


Imagine starting your week knowing you WILL get done everything you want to without letting anything stop you (and feeling overwhelmed in the process). It can be done and today I’m going to teach you how.


Sep 7, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

“You can’t be committed to your own BS & to your growth. It’s one or the other.” – Scott Stabile

Today we’re talking about mastering time management on the show so you can get more done in one day.  Truthfully, I almost called this episode “GET SH*T DONE STRATEGICALLY.” 

Either title works because I’m teaching you both things today. I want you to master your time AND get a lot of sh*t done in a strategic way.

I coach so many women who have a lot they want to accomplish, yet they don’t seem to get it all done.

The days feel too short with too many other things and their energy poops out.

It’s hard for them to know what the most important to-dos are and it seems like the things they want to do for themselves go on the bottom of the list.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

You CAN start your week and KNOW with all certainty you will get done what you set your mind to no matter what unexpected things come up.

You CAN feel more energy and focus in the process of getting A LOT done.

You CAN learn what the most important to-dos are on your list so you can finally cut the overwhelm.

But just know that getting a lot done is going to take some mindset shifts on your part, as Scott Stabile says here, “You can’t be committed to your own bs & to your growth.  It’s one or the other.”

So, get ready to get uncomfortable with me today on the show as we look at some of the bs you’re putting up with that’s stopping you from getting what you want done.

It’s going to be a little painful at first, but it’s going to rock your world.  Promise.

Listen to this kick-ass episode at the top of the page.


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Full Transcript

This is the Become an Unstoppable Woman podcast with Lindsay Preston Episode 61, Master
Time Management.


Welcome to the Become an Unstoppable Woman podcast, the show for goal-getting, fearfacing women for kicking ass by creating change. I’m your host, Lindsay Preston. I’m a wife,
mom of two, and a multi-certified life coach to women all over the world. I’ve lived
through enough in life to know that easier doesn’t always equate to better. We can’t fear
the fire, we must learn to become it. On this show, I’ll teach you how to do just that. Join
me as I challenge you to become even more of the strong, resilient, and powerful woman
you were meant to be. Let’s do this.


Hey there, Ms. Unstoppable. Welcome to another episode of the show today. As you see,
we’re talking about mastering time management. Now, disclosure for you, I almost named
this episode, Get Shit Done Strategically. [laughs] I feel like either title– it could go either
way, but then I thought about the SEO of this and I thought maybe time management is
what we should go with.

Either way, you’re going to learn how to get stuff done in your life and do it in a really
smart strategic way. This is something I coach a lot of women on, is they have so much on
their plates. They have so many things that they want to do. They want to achieve it all.
They want to go after it all, but how can they make it all fit into their schedule, especially
if they have things they’re trying to maintain as they go after their goals and dreams?

Maybe they have a day job and they’re wanting to switch careers. Maybe they have a
family that they’re trying to maintain as they uplevel their lives. A lot of things going on
and I figured we need to talk about this in the podcast because we haven’t yet, A, and, two,
from coaching on it so much that other people out there must have a little bit of struggle
with this. We’re going to clear the air today and you’re going to learn, once and for all, how
to finally master this time management thing in a very smart, strategic way. You’re ready?

Now, before we get into it, I just want to give a shout-out to all of my new August clients.
This episode is going live on September the 7th. As I’m recording it, it’s August 31st, 2020,
so August is officially wrapping up. By far, August has been my biggest month to date ever.
Oh my goodness. You may have seen if you follow me on social media, the amount of
client materials that I sent out in August.
There’s a picture of me with all these unstoppable binders and boxes in this huge basket
that I’m taking into the post office. Oh my goodness, it’s been incredible. So many of you
are waking up and seeing that it is time to go after your goals and dreams now. No more
time to sit around and wait for it anymore. Now is the time. There is just an action that’s
happening and I am all for it and I’m super excited.

Just how excited everybody is about the new simple success coaching system? They just
feel so at ease signing up for this process because, A, I guarantee results. Who wouldn’t
love that? Oh my gosh. I’m actually going to make these things happen. If they don’t
happen, it’s on Lindsay. I get my investment back. That’s how confident I am in this
process. I’ve been using it now for six years, not only in my own life but for clients and it

I’ve been kind of shying away from that and I’m like, “Why am I shying away from that?
This stuff works.” I have no problem guaranteeing results to put anybody who is uneasy
about signing up for coaching and making an investment like that at peace because it is a
little scary to invest in something, especially coaching. It’s not necessarily something that’s
very well-known yet. For some people, especially me, I remember the feeling thinking like,
“Is this like woo-woo and wacky like, [chuckles] “What am I doing investing in this?”

In time and just a few weeks, you start to see, “Oh my gosh, this is the best investment
ever.” I’ve truly realized that over the past few months. I’ve brought on a lot of contractors
in my business. They have me fill out these branding questionnaires as I bring them on so
they can learn more about my business. They ask things like, “What are the values of your
business? What do you stand for?” I’ve realized as I filled these out time and time again of
my core belief in this business or my core value is that I want this to be the best
investment in somebody’s life.

That was really the forefront as to why I shifted into just having one nine-month coaching
process where it’s basically one-on-one. We’re doing 20 one-on-one calls throughout that
process because we’re going to get the depth. You’re going to just really gain the clarity
and momentum that you need to make your goals and dreams happen, not just in those
nine months but time and time and time and time again.

You’re going to get so much supports and accountability and it’s just been so amazing. I
already have some women who are, I think, two or three months into the process already
because I’ve been slowly kind of moving to this process over the past few months. Seeing
their results have just been so much fun, so I welcome all of you who have signed up. As
you listen to this show, I just really encourage you to say, “Okay, this is great content,” but
content is only half the equation.

It’s content plus coaching that equals change. Coaching is the thing that’s going to allow
you to get that individual attention for your life and really get you into action in a way that
works best for you, okay? Again, this is great content, all right? Stay tuned because it’s
going to rock your world. All right, so let’s talk about it. Mastering time management or as
I said, get shit done strategically.

All right, so the first thing I want to talk about here, the number one thing I see with
women is they want to get so much done, but they’re tired. This is something that’s really
rocked my world recently because if you’re big into the Enneagram, I am an Enneagram 5.
Fives are known for being very stingy with their energy because deep down, they have this
core fear that they’re just going to run out of energy and just be depleted beyond what
they are capable of.

I’ve really realized this about myself and I’ve really tried to do all of these things to kind of
hack my energy to be able to get more done. What I’ve realized is that it’s not really about
being physically tired because many times, we think that’s what it is, is that we’re just
physically tired and we need to rest. It’s really our thoughts that are creating a tired
feeling. Yes, sometimes our body is physically tired.

If we’re constantly telling ourselves that we’re tired or we have this deep dark fear like I do
of running out of energy, that can be something that really slows us down. Also, what I see
with clients is the first few weeks as we’re working together, we’re going in and we’re
analyzing. In essence, all the biggest negative beliefs and thoughts that they have about
themselves, their lives, and the world, many of which, they didn’t even know they were
thinking and telling themselves.

In essence, what those beliefs are, are like a 100-pound backpack. They’re carrying around
this really heavy load of all of these negative beliefs because you have to remember, their
brain has something like 40,000 thoughts per day. Something like 80% are negative and
something like 80% or 90% are the repeated thoughts from the day prior. We develop
these thoughts from childhood when our brain is in this place when it’s extremely,
extremely emotional.

After that, we just keep repeating them over and over and over. That’s why so many of us
just feel like we have these child-like moments at times. When you witness them and other
people like, “Oh my gosh, calm it down,” right? We have to go in and we have to first build
awareness of that and then we have to go in and heal that stuff. For my clients, when we
go on and we find those beliefs and then we go in and heal that, they just feel like this
huge weight is off their back like they’ve lost that 100-pound backpack and then they just
have so much more energy, which further proves that it’s our thinking that keeps us tired,
not necessarily what we’re doing every day, okay?

Because I’m at a place right now where I’m getting more done than ever. I have my kids
home almost 24/7 because of the coronavirus and my business is taking off, and yet I have
more energy than ever. It’s because I’ve really realized that this tired feeling is a thought.
If I’m walking around all day saying, “I’m tired, I’m tired, I’m tired,” or I just have these
beliefs like I said that are weighing me down. Of course, I’m going to be tired.
I’ve been doing a lot of work around that to see, what is in my mindset that maybe needs

to go that’s not serving me anymore? That’s why mindset work or thought work, as it’s also
called, is so important. What I want you to just start to explore in yourself is, what are the
thoughts you’re telling yourself every day? Is it just little things that maybe you don’t even
realize are hindering your energy. Things like, “I don’t want to go to work,” “Oh, this is so
draining. I don’t want to do this. I don’t like so and so.”

Those kinds of negative thoughts that you’re telling yourself are weighing on you. This is
why too, people have to caffeinate all the time and then they leave their day and they’re
having to de-stress with things like alcohol because they’re just not feeling good in their
minds. They’re telling them these little bitty negative things all day long and it’s just
weighing on them over and over and over again.

This is why too, I don’t drink caffeine anymore. I don’t drink alcohol anymore. I just don’t
feel like I need it because I cleared out my mind. Now, my mind is so focused in on my
goals, my dreams. I have so much energy no matter what circumstances come up for me.
Even now when I’m recording this, this morning, my daughter started running a fever. She
woke up with 100.0. She does go to school now. It’s been, gosh, a week and a half.

Of course, the alarms went off of, “Oh my goodness, what do we got here?” Took her to the
doctor, got a strep test, corona test. Both are negative. It turns out it may just be a virus,
which they’re all wearing masks at school and so all of the parents and I are like, “How are
they spreading a virus?” Because like half of her grade is out today, but I am starting to
feel a little bit off, [chuckles] starting to feel a little bit sick, but I had this to-do list today.

Even though I’m feeling a little bit off, it’s amazing that I still have this energy to get on
here and record this podcast for you and do all the other things. Whereas before, that stuff
would have just been too much. I would have felt too tired, but I just kept chipping away
at my mindset. What are the things that are holding me back? What are those thoughts
that are really weighing me down?

Again, that 100-pound backpack. Let me take some of these pounds out. As you just keep
doing that work, it just gets lighter and lighter. You may think, “Lindsay, I don’t have time
for that. I don’t have time to do this mindset work and analyze my thoughts. I need results
now. I need actions now.” Well, what’s going to happen again is you’re just going to
continue to carry around this backpack and, in essence, climb this mountain of you wanting
to get these goals and dreams with all this weight.

It may seem like you slowed down for a little bit of time to go in and do this kind of
mindset thought work, whatever you want to call it. It is going to slow you down a little bit
externally, but what’s going to happen is that you’re going to release some of that weight
and you’re going to start moving faster than the people who just keep the backpack on,
okay? You’re just going to get your goals and dreams faster and faster and faster.

What I realized in my life is I started coaching as a client in 2013. That was seven years
ago and I feel like what I’ve done in seven years is what some people do in a lifetime. In
essence, I’ve rebuilt my life because at the time when I sign up for coaching, I just finished
a high-conflict divorce. I had no job. Just a little bit in savings, picking my life back
together, and I did that. I found my “dream guy.”

I don’t know if I really want to call him that, but the guy that I really wanted to be with,
and then developed this life where we got married, had a baby. I’ve built this business. I
help other women. Now, financially, things are really starting to take off in that arena. It’s
just like, “Oh my gosh.” I realized I had everything I once dreamed of at age 35. Now what?
What am I going to do for the rest of my life?

It did seem like for those few months, even a year maybe max, that I did feel like I was
slowing down with coaching and doing this mindset work, but then I just started picking
up the pace and I just got so much done. I’ve mentioned on another episode that I have
this Living the Dream program that I have for in essence. It’s in the last three months of
my nine-month coaching process, but then after that, you can continue to stay in there and
get ongoing coaching and support.

I have some of my old clients coming back and getting into that program so they can
continue to get support on their goals and dreams. It’s just so interesting to me. It will be
so interesting to me how much they get done this next year because we’re really going to
measure everything. I can’t wait to share with you just how much they accomplish this
next year because I think it’s going to blow some people’s minds because I can see a lot of
them building a business, losing weight, improving all of these relationships just within a
year’s time as I’m really setting their lives.

You’re going to just fully see how fast they’re able to build so much because, again, they
don’t have this weighted backpack of telling themselves things like they’re tired and all
those other negative beliefs that are weighing them down, all right? On that note, if you’re
thinking, “Okay, Lindsay. Well, I know what not to think. I know what not to believe, which
is I’m tired and all of these negative thoughts. What should I intentionally think and
believe instead?”

I wanted to share some thoughts with you for you to try on in essence. When I say “try on a
thought,” it means I’m just going to share them with you and you can try them on like
clothes. Start to tell it to yourself and think, “Is that something that I want to believe that’s
true?” If it is, then what you want to do is, in essence, you want to build a brain wire to tell
yourself over and over again this thought so that your brain believes that to be true.

It’s just like when you’re learning how to type on a keyboard or drive a car or do anything.
You have to do it over and over again and then, all of a sudden, it becomes habitual. You
just know, “Oh, I know how to drive a car. I know what the letter A is on the keyboard.” It’s
the same thing with thoughts and beliefs. We think it’s so complex. We think it’s even silly
to do it this way, but this is just the way the brain works. It just needs to build the habit to
believe a certain thing if we want it to, right?

Again, I’m going to share these with you. You try them on. You see, “Do I want to believe
this to be true?” If so, just start to tell it to yourself every day, okay? The first one is, “I can
get everything and more I want done every day,” or you could say it every week, every
month. I’m going to say it again. “I can get everything and more I want done every day.”
We could say it every week, every month.

I say this one to myself and I’ve just started saying this one to myself in the past few
months, especially when the coronavirus hit because at first, I got into a little bit of that
victim mindset of, “Well, there go my goals and dreams. Now, I’m just going to be taking
care of kids. Screw it.” I really thought after a few weeks when even I was starting to gain
weight and just getting this what was me mentality of, “Wait a second. I don’t have to let

this define me. What is it that I intentionally want to think so that I can make this time of
my life something where I get even closer to my family and I get even better at my
business and even get better as a person?”

This is one of the things I started to say was, “I can get everything and more I want done
every day.” I even say, “No matter what,” on mind. It’s just created this resilience in me, this
discipline, this empowerment to say, “I’m going to make my to-do list happen every single
day.” I also say some other beliefs not related to getting stuff done of like, “I show up fully
to my family. I’m an incredible mother,” because that’s one thing we struggle with as
women, right?

It’s when we go after things, some other beliefs come up of like, “Oh, I’m a bad partner. I’m
a bad mom. I’m a bad this,” and it’s just not true. We can show up and be amazing in our
personal life and still get a lot done too. It doesn’t have to be black and white of good or
bad. It can just be, “I get a lot done and I’m really good.” That’s where we really need to
question, again, deeper beliefs there because a lot of people think, “Well, the amount of
time I spend with my kids or my family is what makes me a ‘good partner’ or ‘good mom’.”

That’s just not necessarily true. It may not be the amount of time. It may be the impact
that you have and the amount of time you’re with them, okay? Just something to think
about and start to try on. Again, if you want to start to think, “I can get everything and
more I want done every day, every week, every month.” Another thought to try on is, “I
have more than enough time.”

This is one I had to wrap my head around because I always just felt like I didn’t have
enough time or I didn’t have enough energy. I started to say, “I have more than enough
time to get everything done,” because sometimes I can get a little bit anxious of, “Got to
get it done. Got to get it done.” Instead, I just wanted to go into this and say, “I can get
everything done every day, but I have more than enough time, so there’s no need to have
anxiety. No need to rush. No need to push this.”

I don’t know if you can hear my son in the background right now. This mic is super
sensitive and I’m recording this right before dinnertime, which is not typically when I
record. I told you today, it’s been an off day because my daughter has been sick and all this
other stuff. If you hear him in the background, [laughs] just have patience with me. Again,
this is the power of saying these beliefs is like, “I get everything done no matter what,”

I get it done even if you may hear my son acting silly in the background, my husband. As I
said, “I have more than enough time.” Another belief I’ve said to myself is, “I have endless
energy.” As I said, energy was something I’ve really struggled with. Instead, now, I just told
myself I have endless energy. I even say, “I’m never going to run out,” because I have this
fear I’m just going to run out and be depleted beyond repair.

It’s just not true. It’s just a silly thought that my brain has thought over the years. I don’t
even know why. It just does. Instead, I say, “I have endless energy,” then I also say, “I have
all the energy I need to make my goals happen well,” because sometimes I think, “Well,
maybe I’m just rushing through. Maybe I’m not doing it well.” I’ve just call myself at this
thought of, “I have all the energy I need to make my goals happen well,” so then I just call
myself and say, “Yes, I’m doing it well.”

I’m not going to rush. I’m not going to be anxious. I have more than enough time as I said.
I have endless energy. I’m going to get it done and do it well. Another thing I’ve been
telling myself, I mentioned it earlier, is I’m an amazing mom and I’m an amazing wife.
Because, again, my brain at times and other women’s brains can just have these thoughts
of while I’m getting all this done, I’m not with my family all the time or as much as maybe
I once thought I should be with them, then maybe I’m a “bad mom” or bad wife or bad
person, sister, mother, whatever or daughter.

No, I’ve started to tell myself, “I’m an amazing mom.” Things have changed for us during
this whole coronavirus thing. My son never watched any kind of videos or anything like
that. Now, every day, he has probably like an hour’s time where I’m just like, “Here, baby,
you watch some things on my phone,” and it is what it is. There are times when I have
judgments about that. I know there are times that I feel it off my husband even of like, “Oh,
he’s on his videos again.”

I just keep telling myself, “I’m an amazing mom, I’m an amazing mom,” because the reality
is when I look back on what I was doing before, it was almost not needed. It’s okay
sometimes for him to watch videos. It’s okay sometimes for my kids to play by themselves.
It’s okay sometimes for things to be a little bit messy. Let’s just roll with it. What’s more
important to me at this journey of having a perfectly clean house with perfectly-educated
kids, perfectly-behaved kids, not necessarily. No.

I just want to go for “good enough,” but I also want to make my goals and dreams happen.
By just shifting my thoughts a little bit like when I’m sharing here, it’s allowed me to
release the reins on some of the stuff at home that really, at the end of the day, don’t
matter. It doesn’t matter that I have a perfectly clean house. It doesn’t matter that my son
doesn’t watch videos ever. It just doesn’t.

The other thing that I tell myself a lot is, “I got this.” You hear me saying this on the
podcast a lot of, “You got this.” Anytime I just start to feel a little bit overwhelmed or like,
“Oh, I don’t know where to go,” maybe I’ll question, “What’s the top things on my priority
list?” I’ll just remind myself, “I got this.” I’ll even say like, “I knew where to go. I know what
to do. I’m going to make it happen. I’m a smart decision-maker.” I just really start to level
myself when I start to doubt myself a little bit.

The last thing I want to share with you here, I thought, to try on is, “I can do hard things.”
So many women stop themselves. Maybe not even consciously think about this, but they
stop themselves because they think, “Oh, I can’t do it” or “It’s too hard” or “I’m not meant
for this,” but you can do hard things. You can absolutely do this. This is one thought that I
really started to program in, gosh, I think, a year or two ago because I don’t really think
that I believed it at the time.

It seems so weird now because I totally believe it now that I can do so many hard things.
At the time, I just felt like I really needed to tell myself that. I didn’t believe that I could do
it. Now, it’s just a part of my being. If you’re in that boat where you just question that you
can do hard things sometimes, start to try that thought on and repeat it to yourself, okay?
Now, one more thing I want to just say here to hit home with this whole believe concept is
that disbelief plus action doesn’t equal results.

I’m going to say it again and then I’m going to explain it more. If you have disbelief but
you’re taking action, it doesn’t equal the results that you want. You have to have the belief
of what you’re wanting, plus the actions to get the results, okay? If I’m wanting the result
of– For example, I get my whole to-do list done in a smart and strategic way by the end of
the week. If I’m going into that saying, “I can’t do it. It’s too hard. I don’t have energy. I
don’t know how to make smart decisions,” then I’m likely not going to get the result I want
and my to-do list being done.

It’s just too hard. You’re fighting against yourself the whole time. I encountered this with
clients all the time that have some similar beliefs to that. It’s that they’re just telling
themselves all this negative crap all day long. They’re in this frantic actions phase of just
getting all this done. At the end of the week, it’s like, “What did I do? What did I get done?”
I got some stuff done, but it’s not really, truly, intentionally done in the way that I wanted
it to get done.

I don’t feel that way anymore because I believe in myself and what decisions I make, and
then I take action from that place, and then I get the results that I want, okay? It’s just
really, really hard to get the results you want with you telling yourself all this negative
stuff. The other thing I want to share here is massive thinking equals massive action. That
means if you’re thinking in a really big way and– I have a free training that recently came

It’s Accomplish Your Dreams and it’s a four-day video training. In this, I’m talking about
this. On day-one, I’m talking about painting the vision and how important it is to paint a
really big vision for your life. This is something I’m not naturally good at. Some of you are.
You have a strength called futuristic. It’s a CliftonStrength, but I don’t have this one. I
never really painted that big of a vision for my life.

I had to really learn how to do this. Wherever you fall on that scale, if you’re good at it or
not, I encourage you to go get that training. Just go to Lindsay, L-I-N-D-S-A-Y,
ePreston.com/freetraining and you will learn these two of this big vision you want to
create. Because when you have that big vision, in essence, you’re creating massive
thinking. From there, it’s just really easy for you to feel motivated to go take massive

Again, research has shown this, is that if you’re not feeling motivated to go after
something, a lot of times, it’s because you don’t have a clear enough vision and not a big
enough vision, okay? If you just think, “Oh, I just need to go lose 5 pounds, and then that’s
the end of my journey,” a lot of times, that’s not enough for people. They need to say, “I’m
going to lose 5 pounds and I’m going to live the healthiest life I’ve ever lived,” and they
just see this bigger vision for what it is, okay?

Now, let’s talk about the actual strategy of– you’ve got the stuff that you wanted to do on
your to-do list. What’s the best way to sit down and actually put it on your calendar and
get it done? The first thing that I want you do every week– and I do this on Sundays,
sometimes even on Fridays to be honest with you. I will create my to-do list for that next
week. I encourage you to do it before Monday.

Some people like to do it Monday morning. It doesn’t feel good to me that way. I like to
know before the official week starts what I’m doing that week. Write down all the things
you want to get done that week and then ask yourself if it’s all worth doing and why. For a
lot of women, they have a lot of people-pleasing tendencies that they need to get rid of.
They’re doing things they don’t really want to do but they’re doing them anyway.

They’re like, “Oh, I’m making cookies for the big sell” or “I’m going to go help my dad out
do blah-blah-blah stuff.” Maybe it’s not how that worked, but then when they really sit
down with them, they’re like, “I don’t really want to go do that.” They may think in their
head, “but I should go do that. I should go help my dad, I should help with the big sell. I
should do that thing at work because I’m the only one that can do it.”

Really, this is what’s holding you back. I’m going to do another podcast episode coming up
about words and phrases to eliminate from your vocabulary and “should” is one of them.
Should is just something that’s just going to not create fulfillment for you, first of all, and
also create resentment in you of like, “Oh, I’m going to do this stuff,” and I don’t really
want to do it. It’s just going to, in essence, keep holding you back and creating more
weight on that 100-pound backpack I keep talking about.

You’re going to add another 5 pounds. Nobody wants to add another 5 pounds to that
backpack. You really start to think about, “Okay, what are the things that I really don’t want
to be doing but I’m doing them anyway?” It may not be that you cut it black and white, but
start to think about, “How can I get this off my to-do list?” Something for me is that I’ve
been my daughter’s room mom for many years now.

This year when I really sat down with that, I just thought, “I don’t really want to keep doing
this.” Yes, I’m good at it. Yes, I know she’s enjoyed it, but it feels like a should-activity.
Granted it doesn’t even take that much time, but it’s just time for me to let it go. It took me
some time. I really wrestled with it. I really had some thoughts that I was beating myself
up about it. At the end of the day, it was a should-activity and I needed to let it go.

Just know that too. It’s not going to be overnight that you’re like cutting all the stuff out.
Just start to question your thinking and question what’s on your list every week. Is this
stuff that I really want to do? Ideally, in time, you’re ending up with a list of all the things
that you just really want to do. Two, this is why coaching can help so much because you
may be in a job or position where you’re just doing all this crap you don’t want to do, but
you can’t get out of it per se.

In coaching, you can evolve to getting more of the life that you want and having that to-do
list be all the things that you want. That’s why I’m getting in my business is I’m just doing
all the things that I want to do. Like I mentioned earlier, I’ve hired some contractors. I have
an admin, for example, someone doing my online ads, someone doing my designs. Those
are all things that I really don’t want to do.

Now, I’m at a place where I can hand those off. It’s just so much easier for me to keep
doing the things that I want to do. Right now, I just want you to start to analyze. Ask if it’s
worth doing and why it’s things that you want to be doing. Sometimes people just create a
lot of busy work and just really ask yourself, “Is this really something that’s going to move
the needle forward to my goals and dreams?”

Again, this sometimes is like our brain likes to really keep us in the busywork. Sometimes
it’s really helpful for somebody like a coach to look at it and say, “Okay, that’s not really
necessary” or “Why are you doing that?” Really questioning why you’re doing it because
then you may find that it’s just this innate behavior, this habit you’ve built that’s really not
something that’s guiding you to your goals and dreams.

That’s the hardest step. To be honest, it’s really trying to formulate, “What is it that I want
to do and don’t want to do?” The third step is commit to your to-do lists and say those
thoughts that I’ve told you before like, “I have more than enough time to get this done. I
will get this done no matter what. I can do hard things. I have endless energy.” Whatever it
is you need to tell yourself to say that you’re going to commit and you’re going to make
this to-do list happen, do it.

Just say, “I am doing this no matter what,” because what you’re doing, in essence, is you’re
starting to build trust with yourself too of when you say you’re going to show up, you show
up, and then it just builds this resilience in you. You know like, “Man, when I set my mind
to something, I do it.” Instead of your inner mean girl that we’ve talked about here on the
show from time to time, that negative inner voice fighting you on it, she starts to get a lot
quieter because she’s like, “Whoa, she means business.”

She says she’s going to do it, and then she does it. You just hear those negative thoughts
less and less and less. In essence, again, you start taking that weight out of your backpack
because you say you’re going to do it and you do it. You prove yourself wrong. So many
times, it’s like we’re our own worst enemy, right? We just have to show and we have to
prove ourselves that we can do it.

The next thing I want you to do when you’re making your weekly to-do list is to put it on
your calendar and make it happen at that time. For me like for today, for example, I had
that I had an hour block of– I need to respond to some questions for my Living the Dream
program. I had a 45-minute call with my admin Rachel, then I had an hour block of writing
a social post. I just took everything that I needed to do this week. I started to put it in
where I could put it on my calendar and I’m just making it happen.

Today, some unexpected things came up with my daughter with being ill and such. This
podcast has gotten moved around. Again, because I have the thought, “I’m going to get it
done no matter what,” I went and talked to my husband and I said, “Hey, I really need
about an hour to work. When can we make this happen? Does it need to be this evening?”
He’s like, “You know what? Actually, it’s really slow right now at work. Why don’t you go do
it this evening, Lindsay?”

Here I am, right? [laughs] Getting it done. You put that on the calendar and make it
happen. As I said, commit to it. It really doesn’t matter necessarily when you get it done
just that you get it done. For me, it really helps us see it on my calendar and say, “Hoo,
okay, I’ve got this all planned out. Now, I can relax,” and then I just have to commit that
I’m going to get it done in that hour or whatever time I have allowed for that.
That really helps too if you have a high inner perfectionist because sometimes you can get
really lost in the details of everything of, “Oh, let me take this and make this perfect.”

If you just have that block of time knowing like, “I have to get this done in this hour,” you
just let it go and just say, “Okay, moving on to the next thing. It’s good enough. Going on,
moving on, moving on.” For me, that can be something that really stops me.

Instead, now, it’s like, “Okay, good enough. The thing is good enough, moving on,” right?
The last thing is if when an unexpected thing happens, just see how you can fit it in. Just
like what I said. If something unexpected happened today, how can I fit this in? Really,
again, it always goes back to those thoughts. If you start to believe that you can get it
done no matter what, at first, it’s going to feel really foreign to you.

You may not fully show up for yourself. You may not fully have the results yet of that
thought that you can get it done no matter what. In time, it’s just going to build as a habit.
You’re going to build that brain wire as I said. Now, it’s just a part of you. As I said a few
months ago, I didn’t have this yet. I just let circumstances happen to me at times. I just was
like, “Oh, well, okay, coronavirus. Oh, well, my child’s sick. This happened, whatever.”

Instead, now, it’s like, “No, I get this done no matter what.” It’s so ingrained in me that I
can’t imagine not having this belief anymore. That’s how you will be too if you keep saying
this. A couple of extra episodes to listen to are Massive vs. Frantic Action of the show. If you
haven’t listened to that one, that’s a great supplement to this one. Also, I have something
called the model printables that are in the show notes.

This is really a great one for you to start to see how different circumstances impact your
thinking and your feeling. If you’re like, “Well, Lindsay, I don’t know what you’re talking
about,” then I encourage you to go listen to the Master Your Mindset episode. Again, all of
these links will be in the show notes to really start to understand how this model concept
works. It’s amazing. It will really start to show you your thinking and how it’s never your
circumstance that holds you back.

It’s always your way of thinking and how you can start to change your thinking so that you
just come at everything with these feelings that you want to feel like empowerment
determines getting it done, strategic even. I feel like strategic could be a feeling, right?
Smart. You’re just going to get even more awareness of what we’re talking about today,
but I hope you have some gold nuggets you’re taking away from this one.

I know just a few months ago, I would have some major gold nuggets of how to fully get
everything I want to get done. As I said, master your– What did I say? Master time
management or get it done strategically. It’s a really great way to just make it happen,
right, my friends? That’s all I have for you for this episode. I hope you enjoyed it and I’ll
see you on the next one. Bye.


Hey there, Miss Unstoppable. Thanks so much for tuning into this episode. If you enjoyed
it, share it with a friend. Send them a picture of this episode via text, via email, share it on
social media, I’m sure they would be so appreciative to know these strategies and tips on
how to accomplish your dreams. If you are ready to guarantee you’re going to accomplish
your goals and dreams, then it’s time to start coaching with me.

In my nine-month simple success coaching system, I am going to walk you every single
step of the way to ensure that you get the goals and dreams that you want. The first step is
to apply for a free 60-minute consult call. Just go to LindsayEpreston.com/apply to get
started. As always, my friend, remember, you’re only as unstoppable as you believe you can
be, so believe in yourself. You got this.

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Hi! I'm Lindsay

Hi! I’m Lindsay Elizabeth Preston. I’m a certified & trauma-informed life & leadership coach who has spent the last decade helping successful women create lives that feel as good on the inside as they look on the outside by using my neuroscience-backed coaching process called, Awakened Woman.

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