


It’s been 6 months since the Coronavirus pandemic hit the US full force. If you aren’t thriving through this experience, let’s do a mental health check-in to see why.


Sep 16, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

“The Coronavirus pandemic is here to show you all the problems you thought you could just avoid.”

Not being able to thrive during the Coronavirus pandemic is a belief most people are buying without question.

“It’s an effing global pandemic” people say.  

“This sh*t is scary.  We’ve never done this before!”

And granted, some aspects ARE “scary.”  There ARE a lot of unknowns.

But it doesn’t mean you have to simply survive during this time.  In fact, you CAN be thriving through this experience.  (If you want it.)

6 months ago when this pandemic hit, I was like everyone else.  

I had anxiety and so I ate all the things to help me feel less anxious.  I was moody, angry and sad often.  I gained 5 lbs in a month.  I made NO new money in my business for two months.  

I thought this was just the way life is now.  I started to give up on what I wanted and believed I just needed to settle instead.

Luckily, I pulled myself out of that thinking by asking myself 3 simple, but powerful questions.

These 3 questions not only stopped the pattern of feeling like crap, it allowed me to lose the weight I gained (+ more) and brought my business to a place beyond what I ever thought was possible in such a short amount of time (in August alone, I closed almost $60,000 in new business).

It’s amazing to see that what I wanted for my life just 6 months ago is what I’ve created today.

These questions were the turning point that made it all happen.  They’re that impactful.

So, if you’re not yet THRIVING during this Coronavirus pandemic then tune in as I give you these 3 powerful questions and challenge you to think differently about how you view this time in your life.  

Listen to this episode via the link at the top of this page.



Full Transcript

This is the Become an Unstoppable Woman podcast with Lindsay Preston Episode 64,
Corona Check-In.


Welcome to the Become an Unstoppable Woman podcast, the show for goal-getting, fearfacing women for kicking ass by creating change. I’m your host, Lindsay Preston. I’m a wife,
mom of two, and a multi-certified life coach to women all over the world. I’ve lived
through enough in life to know that easier doesn’t always equate to better. We can’t fear
the fire, we must learn to become it. On this show, I’ll teach you how to do just that. Join
me as I challenge you to become even more of the strong, resilient, and powerful woman
you were meant to be. Let’s do this.


Hey there, my friend, welcome to the show. Today, we’re going to do a pro bono
coronavirus check-in. Believe it or not, it has been six months since this global pandemic
has had at least here in the States. In overseas, it started a little bit sooner than six months
ago, but here we are six months later. Can you believe it? I can’t. It feels like a lifetime
ago. It feels like I have grown and changed so much over these past six months that I
barely recognize myself in a lot of ways.

I know not everybody is growing and changing right now. A lot of people are feeling stuck.
A lot of people are feeling like things are getting worse for them and maybe externally
things are, maybe money’s an issue, jobs. I don’t know, but whatever it is internally, they’re
feeling it hardcore. I said this earlier, when the pandemic hit and I’ll say it again, is that the
pandemic is really just here to show you what’s always been on the inside that’s been
bubbling at a low boil, it’s now just at this high boil. That’s hard to hear.
It’s really hard to hear, isn’t it? Any kind of hardship that comes our way via coronavirus or
anything else, it just shows us the things that we’ve always needed to deal with but now
we don’t really have a choice as much because we have more stress on our plate.
Regardless of where you’re at, if you’re in a place where you’re having a lot of stress and
anxiety to where you feel like you’re thriving through this because I feel like I am, I know,
hate me.

There are aspects of it that’s not great, but my business right now, especially, is thriving,
feels like all the work I’ve been doing behind the scenes for so many years to create a
really great coaching process, and really working on myself has all come together to just
blossom and thrive. In fact, I’m recording this episode today for my brand new office. I
don’t just work at home anymore. I have an office and it’s beautiful and granted it’s not
decorated yet, but it’s this beautiful building and the city that I adore and it’s amazing.

I’m going to now get to work here as much as they want to because my two-year-old son is
at home every day, but Wednesday. On Wednesdays, he goes with my parents. Then I’m
going to work up here on the weekends too. Just to, again, getaway and have some focused
work time. In the future, I’ll be working up here all the time, which is going to be even
more awesome. I feel like I’ve grown and changed so much.

There have been some hardships, of course. It’s really brought to light some things I
needed to deal with my daughter. I almost have dealt– deal with my nine-year-old
daughter, her attitude and such, and it’s about forced some other things in myself that I’ve
had to deal with. Again, today, we’re just going to check-in, see where you’re at. Wherever
you are, what I’m going to offer you today is going to take you even further to where you
want to go.

Where should we start? Well, the first thing I want to offer you is that when this whole
thing went down, I did some bonus episodes. One was coronavirus Tips and the other one
was Managing Uncertainty. If you haven’t listened to those episodes, I encourage you to go
and do that. You may think, “Well, Lindsay, that stuff is outdated now.” It’s not outdated at
all. Now, granted, the coronavirus Tips, I talk about things like working from home and
things of that sort, but I gave some really great questions on that podcast that I want to
reshare here.

Again, you can listen to it, but here are the questions that I really want to just touch in
with you and if you missed it, or you just happened to work out what those questions are,
let’s refresh your mind. These three questions are so important right now for you to stay
focused and stay on the pathway toward where you want to go throughout this whole
thing. No matter what’s going on around you, if the whole world is burning around you,
shit hitting the fan, whatever you want to call it if you are focused in on what you’re here
to create and what you’re here to do and what you can control, all that other stuff is just
going to be like noise.

The first thing I really want you to get in touch with is how do you want to feel and who
do you want to be when you come out of this coronavirus global pandemic? If you haven’t
figured that out yet, we still probably have, my guess would be at least six more months of
this. Now, granted we’re opening up slowly and surely, piece by piece like my daughter
right now does go to school. That feels like a huge shift just with that.

As I said, my son isn’t it because there’s just choices that we’ve made. Not that there’s
options out there he could go, but we’re just making that choice. I really think this is going
to last until spring 2021, if not longer. Ask yourself that, like, how do you want to feel and
who do you want to be when you come out of this? I looked back on my notes when I
answered this six months ago, it’s pretty freaking crazy.

I’m already making that stuff come true. I talked about how I wanted to coach more people
and be a resource to them and give them amazing content. I talked about how I wanted to
show up as a mother was really present and with my family and was able to really hold
space for their emotions and how they’re feeling and how I wanted to show up as a wife
and really be present for my husband. Now, granted, has every day then like that?

No, there have been days where my children have had more screen time than I would’ve
ever thought I would have been okay with. We watch a lot of Disney plus movies, my
friends a lot. There are days when my husband really annoys me. Like today is one of them,
actually. He got a little snappy with me this morning about cleaning stuff. Well, not a great
day for us, but overall, this is how I’m showing up and this is what I’m creating in my

If I look at the big picture of the past six months, it’s like, “Yes, I’m doing that. I’ve showed
up in a pretty good way as a mom, I’ve showed up as a pretty good way as a wife and I’ve
showed up in a really great way as a coach. I’ve really learned to thrive in this area of my
life.” Of course, I’ve gotten help along the way with hiring a business coach and things of
that sort, but it’s been awesome.

It just reassures me, again, that this stuff works when you just set an intention and you
take the time to answer a simple question like that of how do you want to feel during this
and what do you want to create from this pandemic? Then, my goodness, the brain just
starts to get to work naturally and says, “Okay, well, how are we going to do this?” It’s
really cool the way the brain works. It’s really amazing. Once we just focus on and tell the
brain what we want, things just start coming our way and we just start creating it.
Ask yourself that question and sit down and spend some time journaling about it and just
put your thoughts out on paper. The second question I want you to ask yourself is what
habits can you do daily to support how you want to feel and what you want to become
from this? For me, it was things like posting on a near-daily basis on social in my business,
releasing great podcasts, showing up, and being a full service to my clients were some of
the things business-wise.

As a mother, it was spending evening times with my kids and making sure I’m present
there and spending time with my son during the day, and making sure I have time for my
daughter. Those are all just the habits of that. This is really where you want to break it
down because a lot of times people will paint a vision and then they won’t do anything
with it. Granted, I said, the brain is very good at naturally getting into action with that, but
if you just create a few habits of what you’re wanting to create, like for example, if you’re
trying to create more peace, because maybe you feel a lot of anxiety right now, well, what
are some habits you can do to create more peace?

Maybe it’s journaling, maybe it’s meditating, doing yoga, just taking deep breaths. There
are many opportunities out there for you to start to move to where you want to go. There
is no need to stay stuck. I see a lot of people doing this. They think, “Okay, we’re in a
global pandemic and so I have every right right now to be super duper anxious and just
fear everything. It’s just normal to do that.” Now, granted, there are people like that and
we may, as a society, look at you and be like, “Okay, well we understand your anxiety a
little bit more right now, but you don’t have to live that way.”

Just because they’re going through a global pandemic does not mean that you have to sit
around and be anxious if you don’t want to be. I caught this up very early in the pandemic.
The first month was not enjoyable for me in this pandemic. I gained like five pounds, I felt
really anxious and I started really using a tool called the Model, I’ve mentioned it a lot on
the podcast lately, where you’re just starting to take your circumstance so for example, the
coronavirus pandemic, and then analyze your thoughts. My biggest thought at the time
was this is really scary. It was causing a lot of anxiety for me. I realized this is just a
thought. Granted, there are aspects that are scary, yes, but I’m okay right now. That’s what I
changed the thought to, is this is scary but I’m okay right now. Instead of sitting around in
anxiety all day, it was, “Okay, I’m just going to make smart choices, and I’m going to get to
work, and I’m going to do all the goals and the habits and the things that I want to create
from this, and just take precaution.

That’s what I’m going to do.” That’s what allowed me to get rid of the anxiety. Now, it was
a really easy switch for me to get to those thoughts or switch those thoughts out because
I’ve already done a lot of work to diminish my anxiety from doing coaching throughout all
these years and using my tools in coaching throughout all these years. Some people, I’ll
tell them like, “Hey, why don’t you journal about that, or why don’t you do that?” They’re
like, “I just don’t know what I’m going to gain from that.”

I’m like, “Granted, yes. Okay, is it just one tool in the tool belt? Is it maybe just a band-aid
for you right now because you haven’t done deeper work? Probably.” I would have just had
a pen and paper and been able to create the life that I have today. I would have been able
to do it, maybe. While it probably would have taken me a lot more time, but coaching just
opened the doors. It was just like, “Here are all the tools. Here’s all the process. Let’s get it
all cleaned out. Boom, go.”

I just became fueled with the fire and any time I’m not fueled with the fire, I have the tools
in the process to go back and be like, “Okay, what’s keeping me stuck, or what is it that I
need to do to get back into this massive action place?” Just realize that that you have tools
here. If you’re trying to tell yourself, this is just normal to feel like crap, it’s not. You can
make a different choice if you want to. Now you don’t have to. You can stay in the pool of
feeling the way that you want to feel. That’s completely fine and normal.

There’s nothing wrong with you to feel that way. Just know that it doesn’t have to be that
way. I really don’t like it when I feel like crap, to a point where it’s almost unhealthy that I
want to get out of it so bad. My clients are like this too, is like, “I feel like crap. Get me out
of here. Get me out of here.” There’s a process of feeling it and really going to the depth of
it without avoiding it, but then being able to pull yourself out.

What some people do is they just go and they feel it, and then they just stay there because
they don’t know how to pull themselves out. Then it creates this problem of like, “I hate
feeling this way, and I don’t want to go deeper with these feelings because I already feel
like crap, to begin with.” It’s just like, “No, you’re just in this tornado of emotions, my
friend. You need to learn how to go deeper, feel, deal, and heal, as I always say, and then it
goes away, and then you release it.”

Going back to create some habits to help you become the person you want to be from this
and feel the way that you want to feel and just know that if you think that the way you’re
feeling right now or some of the actions you’re doing are just ‘normal’, even though they’re
things you don’t want to do, that is a lie your brain is telling you and a lie that society is
telling you. A lot of people are just like, “Oh, coronavirus,” and we just all think that
everybody is in survival mode right now and hating life and wanting to call 2020 a
dumpster fire. I don’t feel that way at all.

I feel like I’ve thrived through this. I feel like 2020 is one of the best things that’s ever
happened to me. Now, granted, I hate that there is pain and suffering in the world right
now, I hate that some people have lost their jobs, but I also think this is an amazing time
in our society for people to wake up and see a different way of living. I think it’s shaking
up our education system. I think it’s shaking up our financial system. I think it’s shaking up
our political system and our healthcare system and so many things that needed to change
for so very long.

Granted, we’re in the uncomfortable pain of it right now, especially more people than
others, but it’s lit a fuel in me or a fire in me to be like, “Okay, not only do I want to help
myself and my family through this, but I want to be able to give back even more, especially
financially, to this world because not everybody gets the privilege that I have.” Why not go
out there and help people and then give back even more in that way?

If you’re sitting there saying like, “Lindsay, you’re so selfish to say all these things and
people are out there suffering.” It’s like, I’m going out being my best self right now so that
I can go help people who don’t have the opportunity to go out there and be their best self.
I feel like that is the most selfless thing I could ever do in this world. I feel like by me
thriving, I’m only going to bring more people that started with me.

Again, I’m telling you that because if you just think everybody’s suffering right now, it’s a
freaking lie. It’s just not true. You don’t have to do it either. Again, one more time, I go in
these standards sometimes. Develop habits to feel the way you want to feel and be the
person you want to be. Third question to ask yourself, “What do you need to believe to get
motivated and stay motivated to do those habits?”

This goes back to the belief that everything we do comes to our thoughts or comes back to
our thoughts. If we go and we look at that self-coaching model I’m always talking about,
we’re thinking thoughts. Those thoughts create our feelings, Our feelings then drive our
actions, Our actions and drive our results. Thoughts are where it all starts. It’s the seed to
getting the results that we want. What do we need to think in order to then feel the way
we want to feel and then get motivated to get the action we want and create the results
we want?

This takes intentionality of going in and saying, if you’re feeling a lot of anxiety, maybe
you say to yourself, “I feel peace. I feel calm.” This is how I broke a lot of anxiety that I
used to feel, my friend, with just calming myself with these kind of affirmations or mantras
or thoughts, whatever you want to call it. Every single day, I’d be like, “I am peace, I am
calm.” I’d also tell myself, “All is well in my world. I’m at peace.” I would just wake up every
day with this anxiety and be like, “What the hell?”

Even though I had changed my life and I didn’t have really anything to be anxious for
anymore, I still felt anxiety. It was like, “There is something going on in my mind that
needs to change. Let me start to intentionally program in the thoughts that I want to
program in to cut this crap.” Two, you can program in what you’re wanting to create. At the
time, six months ago when I said, “Okay, what do I want this pandemic to create for me, in
regards to my business, it was I am a thriving coach. Everyone’s turning to me for help.”

That’s what’s starting to happen, is my business is thriving. I have stepped up my game as
a coach so much in these past six months. I’m helping so many more people and helping
them in a deeper way, and one of which is I’m doing this twice, weekly podcast now.
Another thing is I have a new free training that’s out. Obviously, my coaching programs
have improved over these past six months.

I’m starting to do these lunch-and-learn things where I’m going to be teaching people on
my email list about different strategies and tips. It’s just like I’ve been able to give so much
because I just have started to program even more of how much value I can give to the
world and how many people that I can help along the way. That’s become true. Typically
takes about six months for things to really cement in.

If you think, “I’m behind the times or I’ll never get this.” No, what you’re doing today is
going to start to have effects and results in your life in about 30 days, and then it’s just
going to keep snowballing from there. In about six months, you’re going to start to see the
full effect of what you started today. There’s never a better way to start, never a better
time. You might as well start right now and start to program that in. Those are the three
big questions I really want you to ask yourself.

The other thing is I really want you to get familiar with the self-coaching model. If you are
not familiar with the model at all, this is something I’m going to be teaching on those
lunch-and-learns that I just mentioned, is I’m going to start those lunch-and-learns with a
little bit of teaching. I’m going to go over the model. If I have any brave souls, which I
hope I do, then I’ll be coaching people on certain circumstances that they’re having and
showing them how to change their thoughts, to change their results and their actions and
their life and how they’re feeling in the process.

So lots more coming there. You’ll want to get on my email list to get those free trainings.
You can just go to lindseyepreston.com/freetraining and you will get my four-day free
Accomplish Your Dreams training, and then you’ll get the emails to participate in those
lunch-and-learns. Lots of resources to help you there. I think that’s really like all I wanted
to talk about today. I feel like this is not my most poignant episode because I really
realized this week, it’s like, “Oh, my gosh, we’re hitting six months of this coronavirus

Some of the people that I’m around, I can just tell that they’re not really growing from this,
and they’re not really thriving from this.
I’m thinking, “Okay, you can make such a different choice out of this.” As I said, I feel like
we still have at least six more months of this. I started off feeling really anxious through
this and starting to gain weight. Now, I have just done so many things in six months. Like I
said, I don’t even recognize my life or who I was six months ago because so many things
have changed. It really went back to answering these three questions.

I’ll have a printable for you in this episode too so you can go in and you can answer these
questions yourself. You’re going to see specifically what I said six months ago. Now, has
everything come to fruition? No, but most of it has because my brain has just naturally
guided me there and I just realize you can do this too. in the next six months and it’s really
important too for you to just check in with yourself and just really start to analyze like,
“Where’s my stress level at, where’s my anxiety at, where am I giving my power away? Am I
giving it to coronavirus? Am I giving it to the upcoming election here in the States? Am I
giving it to what’s going to happen with my job?” Yes, there’s a lot of uncertainty, but
here’s the thing, we’ve always had an uncertain world. Always.

If you’re a parent of a little one, you realize this again, because those first few years, you
never know what you’re going to get. First off, you don’t know what kind of person you’re
going to get. You don’t know what their behavior is going to be like, you don’t know what
their health is going to be like. That’s super uncertain. Then you bring this little person on
the world and they’re getting sick all the time because they’re just not used to our worlds.

You don’t know how to cater to their needs. Maybe, you know generally speaking, but
again, you’re learning this person so much uncertainty. Then too, if you were in a business
like I do, I’ve had to learn how to get super comfortable with uncertainty because nothing
is guaranteed in my business. There are months when I make a lot of money. There are
months when I make shitful money. I talk about this year in general, with 2020 in March I
made $0, meaning zero new business.

I had payment plans coming in, but I did not close anything in March versus in August, I
made almost $60,000 in new business. It’s like you’ve always got to get used to
uncertainty in the entrepreneur space. When I hear people say like, “Oh, it’s just all this
uncertainty.” I’m like, “Dude, the world has always been uncertain.” If we want to go even
further down and talk about, every day is a blessing and a gift we’re never guaranteed
tomorrow, which I know for some of you is really going to trigger anxiety.

That’s where again, you need to do some work because you realize like, all we have is now,
and tomorrow is never given. We think we live in a certain world because most days it
does feel like everything is just rinse and repeat, but the reality is that’s not true at all.
That’s where again, the coronavirus has just brought forth all the things you always felt
but was living under the surface with them. Now as a time my friends, if you need to, to
prioritize your mental health.

A lot of people come to me and they say, “Oh, you’re probably thriving right now because
people are suffering.” I’m like, “No, my clients they have a good life.” I help clients to get a
good life and make a great life. They’re not coming to me like, “Oh my God, the coronavirus
is after my life.” They’re coming to me saying, “Hey Lindsay, I’m realizing life is short and I
really don’t want to leave this planet and not do everything that I want to do. I want to
achieve all my wildest dreams.”

They’re not living in this anxious place, but if you’re living in this anxious place, know
maybe I could help you because I do have clients like that from time to time. Maybe too,
it’s like time to go to therapy or it’s time to do something, but to sit in to live in this state
of anxiety that I see some people living in, it’s ridiculous. If this is at you too and you see
somebody living like this, start to plant little seeds in them and be like, “Man, wouldn’t it
be great if you didn’t feel this way?” They just think it’s the news.

They think it’s a fact that they feel this way and it’s just not true at all. It’s not true at all
it’s their own thoughts and the reality is if they prioritize their mental health they would
feel a lot, lot better. Now, speaking to those who are doing really well right now, or just
feeling like they’ve got a handle on things, despite– the school thing I think is one of the
biggest things I see with myself and my clients is just managing that aspect of things.

That it’s just these little in essence, first of all, problems. Kids being home and things of
that sort, or if you don’t have kids, it’s just kind of managing maybe some stuff you have
going on at work or in your relationship or whatever. Just know too whatever you’re
dealing with it doesn’t have to be that way. You can decide firmly what it is that you want
and you can get whatever you want. You just have to learn how to get there.

Hopefully, these questions help you today, but if you feel like you need more support, sign
up for my free training. As I said, get on those Lunch and Learns that are coming up, and
let’s start to change your life in some way, either with my free stuff or in my paid coaching
program. I would so love to help you create what it is you want in the next six to nine
months because to remember my coaching process is a nine-month process.

You could come out of this whole coronavirus experience, like a totally different person
with a totally different life. Like I keep saying, I feel that way right now, it’s like my life just
keeps getting better and better and better. Again, I know that that’s not a popular opinion
right now and people are probably going to give me some hate for that. I think it just
shows what’s possible because I feel like if I can thrive in a global pandemic, then I’m
going to thrive even more when this over and be able to go and eat at restaurants again
and go travel and have my children in school. Holy moly. That would be amazing. It’s going
to be amazing when it happens.

Again, if you can thrive through this, you can thrive through anything, baby. Why not
challenge yourself and see if you can thrive through this? Man, wouldn’t that be cool? So
fun. All right. My friends that’s all I have for you today. I hope this helped you and I’ll see
you in the next episode. Bye.


Hey there, Miss Unstoppable. Thanks so much for tuning into this episode. If you enjoyed
it, share it with a friend. Send them a picture of this episode via text, via email, share it on
social media, I’m sure they would be so appreciative to know these strategies and tips on
how to accomplish your dreams. If you are ready to guarantee you’re going to accomplish
your goals and dreams, then it’s time to start coaching with me.

In my nine-month simple success coaching system, I am going to walk you every single
step of the way to ensure that you get the goals and dreams that you want. The first step is
to apply for a free 60-minute consult call. Just go to LindsayEpreston.com/apply to get
started. As always, my friend, remember, you’re only as unstoppable as you believe you can
be, so believe in yourself. You got this.

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Hi! I'm Lindsay

Hi! I’m Lindsay Elizabeth Preston. I’m a certified & trauma-informed life & leadership coach who has spent the last decade helping successful women create lives that feel as good on the inside as they look on the outside by using my neuroscience-backed coaching process called, Awakened Woman.

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