


Personal development can be difficult when you don’t know which approach is best for you. In an industry filled with countless options, let’s figure out what will work for you and your needs.


Sep 21, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

“The personal development industry is worth around 13.2 BILLION dollars a year.”

The personal development industry is worth around 13.2 BILLION dollars a year.  

That means there’s a crap ton of content produced every year like books, podcasts, seminars, workshops, videos, and speeches you have to choose from to digest and apply in your life.

With all the choices out there (and with some of the teachings conflicting one another), how can you know what approaches are right for YOU?

Your time is precious and your goals are something you wish were done yesterday, so I know you don’t want to mess around with approaches that won’t work.

But, fear no more, my friend.  You don’t have to waste your time on approaches that go nowhere anymore.

Today’s “FIND THE RIGHT APPROACH” episode is here to help.


  • How having a human brain is like having a human body, we’re all the same and yet SO different too
  • What you’re missing after learning content to ignite change
  • My simple 4-step formula to know if an approach is right for you (and to know if it’s working!)
  • The most important step in that 4-step formula to ensure you’re getting the results you want
  • How I find the right approaches for my clients (and how this way may be one you try to imitate but it’ll only slow your results down BIG time)

…and SO much more.

This episode is for ANYONE but it’s especially for those out there who LOVE to learn personal development yet don’t have their dream lives yet.  Be warned now, this episode is going to rock your world.

Listen via the link at the top of this page.



Full Transcript

This is the Become an Unstoppable Woman podcast with Lindsay Preston Episode 65, Find
the Right Approach.


Welcome to the Become an Unstoppable Woman podcast, the show for goal-getting, fearfacing women for kicking ass by creating change. I’m your host, Lindsay Preston. I’m a wife,
mom of two, and a multi-certified life coach to women all over the world. I’ve lived
through enough in life to know that easier doesn’t always equate to better. We can’t fear
the fire, we must learn to become it. On this show, I’ll teach you how to do just that. Join
me as I challenge you to become even more of the strong, resilient, and powerful woman
you were meant to be. Let’s do this.


Hi, hi there, my friends, happy Monday or whatever day you’re listening to this episode. It
goes live on a Monday, so I just assume when it goes live, you’re like, “Let me listen to that
stuff.” I know you may listen to it later, though. So, happy day, wherever you are in the
world. So thrilled to have you for this episode. Today, we’re going to talk about finding the
right approach.

There is a lot of personal development out there. We’ve got books and podcasts, like this
one, and videos and seminars and trainings and workshops. The list goes on and on and
on, and all of those things are amazing and awesome, but typically, they’re delivering “one
size fits all” strategies and tips. Just like on this podcast, I’m just giving you generalized
things that work for the brain and/or my clients, specifically.

The reality is, is that you are not a “one size fits all” person. I actually had a conversation
with a client about this recently. She was talking about, I believe something I had said on
the podcast, or maybe it was one of the training videos, and on our call, she’s like, “You
said to do it,” dah, dah, dah, dah, and I said, “Whoa, whoa, let’s back this up. For you, it’s a
whole different strategy, because you were in this place and so you don’t need to be doing
X, Y, Z.”

I don’t remember all the details of it, but it got my mind spinning. I started to teach her. I
said, yes, that was a “one size fits all” approach, but that’s how we have our coaching calls,
is for us to specialize everything for you. I think it was, she heard something on the
podcast, because in the training videos, that’s a whole another deal.

I’m thinking this out, as I’m telling you, right. So, anyways. It got me thinking is like, how
many people are out there taking what I’m saying and not realizing it’s not particularly
meant for them and how to know if some content is for them and how to determine what
works and what doesn’t work in their life.

I want to compare it to a stylist. Maybe you read a magazine, you watch something, or just
go to the store and you see this new trend that’s come up and you think, “Oh my goodness.
Yes. I would love to wear whatever it is.” For some reason I keep thinking of pedal pushers.
Do you remember what those are? They’re kind of like the first capris, but I was in middle
school at the time. I remember going to the mall and I remember walking by a store called
Charlotte Russe. You maybe bring this with me. It was kind of like a cheapy teenage store,
and I remember seeing these pants that were not quite pants and they weren’t quite
shorts. They were calling them pedal pushers.

I thought, “Oh my gosh, I want to get a pair of those.” I got them and I wore them to school
and everybody made fun of me. They were like, “What the heck are you wearing? That’s so
weird. It’s so different.” The reality was, they just weren’t with the times. The other way
was, I wasn’t wearing them correctly, and I didn’t know that. I just saw this overall trends
and I thought, “Okay, cool. This is trending now, I’m going to apply this in my life.” Had I
had somebody like a stylist, she or he would have sat me down and said, “This trend is not
going to work for you. This one is. Based on your passions and how you want to look and
your overall style, this is what I’m going to put together for you.”

In essence they would have taken generalized fashion tips or strategies, whatever, and
they would have, instead, customize it for my body type and for my desires and wants and
goals. It’s the same as this personal development stuff. People are teaching all of these
contents because they’re like, “We all have human brains, and so here’s what works for the
human brain, or here’s what works for my clients.”

The reality is, again, is that you just may need a coach, or a teacher, or somebody else in
your life to sit you down and say, “Yes, here are the overall strategies, but based on you
and your goals and how you work, here’s how we’re going to take some of those strategies
and apply them into your life, and here’s some we’re going to leave behind.”
Makes sense? I hope so.

That’s what I’m going to teach you today, is how to take these strategies that you’re
learning from me and from so many other people you listen to. I encourage my clients to
really cut down that list, because if you’re listening to too many people, it can really- I
don’t know, it’s like too many messages. It’s too many people who are in your head, and
sometimes we teach conflicting strategies and the way that we teach is conflicting. I just
really encourage you to hone down to like two or three people and really follow those
people. For me, right now, I can think of two people right now that I follow very heavily,
and they, actually, one mentors the other one.

Their strategies are very similar. It’s based on this big goal that I’m working on. I really just
follow those two people. Granted, I follow a lot of other people and I’ll read books here
and there, but in regards to heavily following and actually spending money with people in
personal element, those are my two people right now. Back in the day, I used to listen to a
lot of people and do a lot of different things. Again, it just confused me even more.
That alone, that strategy of just confining in on who you want to follow and who you want
to absorb deeper content with can really be helpful. Now, let’s go back to finding the right
strategies for you. Let me teach you how I do it with clients, which, to you, is going to
seem very complicated, but I just want to give you an idea of what goes on as a coach.

When somebody decides they’re going to work with me, first off, we have that free consult
call. I get very clear on where their life is today. They do something called a “life wheel”
with me. I go through the major areas of life, like relationships, career, health, and I have
them rank where they are today in that area of life on a 1-to-10 scale.

Say, if we’re at health, they rank it a five. Tell me about that. What does the five look like?
What are you doing as a five in that area of life? Then I ask them what needs to happen to
get it to a 10? I get a very clear before and after picture. Where they are now, where they
want to be. Then after they tell me all those areas of life of where they are and where they
want to be, then I say, “What is it that you want to gain from coaching to say it was the
best investment of your life?”

Because, if you’ve heard other podcasts, you know that’s the core belief of my business, is
that I want somebody who invest with me in it, for it to be the best investment of their life.
I want to clearly hear from their mouth what I would need to do to deliver that result to
them. Then I get that answer, and then I sit there and I think, “Can I deliver on this result
and more?” If I feel like I can, I start to then do something called “paint the vision.” I say,

“Over these next nine months, as when we work together, we’re going to do this and this
and this and this, and we’re going to achieve these goals that you want, dah, dah, dah, plus,
we’re going to do blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Here’s what you’re not seeing in the patterns of your life. You think X, Y, and Z are the
problems, but it’s really XYZ, ABC. Usually then they’re like, “Whoa,” it’s mind-blown. That’s
what I tell people now, “Book a consult call, my friend. So many times you think it’s certain
problems that are happening in your life and that’s what’s causing you to stay stuck, and it
may be, but it may be something much bigger that you can’t even see yet. Just doing that
free consult call, you’re going to gain that kind of awareness about yourself regardless of if
you sign up for coaching or not, and someone’s going to hold space for you, i.e., me, for at
least 30 minutes for you to paint a really clear vision for your life and ask you lots of
questions. That is a huge step in being able to accomplish your dreams, is to have a clear
vision.” Those two things alone in the free consult are totally worth it.

Then after that, we get to a space of “Here’s what the coaching process looks like, here’s
what we’ll accomplish. How bad do you want this?” I ask them on a 1-to-10 scale, and then
whatever they number they give, we talk on that. Then we get to a place where we’re
talking about coaching. Are we moving forward or not? Then they decide, usually on that
call, or typically within 48 hours from that call, because we don’t like to sit on decisions
too long. That’s part of coaching, is we make a decision and we go.

Then, if they decide, “Yes, I want to move forward,” then I send them their workbook and I
give them online access to the first part of the coaching process, and they do some prework. In that pre-work, they’re taking, goodness, a handful of assessments. They’re taking
one about their needs, their values, their way of thinking, their motivation and their
strengths, and one more. They’re doing one about their inner mean girls.

You’ve heard about inner mean girls on the show. That’s that negative voice in our head.
We all have these seven different negative voices, but some are stronger than others. I
want to see what are their strongest voices, because that’s who is going to hold her back
the most, meaning my client, so how do I need to strategize what I’m teaching her and
coaching her on.

They take those assessments, they send me something called an All About Me page. From
there, I get a quick snapshot on who this person is behind the scenes, behind the hood of
their brain and assets.From there, everything that they’re learning in my generalized
coaching process that’s neuroscience-based is then customized to them. They learn
something that week, then we get on the phone, we coach on it, we go through it, and
then I’m customizing for them that content based on not only what I know about them
based on that All About Me page of what their needs are, their values, all that fun stuff
that I told you earlier.

Then two, I’m also thinking about the big picture. What is their ten life look like that
they’ve told me? What is it that they want to gain most from coaching that we’re working
on right now, the immediate goals? I’m doing all of the senescence behind the scenes to
strategically set them up in a way for them to create results. That’s typically what happens,
is they start creating results.

Now, sometimes we need to tweak things a little bit more along the way. I have a group of
clients right now that I worked with years ago, most of them were in this other round of
coaching, and things have shifted for them. The strategies that once we had have moved a
little bit because they’ve evolved as people.

Just like if we go back to the stylist example, the body you’ve had in your 20s may not be
the body you have in your 30s, or 40s, or 50s, or so on. You’re going to wear different
clothing. Plus, your taste has probably changed. I know I wore some really skimpy stuff in
my 20s that I recently got rid of them like, “I don’t want to wear stuff this short anymore.”
My tastes has changed, my goals have changed.

It’s the same with you, is that you are evolving and changing. Now, there’s parts of you
that’s likely going to stay the same, like your way of thinking, which is also known as your
Myers-Briggs. A lot of people think the Myers-Briggs results just mean if you’re introverted
or extroverted, if you’re sensor or intuitive, if you’re thinker/feeler, or if you’re a judger or
perceiver. No. There’s part of that to that, but it’s really measuring how you’re thinking and
how you’re processing information.

That’s really important for me, because I think, “How is it that I need to deliver things to
them to allow this to work best for their brain, and what am I going to get out of them and
what am I not going to get out of them?” I have to, again, strategically put in there,
“They’re wanting these goals, and this is how they work, so I need to, in essence, have this
strategy and this strategy.” That’s going to seem really complicated too, right? If some
other profession, that they sat down and told me strategically, or just the process of how a
doctor does a surgery, I’d be like, “Woah, I’m really mind-blown right now. I can’t follow
you at all,” or have somebody build something. Just know that.

I think a lot of times, people think life coaches are just people that are friends, a friend
could be a life coach to you, or you could just read books and get the results that you want.
Granted, you can get great results from books and workshops and podcasts and all of that
stuff, but it’s different when you actually sit down and you have somebody who is trained
to look at you in a specific way.

Now, granted, this is specific strings to me, though I have strings like strategic
individualization, connectedness. I’m constantly trying to understand who somebody is,
and intuitively, I just have that gift. Then I’m seeing the connections and I’m strategically
taking those connections and figuring out how can I develop this person and get them into
action to get the goals that they want. I’m just built for this life-coaching thing at the same

Another coach may have a totally different strategy on how they get their clients results
based on their strengths that they bring to the table, but that’s just how I work. Now,
you’re like, “Okay, Lindsay. This just sounds like a huge infomercial for you pitching your
coaching.” I totally get that, but I just want you to see what goes on behind the scenes
because, again, I think people try and discredit life coaching and just think anybody can do
it, and that’s just not true at all.

Now, if you’re like, “Lindsay, just give me the strategies on how I can find the right
approach.” Here we go. Here’s how you can do this on a very basic level for yourself. It
breaks down into three simple steps. If you have watched my Accomplish Your Dreams free
training videos, you will see these are the same three steps, plus something more I’m
going to give you here. If you haven’t watched that training yet, it’s a great one. I’ll put a
link in the show notes for you to go watch it, but I’m going to break down in essence just a
little bit of what I talk about on that training.

Again, here is the process for you to find the right approach for you. Step one, create a
vision. This is, you want to create a vision for your life based on what you want, not what
your parents want, not what your husband or partner wants, not what your kids want, your
friends want, what looks good on Instagram, not what society wants. That Accomplish Your
Dreams training, I did this whole section about why it’s so hard for us to figure out what
we want based on society, because society teaches us these boxes and how we have to fit
in these boxes, and it makes it so confusing for us.

It’s really important you determine the vision for your life. As I said on my free consult call,
I help you do this in a lot of ways. The coaching process itself helps you shed those
societal layers to really find who you are on a deep level, because a lot of times, people
paint a vision for their life at first when I meet them and the vision changes as we work
together. Because again, they’re shedding the layers of who others say they should be or
who they thought they should be and turning into their authentic self is what we call it.
That’s the first step.

You may already have a vision. Some people come to me and they’re like, “This is what I
want, Lindsay. I know it, let’s go.” If you are in that boat, awesome. If you’re not in that
boat and just realize you got to get there, and there are different ways to get there, to
paint that vision. Once you have that vision, the second thing to do is get into massive
action. There’s a podcast episode I did, called Massive vs. Frantic Action. I encourage you to
go and listen to it, but I’ll break it down really quick for you.

Massive action is getting into really focused, intentional action. It’s basically saying, “I’m
going to keep taking action until I get the result I want, no matter what.” Frantic action is,
“I’m in, I’m out. Let me listen to this person and listen to this person. I’m just going to
hustle, hustle, hustle, and then I’m going to burn out.” Two, they don’t trust themselves, so
they do a bunch of different things.

A lot of people are really addicted to taking frantic action, especially if you’re a go-getter
woman because you love action. It’s important that once you have that vision again, and
usually once you have a really good authentic vision for you, you can start to cut that
frantic action a little bit and get more into massive action because the intentionality of
that vision is going to be one that just focuses you better on that.

I’ll give you an example here. Before I really understood what I wanted to do on my career,
I just had this vision of, I just know that I want to just love whatever I do. I wanted to feel
like it’s never a job. I know I want to help people in some way. I just wanted to be where I
just feel like it’s the best of me in my career. I didn’t know the details of that.

When I went to college, I didn’t know what I was going to major in at first. I thought
maybe dance, because I just love dance. That was the only thing I really had a lot of
passion about, but then I thought, “Do I really want to dance the rest of my life?” My
parents too didn’t want to pay a bunch of money for me to get a degree in dance, to be
honest. I was going to a private school, too. It was like 100k degree in dance. I was just
like, “No. We’re not going to do this.” Then I had considered business, but I thought that
was really stuffy and boring. Then I took a psychology class, my freshman year was just an
intro to psych. I ended up making the highest grade in the class. I loved it, every second of
it, and I thought, “There’s something here.” I ended up majoring in psychology. Now,
granted, as I got deeper into the psychology field there, things were very boring and stiff,
but I was like, “There’s something here,” I minored in communications.

Again, just following these breadcrumbs of like, “Here’s what feels good. Here’s what’s
leading me,” it’s so funny now because I have this career where I communicate like I’m
doing on this podcast, and I’m talking about psychology-related things. Yes? I was
fallowing those breadcrumbs.

Then after college, didn’t know what I was going to do still, right? I thought, “I’m going to
go back to grad school and be a counselor at some point, but I don’t know what I’m going
to do to fill the time.” I ended up teaching dance because, again, I love teaching and I love
dance at the time. Then it was suggested going to human resources, “You’d be so good at
it and you’ll make decent money.” I did, and I was very fortunate to get a decent job with

Morgan Stanley right out of the gate, following the breadcrumbs, right?
Then, after just like a year or two in HR, I thought, “Am I going to do this forever?” This just
already feels kind of boring to me. Then, when I went back to dance, had the dance studio,
had my daughter. Then I was a stay-at-home mom, and then everything fell apart with my
former marriage. Then I was like, “What am I really going to do with my life here?” Then,
too, it took me some time to really figure out if coaching was it. Yes? Before I had that
vision of where am I going to go in my career, I kind of was just, a, following the

breadcrumbs that kept saying, like, “What feels good, let me follow this.”
Then too, I was also in some frantic action there, I was just like, “I just want these results
so bad. I really want to have this passionate career that I want.” I would burn myself out at
work a lot. I worked like crazy when I had my dance studio and when I was in HR, like to a
point where- I’ve told the story before in the podcast. I went and got a massage one time
and the masseuse told me, “I’ve never seen anybody shake as much as you did on the
table.” Because I just worked so much. Like, almost 24/7 it seems like.

I remember staying up until three in the morning with the dance studio, and then I get up
at seven and I go teach classes. It was insane, but I knew I wanted this certain career,
right? I just couldn’t see all the vision. That’s why, again, it’s so important to have this
clear vision. I wish I would have had somebody like a coach, years ago, that allowed me to
paint that visions. That’s why I know my consult calls are so worth it for people. When
people feel hesitant about signing up for one, they’re like, “Oh, I’m going to be sold to at
the end?”

“Yes, because if you really have a clear vision, and we’ll paint that vision together, and
then you say, ‘I want to get that vision,’ I’m just going to offer coaching to you. I’m going to
tell you, I can guarantee those results for you. Of course, I am, but it doesn’t mean you
have to say yes. I would love for you to say yes if I feel like I can give you those results, but
you’re going to gain so much from that consult, so why not sign up for a one?” Again, I’ll
put a link in the show notes, if you want to go apply for a consult, and kind of get that,
because that vision is so important. Because, again, then you get into this massive focused

With my business, then, I’ve had these periods where it’s been massive action and not
massive action because I didn’t quite know this formula I’m teaching you. Now that I know
this formula, I’m just in massive action all the time. I’m getting bigger and better results all
the time. Let’s just recap real quick. How is it you’re going to find the right approach?
You’re going to create that vision, then you’re going to get into massive action. Then the
third thing you’re going to do is see what stops you from getting the results that you want.

Let’s say, for example, let me go back to the vision I had is like, I knew I wanted to be a
coach at some point, and then I said, at the time I just wanted to make, I think it was like
34,000 a year in my coaching business, because I realized that was the minimal amount of
money I needed to live off of. At the time, I just did not believe that I can have a business
where I could, in essence, love my job and pay off my bills. That was my minimal goal, just
pay me 34,000 a year, that would be great in my coaching business.

Then it became, “This is what I want. I know I want it.” Then it was like, “Why is it
sometimes I don’t get that? What are the things that are stopping me?” In essence, you
want to do this too, right? You want to have that vision, make a goal out of it, get into
massive action. Then see every month, if you’re not hitting what it is that you want, and
you can do it every month, quarter year, I encourage every month, just then you figure out,
“What was it that stopped me? If I said I wanted to make 5k this month, why did I not make
5k this month?

Is it because I let circumstances stop me? Is it because I got sick again, like a
circumstance? Is it because I was talking to the wrong people? Is it because I was wasting
my time creating content instead of meeting people and telling them what I do, and
making offers to help them?” You got to get really clear.

There’s this process or this little phrase I want you to remember to break this down for
you. That is, I want you to dream. Pick that vision, dream. Then I want you to decide that
you’re going to follow that, because I hear so many people that will sit around and dream
all day, and then they don’t do crap with it, or they think, “Oh, there’s so many things I
want to do,” but then they can’t decide on where to start. Just decide. Again, this is why
you would hire a life coach, so you can help make that decision. Part of hiring a life coach,
too, is learning decision-making and learning to make a decision and go with it.

There’s an episode I did on the podcast, too, called Strong Decision-Making, I think, but I’ll
link it in the show notes. I talked about that. Decide, go with it, make a decision, stick with
it, and then get into massive action, which is also called “do.” Dream, decide, do. Then
here’s the sweet spot. This is the most important step. This is where you’re going to
analyze and see what stops you, the code.

Again, if you have the dream you want, you break it down to a month goal of, say you want
to make 100k that year. You say, “I’m going to make 10k this month.” You don’t make that
10k. Decode at the end of the month, “What stopped me from making that 10k.” This is the
most important step, again, so important to see what it is that’s stopping you from making
that happen.

This is how you’re going to find what strategies are not working for you. Even if you hate
your goal, still decode, “What worked for me? Maybe it was, I went out and I met a bunch
of people, and I told them what I do, instead of sitting behind my computer all day.” If
you’re on a weight-loss goal, “Maybe the foods I ate this month really helped me.” If you’re
in more of an internal goal, like, “I want more internal peace,” what were the activities that
you were doing to have more peace to get you to hit that goal? Right? Because then you’re
starting to see, “These are the strategies that are working for me. These are the approaches
that work best for me.” Yes?

Let’s break that down again. You’re going to dream, decide, do, decode. I’ll give you an
example of this decoding. I am working with Stacey Boehman, she’s a business coach for
life coaches. She has a program called 2k for 2k. She basically is teaching basic selling
principles, especially for life coaching. She talks about her consults, and how to conduct a
consult. Then after the consult, the most important step of a consult isn’t even the consult.
It is going in and reflecting on the consult, and asking yourself some questions, in essence,
that says, “What worked well, what didn’t work well, and what am I going to do next time?”

That is so important, because every time we’re having consults as coaches, we have to
figure out, “What is working for me to sign the client, and what isn’t working for me to not
sign a client?” Because then you’re going to start to see patterns of, “Oh, when I do XYZ,
this thing happens.” Right? It’s the same for you, decode, decode, decode, decode. Find the
strategies that work for you.

I can’t tell you too how many clients I have, especially when they come back to me after
they worked with me, and they’re like, “Lindsay, we work together. I got such amazing
results and I was just on fire. I felt amazing. I did all these things. Then it just started to
dwindle over time.” I sit down, I think, “What?” Because I just get a little sick to my
stomach. You know what happens? They quit using the tools. They quit going back to what
they learned. They thought it was just a diet when it was a lifestyle change, even though I
teach them that.

Then they realize, “Maybe this coaching thing is a more of a long-term thing, and I need
just more check-ins, or just teaches their brain even more as like the tools make a
difference.” Yes? Because then they decode, “Whoo. When I worked with Lindsay, great
results. Here’s what I was doing. When I didn’t work with Lindsay,” decode, d-d-d-d-d,
“Ooh, okay. Let me start doing this tool again. Maybe the results get better, great, this tool
again.” It’s just like figuring out like the sweet spot. Yes?

Are you following me here? Dream, decide, do, decode. Dream, decide, do decode. Yes?
Repeat that self, dream, decide, do, decode. You can do this. This is how you’re going to
start taking these strategies that you’re hearing, and you’re going to start applying them in
your life for different things. Let’s just break it down again for an example of something I
gave on the podcast recently. I recently had an episode called Words to Delete. One of
those words to delete I said in there was the word “try.”

It’s gotten a little bit of questioning, not only from my clients and listeners, of like, “Really,
Lindsay, we want to delete the word ‘try,’ to even in my personal life?” My daughter is so
against it, like, “Mom, that is so stupid, I am not going to delete that word.” I’m like, “That’s
fine, you don’t have to.” That’s the beauty of it. We listen to these different things, you take
what you love and you leave the rest.

Let’s just say you want to explore, “Is deleting the word try from my vocabulary and
thinking working for me?” Maybe you decide one month to try it out. I encourage you to try
something out for at least a month. You decide, “I’m not going to try anymore. I’m not
going to go with this mindset of ‘let me just try something.’ I’m going to just say I’m going
all-in on it, like, if I commit to do something, I’m going to do it 100%.”
“If I’m going to go and try salsa dancing this month, I’m not going to really try, I’m just
going to go all-in with it,” and just change your mindset with it, and then at the end of the
month, decide, “Did that strategy work for me?” Decode it. If it didn’t quite work all the way
you wanted to, you can decide then, “Do I want to give it another month? Do I want to do
one more month?”

This is what happens with my clients. I teach them this tool bowl of success. Sometimes,
some of the tools, they give me little feedback on, it’s like, “Lindsay, I’m not so sure I want
to journal. I’m not so sure I wanted new mantras. I don’t know how I feel about doing self-
care, what we called as do-you time.” I’m like, “Okay, cool, just give it a month. Give it a
month, my friend, do what I say for a month, and if you don’t like it, let’s talk.”

You know what happens after that month? “Oh my gosh, Lindsay, I love journaling so
much. Oh my gosh, Lindsay, the mantras are working. Oh my gosh, Lindsay, do-you time is
the best thing ever.” [laughs] Isn’t it funny how that works? For some clients, again, it goes
back to my more complicated strategy of what I’m doing with clients. Some clients I know
need a little bit more journaling, some clients I know need a little bit more do-you times.

I’m moving those levels around based on that general content of how I know for them, but
if you want to do this on your own, again, just dream it, decide, do, decode, see what
happens. Yes? What are you walking away with on this episode? Think about it for a
second. I always ask my clients at the end of our call, “What are you walking away with
from today? What are your takeaways?” Because I think it’s really important to wrap up,
“What is it that I just listened to? What is it that I just took in?”

This will go back to this formula I’m telling you, dream. Is there anything in here that’s
really going to work for my dreams? Do I not have a dream? How can I figure out my
dream? Maybe I need to do Lindsay’s free Accomplish Your Dreams training, because in
there, we have a whole day on pin your vision and I give you exercises. Maybe I need to
book a consult with Lindsay, she’ll help me determine my vision more.”

You can look at other strategies too, those are just ones that I gave you, and then, “What
do I need to do next? I don’t know. Start to think, “What am I taking away? What am I
going to do next?” My friends, this is what I have for you today. It really goes back to again
I know this episode sounds like a big old infomercial, and I know I can do that. This my
podcast. This is my free content, because, in that sense, my paying clients are paying for
you to have this free content. My current paying and my future paying.

I can pitch it up all I want, but I do want you to know that what I taught you today can
really, really help, too. Go try it on your own, but just know it’s just like a stylist, you can go
and you can learn on your own and figure it out on your own, or you can hire a
professional and get faster results and results that you may likely feel better about.

It’s so interesting, too, because I just got an office outside of my home and I thought about,
“How am I going to design this thing?” Because I realized I wanted to have a great design
for it so I could take pictures in there and things of that sort. I thought, “I’ll just sit down
and I’ll design it on my own,” but then I really got clear and I thought, “I don’t want to
spend all that time on it. Is there some sort of service I could use for this that’s low-cost
that’s going to give me a great design, because it’s just a little office?”

Then I found the site called- I think it’s called Havenly, and it was $79. This designer, I told
her what I wanted, boom, design, so easy, then I just purchased those items, it’s made it so
seamless. I know a lot of times as go-getter women, we think, “Oh, I’ve got this.” I even tell
you that all the time on the podcast and in my training videos if you’re a client, “You got
this, you got this, you got this,” and you do have it.

You can do things on your own, but sometimes it’s just really nice to reach out for help and
to have a support system on your team, a professional who can do it and take some stuff
off your plate so that you can focus then on even more what your zone of genius is. If you
don’t know what a zone of genius is, again, get on my free Accomplish Your Dreams
training. I start to talk about this more there.

To really focus in and hone on your zone of genius, your dreams, and so you’re not in this
place where you’re just doing everything, instead, you’re focusing on what you want to
accomplish. Hiring a professional can help, be it a life coach or anything else in your life,
but, too, remember the system, dream, decide, do, decode. It’s going to be so awesome for
you if you start applying that in your life.

Friend, I hope this episode helped you determine how to find the right approach as you’re
taking in all of this content, again, really start to filter out, who is it that you want to
follow? Who is it you want to listen to? Get clear and just listen in to those people so that
you’re not getting too many mixed messages here. That’s all I have for you today. I’ll see
you back on the podcast in just two days on Wednesday for another episode. See you then,


Hey there, Miss Unstoppable. Thanks so much for tuning into this episode. If you enjoyed
it, share it with a friend. Send them a picture of this episode via text, via email, share it on
social media, I’m sure they would be so appreciative to know these strategies and tips on
how to accomplish your dreams. If you are ready to guarantee you’re going to accomplish
your goals and dreams, then it’s time to start coaching with me.

In my nine-month simple success coaching system, I am going to walk you every single
step of the way to ensure that you get the goals and dreams that you want. The first step is
to apply for a free 60-minute consult call. Just go to LindsayEpreston.com/apply to get
started. As always, my friend, remember, you’re only as unstoppable as you believe you can
be, so believe in yourself. You got this.

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  1. DEALING WITH DISAPPOINTMENT: Processing these difficult feelings - […] FIND THE RIGHT APPROACH episode […]

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Hi! I'm Lindsay

Hi! I’m Lindsay Elizabeth Preston. I’m a certified & trauma-informed life & leadership coach who has spent the last decade helping successful women create lives that feel as good on the inside as they look on the outside by using my neuroscience-backed coaching process called, Awakened Woman.

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