


If you feel like you’re stuck in a spiral of feeling like crap most of the time, you’ll love today’s episode. In it, I interview my client, Sierra Cowing about how coaching with me (in just 9 months!) has transformed her life from experiencing an on-going depression where nothing else seemed to help her to a life now where she’s on FIRE accomplishing her dreams (and feeling better than ever in the process).


Sep 30, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

“I used to never make a decision without talking to someone else. Now, from coaching, I have the confidence to know what I want. This confidence and power makes me feel like a boss.” – Sierra

If you feel like you’re stuck in a spiral of feeling like crap most of the time (and may even have clinical depression), you’re going to love today’s Become an Unstoppable Woman episode.  On it, I interview my client, Sierra Cowing, who managed to overcome depression through our successful coaching journey.  

Just 9 months ago Sierra was very stuck and she was very sad.

This is a snippet of an email she wrote to me before we had our free consult call.  It said…


I’m sorry. I want to schedule a time for a call with you, but I really don’t even know where we would start or what we would talk about. This email may ramble some and be a little TMI, but I feel it’s necessary if any of this will be productive for either of us. Here we go…

The past two years of my life have been a rollercoaster ride, to say the least. Depression and anxiety were given the chance to steal away the precious time of my life, the early years of motherhood. 

My son was born in October of 2015. I spent my time yelling and losing my mind over basic toddler things.  Crying because I didn’t want to, but was having a hard time controlling it. I felt like somehow God had made a mistake making me a mother. Why would He give me a child if I couldn’t do it? 

Meanwhile, I was also working full-time at a job that I had a love-hate relationship with. I am a civil engineer. Things crept from my personal life into work. I couldn’t concentrate and I had panic attacks. I was given a month off from work last November/December, doctor’s orders. I wanted so desperately for that to fix everything and I foolishly thought it would. 

I went back to work without much having changed. I eventually started going to a different counselor because the first one I was seeing didn’t help much and it felt merely like I was paying her just to vent and not get much in return to be useful anyways….”

She went on in that email to tell me more about her life, but just from reading what I shared above, I knew she was severely depressed and anxious.  

I told her that I wasn’t quite sure she was ready for the push that coaching requires.  Coaching ideally is for those who are in a good place that want to make it great.

Sierra though was fed up with her life and feeling like crap.  She wanted so badly for her life to change.

I couldn’t say no, so we agreed to do a 21-day trial to see how it went.  

In those 21 days, Sierra started little by little to break free from her depression.  She got the accountability, support, and tools she needed to start to make life-long changes.  She was hooked.  

We’ve kept coaching together ever since.

It’s now been 9 months since we started coaching together and the changes this woman has made (during a GLOBAL PANDEMIC mind you) have been incredible.


  • Strategically change careers from civil engineering to nursing based on the insight she gained from ONE coaching session with me
  • Cut her feelings of depression and anxiety from being overwhelming to being nearly non-existent by learning how to properly “feel, deal and heal” in my “Become an Unstoppable Woman” course
  • Stop the people-pleasing pattern of always asking for permission (especially from her husband) to owning who she is and what she wants out of life by learning how to trust HER intuition and wisdom
  • Change her mindset so much that others tell her on a near-daily basis how much they love being around her (because she’s now so much more in love with herself and life)

…and so much more

You have to listen to Sierra’s story to hear how good it is.  It’ll blow your mind at how much change you can create in just a few short months.  Listen in on the player at the top of this page.




Full Transcript

This is the Become an Unstoppable Woman podcast with Lindsay Preston Episode 68,
Sierra’s Coaching Story.


Welcome to the Become an Unstoppable Woman podcast, the show for goal-getting, fearfacing women for kicking ass by creating change. I’m your host, Lindsay Preston. I’m a wife,
mom of two, and a multi-certified life coach to women all over the world. I’ve lived
through enough in life to know that easier doesn’t always equate to better. We can’t fear
the fire, we must learn to become it. On this show, I’ll teach you how to do just that. Join
me as I challenge you to become even more of the strong, resilient, and powerful woman
you were meant to be. Let’s do this.


Hi, there my friends welcome to another episode of the show so happy to have you here.
Today I’m talking with one of my clients. We haven’t done a coaching story in a while on
the show. I just haven’t gotten booked but I have one with Sierra Cowing today. Sierra and
I started working together in January of this year, so January 2020. It’s cool to see her story
all unfold in one calendar year, in essence, gosh I think nine months. I can’t wait to share
this one with you. Sierra came to me and she was borderline therapy/ coaching. We’ll talk
about that on the interview. I was really a bit hesitant about working with her. When she
came to me she laid it all out on the line of what she was feeling and what she was
dealing with. I said you know what? Let’s just start slow. At the time I had my life leverage
21-day challenge program. I said let’s just start there. It’s only 21 days at $97. Let’s see if
you’re strong enough to show up to that and she did and she killed it. Then she went on
and did my unstoppable woman program and killed it. Then my authentically awesome
program and killed it.

We’ll give away some of the big changes she made over these past nine months but
they’re big I will tell you it’s been so fun to watch her go from in essence feeling very
stuck, having a lot of anxiety and depression to not only leaving that behind but starting to
thrive especially in her career and in her marriage and as a mother. Again this has been
nine months my friend. Nine months, it’s been so much fun to watch. I don’t have myself to
say. Sierra is a very calm person especially when she talks. It’s interesting to hear her talk.

She’s like, “I just can’t even believe it sometimes.” She says it in such a calm way. When
she writes me that’s when her emotions really start to come out and she writes me all the
time and she’s like, “I just can’t even imagine what my life would have been like had I not
done this. It almost makes me a little sad.” That’s why I always knew I wanted to bring her
on the podcast was because she just has this passion to want to share her story because
she knows there’s so many people out there like her, who are just feeling really stuck and
not feeling the way that they want to feel.

She’s just so grateful that we found one another and she talks about how we randomly just
found one another too which is really just like a miracle of God or the universe. If you
believe in that thing I do. Anyways I’ll leave the rest up to Sierra to tell her story and as
you’re listening to and if you’re starting to relate to it and think, “Oh my gosh, maybe it’s
time for me to finally step up to the plate and get some coaching.” Think about applying
for a free consult. You can go in and answer a couple of questions and then you can get on
my calendar and we’ll talk for 60 minutes about your life and how you want coaching to
help you to really make sure we’re a good fit. The link is always in the show notes. It’s in
the outro but I’ll give it here too. It’s lindsayepreston.com/apply. Keep that in the back of
your mind as you’re listening but sit back and listen to Sierra’s amazing story here it is.

Sierra, thank you so much for coming on the Unstoppable Woman podcast so excited to
have you on here. I would just love to start from the beginning and hear from your mouth
how this whole journey started. How did we meet each other?

Sierra Cowing: I saw a Cultivate What Matters Facebook post and had made a comment and
I don’t remember how exactly it happened but you had said that if we used your link to
buy the power sheets then we got a bonus through you of a call or something?

Lindsay: Yes, I’m remembering this now. I remember I think you reached out to me via
email even after that. You told me a little bit about you and you talked about how you
weren’t feeling great and you’re feeling really stuck.Oh my gosh, it’s all coming back to me
now. I think I remember directing you and saying– because you were asking me a bunch of
questions and you were stating everything. I said listen we just need to get on the phone.
[crosstalk] I think from there we just talked about coaching.

Sierra: We did the consult call and figured out where I should start.

Lindsay: We decided at the time it was Life Lovers. You said you know what? Just go
through this program. It’s only 21 days. It’s only $97. Go do that, let’s see what results you
get. I remember Sierra too thinking like, “Is this role a better fit for therapy?” At the time I
don’t even know if I had to take the coaching assessment and stuff. I don’t even know if I
have that. I guess I did.

Sierra: You did and I think I was borderline because we talked about that. You said that I
was right on the edge of whether I needed therapy or I could do coaching but I was
already doing counseling. You said we could move forward with coaching then.
Lindsay: Oh my gosh. You know it seems like forever ago and that was just January of this
year. [laughs] That seems like a totally different person than how you are today. I’ve totally
forgot about that. You’ve got in Life Lovers and I remember you rocked it. You showed up,
you did the work, you started getting changes right off the bat.

Sierra: I did. I think it was the little bit of fire I needed under my butt to get me going.

Lindsay: Then from there it was automatically we went into Unstoppable, right?

Sierra: I was done towards the end of January with Life Lovers and then in February we
started Unstoppable.

Lindsay: Oh my gosh. That’s crazy. I think what’s so cool about your story, Sierra is it’s rare
that I sign a bunch of clients in January. It’s just for whatever reason I hadn’t in the past. I
guess people are just thinking they can do it on their own or something. What’s cool is that
you’ve made this whole transition in one year– it hasn’t even been a year we’re in
September of the same year. When you started, we just had you talked about– how would
you describe how you felt when you started?

Sierra: I was just stuck and lost I guess. I didn’t really know where I wanted my life to go
and I just needed some guidance I guess.

Lindsay: From what I remember I remember thinking this girl feels like crap.

Sierra: 2019 was a rough year.

Lindsay: That’s when you left your day job?

Sierra: I did.

Lindsay: You were just doing contract work as a civil engineer.

Sierra: Correct.

Lindsay: This is the moment where I remember the most. I think we did this right out of
the gate and then softball when we looked at your CliftonStrengths. I remember sitting
down with you and saying, “Sierra, the strengths that you have, don’t align at all with civil
engineering.” You remember that conversation?

Sierra: [laughs] I do.

Lindsay: I said you’re such a people person and you’re such a feeler. Yet here you are not
with people and not doing feeling work. I said, “What even led you to engineering?” I
remember you said Oh my call– It was something like my college was good at it.

Sierra: I went to a college near where I grew up and it just happened. Then it was like, “Oh
well they’re good at engineering so this looks cool. I’ll do this.” I didn’t really have a plan.

Lindsay: Then I remember telling you, you don’t have to get that from your career. We can
find different ways because one of the big things was that you did not feel fulfilled. You
just felt you were going through the motions of life. I remember hearing from you that you
loved being a mom but other than that it was just like, “What am I doing with my life?” I
said if you start using your strengths more you’re going to feel a lot better and more
fulfilled and all of that stuff. Then tell everybody what happened next with your career?
This is the good stuff.

Sierra: I actually then decided, it took quite a while I’m trying to remember when exactly. I
think maybe June was when I finally made the final decision of I’m done with civil
engineering and I quit doing contract work from home and I am now going to school to be
a nurse.

Lindsay: Man, was it really June? It seems so much earlier because we did Life Lovers
January, we would have been on sample February, March, April, but then COVID happened.
I think we had to go into May. Then it was like after that, it’s just you started getting into
this massive action after unstoppable.

Sierra: Yes.

Lindsay: It was just like, “Lindsay, I got this new job. Lindsay, I’m doing this. Lindsay, I’m
doing that.” I’m like, “Oh, my gosh, this is crazy.”

Sierra: Yes, because then I did get a job at an assisted living place and I’m just doing PCA
work right now. It’s a good start to get into the nursing. It’s funny because I didn’t even
remember at the time when I had made the decision to do nursing but thinking back, when
we talked about my CliftonStrengths, you specifically said that you would be an awesome
nurse. I was just like, “This lady is crazy.” Here I am now going to school to be a nurse.

Lindsay: So cool. I forgot I said that. How old are you, Sierra? 31? 32?

Sierra: 31.

Lindsay: 31? And here you are making this big life change. How does it feel?

Sierra: At first, it was just like, “Have I gone too far? Am I too far into this to make a
change?” Then, I thought about it and it was like, “I’m only 31. I haven’t even worked 10
years in my career because I didn’t graduate from college till I was 25. I can’t do another
30 years of this so I need to make the change. It’s on.” There wasn’t an option at that point
because it was just like, “I am not going to be miserable the rest of my life. There’s too
much time left.”

Lindsay: From what I remember too when you came to me, you had quit because part of
your misery you thought was your job?

Sierra: Right. I was having panic attacks at work and it was really impacting my life at
home to me and my husband were fighting a lot and having a lot of issues. It was a choice
between, keep the job or keep my sanity at that point was how I felt the choices were.

Lindsay: In essence, saved your marriage.

Sierra: Right.

Lindsay: You had a then four-year-old but Fletcher’s five now right?

Sierra: In a month.

Lindsay: Oh my gosh in a month. Oh, that’s cool. I say that because anybody who’s had a
child that age, you’re still full-fledge in mama mode. You’re in it all day, every day. That’s a
lot mentally too. It’s a lot too I think you still have a lot of impact at that age. I remember
you telling me a story. This is pretty recently, Sierra of I think you were looking back at
pictures of Fletcher or something and you were talking about, “Man, I wish I had the
mentality now back then when he was little even smaller.” Can you tell us about that?

Sierra: When I look back on pictures, I sometimes feel like I almost wasn’t there because I
was physically there but mentally my mind was on so many other things and so worried
about things that now I realize were pretty much out of my control. I wasn’t present with
him, and I feel I missed out on a lot of his childhood even though I was here, but I wasn’t

Lindsay: Because mentally you were either feeling anxious or depressed a lot.

Sierra: Right.

Lindsay: Let’s talk through that Sierra. We go through Life Lovers. It was the kick in the
butt that you needed. I remember too I’m getting flashbacks now, you had a 21-day habit
of cleaning up your house.

Sierra: I decluttered my house, yes because that adds to my anxiety. I hate clutter.

Lindsay: Yes, but because you hadn’t felt well this clutter started piling up.

Sierra: Right.

Lindsay: We got you moving, we got that clutter gone, and then we get into unstoppable.
Tell us how that journey went for you?

Sierra: Unstoppable it was hard work, mental-wise but while I was going through it, it felt
easy to do the videos and the workbook and get through it. It was pretty hard mentally or

Lindsay: Tell us more what do you mean by that?

Sierra: You bring up a lot of stuff and you get so many aha moments that it’s just like, I
can’t believe I was believing that or I can’t believe I was telling myself that. No wonder I
feel like crap because that’s what I’m telling myself. It’s hard to hear your own truths
[laughs] so to speak.

Lindsay: Anybody listening, what Sierra’s talking about is right when we get in the door of
unstoppable the first few weeks, we do something called your bullet holes and look at the
top 10 worst memories. Your bullet holes, in essence, are these things you’re telling
yourself unconsciously most times. It’s these negative beliefs like, “I’m not enough, I’ll
never do this. I’m not blah-blah-blah.” The one I specifically remember, you brought this
up recently, that you were telling me a story about depression. I think I told you correct me
if I’m wrong, I said, I think you might have the bullet hole I’m depressed.

Sierra: Yes, you did. I had went to the doctor in high school and got put on medication and
stuff. From that story that I told you said that and at the time when you said it, it didn’t
feel like it fit right but then after a while, I got to thinking about it. It was like, “You know
what? It’s true.” Someone told me that oh, you just have depression. Then I think at that
point in time, I made up my mind that this is just something I’m going to have to deal with
for the rest of my life. I’m going to be depressed and we’ll just muddle our way through.

Lindsay: That’s just who I am now. It’s really tricky with that kind of stuff. I remember
when I said it to you, I said, “Okay, this may be coming out of our fields but do you think
that you just have the belief that I’m depressed, which could be perpetuating the

Because maybe at the time you were depressed, but then when we’re going
through your history, and talking about different things that happened, it was like, “Of
course. You were dealing with a lot as a team.” That’s what happens to a lot of us is that
we have this family life that’s less than ideal. We’re the ones that are the black sheep, in
some ways, like, “Hey, I’m not going to just put up with this stuff.” Then everybody starts
pointing the finger at us like, “You must be the weird one. It must be something wrong
with you.” Because we’re such sensitive souls too, we’re like, “Okay, we go along, and then
all of a sudden, we’re the ones that get diagnosed with stuff.” Anyways, I threw that out
there. It was so interesting that later you took it because you realize that’s just a belief
now, for me. I’m not truly depressed anymore.

Sierra: That was super huge because I remember doing the– I can’t remember exactly
what it’s called, but doing the flip of it to have a mantra to overcome that bullet hole. I
struggled to try and think of what I should say because it was like, I’m not depressed didn’t
seem like enough. I ended up going with something along the lines of I am Sierra Cowing
and I am awesome. I don’t know. It just felt right to be Sierra and not be depression.

Lindsay: Yes. What’s so cool about that, is that’s just one belief. That was one thing that
was holding you back, that we were able to go in and heal. Anybody listening we go in and
do this whole healing process in Unstoppable. Then we flip it like Sierra talked about,
because really, in essence, what we’re doing is just building a new brain wire, because
that’s all it was. Was just this brain wire that had been built off this belief. That was just
one belief. How many beliefs have we done Sierra would you estimate?

Sierra: Oh, goodness.

Lindsay: Like, 30? 40?

Sierra: Somewhere, probably mid-30s-ish, somewhere in there.

Lindsay: That’s powerful stuff to just have so many shifts like that at one time. Again it
shows from your growth from January through September of this year, internally and
externally from that. Let’s go back. You’re in Unstoppable. We go through, we pull these
aha moments and those beliefs. You go and do something called a release that we do in
Unstoppable. Tell us what happened through that experience and how you felt after that

Sierra: My release ended up being difficult only because right when my state went into
mandatory stay at home and all of that because of COVID. Trying to find somewhere to go
to be alone for those two days was difficult. I ended up going to my church and staying in
the basement overnight [laughs]. I knew I had to do it and I racked my brain to try and find
a way to do it. I took my son’s little, I don’t know what you call it, sleeping pad or whatever
[laughs] and slept on that in the basement of my church.

Lindsay: Oh my gosh, I didn’t even know that. That’s hardcore, Sierra.

Sierra: It was. I think it made the experience better though because it’s just like, “You know
what? I got this far we’re just going to rock this and it’s going to be amazing.” It really was.
Oh, it’s so draining emotionally and energy-wise, but I really think the church setting made
it pretty awesome too because a lot of the talking and stuff out loud, I think it really
incorporated prayer with that and that really helped me a lot to overcome and release all
of those negative emotions. Because I knew that if I was just going to try and do it by
myself, I wouldn’t be able to. I needed that extra help to do that.

Lindsay: It was the safe sacred space, in essence.

Sierra: Yes.

Lindsay: That’s so cool. I hadn’t thought about it that way. Then we did your release and
how did you feel after?

Sierra: I felt amazing. Knowing my past, I was so used to the rollercoaster of this is really
awesome and then this is going to be really bad. I had that thought in the back of my mind
because I felt the best I think I’d ever had in my entire life to my knowledge. I don’t ever
remember feeling that free. I don’t know what you want to call it.

Lindsay: Free and light. I always feel really light. Is that how you felt?

Sierra: Yes.

Lindsay: Then after that, we went into three more months of coaching and authentically
awesome. You were so strong at that point I was like, “Sierra, I think you’re good. You can
lean on me for a couple of calls here and there, but you’re good to go.” How did that
experience go for you?

Sierra: That experience was pretty cool. I don’t know if you talked about this before at all.
The Unstoppable is like the dirty work, so to speak. Authentically, I’m just getting to have
more fun in the dreaming, and your authentically awesome and you can do whatever you
want. It was really nice.

Lindsay: Yes, and here’s what makes you awesome.

Sierra: It was really nice to go right into that because I have the moment from
Unstoppable. That was just a really good ending to all the other stuff that I’ve gone
through already.

Lindsay: Even though we had gotten you in a stronger direction, just from doing your
strengths, early on. You had taken action off of that, going in and doing your puzzle of
looking at the big picture of you wih all your passions and your purpose and all that other
stuff we had in there to your strengths, solidify this, “Oh my gosh, Sierra you were totally
on the right track with this nursing stuff. This is why you feel the way you feel and this is
who you are.” Did that just bring to you a lot of comfort and certainty?

Sierra: It did. This is a big change to go from civil engineering to going into nursing. You
sometimes wonder, “Am I just crazy as this is going to be a change that I make? I probably
shouldn’t have done that.” After we went through everything, I remember trying to come
up with a name for my authentic self and I didn’t really know what it was. You kept saying
healer, that I was a healer. I was just like, “That is totally it.” I knew that nursing was really
the right thing to go do.

Lindsay: Yes, that’s so great. [sighs] This has been so fun. Now, we’re continuously
coaching and living the dream and you’re expanding even more. You’re going back to
school. You’re working. You’re doing your mom thing, the wife thing. Tell us what life is
like now. If you had to go back and talk to Sierra in January of this year, what would you
tell her about what the next few months had in store?

Sierra: Oh, the Sierra back in January was just really timid and didn’t want to speak her
mind, and was so worried about what other people were going to think and that stuff. I
was having a lot of anger outbursts at that point too. I remember yelling at my son so
much because I was just like so frustrated and it always came out as yelling and my house
was not a peaceful place. Now, there is hardly ever yelling in my house. That’s something
so huge to me because I want something so much better for my son, than what I had. I
would tell myself from January that you have no idea what is going to happen. It’s going to
be so awesome. If I told you everything, you probably wouldn’t believe me anyways


Lindsay: That’s what has been one of the coolest things about your journey, Sierra is you
talking about how it’s impacted Fletcher, your son. I remember that being one of our
specific many goals in Unstoppable was working on that yelling and how that was
changing him and how that was improving your connection with him. I think as the
mother, we all want that. We want to show up as our best selves. As a parent, we don’t
want to repeat some of the patterns that we were handed, but yet we don’t know any
better. It’s like, “How am I going to break this? I just don’t know.” We feel so overwhelmed
with our own emotions at times that we’re reactive and all that. Then all of a sudden you
go in and you do that Unstoppable work especially, everything just starts to fall into place
a lot better. Would you agree?

Sierra: Yes. That mini goal was setting up boundaries with Fletcher.

Lindsay: Yes, that’s right.

Sierra: I couldn’t be mad at him because I yelled at him so he was yelling at me. It got to
the point where that was my boundary. We’re not going to yell at each other anymore. It
was just not okay. It only took a few days of being consistent with him about that. It
changed almost immediately. We were so much more in tune with each other. We just got
along so much better. I remember, I think I told you about it was just so heartwarming as a
mom. I stubbed my toe or got hurt or something and he came over and he was like,
“Mommy, do you want me to kiss it to make it better?” It was so loving and that would not
have happened before. I don’t know

Lindsay: It’s so interesting because whenever I do consult calls, now Sierra I’m looking at
your notes I wasn’t as well-versed on consults as I am now. I talk about the before and
after, we go through this life wheel, and then you’ll give all your averages, and then we
talk about your life. We started talking about the results that you can get from coaching. I
say, “I can do this as missed for you, and here’s the added extras.” Then we do something
called Keep the Vision, where I talk about, “Here’s what’s going to happen in your life.”

This is how it’s going to impact other people. I wish I would’ve done that with you, Sierra
because I would’ve talked about, this isn’t only going to impact you, it’s going to impact
your son, and it’s going to change the entire future of his life, which will change the entire
future of his kids and so on and so forth. This is changing the entire progression of your
family. Then I’m glad we didn’t because now you can just see it. I didn’t even have to tell
you. You know, because you’ve experienced it. He could have grown up in a household
with a lot of yelling and a lot of stress, and a mother who was disconnected to him, and
then go and do that and his family.

What would the impact of that have been? It’s just like you showing up working on
yourself amassing just a little bit of money to do that, and a lot of guts and a lot of
courage on your part has changed everything? Would you agree?

Sierra: It has and in the back of my mind, that’s always been something that I wanted to
do. Because my childhood was not great, and I wanted more than anything to make sure
that my child didn’t have that childhood, but as you said, it’s just that’s what we’re given.
That’s what we know and we don’t know how to necessarily break free of that cycle until
you really dig deep, and you get rid of all that stuff. That was one of my main goals in life,
even though I didn’t know it at the time that that was one of my goals, but I broke my
family’s cycle, and it’s going to be so awesome to see what my grandkids are like, and all
that stuff.

Lindsay: Yes, and he’s going to get to see this mother who loves her career and uses her
strengths and is just so lit up with it, versus a mother who goes to work and it’s like,
“Here’s what I’ve provided for my family, and I hate my job.” That’s really why you had
anxieties here because you never have anxiety at work now.
Sierra: No.

Lindsey: Never? It was your body and your mind saying, “Get out of here.” I remember even
when we started working together, you had that contract job and they were treating you
like crap, they were not showing up for you, you weren’t getting the hours you needed. The
masses were ignoring you, you even tried to do some stuff on your own, and it was
happening, but it was moving really slow. Then all of a sudden, you just shifted into this
more intentional authentic path, everything started coming together. That goes back to–
Yes. Go ahead.

Sierra: It happened so fast to when I finally decided like, “No, I’m done.” Then it was like,
“Okay, I’m going to apply for this job.” I applied for that job, and no joke, that same day
that I sent in my application, she called and said, “I’m going to review this. I probably will
want to set up an interview with you.” The next day, she called and was like, can you come
in for an interview this afternoon. I applied Wednesday, and by Thursday, I was doing an
interview and at the interview, just from the way she was talking, I already knew that I had
the job. It was just like, “Holy crap. How did that happen?”

Lindsay: Yes, I’m doing it. Yes, and this is what I talk about on the podcast all the time. I
think sometimes people think I’m airy-fairy and full of crap. Once you get intentionally and
in alignment, things just start coming together. Now, that doesn’t mean everything’s going
to be easy-peasy and awesome, but, you have this energy about you at that time, and
people are drawn to that, too. It’s like everything just starts moving in the direction of your
dreams, and you’re like, “How did I do this? How is this coming together so quickly?”

Yes, it
was such a joy to watch, Sierra because I remember thinking, is Sierra going to have the
guts to make this transition? It was up to you. It wasn’t on me because I just thought,
“Gosh, I want to give her so much fulfillment. I know she’s wanting that, but she’s just– I
don’t think she’s going to find it in this profession, but how are we going to get it
elsewhere?” kind of thing. When you made that conscious choice of, “I’m going to make
this change. Here I go.” You didn’t even consult me or anything on it, which is even better.
Because that just shows it was all you, right?

Then you’re like, “Lindsay, oh my gosh, Lindsay. Oh my gosh.” For a couple of weeks,
there’s just like, Lindsay, Lindsay, Lindsay. I was like, “Oh my gosh, this is so exciting.” Even
now still, you’re trusting yourself with your decisions, and you’re listening to your body,
and yes, we’re coaching on some stuff along the way to make sure you’re staying in that
but, man, it’s just so cool. Is it as cool to you as it is to an outsider watching it?

Sierra: It is because– I don’t know. I’m sure you do remember if you would think back on
our consult call that I was always so worried, “Tyler’s not going to like that.” My husband
and he’s not going to like that and whatnot. I never made a decision without talking to
someone else about that. To be to the point, to have the confidence that I do now would
be like, “No, this is what I’m going to do.” We still discuss things and we compromise on
things, but it’s not, “Well, what do you think I should do?” It’s, “This is what I want to do.
How should we go about doing it?”

Lindsay: Yes.

Sierra: I don’t know, it just makes you feel like a boss. I don’t know.

Lindsay: Yes, and that was one of the– I’m looking at the consult notes again, and all I
wrote down was communicate with Tyler things that are important without, “Getting in
trouble.” I remember us talking about communication with you and him so much, but I
totally forgot that you were seeking permission all the time. I forgot that part, Sierra. Yes.
It’s been a complete 180. Can you share what you did recently?

Sierra: What I did recently?

Lindsey: About your hair?

Sierra: Oh, my hair [laughs]. I wanted to do a buzz cut for the longest time. I’d mentioned
to him, “Hey, I really want to do this. I know you like my longer hair, but I’m kind of over it
right now.” He was just like, “Well, you know, I like your long hair, but it’s up to you.” I took
that as, “Okay, I’m going to do it.” My friend came over and we cut off all my hair. It was
awesome, but I think–

Lindsay: It was a little, but think it’s– You shocked the system, right, is what you’ve talked
about. Obviously, marriage, sometimes it’s not always great. If we think about the whole
journey, Sierra, nine months ago, you didn’t even want to do anything without seeking
permission. Now, you’re freaking cutting off your hair. Hey, come, that is so cool, right?

Sierra: Yes.

Lindsay: It’s just cool to see you step into your own, trust yourself, follow the breadcrumbs,
all the things, right? We’re just getting started. This is only the first nine months. Now it’s
just maintaining this momentum, keeping you in this place, keeping you well charged and
not too drained, and things of that sort. Yes, it’s such a call.
Sierra: Really getting to know what my true authentic self is. I’ve gotten a good glimpse of
her and I have a good feel for what she is, but I just really want to dig deeper into that so
that I can spend more time being that person.

Lindsay: Yes. That’s why I’ve extended the coaching process itself. Now, Sierra, we did the
softball for three months, authentically awesome for three months. Now you should just be
it. I just say, “Okay, you’re ready to fly, you know. Call me if you need me,” kind of thing.
Then it was okay, “I set up these people for success, and they made some momentum.” But
then it was like, the more the momentum wasn’t staying. That’s why we added Living The
Dream to say, “Okay, let’s really make sure you’re making authentic decisions. Here’s how
to get into massive action and go all in, and all that stuff.” Then two, just get that support.

You’re holding space in essence, for that newer version of yourself we call the authentic
self over, and over, and over, again until that just becomes who you are. Even as you’re
growing every time you grow, it’s scary to the brain. Okay, how are you going to stay in
that place, even though you’re growing? Yes, that’s where we’re at now, it’s just getting
you to stay at that place, grow what you’ve already started to grow, and just become that
more and more. So much fun, right?

Sierra: Yes. I don’t know. I’m still somewhat in shock myself of how everything has gone so
far this year. Especially because, not that it’s an excuse or anything, but crazy COVID times,
quarantine, and all sorts of other things. I remember when it started because I was like this
is really going to throw me off track. I’m not going to do well in this situation. Then like
I’ve just been rocking through it and it just blows my mind that something that I probably
would have liked just curled up in a ball and cried on the floor about before is just, “No,
we’re good. We’re just going to keep doing our thing.”

Lindsay: Yes, I was going to add that next, you’ve done all this during a global pandemic. If
you can do it this year during a pandemic sure, you can do anything. right?
Sierra: Right.

Lindsay: It’s amazing, amazing stuff. Thank you for sharing your story with us, Sierra, so
happy to have you. I know you were nervous and like, “Damn, am I worthy of this?” Of
course, you’re worthy. Oh my gosh, it’s been amazing to watch. I’ve even mentioned to you
a couple of times and directly on the podcast and you’ve told me “I think you’re talking
about me.” Your courage change and all that stuff. Yes, such a rockstar. Thank you so much
here for all of your journey.

Sierra: Thank you for having me.

Lindsay: You’re welcome.


Hey there, Miss Unstoppable. Thanks so much for tuning into this episode. If you enjoyed
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be, so believe in yourself. You got this.

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Hi! I'm Lindsay

Hi! I’m Lindsay Elizabeth Preston. I’m a certified & trauma-informed life & leadership coach who has spent the last decade helping successful women create lives that feel as good on the inside as they look on the outside by using my neuroscience-backed coaching process called, Awakened Woman.

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