in a few weeks when she’s done coaching. She was in a pickle where her
major really mattered. Again, as we worked together and I’m like, “Well, you’re just not in
alignment at all.” She’s like, “Yes, I totally feel that.”

She started taking action from an aligned place based off just her strengths. We hadn’t
even gotten into the deeper stuff of her values and our way of thinking and all of that
stuff. Now she has secured a new job in a new profession and it’s just happened like magic
for her. She’s even said like, “How did I create this so quickly?” I’m like, “Yes, baby, because
you’re in massive action. You know now what’s in alignment for you. You started taking
action from that place and all of a sudden, things start happening in a really cool and fun
way.” I was like, “Welcome to the bright side of life. Welcome to the fun side. It’s so

I have a lot of clients that experience things like that. It’s almost like it takes their breath
away. I know it still does for me sometimes, like as I’m recording this episode, it’s the end
of June, 2020 and this month has been one of the best months of my life. It’s not like
anything super spectacular has happened. The coronavirus is still going on and this month,
all these racial tensions started coming out. You probably saw on one of my recent
podcasts about being anti-racist.

I have just been getting a lot of coaching from my life coach that I’ve had forever now for
like six years, we’ve coached on and off. Then I have a business coach and then I’m getting
just these little quick coaching sessions through the life coach school, actually just to
really learn the model and get coached in a different way. I’m just getting a lot of coaching
and it’s just all coming together to align me to this way better version of me. I liked who I
was before, but the coronavirus has really struck something in me. It really made me wake
up and see, “Okay, if I were to die tomorrow, what would I regret?”

I realized that I was making some excuses to not go after some of the things I really want
right now, which is being more visible in my business and doing all the things I want to do
in this phase of my life. I just kept saying, “Well, the kids are home and with the
coronavirus, they’re really home right now. I guess I should just give up on my business.” I
was making excuses about losing the last of the baby weight. I even gained a little weight
from the coronavirus at first. I just decided one day, no more. I’m not doing this anymore
because life is short. I don’t know when it’s going to end. I’m just going to go all in and
start being the person that I want to be.

Part of that too was speaking out for things. I’ve written all of these legacy type
documents of who do I want to be and what do I want people to say about me when I die?
I’ve done a lot of those things, but things I haven’t done is be a really strong advocate and
speak out against things that I believe are wrong. I know that makes some people

In fact, when I spoke out about being anti-racist a few weeks ago, that week, I lost the
most subscribers and I got the most unsubscribes on my email than I had ever gotten
before. I even posted a lot of things on my personal Facebook page. I even called out a
couple of my husband’s family members.

There was a lot of tension between him and I for a few days but I felt really good about it
and like I was going in the right direction because I had had that coaching to get me to
that place When everything hit the fan that week with the racial tensions.

There was a lot of pressure on White coaches that week. It was just like, “White coaches,
you better be speaking out, you better be saying something.” I was like, “Oh my gosh, okay.
I better do it. This is the time it’s time to speak out.” At first, it was really scary, then I just
started doing it. From there, things just started to snowball into this amazing way. I made
more money that week than I had made even on my best month to date. Then it just kept
going from there. I just feel really good.

At first, again, it felt really scary. It was like a buzzing in my body for a whole week of,
“Wow. I can’t believe that I just made this money.” I spoke out about something that used
to feel really scary to me and two, I was like standing up to my husband in a whole new
way and standing up to my daughter. My energy just shifted and it changed. I was even
talking to my coach that I’ve had forever, her name’s Danielle. We had a session and I just
said, “Danielle, I just feel so different.”

We just had a session about me talking about all the things that I have done over the years
and especially this past year because that was the space when I rehired her. I remember it
was 4th of July weekend last year and I thought, “Okay, I need something. I’m feeling good,
but I’m just feeling really drained. I haven’t had a coach in a while.” I reached back out to
her and we started coaching again. I’m just at a totally different place. A lot of that was her
coaching me through this past year.

It’s just a lot to take in sometimes when you are up-leveling your life like I’m mentioning
here with my client. She’s like, “Whoa, how have I done this?” I even did on one coaching
session with a coach. I was like, “When I have these moments of all this power, I almost
feel overwhelmed by it. I almost feel like I can’t breathe.” She’s like, “That’s okay. Let’s just
sit in that for a minute.” I’m like, “What do you mean sit in this? It feels so uncomfortable.”
She’s like, “No, just sit in that feeling.” Then I was doing some research about patriarchy
stress disorder or a course, I’m doing. I remember that this is part of women then stepping
into their power and realizing how powerful they are.

When we decide and when we get intentional about things, oh my goodness, so much can
happen in such a short amount of time. It’s just incredible. I wanted to share that story
with you to hopefully inspire you and to just show you that’s part of the game sometimes.
It feels really uncomfortable and almost overwhelming. Like I said, for that day or so, when
I had done all those amazing things, it was like a buzzing in my body. I felt this anxiety
and almost someone was choking me, but I just had to feel through it.

Then I’m on the other side of it. I did not self-sabotage, which is huge for me. Normally,
when we get these upheavals in life, this is something I coach my clients a lot on is this
upper limit problem is like, something will go really well. Even though it’s amazing, the
brain will say, “Woo we’re out of the comfort zone. You just self-sabotage somewhere else
to bring us back to what we know.” This time I just felt it. I just was like this feels so
uncomfortable even though it feels amazing, but I’m just going to sit in it. I’m just going to
sit in that.

Anyways, that’s what’s going on in a nutshell. I always hear from people, “Hey, Lindsay, tell
more stories about your life and tell us what’s going on with your clients. Sometimes I get
on these podcasts and I’m like, “Oh, I just can’t wait to talk about everything I want to
teach you.” I get right into it. Today, I want to intentionally take time to tell you what’s
going on behind the scenes here, but let’s go back to the episode. Today as I said, we’re
going to talk about how to maximize your results. Once you know how to make strong
decisions, you get into massive action and then you want to make sure that where you’re
going, you’re going to maximize your time and investment if it’s a financial investment or
whatever it is.

You just want to make sure you’re getting them best results possible. Today, really what
I’m teaching at the core is how to ensure you get the results you want no matter what the
situation is. A lot of times in our life, we think, “Oh, my results are dependent upon the
situation.” I think about when I was in the corporate world and I would get jobs and I
would think, “Oh, this job, I hope will take me to this place in my career.”

I put all the power in the job and the situation and the boss I had, instead of putting it
back in my pocket. I wish I had known all these tools back in the day. Even when I was
dating somebody I was like, oh, I hope this guy does dah, dah, dah, delivers dah, dah, dah
because that’s what’s going to make me happy or make me want to be with him. There was
so much power in myself. Today, I’m just going to give you some tips and we’re going to
talk through it. Hopefully, some of these resonate with you to really see maybe where you
need to show up a little bit more and change our mindset on some things.

The first tip I want to give you to maximize your results and to get the results you want no
matter what the situation is to act as if the results are guaranteed. Let’s take my coaching
process for example. If you and I were to get on a consult call and you were to tell me
where your life is today and where you want it to be in three months, six months, nine
months, a year from now and I were to say to you, “Okay, we can absolutely get those
results.” Then I tell you maybe the price of coaching and you’re like, “Oh, I don’t know,
Lindsay. I don’t know. That just seems a little bit scary.”

A lot of times what I’ll tell people is I’ll say, “Well, what if the results were guaranteed, like
you were guaranteed those results were going to come to you?” Then sometimes it
changes the situation. It changes their mindset because then they realize that the problem
necessarily isn’t about the money even if they don’t have the money in the bank for it. It’s
about their belief in themselves or maybe their belief in me or the product. I’ll even say, “I
will guarantee that you will get these results. If you follow what I tell you to do, I will
guarantee these.” “Let’s take that off the table.”

Then I am putting all my money on the line or my money where my mouth is. It’s the
saying I always say to my daughter. Now, really it’s like can you show up? Do you believe
in yourself enough to get those results no matter what? Just take that in and soak that in
for a while. This is something that was brought to my attention recently from my business
coach, Stacy. She’s just this big advocate about asking that question if the result’s
guaranteed. She said, “No matter what investment I’ve ever made, I’ve always just had that
belief of the results are guaranteed for me.”

She even talked about some investments she made and she would show up. Maybe the
coaching was so, so, or whatever the investment was, but she still just would go on and
say, “The results are guaranteed no matter what.” I must admit this happened to me
recently. I did marriage coaching with my husband and the coaching experience itself had
some holes in it. It wasn’t the best experience overall. I didn’t really intentionally go in and
say, “Okay, what is it that I want to walk away with at the end of this?” Which again, there
were some holes in the coaching there because she should have really gotten us clear on
that so we could have measured that.

I knew how I wanted to feel at the end of it and I knew the relationship I wanted to have
with my husband at the end of it. We just really worked to get those results no matter
what because in my mind, I really started to think, “Okay, the results are just guaranteed.”
From that place, I started making decisions from that. Actually, it led us to taking an
enneagram in marriage course that has been so eye-opening for us and so helpful. It has
transformed the way we communicate so much. I’ll leave a link in the show notes of how
you can go and check it out. It is Christian based. Just fyi and you can take out some of the
Christian stuff if you’re not into that but it was so eye-opening for us.

Really me just going in with that mindset of the results are guaranteed led me to where I
wanted to go no matter what. Let’s take this example. If you go into a job situation and
you’re like, okay, well, it depends on the school or the business or the people that work
there or my boss or the kids that I work with or my peers, whatever. I work with a lot of
teachers, so it’s I’m thinking about kids in school.

If you go in there and you say, okay, the results are guaranteed no matter what, I’m going
to be up-leveling this position or in five years from now, I’m going to make X amount,
whatever your goals are, whatever your results you’re wanting. If you say those results are
guaranteed no matter what, that mindset shift is so powerful. You’re going to show up in
that way of the results are already there. You’re going to make decisions from that place.
You’re going to be that person as if the results are already there.

Right now in my business, I have an income goal. In my mind, the results are guaranteed.
In my mind, I have convinced myself enough. I believe enough in the results that it’s just a
guaranteed result to me now. It’s amazing how much that changes.

I know it sounds so silly to think, “Okay, you just believe that and it comes.” It really does
work that way. We think that circumstances create our life and that is just not true at all. If
you’ve heard me talk about the tool called the model. I talked about it in the conquering
crisis episode, you will start to see that every time when you do a model, again, it’s not the
circumstance, it’s always what you’re thinking that’s creating, then your feelings that’s
creating, then your actions and then your results. It’s mind-blowing. I’m going to be
teaching a lot more of the model in upcoming episodes.

I’m actually here in the Fall going to be doing weekly lunch and learns where I’m going to
be breaking down and showing you how the model works and your thinking and how you
can start to overcome things. This is a lot. If you are new to personal development or new
to thought work or mindset work, whatever you want to call it, this can be a big one to
take in to say, “Well, I can just think that self and it will come true.” Yes, it’s crazy. It’s so
crazy. Now you can’t just think it, you have to believe it. You have to let it soak in your

There have been years where I’m like, “Oh, I’m going to make this amount of money.” Then
something hard would happen in my business or in life and I’d be like, “Oh, well, it’s not
going to happen.” Then I’d back out because I didn’t believe enough. I let the
circumstances control the result. You want the thinking too. Got it?

Another way that you can maximize your results to ensure you get whatever you want no
matter what the situation is to go in with the belief you want it to create for you. Again,
this is playing off the results are guaranteed, but you’ve got to get really clear on what it is
you want. I always tell my clients when they’re investing with me, I say, “I want this to be
the best investment you ever make in your life.“ I show up from that place as a coach to
say, “Hey, I want this to be the best investment.” They also have to meet me halfway and
have that belief too of this is the best investment.

Some clients do. They get incredible results from that place. Some clients don’t, they don’t
believe it, they don’t show up from that place. They show up from. a lot of times, fear of
knowing when they need to invest, maybe they need an extra one-on-one call or they need
to do something uncomfortable in the coaching process and they just let their emotion,
their thoughts, whatever life circumstances take over and they don’t show up and make it
the best investment ever.

As I’m redoing my becoming unstoppable woman course right now, is right when we start
the course, I’m making an intentional training on what is it that you want this course to
create for you? Let’s get those beliefs going now. One of them I really encourage again is,
this is a best investment of my life.

Another example I want to give you here is when my divorce happened– I feel like I told
this story a lot. If you’ve heard me tell this story, I apologize, but when my divorce went
down, if you haven’t heard that story, it was a double life and private investigator, lawyers,
all that stuff. I was a single mom, I didn’t have a job at the time and everybody, it felt like,
was just looking at me like, “Poor girl. Oh, how is she ever going to recover from this? Look
at her, she’s broke and now she’s in debt from this divorce. She may even have to declare
bankruptcy and who’s going to want her now?”

Even my mom even told me one day, it’s like, “Lindsay, I just don’t know who’s going to
want you now.” I remember thinking when she told me that when other people would just
feed me some of that maybe indirectly, I would think, “God, you are so wrong. This is going
to be the best thing that’s ever happened to me” and I just held on to that belief even
when days were really, really hard because there were some hard days on there. I just kept
believing of, “This is going to be the best thing that’s ever happened to me” and I just
would say it over and over and over again.

Now granted, it was also fueled with a lot of anger and there was like, “Oh, man, I’m going
to get some major revenge and that revenge is going to be success,” but in time, as I
healed that anger, it still just kept playing in my mind. It’s still just something I truly
believe to this day is that divorce was the best thing that’s ever happened in my entire life
to me thus far. Of course, my children and me, my husband and all that too and being
introduced to coaching and so many other things but that thing was just like a defining
moment in my life because I chose to believe it to be.

If you’re going into a job and you want to believe, “This is going to be the best job that’s
ever happened to me,” there’s going to be days when your boss is a jerk, you don’t get the
project that you want or you get feedback that’s really hard, your coworkers are jerks. You
don’t get the raise you want and it’s going to make you really question your belief of,
“Okay, I have said this is going to be the best thing that’s ever happened to me or this is
the pathway to me doing X or making X amount of money.”

It’s going to make you waver, but you have to just go back and keep believing. This is
where having a coach or knowing the tools to coach yourself is so helpful because on
those days, you just need to go back to that and coach yourself through the emotion of it
and then get back on the road to success. I’ll give you an example of my business. It just
happened to me yesterday, actually, as I said, I’ve had a really good month financially, my
business is the best to date by far. In fact, I’ve doubled what I normally make in a month
and I just was on this high and just feeling really good.

Yesterday, I actually had a free consult call and she was a no-show. I haven’t had a noshow in a long time. Now granted, it’s just part of the game but I haven’t had one. She
didn’t cancel. I could see she opened the emails. I even called her cell when she didn’t
show up on the Zoom link and said, “Hey, where are you?” No response, no email with hey,
Lindsay, something came up. I understand things come up, but when people just ghost like
that and then they just don’t show up, that’s an hour of my time and I’m really busy right
now with clients.

I was not happy. I was pissed, to be honest, with you. It was like, who the F does this
person thinks she is? Blah-blah-blah-blah-blah. Even though logically I know what her
mind drama is and why she would do something like that. On my end, it was just these
little seeds of doubt started to come in and waiver things of like, “You really think you’re
going to be able to maintain this amount of money? You really think that?” Because my
belief is so strong, of this is done energy, the results are guaranteed I’m going to make this
money, it was easy for me to take those negative thoughts and be like, “Of course, it’s just
one day. It’s just one day, we’re going to keep going, moving on.”

Back in the day when I started my business and things weren’t as strong, something like
having a consult that didn’t show up would have really required a lot more mindset work, a
lot more coaching, it may have even been a coaching call I had with somebody, I see it I’m
in a coaching community and a new coach had a no show yesterday as well. I think it was
her second consult ever, she said, and she just had a lot of mind drama around it.

Some of us more seasoned coach were coaching her, but yes. You just have to go in with
whatever you want it to create for you. Another great one is saying, if you invest in
something, like say you spend $10,000 on something to say, okay, I want 10 times back my
investment or 100 times back my investment or whatever it is, and then just start believing
it, work on that belief, every day, repeat it to yourself over and over, feel it in your body
and really just soak it in.

After about 30 days, you’re going to hit that first level of starting to believe it and then
after 60 days and 90 days. For me, it really takes anywhere from six months to a year for a
belief to really solidify inside of me. I looked at some beliefs I intentionally put in about
this time last year, one of which was I’m a strong businesswoman. At the time, I was really
beating myself up at some business decisions I made.

Oh my gosh, it was intense, intense in my mind of some business things because my mind
was like, “Yes, you’re a great coach, Lindsay, you may be a great mom and you may be an
okay wife, but you stink as a businesswoman.” It would just go on and on and on. I did a
little bit of healing work around that of letting that stuff go and then I just intentionally
started saying every single day, I am an amazing businesswoman or I’m a strong

That was just a part of me. I am just a strong businesswoman and I’m making decisions
from that place. I’m doing things like hiring out a team, which is so cool and so exciting. I
actually just brought on an executive assistant, who is amazing. I have a designer who is
amazing. Some of you may know her, if you follow Cultivate What Matters. She used to
work for them. Her name is Nicole Yang. I have an online ads person who is amazing. I
have a podcast editor, shout out, Erin, I know you’re editing this right now, who is amazing.

Yes, I’m just coming from that place but it took some time to believe it and to get those
results. The other thing I want to give you here, another tip to maximize your results and
this is one, again, I am taking from my business coach, Stacy, I heard her coach on another
coach about this, who I believe she said something like, “Well, I’m really trying this my
business.” She was like, “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a second. When I hear somebody
say try, they’re trying something out, that means they’re not fully committed.”

The coach sat there and she’s like, “What are you talking about?” She’s like, “Try. Think
about this. If you take a piece of paper and I said, “Rip it,” you wouldn’t try and rip the
paper, you would just rip it, right?” The coach was like, “Yes.” She’s like, “You can’t just try.
You’re either doing it or you’re not doing it. You’ve either gotten the result or you haven’t
gotten the result.” The coach sat there and I sat there too and I was like, “What?” I was like,
“Oh my gosh, you’re so right, Stacy.”

My mind was blown. It really made me think about this podcast of like, “Oh my gosh, that’s
such a great tip of going all in on something and really saying, oh, I’m not going to try out
this job, I’m going to do this job” or for a long time, I know my business, where I’m like,
“I’m just going to try out being a coach or I’m going to try out this new program. Now I’m
not in that energy at all. I’m like, “This is what we’re doing. Period.” I’m not trying it out.
It’s just done. That’s what’s allowing me to have these really amazing results.

I just really want you to start to think about that in your own life of times when you’re
saying, “Oh, I’m trying to lose weight or I’m trying to make more money.” You’re either
doing it or you’re not doing it. Go all in and just do it, take that try out of your vocabulary
and just go all in. That one may be still buzzing around in your brain a little bit because
that one was hard for me to really grasp. I’ve had to sit on it for a few days and I’m still
sitting on it to be honest with you, but it’s flipping gold.

On that note, just to reiterate what I just said, it’s really important that you go all in on
things, not just say, oh, well, I’m going to do a little bit here but I’m going to hold back
here. We do this so subconsciously of we self-sabotage in these little bitty ways you may
not even realized it. I realized for me, let’s just take for an example, when I sign up and do
coaching with somebody, I may do like 80% of what they tell me to do. Then there’s been
always like this 20%, who’s been a little bit stubborn or rebellious and say, well, they want
me to do XYZ seven days a week. I’m just going to do it five or they want me to do this,
this, and this, I’m just going to do this and this.

I’ve really caught this in my life. Not only do I do it when I invest in something or I sign up
for something, but I do it in my relationships too. I’ll say, I’m just going to go in here and
here with them, but I’m not going to go in all there. I’ve really shifted my mindset on this
the past few weeks, to be honest with you to saying I’m going all in and this is something
actually marriage coaching really helped with too, is just fully being committed to my
husband instead of always like having this foot that’s a little bit out the door, like, oh, I
cold leave at any moment. Instead of just like fully being in and saying, we are doing this,
we were 100% in, we’re going to make this work no matter what and going all in and that

I really think too, this is going to seem like a random example, but I had to nurse my son
when he was born or I didn’t have to, I chose to and with my daughter, I didn’t go all in. I
nursed a little bit and then I supplemented because it was just like, oh, it’s just too much. I
don’t want to go all in. I want to be able to do all these other things and I don’t want to
pump and there’s nothing wrong with that decision. With my son, I was like, I really want
to just solely breastfeed him. I had envisioned breastfeeding him and then pumping. When
it came down to it, I didn’t want to pump and he didn’t want to take a bottle and so for a
whole year, I fed him from my body.

I was like on onto man cow in that sense feeding him. I was forced to go all in. Now of
course we could have brought in a bottle and made him figure out the bottle. A part of me
really didn’t want that to happen because I had never gone all in on something. I was like,
I’m just going to go all in on this. I’m just going to be fully committed to nursing him from
my body for a year and being available and doing this.

It was hard and I don’t suggest you do that, but I needed to learn that lesson because I was
just, again, like always 20% out on things. I realize as I’ve done some reading and some
research on why this behavior happens and I’m going to talk all about this behavior on an
upcoming podcast episode, to be honest with you, it’s going to be called the Vacillator
Inner mean girl, which is actually a new inner mean girl.

If you’re a client of mine that we’re adding in to unstoppable 2.0 out that I’m redoing.
Anyways, we do this because we fear deep down we’re not going to be enough. If we go all
in on something and it doesn’t work out, then what does that mean about us? Does that
mean that we’re just a failure? Does that mean like we’re not fixable? That means we’re
not going to get our goal? It’s really eye opening to think about that of why we don’t go all
in because we don’t really want to face the fear of that deep disappointment of going all
in and it not going how we want it to.

Just knowing that has been so eye-opening for me, hopefully it is for you too to say, that’s
just that deep down fear that I’m not enough, which is the belief we all have. We all fear
not being enough, every single person fears that. Instead just saying, I’m going to go in all
or I’m going to go all in no matter what. If it doesn’t happen the way I want it to, I’m still
committed to their results because they’re guaranteed and that’s just maybe not the outlet
for me to get those results or maybe it’s just, I need to go somewhere else like the
example I gave for the coaching. The couples coaching or the marriage coaching, that
specific outlet helped us a lot, but it wasn’t all the results that I wanted.

Then I found the enneagram and marriage course and that was what really sealed the deal
because I had that belief of the results are guaranteed. Just really think about that and this
happens actually to a lot of people who grew up in an environment where a parent was
typically in and then they were out. Maybe there was a parent who was just very emotional
and just based their support and love on the child based on the parent’s needs instead of
the child’s needs. This is where this mindset develops because the child just experiences
this rollercoaster ride of living with a parent or if a parent’s absent later they’re in and
they’re out, they’re in, they’re out maybe from divorce or other things happening.

The child again, just grew up with this disappointment of someone being in and someone
being out and so they just bought the shell of I’m not going to go all in because this
parent disappoints me a lot. This happened in my childhood too. You may be relating to
that and if you do, just know we’re going to talk even more about that but just be aware of
it. You want to go all in on things.

Okay, my friends, those are all my tips on how to maximize your results. In essence, these
are the tips that will help you ensure you get the results you want no matter what the
situation. I’m going to give you a quick recap here of what those steps are one more time.

The first one is act as if the results are guaranteed. Tip number two, go in with the beliefs
you want it to create for you. This is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I’m going
to get 10 times back my investment. I’m going to make this much of this much of the

Also removing try from your vocabulary. You’re going all in or you’re not all in. You want to
go all in on those things. Then too, a little tidbit I gave in here is to coach yourself or get
coaching when you feel disappointment or anger or sadness or just all the things that keep
you from the beliefs that you want to have for that experience to get those results.

I’m getting coaching all the time on my business and all the time on my marriage and my
parenting because I have these beliefs about who I want to be and how I want the
experience to be. When things don’t go the way I want it to, then I’m coaching myself from
getting coached to get me back into that state of belief because the seed of belief is
everything, everything, everything, everything.

I mentioned the tool of the model in here, I’ll put in the show notes of that conquering
crisis episode. I’ll also put in the show notes that free printable of to get the models. You
can just start to see how that’s used. As I mentioned to you, I’m going to be doing a lot of
live trainings on the model here coming up. Even if you’re an old client of mine, we didn’t
really coach on the model. This is something we’re going to be incorporating a lot more in
my coaching process as it’s being updated. Keep your eyes open for that.

All right. My friends, that’s all I have for you today. This was a great episode I must say. I
hope you loved it as much as I loved giving it to you. If you want even more about the
episode or coaching with me, be sure to listen to the outro, to get the links to the
community and how to start coaching with me on a free consult. I’d love, love, love to help
you grow in your life. All right, my friend bye-bye.


Hey there, Miss Unstoppable. Thanks so much for tuning into this episode. If you enjoyed
it, share it with a friend. Send them a picture of this episode via text, via email, share it on
social media, I’m sure they would be so appreciative to know these strategies and tips on
how to accomplish your dreams. If you are ready to guarantee you’re going to accomplish
your goals and dreams, then it’s time to start coaching with me.

In my nine-month simple success coaching system, I am going to walk you every single
step of the way to ensure that you get the goals and dreams that you want. The first step is
to apply for a free 60-minute consult call. Just go to LindsayEpreston.com/apply to get
started. As always, my friend, remember, you’re only as unstoppable as you believe you can
be, so believe in yourself. You got this.

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Hi! I'm Lindsay

Hi! I’m Lindsay Elizabeth Preston. I’m a certified & trauma-informed life & leadership coach who has spent the last decade helping successful women create lives that feel as good on the inside as they look on the outside by using my neuroscience-backed coaching process called, Awakened Woman.

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