


Hear firsthand from one of my clients, Kristin how she took her life from good to great by coaching with me.


Jan 18, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

“It felt comfortable because chaos felt comfortable. Now, I feel more neutral. I can feel all the feelings, but I don’t have to be consumed by them.” – Kristin (coaching client)

In today’s episode, I interview one of my clients, Kristin.  In it, she shares her story about how coaching with me helped her accomplish her goals of trusting herself, stopping the pattern of overindulgence, and creating even MORE abundance in her already good life.  

When Kristin started coaching with me her life was going very well.  She had just gotten a promotion at her job, she had a group of friends she loved, she was in a relationship that was heading in a direction she was happy with and her overall environment was one she enjoyed.  Her life was so good, I wondered what I could bring to the table to help her.  

We both quickly realized though after just a few days of coaching together how my coaching process was going to make her good life GREAT.  

You won’t want to miss hearing Kristin’s journey.  It’s a FUN one.


-How coaching helped her bring awareness to memories she’d once forgotten and how that was holding her back from growing

-Why she was glad she invested in coaching despite already having a good life

-What she did in the coaching process to allow it to create massive results for her

-What results she created with coaching, including how it’s changed her family dynamic, helped her stop overindulging, and how it’s created even MORE abundance for her 

-How coaching helped her regulate her emotions once and for all (so she’s not living life feeling like she’s on a roller coaster of highs and lows)

…and so much more.

I hope Kristin’s story inspires you to see what’s possible for YOUR life.  Listen via the link at the top of this page.



Full Transcript

This is the Become an Unstoppable Woman podcast with Lindsay Preston Episode 96,
Kristin’s Coaching Story.


Welcome to the Become an Unstoppable Woman podcast, the show for goal-getting, fearfacing women for kicking ass by creating change. I’m your host, Lindsay Preston. I’m a wife,
mom of two, and a multi-certified life coach to women all over the world. I’ve lived
through enough in life to know that easier doesn’t always equate to better. We can’t fear
the fire, we must learn to become it. On this show, I’ll teach you how to do just that. Join
me as I challenge you to become even more of the strong, resilient, and powerful woman
you were meant to be. Let’s do this.


Hey there, Miss unstoppable. Welcome to another episode of the show. Today, I have one
of my clients I’m interviewing. We haven’t done this in a while, so I’m excited to share her
story with you. Her name is Kristin. Kristin and I began working together in late MarWe officially wrapped up coaching together in November 2020. She since moved
into my ongoing Living the Dream program for established clients who just want ongoing
coaching as they implement everything they’ve learned in their lives as we’ve coached

I wanted to pause for a minute and have Kristin on the show as she’s fresh off of my
simple success coaching process to share with you all the wins and growth that she’s had
and the struggles that she had along the way too. It wasn’t all rainbows and daisies, we
had some moments in the coaching process where she really was challenged and pushed.
We talk about in the interview, but Kristin was somebody that had a good life. She came to
me and she had done personal development to a point where I even thought, “Man, can I
even help this girl?”

She started with my Life Lovers 21-day challenge program, which is now a retired course.
She came in and it was just something I was offering for free at the time when coronavirus
hit, and she rocked it from her end and she gained so much that she was sold and
everything there is history, and you’ll hear her talk about her journey. She talks specifically
about how she was able to find some awareness of some things from her past that she had
totally forgotten about to go in and heal.

From that, it changed the progression of one relationship in particular and it’s healed a lot
of things in her family relationships. It’s allowed her to grow even more in her career,
although I must admit her career was already rocking before her and I started working
together. She’s so fun to listen to, so much fun. She’s a teacher, so she’s used to really
entertaining. You’re going to get a treat as you hear her story today. Kristin is just
somebody who was so much fun to work with, and she put in the work, man. She was
going to town and she would be emailing me between sessions.

She took full advantage of having a coach anytime and every time. I loved every second of
it, and I’m so glad we get to continue to work together, moving forward. Without further
ado, here is my interview with Kristin about her coaching story. Enjoy.

Kristin, today is the day. You’re on the podcast. I have been looking forward to this day for
months now. Just getting to know you over these past few months has been such a joy and
a pleasure. Not to mention you’re so much fun to be around. Today’s interview is just going
to just be a joy to listen to and listen to your story and everything. Start us off from the
beginning. I know that you had heard about me for a year or so, and then what was it that
you said, “Okay, maybe I should try out this coaching thing with Lindsay”?

Kristin: A friend of mine shared some work that she had been doing with you in
Unstoppable about a year ago and it sounded really interesting at the time, but like, “Oh,
that’s cool that she’s doing that, awesome.” Then everything shut down in March for
COVID, the pandemic. I was on social media a lot more, scrolling along, drinking wine, and
I realized this is not sustainable. Then all of a sudden, poof, on Facebook, I saw something
you popped up. It was your 21-day Life Lovers program that you used to do. You were
offering that opportunity, and I said, “You know what, let’s go for it.”

I signed up, got the book, printed it off. I was super frugal about everything. I said no. You
said, “Do you want me to send you the note?” “No, I’ll just print it off.” I’m printing it off
and binding it in a folder with ribbon, just however I can save. Then I went through it and I
thought, “Okay, goals. Yes, I know, gals. I’ve been in therapy counseling for years off and
on. Yes, I got goals. Mantras. I say an affirmation every morning, cool. I got this.” All these
little things that you do, but I didn’t really know the background to so much but I knew I
did them.

Then it was at the end of the program when you start to get into some deeper work and I
remember, I sat down and I started writing down things. Now, I had already been
journaling because I was supposed to do that, but I was like, “Okay, I’ll write.” Then I
started writing and all of the sudden, I started writing things that I had forgotten from my
childhood, and I started crying. I said, “Okay, I need to tap into her a little bit more.” Then
here we are, what? Eight? Nine months later?

Lindsay: Eight months later. Here’s what I remember, Kristin. You came in, you had told me
how you were introduced to me and I was like, “Awesome, enjoy the program,” because at
\the time, I was doing it for free for COVID and all that stuff. I don’t like really get attached
to anybody then because it’s just like, “We’ll see if they show up.” You kept showing up,
you kept having the energy with it. Then when you got near the end, I was reading back
through our messages today and you were telling me these things and how you tackled all
these new levels and you were crying, and I was like, “Wow, this has been really impactful.”

A part of me, somehow I knew you had done some therapy, and maybe you had told me.
Then you had said you’d done a lot of self-help stuff, and I was like, “Well, maybe Life
Lovers will be boring for her because it is just the basic stuff.” Then when you tapped into
deeper stuff, I was like, “Wow, this is really cool. Not only is she showing up and rocking
this, but I could really help her.” Then when we transitioned into Unstoppable, again, it
was like, “Okay, what is Kristin’s journey going to look like because she has done a lot of
work? What am I going to be able to bring to the table for her?”

I really wanted to make sure of where are you now? Where do you want to be? We got
really clear on what needs to happen to get you to that 10 life we always talk about. It’s so
funny because when we started– I just have your life fulfillment scores here. You started
with relationships at a 7; environment, 8; fun at a 6; finances, 2.75; spiritual, 6; career, 8;
and health, 5. I would say 8 and above, you’re thriving. You were thriving in your career
technically, and environment, and about to be in relationships, but everything else, you
were just almost thriving, finances you were not at all.

Then as we started coaching, we’ll state your numbers later, but it’s so crazy because,
again, it was like, “Okay, what am I going to offer Kristin? You just kept showing up and
you were all in. Again, it’s like, some people think when you do coaching it’s like your life
has to be really bad and you have to be in a bad place, but you were already rocking in
your career. You had just gotten a new job that you had really wanted. Everybody was
talking about how you’re such a light and everyone loves to be around you, and yet here
you were doing this deep work of looking at this stuff. How was that for you, Kristin, of
doing those first Unstoppable weeks when we go into that nitty-gritty, “icky stuff”?

Kristin: I think that you bring up a really good point because I think that that is a
misconception. I can only ask for help when I’m facedown in the middle of the arena
sobbing, like Brené Brown in her book Rising Strong. I’m facedown in the middle of the
arena, everything is a mess. That’s when I need to ask for help. Really, there are so many–
Everybody can benefit from something. I think that I have some really strong areas in my
life and then there are other areas that I didn’t even think I needed to fix because I was so
comfortable in my– I don’t want to say mediocrity, but I was just so comfortable in where I
was. Like, “Yes, I’ve got this great job. Yes, I’ll meet a guy eventually. Yes, I’ll figure out
that eventually. Yes, whatever.” Then, when I started to get into those first couple of weeks
and I started to really tap down into the stuff that I had just forgotten, the stuff that was
settling me in not a good way, just settling me down instead of letting me really grow,
when I started to tap into that, it was really intense. You know, it was really hard.

It was hard because I was remembering things that I have not even knew– I had completely
forgotten about in my past, in my childhood. I was remembering things. I was journaling.
That was bringing out more, but I also was really committed to this program, this system,
because I knew that once I started and I got into it, I could only go out.

Sometimes you have to dig up all that. You have to dig up. You have to tread the dirt, or
you have to till the soil before you can plant that new garden. Yes, you might have
beautiful flowers in your garden, and anybody on the outside can say, “Wow, what a
beautiful garden. Wow.” Then, when you’re like, “Yes, but you know what? My garden can
be better. Let’s till that soil. Let’s work it.” Then, we plant new, and it’s like, “Wow, your
garden is incredible.” I feel like, “I’m an incredible garden now.” It is hard, but it’s

Lindsay: Yes. You know what? I hear there too, Kristin, is you really trusted the process.
You trusted me and the process enough to just go all in because those first two weeks, I
kicked your butt. I remember. We had to even spend some extra time on it for you to just
process and bring out more stuff. Again, this was after you had had years of therapy. Who
would’ve thought there was more in there to go into? Then, we would bring all that out,
then we start getting to heal all that stuff. Can you just briefly talk about what that healing
process was like? On the podcast, I always say, “I do this thing with my clients, where we
feel, deal, and heal.” Do you know what I’m talking about, the release process?

Kristin: Yes.

Lindsay: Because your experience was really cool.

Kristin: I’m sorry. What was that?

Lindsay: Because your experience was really cool when you did that.

Kristin: Are you talking about–

Lindsay: When you went on your release.

Kristin: Yes. I was like, “Wait, can I say that?”


Kristin: I think the first part of it was, like you said, really hard, but I kept showing up. I
think what was most beneficial for me is I emailed you regularly. If I needed something, I
would work on it in my journal, and then I would email you. You would really be there for
me and support me with that, which was really helpful. Then, we got through, we kept
going through the program and going through the program.

Then we went to the release weekend. I won’t give any details, but I did a lot of work
leading up to that. I remember feeling really nervous that I was going to do it wrong. I just
felt like I have been working on this program and watching these videos and talking to her
every week and journaling and counting wins and doing mantras in my habits. By doing all
of these things, there is no way I can go off and not have this work for me. It’s just not an
option. I’ve devoted too much time and energy to this. I was super organized and I was
writing out my list of what I need.

I remember you even said when I got back, you said, “I was nervous that maybe I was going
to hear from you, and you maybe were going to trip yourself up,” but I didn’t. Once my car
was packed and I knew I had everything, and even if I didn’t have it, I had what I absolutely
needed, I just drove, went to where I needed to be, let it all out, did all that process, and I
really– Boy, I felt it and I dealt with it. [chuckles]

Then, I remember it was in the Summer when I went through it and I went away into the
woods because that’s what I liked, even though I felt really like, “What are you doing, going
away into the woods?’ It’s all good. I remember driving back in the country and I had my
windows down and I was playing music, and I just felt like, “Wow, okay. Okay, I did this.”

Lindsay: Yes. Like something had shifted?

Kristin: Yes, it was really incredible. Incredible.

Lindsay: It’s hard to explain it, isn’t it? It’s like, it’s so powerful and yet so hard.

Kristin: It’s powerful but personal, right?

Lindsay: Yes.

Kristin: How I feel and what I experience just might be different than my friend or my
other friend or another friend or how you do. I think one of the most important things for
me to remember when I was there was just– I think you said this in a couple of videos or
something a couple of times of, “Your body knows what to do. Just take a breath and do it,”
and I did.

Lindsay: In essence, you started trusting yourself more, listening to your body more.

Kristin: 100%. That’s right.

Lindsay: Then, let’s talk through that, Kristin, of you’ve gotten in the nitty-gritty of the
actual process. I wanted to touch on that because so many people, again, they think,
“You’ve got to be in this really dark, horrible place to do this kind of work. This work is
going just be really heavy and hard and unenjoyable.” Yes, some of it is. It is heavy and
hard, and it brings forth a lot of stuff, but the fruit of that is so beautiful. You can be in a
really great place in life and still take it up a notch. Again, I wanted to bring that up. Then,
let’s talk about just the results of the before and after. Let’s just go into who was Kristin
before this whole thing started. This would’ve been March 2020.

Kristin: Yes. I was in a relationship at the time with a guy who I thought was going to be
just right, just right fit. I knew I wanted more from my professional, so I had set a goal to
be in a different position by a certain age, so I basically had one more year before I could
do that, before I hit that. You know what? I was like a roller coaster. I say that because now
I know that I’m not so much, or at least I’m trying not to be. I felt really big highs, and I felt
really low lows.

“I love this man so much. He’s so incredible. Oh, my gosh, this is fantastic,” and “I’m so mad
at her. I can’t believe she could do that. I never want to talk to her again.” These extremes,
but mostly highs, mostly like, “Everything is great.” My top strengths are positivity,
included, so all of these really social strengths. I think that served me well, really well
actually. That’s where I was before, really happy with my career but was ready for more.
Met this guy who I thought was great and was ready for more. Health, I felt like, “I know
what I’m supposed to be doing, but I could probably be doing more, better.”

Again, I hadn’t gone to counseling, I hadn’t gone to therapy in maybe a year or two
because I didn’t feel like it was really serving me, so I just was reading a lot, a lot of
audiobooks, a lot of conversations with like-minded friends. That was the before, but like I
said, you came to me on Facebook and I said, “Let’s try it. Let’s see.”

Lindsay: Tell us life after. What’s been the biggest changes for you, now that you’re eight
moths and you’re officially done with this kind of journey in some ways?

Kristin: Now, I feel more, we use this term a lot, neutral. I really love that term because it
allows me to feel all the feelings, but I don’t have to be consumed by them. I feel like prior
to all of this– I feel like that inner mean girl, she was still in the driver seat, doing a lot of
the work. It felt comfortable because chaos felt comfortable.

Lindsay: Wait, we need to take a moment there.

Kristin: [laughs]

Lindsay: Chaos felt comfortable. So many of us can relate to that.

Kristin: That’s right.

Lindsay: Especially as deep feelers and passionate people, it’s just like, “Oh, I’m just
passionate, which we are, but it’s that chaos.

Kristin: I was happy. If someone were to ask me, “What kind of person are you?” I would
say I’m happy. I have a beautiful life that I created. I’m proud of what I’ve done, but there
was a “but”, like, but I know, I just knew that something more could happen, something
more I could tap into. Now, I know it is my authentic self, back then I didn’t, but I could tap
into even my more best self.

Now, after all of that, that’s how I feel. I feel just like, “Huh.” In one of our phone calls, we
even talked about, I was talking about what I was going through, and you summarize it for
me, and I said, “I’m just exhausted.” You said, “Yes, it sounds it,” because it’s up and down
and back and forth. Now, I feel like I’m riding that wave of like I can decide my response. I
can decide my thoughts around the situation. I can decide, I get to choose.

Lindsay: You and I talked about this during our journey, but at the beginning, you would
email me a lot and we do a lot of coaching between sessions. As it went on, it dwindled
and dwindled, and a part of you one time was like, “I’m emailing you a lot less.” I’m like, “I


Lindsay: You’re trusting yourself more, you’re calming down, the nervous system was
calming us, and trusting. I keep saying, but it’s just, it’s been so fun. It shows the life
difference in your life fulfillment score. I mentioned before, you started with relationships
at a 7, but then at the end of coaching, it was a 9.25. One of the big things for those
looking at our consult call way back in, gosh, May, I said, “Okay, what’s the thing that really
needs to move the needle for you and your relationships?” You said, “I’ve got to let go of
some family stuff.” Do you feel like you’ve let that go?

Kristin: Yes. Huge. Huge, huge, huge. You’ve said this in your podcast before if we can
change our response, you go through the model situation is what it is, but if we can
change our thoughts, our feelings, our actions, that response can change, and in turn, the
people with whom we’re interacting, interact differently, or more effectively in my life. I
had some big challenges with my mom.

I never said to her, “Mom, I have big challenge. These are all the things on my mind.” It
never happened. I felt it, I healed with it, and I dealt with it. Feel, heal, and deal. I just felt
that. Now, we call each other every day. I never thought I would want to talk to my mom
every day. Now, it’s just like, “Hey, well, how are you doing?” “Oh, cool.” When we spend
time together, everything is just more relaxed. [crosstalk]

Lindsay: What I remember from that journey with your mom, Kristin, is as you changed, it
was she magically changed. She came around was apologizing for things and doing things
in a different way, and you’re like, “Lindsay, what is this kind of woo-woo magic?”
[crosstalk] It was like, “Isn’t so cool?”

Kristin: Yes. It was the next week, and I said, “You’re not going to believe what happened,
Lindsay.” [laughs] What? That’s what I would say to people. I came back for my release
weekends and I was like, “You guys, it was like magic. Everybody, it was magic. Ladies,
Gentlemen, non-binary folks, magic. It was magic. Everybody, it was magic.”


Lindsay: It’s so funny, too, because when you came back from your release, normally, at the
time, we have 30-minute calls on my calendar, but the whole hour I was like, “Kristin is
going to have some feelings.”

Kristin: [laughs]

Lindsay: I remember when we were talking, you’re like, “Oh, my gosh, I know I’m taking
your time.” I was like, “Don’t worry, I booked an hour.”


Lindsay: Because I just knew. Again, being passionate people, when we go and we actually
deal with our feelings and kill that stuff, it’s so powerful.

Kristin: It is so powerful. One of the things I love the most about it is, you use the word
neutral a lot or get to a place where you’re neutral about a situation or there’s not a
charge to it. If you are feeling that way, after a few days, that’s that sign, the scientists of
yourself go back and that is when you need to say, “Okay, what is really going on here?” I
have shared things with close people in my life and I have that neutral feeling.

I remember I shared with my boyfriend at the time some things, and he was starting to feel
things and get angry, and, “I’m never going to talk to that person.” I said, “You know what,
I’m–” I didn’t even know what to say to him because I felt like, “No, this is my story. This is
me and my story, and I’m okay. I’m just sharing facts too. Now. I’m just reading you a book.
I’m just reading a book now. I’m not standing at a podium professing, I’m just reading you
what happened.” Just facts.

Lindsay: Again, that’s the power of the heel, of becoming neutral. Then, what does that
free up for you? For many of us, we don’t even realize how much our brain space is
consumed by all those triggers and all the things that we thought we were over, but then,
all of a sudden, Kristin, you started to blossom even more. That was so fun because then
we got to spend three months of you dreaming big because that brain space had capacity.

Kristin: That’s right.

Lindsay: Then, we got to paint this beautiful picture of all the things.

Kristin: Boy, I dreamed big. [laughs]

Lindsay: Yes, which is so fun. Well, and again, shows in your life inventory. We look at
environmental, it went from 8 to 10. That was already in a good place, but it got even
better. Fun went from 6 to 9.75. Let’s just say that’s during a global pandemic, [chuckles]
everybody, that you were able to do that? What really changed for you with fun do you

Kristin: I know exactly. Prior to all of this when I thought of fun, and there’s nothing wrong
with this, but I thought of going out, having drinks, going at bars. I do love to explore,
going exploring, being around a lot of people.

Lindsay: Relationships was something we talked about.

Kristin: New relationships and the passion in the wowza that came with all that, that was
fun to me. All the stuff you see on TV and social media, all the stuff that we’re told is the
fun stuff, this is fun. Then, after I really got to know myself, it’s fun for me to meet a friend
and go for a walk. That is fun for me. I enjoy that. It’s fun for me to walk around our local
market on a Saturday and see what’s going on. That’s fun for me.

Well, I do love to try new restaurants, and so the fact that everything is closed is a
bummer, but just the Zoom calls with friends and you’re laughing or a lot more phone calls
with friends and we just– Or we send each other silly mems or we– That’s fun for me. Just
feeling a sense of calm, and chill, and again, still feeling what’s going on around me but
just a sense of like, “I don’t need to put on air. I don’t need to do anything but be who I am,
what I want to do,” that’s all I need to do. It’s fun. That’s that.

Lindsay: Yes. A lot of people say that with the coaching journey, is they finally feel at
peace with just being them, and so it’s just fun waking up another day and being Kristin.
Kristin: That’s right. You’re in the office and because there are three coaches and we all
share an office, someone will tell a story, one of us will start laughing, that’s fun, just
finding the funny and the joy in things for them.

Lindsay: Yes. Let’s talk about finances because you started coaching with a 2.75 for life
fulfillment, and then it went to 7.75. What changed here?

Kristin: I think that the biggest thing was I realized that spending is a distraction of mine. I
also realized it was a habit that I had learned from other people in my life like, “Oh, this is
on sale. I’ll get two,” or, “Oh, I can’t miss this sale. I’ll stock up now.” Then, you have a
cupboard stock full of stuff that you’re not using. It’s so funny, my part-time job is a
salesperson, and I would go to places, and people would up-sale me, and I would leave,
and I would go, “Damn it, I didn’t need that. I didn’t need to spend that extra $10. Shoot.”
Then, I felt guilty, and then it’s just this pattern.

I think for me the biggest thing was just, again, realizing the why. I think one of my
favorite things about this whole program is just realizing why I do what I do and knowing
that I don’t actually have to do it if I don’t want to. If it’s not serving me, I do not have to
continue with these patterns.

It’s not like in six months I doubled my salary or anything. I know you have great stories of
people who are earning this much money and it’s incredible for them. I think that’s
awesome. For me, it was an understanding of, “I am in charge of my finances. I decide how
I spend my money. I don’t have to spend it on things just because it’s on sale.” I was never
one for fancy things. That’s the thing. I would never overspend on big-ticket items, it
would be all of these little things that would add up.

Lindsay: Yes. Part of that too is, like you said, a distraction, so you’re doing it to make
yourself feel better.

Kristin: Right.

Lindsay: Again, it’s not like you felt like crap all the time was. It was like, “Oh, let me just
get these little hits. I love the pleasure and joy of it,” because deep down, it was like, “Oh,
let me cover the stuff that I don’t even know that’s there,” kind of thing.

Kristin: Yes. Comfort in the chaos.

Lindsay: Total.

Kristin: It’s just this is what I do. I just buy things.

Lindsay: Yes. We should mention too that Kristin is in the teaching profession, [chuckles]
so doubling salaries and things like that, it’s a tricky game. This is the work you did before
me too, was going from being in the classroom to now being a teacher coach. When she
says she’s a coach and stuff, that’s what she means.

Kristin: Yes. That’s right.

Lindsay: Yes. Spiritual, we look at just fulfillment scores. You went from a 6 to a 9.75.
That’s pretty cool. What changed there?

Kristin: I think journaling more got me really more in touch with who I am. I tend to be
drawn towards the spiritual realm of things. There are crystals in my house, and I save
mantras and affirmations, “Thank you for this,” whatever I feel likeLindsay: The really higher power is.

Kristin: -this is that day, because it can vary. One of your videos is a guest, and she talks
about how the universe has your back. That is just how I feel. This week alone, three things
have happened that were mind-blowing to me. I just put it out there and set that intention,
“This is going to happen,” and it did, it manifested. It’s incredible. I think that when I think
of spirituality, that’s what I think of. Well, spirituality can be a lot of things, and I tend to
err on the side of some higher power is out there. I’m charging my moonstone on the full
moon and, “What stone is going to bring me what I need? Okay, I’ll get this one.”

Lindsay: What I hear there, Kristin, is twofold, is we started counting wins and that sort, so
you’re starting to see more of this abundance that’s always come your way. We tapped into
that manifesting that we did in that one training that amplified it all, and then, two, you’re
learning to be Kristin 2.0 that we always talked about in these videos.

Kristin: [crosstalk].

Lindsay: Yes? Then, you’re getting rid of all the crap that was holding you back so you can
connect even more to that spirit and just be you.

Kristin: That’s right.

Lindsay: Yes. So cool. Career went from 8 to 10, which was no surprise. That was work you
did before me. Then, health went from 5 to 9. Tell us about health.

Kristin: Yes. This is interesting, because after I finished everything with Authentically
Awesome, I said, “All right, I can take a break. I’m doing all this work, I’ve been working so
hard. I’ll take a little break.” Then, about a week into the break, two weeks into the break, I
was like, “Wait, I don’t quite feel like I want to feel here. Oh, crap.” I think that speaks to
how you always say. This is not a boom.

Lindsay: Right, this isn’t a diet, this is a lifestyle.

Kristin: This isn’t a diet, this is a lifestyle. Again, that’s on me. The second I turned it
around and I– Even tiny little things make a difference. Anyway, you asked about my
health. Yes, I feel that I know what I need to do. I know what I need to eat to feel good. I
know if I drink too much, it doesn’t feel very good in the morning. I know that if I drink tea
a lot during the day– I just love tea, it makes me feel warm, and fuzzy, and good inside.

Again, I think we go back to COVID-19 and the pandemic. There are a lot of messages all
over the place, messages about being in our lounge clothes, drinking a lot of wine because
there’s nothing else to do, ordering in and eating a lot of food. I think at the start of
everything, I was doing that. I was with a partner at the time that really– That was his jam.
I was in this place with you of, “I’m working through this stuff,” and then he was super
comforting with the food and the wine and the sitting on the couch.

Then, it finally occurred to me, “Wait, I don’t feel good. I don’t feel good. Cheese is not
good for me. I can’t eat cheese. [laughs] Stop with the charcuterie trays. I love them, but
stop.” I really started to focus on, “What do I want to do to feel good?” I set some new little
goals for myself, which I loved. Four days a week working out. I think it was a 21-day habit
to do some sort of movement every day. If I remember, that was one of my 21-day habits
early on. That would be anything from going for a walk to going for more of a run, to
picking up my weights and doing something on the app that I have on my television. The
more I did that, the better I felt.

I think we talked about this in Authentically Awesome. We talked about it in something, I
can’t remember. I think it was later on because it really stuck with me, about selfdiscipline. I really came to this thought of when I make a promise to myself and then I keep it, I’m learning I can trust myself. If I make a plan of what I’m going to eat that day and I stick to that plan, when I go to bed that night, I say, “Yes, girl, get at it. Shout-out to you for not having those extra snacks.” Because if I’m not hungry, why should I eat? Or,
“Yes, girl, you said you were going to work out, and even though it was seven o’clock and it
was cold outside, you got those sneakers on and you went for a run. Yes, excellent.”

Then, I’m teaching myself, “You can trust yourself.” Then, when it comes to those big
decisions, like, “This is something that I’m going to do in this next year,” I really feel like it
doesn’t matter what other people say because I trust this decision and have so much
confidence in this decision that I don’t need anything else.

You say in one of your videos we can fulfill our own needs. I had trouble with that at one
point with one of them. It was about my boyfriend at the time. I wasn’t feeling desired by
him, and I wasn’t feeling very sexy, and, “Why wasn’t he doing this, this? Why wasn’t he
doing this, this, this, and this?” You were like, “Well, you got to–” I think I even was like, “I
can’t masturbate every day.”


Kristin: “[unintelligible 00:39:35].” No judgment ever. You’re like, “Well, you could, but let’s
really look at this more deeply.” I’m like, “Yes, let’s look at this more deeply.” Then, it was–

Lindsay: You started giving that need to yourself of like, “I’m sexy and desirable,” I

Kristin: Yes. That was my mantra every morning. I don’t remember what it was at that– At
this moment, I remember what it was then. That really helped.

Lindsay: I remember that call now, Kristin, because I remember you being almost mind
blown. I was like, “You’re putting that need on him, you needed to get back for yourself,”
and you were like, “What?” [laughs]

Kristin: I was like, “Wait. Oh yes. I can feel that way my own self. That’s right.”

Lindsay: Yes, yes, yes. So what? I want to go back to the health stuff. The big thing when I
think about your journey with health is those habits. You started breaking those habits,
showing up for yourself. Otherwise, what happened is– because you’re such a passionate
person, you’d be like, you mentioned, like, “I want some chocolate, and then I’m going to
sit here and I’m going to do this,” but we had to balance that out of like, “Yes. We want to
follow our passion and live in that, but we also want to stay true to these habits and these
things that we set for ourselves and live in that middle ground.”

It’s so funny because when I was looking back on our notes today from our consults, I
always ask this question on the consults, “What do you want to gain to say it was worth all
your time and money, one of your best investments ever?” One of the things you said was,
“I want habits to move me forward in my life. I want to tighten up my goal and habit
setting to put in practice.” I was like, “I totally forgot you’d even said that was one of your

Kristin: Oh my gosh. [crosstalk]

Lindsay: Isn’t that cool?

Kristin: I don’t remember.

Lindsay: Another thing that you said, and again, I had forgotten this, is, “I want to be
consistently me. I want to be a light. I want not just for others, but especially when things
get rough, I want everyone to know that I’m me. I’m showing up as the best me.” Isn’t that

Kristin: I love that. That’s been the theme. When I drew my puzzle of me, remember, it was
like a light.

Lindsay: Yes. Beaming through you.

Kristin: I love it.

Lindsay: Yes. So good. Last question, Kristin, for you as we talk about this journey.
Somebody who’s saying, “Okay. I don’t know if I want to start this whole coaching journey.
I don’t know if I really need it. I don’t know if it’s going to do anything for me or worth my
investment.” What would you say to them?

Kristin: Hush up [laughs]. That’s the first thing that came to mind [laughs]. Hush up. Yes,
you do girl. Stop. I would say, “Stop, stop, stop. Get at it. Call her. You can do this. Enough.
You can live life. Stop.” Okay, [crosstalk]–

Lindsay: It’s so funny because– We haven’t mentioned this on this interview, but you’ve
referred so many people because you’re often telling people all the time– It’s like, “You
need to go this coaching stuff.”

Kristin: It’s legit. It is legit. For real, what did I tell my friends? I said, “You know what? I
just talked about it. Not super in-depth, but as I was going through things, it was just–

Lindsay: You were never in a convincing energy. It was always just like, “Oh my gosh. I’m
going through this process and this is what I’m learning and this is what I’m doing and this
is how I’m feeling.” Then they were like, “Tell me more?”[chuckles]

Kristin: Exactly. That’s exactly right. I think if someone was like, “Oh, I’m not really sure,” I
would say, ask yourself this question, when you wake up every morning, do you throw the
covers off ready to live in your skin all day long from the time you wake up to the time
your go to bed, or do you experience hiccups? I think 99% of people experience hiccups,
and that’s okay. You’re supposed to, right? This is why life coaching is so important
because you can be anywhere. There’s nothing wrong with being in the middle of that
arena, face down, “I’m in the worst part of my life.” That’s your story.

You’ve shared that, Lindsay. You were in the worst, awful, argh, what on earth part of your
life, and it helped you. I was more in the middle and it helped me. I know there are other
people who were like, “I actually thought I was doing pretty fly and high,” and I was, I was
doing great, but I just knew. I just knew. What I also say, “Something helped you find your
way to this woman anyway, so why not just do it? Just take a breath and do it.”

Lindsay: I love what you said there. It’s like, if you don’t throw off the cover and like, “Oh, I
just love being me,” that’s how I’ve kind of described it. If you don’t have a pep in yourself
and you’re so excited about life, you need to look at life coaching, because that’s what’s
been the change for me. I would wake up and be like, “Argh, this news. I have to go to this
job that I somewhat hate. What is the point of life and living?” It wasn’t like I was suicidal,
but I was just like, “This is not what I signed up for.”

Now it’s like you said, I’d throw off the covers and maybe I’m tired and all the things, but
I’m like, “I get another day to live.” I could write almost every day in my gratitude journal,
what am I most grateful for? Another day of living. It’s just like, “I get to experience this?
This is amazing.” Then, like you said, those tools, you’re going to have hiccups, and then
those tools are always there to pick you back up.

Kristin: That’s what I love too, is exactly that. On a personal note– I know. One last thing.
You said you only have one more question, but on a personal note, I know that I fall into
habits of– How do I want to say this? I’m doing really, really well and everything is good
and calm and I’m manifesting and things are good, and then all of a sudden, I notice
something hits me. It happened a few weeks ago. Something hit me, “What is this? This is
not–” Then I started to feel like, “This is wrong. I can’t be feeling this way. I just did this
whole thing,” but, “No. Stop. Look inward. Be a scientist.” I love when you say that, be a
scientist of yourself.

Lindsay: [chuckles]

Kristin: I realized, I hadn’t journaled, I hadn’t counted wins, I hadn’t said my mantras, and
these tools exist. This whole program worked because I did the tools. Why would I stop
doing the tools that helped this program work?

Lindsay: Yes. Something that you and I talked about too was– I know we’ve talked about
this on the podcast too, is when I was done with coaching, I was like, “Okay. Great. Thanks
so much. I’m going to go spend my money on everything. Peace. See you later. I got this.”
Then I did have it in some ways. I was still growing and my life was still pretty good, but
then when I went back to coaching and I hired my coach again, I was like, “Why did I ever
not get coaching?” because I could have been experiencing this massive growth all the
time and having more mind drama than I needed. It’s something about–

I swear it’s the investment piece of saying, “I’m going to show up for myself.” and I’m going
to put this money on the table to say I’m going to do it. Two, having someone see your
brain in a different way, like, “Oh, Kristin, you didn’t see da-da-da, da-da-da, da-da-da.” I
just got coached this weekend, and I was like, “Well I have this, and I have this, and I have
this,” and she’s like, “Yes, it all comes together like this.” I’m like, “[sighs] No idea.”
[chuckles] I couldn’t see that if you tried. That’s just part of the game. Yes, we teach all the

Kristin: 100%. Yes.

Lindsay: Kristin, thank you so much for doing all this, sharing your story and putting it out
there. I’m so grateful for you.

Kristin: I am beyond grateful for you. Thank you so much, Lindsay.


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Hi! I'm Lindsay

Hi! I’m Lindsay Elizabeth Preston. I’m a certified & trauma-informed life & leadership coach who has spent the last decade helping successful women create lives that feel as good on the inside as they look on the outside by using my neuroscience-backed coaching process called, Awakened Woman.

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