


I used to think I had to achieve at a high-level all year long. It wasn’t until I was introduced to the concept of humans going through seasons did this pattern of self-judgment stop. The seasons concept also allowed me to strategically plan out my actions for my goals in a way that best fit my specific energy levels so I could achieve what I wanted while still honoring my body’s need for rest and reflection during my fall and winter months. Tune in today to find when YOUR seasons are so you can better plan your year ahead.


Dec 14, 2020 | MINDSET | 0 comments

“As humans, we’re supposed to have seasons in order to process the things we need to process.”

Seasons of Life

I used to think I had to achieve at a high-level all year long.  I thought there was something wrong with me to not have the energy and momentum to make my goals and dreams happen every single day of the year.

I would judge myself for not being “stronger” to make things happen.

It wasn’t until I was introduced to the concept of humans going through seasons (just like other things in nature) did this pattern of self-judgment stop.

The seasons concept also allowed me to strategically plan out my actions for my goals in a way that best fit my specific energy levels so I could achieve what I wanted while still honoring my body’s need for rest and reflection during my fall and winter months.

If you’re someone who feels like you slow down during parts of the year if not feel downright funky (like right now as we enter winter in the Northern Hemisphere), then you’ll love this episode.

Listen at the top of this page and get ready to find YOUR seasons so you can better plan your year ahead.




Overcome Self Judgement

Full Transcript

This is the Become an Unstoppable Woman podcast with Lindsay Preston Episode 89, Find
Your Seasons.


Welcome to the Become an Unstoppable Woman podcast, the show for goal-getting, fearfacing women for kicking ass by creating change. I’m your host, Lindsay Preston. I’m a wife,
mom of two, and a multi-certified life coach to women all over the world. I’ve lived
through enough in life to know that easier doesn’t always equate to better. We can’t fear
the fire, we must learn to become it. On this show, I’ll teach you how to do just that. Join
me as I challenge you to become even more of the strong, resilient, and powerful woman
you were meant to be. Let’s do this.


Hey there, Ms. Unstoppable, welcome to this episode of the show. Today, we’re going to be
talking about how to find your seasons. You may ask, what do you mean my seasons,
Lindsay? Well, it’s just like the seasons of nature, spring, summer, fall, or winter. I am a big
believer now that we all have our own seasons. Meaning, we have some seasons when we
are in a higher energy phase and we are putting ourselves out there and we are
blossoming and blooming. Then we have some seasons of our year when we are shedding
and we are slowing down and we are reflecting and we’re recharging. I used to think that I
was just supposed to be blooming and blossoming all year and then I would beat myself
up for it when I wasn’t blooming and bossing all year. Like, “What is wrong with you,
Lindsay? Why can’t you keep up the pace? Why can’t you put yourself out there? Why don’t
you have the energy to do all the things?”

It wasn’t until I heard Lara Casey, if you don’t know who Lara Casey is, by the way, she is
the CEO of a company called Cultivate What Matters and they create an intentional goal
planner called PowerSheets, which I love. I use my PowerSheets now for, gosh, like five or
six years. I love my PowerSheets. Make sure to take some time to go look up what
PowerSheets are. I’ll put a link in the show notes. It’ll actually be my affiliate link. If you do
end up purchasing, I’ll get a little baby kickback on your purchase so thanks. At least, go
look up what PowerSheets are. I love them. They help me with my goals all year long, but
going back to Lara, Lara is a big gardener, and one time– or many times, she’s talked
about how we’re not meant to bloom and blossom all year.

We are like plants and flowers and trees and all the things in nature where we have
seasons and that’s okay. I remember her just saying that just– I felt this huge wave of
relief and thinking, “Gosh, she’s so right.” From that, it cut a lot of the self-judgment for me
to be thinking that I needed to perform at a high level all year. It also opened my eyes to a
different way to set goals and instead of thinking, “Okay, I’m just going to perform at this
high level all year.” I then adjusted to, “Okay, what are my seasons? When am I blooming
and blossoming? When do I have the most energy?” I adjusted my actions and my habits
and all the things based off when it felt like nature was supporting me the most. I just
want to open your eyes to this concept because it may be one that resonates with you as it
did with me so that you can start to plan your 2021 goals and beyond, around seasons,

First things first, what are your seasons? Think in your past, maybe, many years past, or just
the past few years, when have you typically had the most energy? When do you feel like
putting yourself out there the most? For me, it falls in the summer. I just have so much
energy in the summer. I feel my absolute best self in the summer. I just want to connect
with others the most in the summer. I want to be the most visible. I just feel like I’m at a
higher speed in the summer. It feels very natural for me to take a lot of action in my
summer months. It falls right when it’s summer here in Texas because I’m in the Dallas,
Texas area and that’s June to August.

My birthday is also in August. It’s so funny because my birthday is August 20th and that’s
one of the hottest periods here in Texas and it gets hot here in Texas. Over a 100 degrees
typically during that time. My birthday week and the surrounding weeks, that’s when I just
feel the most like myself. I just want to put myself out there in really big ways and this has
been a pattern for me, goes all the way back to high school that I can remember, of me just
really wanting to put myself out there during those months and feeling energetically
supported to go out and do that. It felt very natural for me to go and do that.

Again, start to think about when your summer months may be based on your past. Then
think about, “When do I have a similar energy to the summer, but it’s not quite the same,”
and this is going to be when your spring is. Your spring is, like I said, like your summer
where you’re starting to have energy, but it’s not quite as an intense of an energy, as you
have in the summer. It may be just like where you feel like you’re picking up the pace a
little bit and you feel like you’re putting yourself out there a little bit more than maybe you
had the previous months. You just feel like you’re expanding a little bit more you feel like
you’re taking on more, it just feels more natural for you to start to pump up the speed of
your life. Those are going to be your spring months.

For me again, it falls when there’s spring here in Texas from March through May I have my
spring. Just take that in for a minute. I’m covering a lot here very quickly here on the
podcast. Hopefully, you’re starting to get some ideas of, “This maybe when my spring is
and here is maybe when my summer is. The next we need to think about when is it your
fall and winter. For me, I definitely know when my winter is and if I look back all the way
to when I was in high school, every single winter had a very similar feeling and I truly
believe it could even be diagnosed as a seasonal depression. It’s so interesting, because
although coaching has made that depression part of it a lot less over the years, because
I’ve been able to feel and heal and deal with my emotions, there’s still a little bit of
lingering to that.

That’s where again, I just think some of this is a nature thing. There is a part of me that
just thinks this is all hogwash and it’s like, “Lindsay, just work on your thoughts. Maybe it’s
your thoughts that are creating the seasons for you,” but then there’s another part of me,
that’s like, “No, I really think that as humans, we’re supposed to have these seasons in
order to–” I don’t know, maybe process the things we need to process. I’m not quite sure
but we’re just supposed to have the seasons in our worlds because everything else has
seasons, why wouldn’t we as human beings have seasons, right?

We’re going back to winter. I do feel a lot more sluggish in the winter. I do feel like it’s a
cleanse for me. Meaning, I’m really feeling things in a more intense way. Feel like I’m
shedding a lot of things. In essence, I am feeling all the things that maybe I didn’t feel all
year long, for example, 2020 with Coronavirus, I’ve put a positive spin on it for spring and
summer and even part of fall of this past year and now that winter is hit for me, which for
me it starts in December and goes through February. The impact of this year has hit me in
the past few days.

Right now it’s December 8th so I’m just now entering my winter. But it’s like, “Wow, we
have done this all year and here are all aspects that’s been really hard for me and I had a
moment over the weekend where I shed a lot of tears to my husband and had in essence,
what someone would consider like a meltdown of just like, “Man, I am so tired of taking
care of a two-year-old all day and I’m so tired of not having time with my husband and I
am so tired of blah, blah, blah.” Just getting all the things out.

I just felt this shift happen in me, as December approached, of really slowing down and not
having near as much energy as even I had in the fall and definitely not even near of what I
had in the summer. There’s a part of me trying to perform at the same level that I did, at
least in the fall, and my body is like, “Whoa, Lindsay, you’re entering winter, you think you
can work all those hours still? No, not going to happen.” I’m wanting to sleep so much
more and I’m just really reflecting a lot more naturally and my thoughts are going to “A
darker place”.

There was a part of me before that would get really scared in the winter of
like, “Oh, here comes the winter again,” and maybe consciously I wasn’t quite saying that
but like, “Oh, I hate this time of year,” It’s how I would describe it before and now I’m just
like, “Okay, it’s winter. This is part of my shedding process. This is just part of the time
when I’m feeling things more intensely and spring will come but right now what I need to
do is I really need to reflect on some of the things that didn’t go well and didn’t work well
and really shed those things so I can get rid of them and not carry them into my next

The other thing I’m doing too, is I’m shedding just like the trees shed in the winter, I have
oak trees in my yard, it’s getting rid of all the leaves right now and even all the acorns.
Those acorns are, in essence, planting seeds for what’s next and what’s going to blossom
next, which for the oak tree are little trees, but for me and my life, I’m starting to think
about my goals for next year.

I’m thinking, “What seeds do I want to start planting now? I’m looking at different people
that I’m bringing in to help me plant those seeds. One thing is, I know for sure I want to
make a certain amount of money next year. That’s my number one goal. I’m hiring
somebody that’s going to be overlooking my finances all year long and doing all my
bookkeeping and telling me, “Hey, Lindsey, you’ve got to add in this many clients, if you’re
going to hit this number.” Really making sure that I’m not overspending and all those

I’m bringing her in, actually, I just hired her before I got on this podcast. Then two, I’m
looking at a form of coaching to really go in and feel deeper in my body, because I just feel
like there’s some deeper things that I need to go and address that I don’t want to carry into
when my spring and my summer hit in 2021. I want to get rid of those things now. I just
accept that this is the time for me to slow down, to cleanse, to feel, to shed, I’m not going
to sit here and think there’s anything wrong with that. Yes, on paper could some diagnose
it as a seasonal depression, in some ways, I think they could.

For me, it’s like, “I’m okay with that.” I don’t really know if I need the diagnosis and to
wallow in that to just be like, “This is my winter.” I have boundaries with myself too of like,
“Even though I’m going to slow it down, I’m not going to do x, y, z things. Like, I’m not
going to just sit around and watch Netflix all day. I’m still going to be moving forward and
working on my goals. If I feel like I’m going into really indulge an emotion like, self-pity
and things of that sort, I know all the coaching tools, I know how to pull myself out.”

That’s where again, it can be really great to do something like coaching because you have
these tools where you don’t go into a darker place if you do have a really dark winter. Like
I’ve said, before I used to get really dark in the winter. I would break up with so many
friends and boyfriends and boyfriends would break up with me in the winter. I just became
this whole other person when the winter would come. Granted, now Summer Lindsey and
winter Lindsey are different. They are the two extremes.

Summer Lindsey, I feel like is the most authentic version of me and winter Lindsey is
maybe not so much. Authentic meaning like the best of me, I guess. It’s always authentic,
right? Again, I’m accepting, that’s what it is, I have my boundaries with it. I just know this is
my season to shed and to feel and to rest and to cleanse. If you feel like this is your winter,
the next episode that comes out on the podcast, we’re going to be talking about clearing
your clutter. Really winter is the time for you to clear your clutter. Not just physically with
your physical stuff, but also mentally. Be sure to tune into that episode, if you feel like
you’re in your winter now or just listen to that episode for future when you are in your
winter. Because that is a really good episode for you to understand, what do I need to do in
the winter? Because like I said, I’m doing it right now.

I’m entering it and I’m like, “Oh my gosh, I want everybody to know how to do this so they
can maximize this winter energy and not stay in these typical feelings of self-pity and all
those things.” Okay. Again, find when your seasons are, think about your past, when do you
typically have months when you are starting to grow and to expand, those are going to be
your spring months. I said mine are March through May. Then when are your summer
months when you’re really putting yourself out there, you just have a ton of energy, you
really want to connect with others, you feel really visible, that’s your summer.

For me, that’s June through August. Then in your fall, you’re starting to slow down, you’re
starting to reflect you’re beginning to recharge, you’re trying to keep up the pace of
summer, but you just can’t quite keep up. You’re just, again, starting to feel like, “It’s time
for me to slow down a little bit,” That’s your fall. For me, that’s September through
November and then winter is when you’re doing a deep cleanse, you’re really resting,
you’re feeling deeply, you’re shedding all the things, you’re reflecting and you’re starting
to plant seeds for the next bloom. In essence, you’re growing habits or you are making
decisions for the goals that you’re going to have. For right now, it’d be your next year, but
whenever your winter falls, it’s going to be for your next spring and summer that you’re
really going to put out there and bloom and blossom with.

This episode is short and sweet. It’s only like 15 minutes. But there is one more thing I
want to say here because I know right now, or at least, in my Instagram feeds and social
feeds, I see a lot around the moon and I see a lot around period cycles and knowing, in
essence, your seasons with that and your energy levels with that. I do believe in some of
that stuff, especially, the period stuff and the moon stuff, I try not to get too involved of
like, “Oh, a full moon is coming up. That means I’m going to have this kind of energy,”
because I do think some of that is fueled by our thoughts.

I do find it really funky when I don’t even know that it’s coming up and then I have this day
like I had a couple of weeks ago where I just had so much energy and so many downloads
and then later I found out, “Oh, that was a full moon day.” I am starting to see how we do
tend to have more energy during certain moon phases and then we do have more energy
during our period as well. That’s a whole ‘nother element of cycles and seasons, right? It’s
like every month we go through our own little season, in essence, of like spring, summer,
fall, and winter whenever our periods falls or the moon falls. Looking at our overall year
too is really important and seeing these, in essence, like 90-day chunks of these seasons,
and then planning accordingly with your goals. I know when I’m looking at 2021– Again,
I’m just submitted in even more that I go through these seasons.

So, I’m thinking, “Since I know for sure I’m going through these seasons, what can I do in
my summer months to really maximize that energy when I’m just feeling super energetic
and super visible.” It almost seems like a magnetic during that time. It’s just like,
everything comes my way. So, I’m planning for that now, all right? You take this episode,
leave what you don’t like, take what you love, as I always say. I’ll see you in that next one,
where we’re going to be really talking about the winter and getting rid of that clutter and
that crap from your life and shedding all of that stuff. I’ll see you in that episode. Bye, my
friend. [music]


Hey there, Miss Unstoppable. Thanks so much for tuning into this episode. If you enjoyed
it, share it with a friend. Send them a picture of this episode via text, via email, share it on
social media, I’m sure they would be so appreciative to know these strategies and tips on
how to accomplish your dreams. If you are ready to guarantee you’re going to accomplish
your goals and dreams, then it’s time to start coaching with me.

In my nine-month simple success coaching system, I am going to walk you every single
step of the way to ensure that you get the goals and dreams that you want. The first step is
to apply for a free 60-minute consult call. Just go to LindsayEpreston.com/apply to get
started. As always, my friend, remember, you’re only as unstoppable as you believe you can
be, so believe in yourself. You got this.

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Hi! I'm Lindsay

Hi! I’m Lindsay Elizabeth Preston. I’m a certified & trauma-informed life & leadership coach who has spent the last decade helping successful women create lives that feel as good on the inside as they look on the outside by using my neuroscience-backed coaching process called, Awakened Woman.

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