


My daughter, Izzy recently turned 10 years old. In the past 10 years (since the day of her birth), I’ve been able to create EXACTLY what I wanted out of my life (and more)....even with a lot of “setbacks” along the way! 10-year visions work and if you don’t have one, let’s create one today.


Oct 14, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney

My daughter, Izzy recently turned 10 years old.  It’s hard to believe she’s the big 1-0 now but it’s even harder to believe how different our lives were 10 years ago when she was born.

When I discovered I was pregnant with her, I quickly found out my self-employment insurance didn’t cover pregnancies.  I was asked by my doctor to quickly come up with close to $30k for my anticipated medical expenses otherwise, she would no longer see me.

I had just closed my dance studio (after oddly enough being asked to add around $30k in the business & I said no) so I had no income.  

My daughter’s father’s income at the time was around $60k which isn’t horrible but it certainly couldn’t cover $30k of medical expenses I thought would be covered on top of all the things we needed for the baby.

I took on temp work to help pay the bills and I got supplemental health insurance with my temp agency to cover some of the cost of the pregnancy but it still wasn’t enough.

I ended up applying for and receiving Medicaid up until the day of her birth.

Just years prior, I was a college graduate from a somewhat snooty private school.  I was named the “it girl” in my budding HR career and then had fast growth with my dance studio.  My early 20s weren’t perfect, but it looked like my life was going in the direction of my dreams.

Then, in just a few months I was someone with little money, no steady job and was an unmarried mother who was on Medicaid.

It felt heartbreaking to have these “setbacks.”

I was fortunate enough though to still believe in something bigger for my life (and for my daughter’s life).  I knew despite these unexpected “setbacks” that I could still create what I wanted during the next 10 years of my life.

I got very clear on creating goals: what I wanted to achieve, how I wanted to feel, what work I wanted to do (generally speaking) and what kinds of people I wanted to be around by the time she was 10 years old.

Now that that day is here, it’s remarkable to see that what I dreamed of is now reality (and more!).  

If we just look at the financial difference, in 10 years, I went from having close to no money & being on Medicaid to being an almost millionaire. 

The career differences, relationship differences and my overall feelings about myself and life are SO BIG too.

Having a 10-year vision works, my friend.

If you don’t have one yet, let’s create one together today on the “Become an Unstoppable Woman” podcast.  

I’ll walk you through the questions to ask yourself so you know how to create goals to have a clear plan for the next 10 years of your life.  It’ll rock your world.

Listen to this episode on the link at the top of this page.



Full Transcript

10 year goals

This is the Become an Unstoppable Woman podcast with Lindsay Preston Episode 72, Create
a 10-year Vision.


Welcome to the Become an Unstoppable Woman podcast, the show for goal-getting, fearfacing women for kicking ass by creating change. I’m your host, Lindsay Preston. I’m a wife,
mom of two, and a multi-certified life coach to women all over the world. I’ve lived
through enough in life to know that easier doesn’t always equate to better. We can’t fear
the fire, we must learn to become it. On this show, I’ll teach you how to do just that. Join
me as I challenge you to become even more of the strong, resilient, and powerful woman
you were meant to be. Let’s do this.


Hi. Hi there, my friend, so happy to have you here on the show today. Today we’re talking
about 10-year vision, so many times on the show we’re talking about blocks and things
that are holding you back. Today, we’re going to dream bigger. Dreaming big is so
important. If you’ve heard my free Accomplish Your Dreams training, we do a whole day all
about dreaming big and painting your vision. If you don’t have a vision for your life, then
it’s really hard to aim your life.

I’m not necessarily somebody who’s very natural at creating a vision. I’m much more of a
taskmaster, I guess, or an implementer. I’m looking at the day-to-day, and in a year, I can
kind of see that really well. I’ve had to really learn how to step back and see something
bigger like a 10-year plan specifically, like what we’re going to talk about today. I’m so
excited you’re here, and we’re going to have some fun together as we paint your 10-year

Before we get started though just two quick announcements. The first is that if you are on
Instagram, and you don’t follow me, please do. You can find me over there at Lindsay, L-IN-D-S-A-Y-E, Preston, P-R-E-S-T-O-N, and follow along. The reason why I mentioned that
is because there are now GIFs, is that how you call them? GIFs, [chuckles] on Instagram
stories for this podcast, and for my coaching process and just some fun other ones like a
microphone and a heart and lightning bolt and things of that sorts.

If you’re on Instagram, and you’re on stories, you do that swipe up feature to put those in,
GIFs, right? You can search Lindsay Preston, you can search Unstoppable Woman. If you’re
in another part of my coaching process like Authentically Awesome, or Living the Dream,
or Solidify Your Strengths, you can search for all of those things and add those fun things
to your story. If you do, tag me on Instagram, I would love to see it, and I would love to
share it on my stories, which by the way, I think I just called it Instagran instead of

My mom goes by granny, and so that’s what came out of my mouth. Anyways, on
Instagram, you can find me over there. You can use those on your stories, especially when
you share the podcast with your friends because I would love for you to share it, especially
this one. This is a really fun episode to say, “Hey, are you interested in creating a 10-year
vision? Listen to this one.”

Sometimes we have more of the block episodes. I know it can be a little uncomfortable to
share those because sometimes even I don’t want everybody on social media to know
some of the things going on in our head, I totally get that. Yes, this is a fun one to share, so
please do. Follow me on Instagram and use those fun GIFs.

The other thing I want to say is every week I get an email from this vendor that I use to
tell me where I am on the podcast charts. I recently for this week’s email found out that I
am number– Let’s see where is it? Number 45 on the New Zealand self-improvement
charts. That’s kind of a big deal. 45 in New Zealand.

If you’re listening from New Zealand or my Kiwis out there, so excited to have you here. I
was also on the charts in Spain as well, so that’s exciting. It’s so funny, I just got my
daughter’s DNA results because my husband is really into genealogy and so he wants to
know our, I don’t know, DNA stuff. My daughter, her dad is Colombian. Her dad is the firstgeneration American. His mom actually came over when she was 16, and then eventually
brought her mom and dad and her brothers over.

We always knew she was part Colombian, but really, she is something like 30% Spaniard. I
think that’s how you say it. She gets that all from him, and you will tell if you see her, she
does not look like me very much at all. She definitely has more of the Hispanic coloring
which I’m so jealous of, I think it’s so beautiful. Shouting out to all my people in Spain, so
happy to have you here and, of course, we’ve got America and Canada and everywhere else
in the world, but I just thought it was cool that I was on the charts in those two places.

Let’s get into today’s episode, as I said, it’s a 10-year vision. The inspiration behind this
episode, actually came because my daughter who I just mentioned, turned 10 actually
yesterday at the time of this recording. October 5th is her birthday. It got me thinking a lot
about the last 10 years of my own life and how much it’s changed.

When I gave birth to her on October 5th, 2010, my life was a lot different, a lot different,
my friend. I wasn’t married at the time when I had my daughter. Now, her dad and I had
been together, gosh, I think like five years at that point. We’d been living together for a
while so it wasn’t like we didn’t know one another or so I thought. [laughs]
It still was a little bit jarring to have her without being married. I’d just turned 26 at the
time, so I’m still pretty young. I had my dance studio that I had just closed a few months
earlier. I was actually on self-employment insurance because, again, I wasn’t married. I was
my own business owner. When I went in for my first appointment with my ob-gyn when I
found out I was pregnant.

They called me after that appointment and they said, “Ma’am, your insurance doesn’t cover
pregnancy. Well, it does, but it has to be a high-risk pregnancy. We’re going to need you to
start paying cash for this,” and here’s how much it was. I think overall with everything
included like the delivery and all of that, it was going to be somewhere around $30,000. I
freaked out because, again, I had just closed my studio. I was at a place where I was
thinking about going back in HR, but then I unexpectedly got pregnant so it threw us for a
big loop.

Although her dad at the time I think was making around $65,000. It wasn’t horrible money,
but that 30K would be half of his salary, that’s a big deal. Yes. “Welcome to parenthood,
here’s this huge potential bill.” We panicked big time because I thought I was covered
having insurance. From there, I ended up getting a temp job, through the temp agency.
I got another form of insurance that I was able to use for some of the costs. Then, based on
the suggestion of a family member, they said, “Listen, based on your income right now,
Lindsay,” because at the time I wasn’t making that much at that temp job. I think it was
like 30-something K a year if I had been there the whole year, and I wasn’t married. They
said, “You probably qualify for Medicaid.” It’s Medicaid, right? Yes, I was kind of confused
for some reason. Today, I’m confused. [chuckles]

I’ve realized that I might be a little bit more tired than I think I am because the past few
days, I just haven’t been that sharp mentally. Anyways, I applied for Medicaid. I had my
daughter, my friends, on Medicaid. Now there’s no shame in your game about that, but I
just want to give you an idea of where I was 10 years ago.

An unmarried woman having a baby on Medicaid, with no job really. As I said, I had the
temp job but that was it. I had no idea of where I wanted to go in my life. I thought I was
going to be with her dad forever and ever. I thought I knew him pretty well. It was always
our plan to get married. I thought that would be the next step for us.

He did end up proposing, gosh, November of 2010 so a few months after, or I guess a
month after she was born. We just never got around to planning a wedding, even though
we were engaged and you know what happens from there. He had the whole double life
and all that stuff. My life has changed a lot from then to now.

Now, I’m on track to being a millionaire before I’m 40. Now, granted, some of that is my
husband’s genius, he is a wealth manager. Long-term financial planning is his zone of
genius, that’s what he does all day every day for his clients. He brings in some of those
skills, but a lot of it too is my skills that I’ve brought into the table.

When I met him, he let me know, he wasn’t saving at the rate he wanted to and I helped
him indirectly because he always tells me he doesn’t want to be coached. I helped him
indirectly clean up a lot of things in his mindset, including some people-pleasing things of
over-giving. That has allowed us to save most years about 100k a year. Pretty incredible.
We have a house, it’s very simple, but a very nice little simple house and two cars that are
paid off, and two kids, one of which goes to private school. I know I’m comparing a lot of
the financial differences between then and now, but it’s just such a vast difference.
Obviously, I know what I want to do with my career.

My career is blooming year-by-year. I’m just a totally different person, I’m with a totally
different person. Life has changed a lot for me since 2010, since I was 26 years old,
popping out a baby, thinking, “Holy crap, what am I going to do with my life. This is crazy,
and now I have this little being who depends on me?”

I want to just share that with you to let you know, and inspire you that you can do a lot in
10 years. I think about the next 10 years of my life, and it’ll be 2030. By then my daughter
will have just graduated from high school, so she’ll be a freshman in college, which is
crazy. She’ll be 20 years old. Oh, my goodness, I can’t even imagine. Yes, I just think about
the next 10 years, I think, “Well, I’ve had to rebuild so many things the past 10 years,
where am I going to go from here?” With buildings, it does take some work.

I’ve had to, in essence, build a business, build two human beings, build a relationship. Oh,
my goodness, I’m so excited about the next 10 years. I’ve really started to understand the
power of how to set 10-year visions. I think it’s really important we set life visions. One
exercise I encourage everybody to do to have a life vision is to think about your legacy.
Think about, “You’ve just passed and people are talking about you, maybe it’s at your
funeral or maybe you have a wiki page of some sort, even if you’re not famous, what does
it say on there? What have you accomplished? What have you done? How did you make
people feel?” Think of all the things, and start there, and start to think, “Okay, what is it
that I want to do with my life?”

I know for a long time, I didn’t know specifically what career I wanted to do, but I knew
that I wanted to use my strengths. I knew that I wanted my job to never feel like a job, to
feel like I was just getting to use the best of me at work and I just happened to get paid for
it. I knew I wanted to make a really big difference in people’s lives and feel like I was
creating change in the world. Coaching just happened to stumble in my lap, in essence, or
fall on my lap for that to be my thing.

You can easily start to create that vision for yourself, that legacy of what is it that I want to
do because you don’t need to know all the details. Have some sort of structure of what
that big vision is, and then from there, you can break it down into 10-year chunks. You can
break it down however you want, but I like the 10-year chunks because it’s just far enough
that it’s still within reach in regards to a vision, and it doesn’t seem too big. I think
sometimes we think, “Okay, let me plan out every year of my life,” especially if you’re really
a planner person, and things change and evolve.

I never thought I would be a mother ever. If you would have asked me even in my early
20s like, “Do you envision getting married and having kids?” That was just not on my plan
at all. I thought after I graduated college, I was going to move to Oregon. I know, so
random because I’m a Texas girl, but I wanted to just go somewhere different and be there
for a little while. Then, I envisioned myself at a big city like New York, working in some
corporate job, where again, I just felt the feelings that I shared with you about feeling like
I was helping people and doing that sort of bit.

I just really wanted to be a career girl, and that’s what I wanted for my life. Then I met my
daughter’s husband, things changed, and then from there, I ended up getting pregnant
with her and all that stuff. Although there were many times that I thought, “Man, I think I
might have done my life a little bit wrong,” I’ve had to train my brain to see it differently–
I do not want to have my daughter know it. She’s the best thing that has ever happened to
me. She propelled me into a totally different life.

I could have easily gone into having a successful corporate career and that would have
been great, but I don’t think I would have been as fulfilled as I am doing coaching and
being a mom. I didn’t think I would enjoy being a mom as much as I did even though, fun
fact for you, in high school, I took a prep for a parenting class, I think it was just because it
worked to my schedule or something, and I ended up getting Student of the Year in that.
I was a mentor for kids in high school that somebody had referred me for because I had
such high people-pleasing tendencies at the time. I would just roll my eyes and be like,
“Okay, I’ll do it.” Again, it was like, “Oh, you’re so good at this, Lindsay,” and they would
give me more opportunities for it. I’ve always naturally been very maternal and I think that
was probably why I didn’t want to necessarily have kids because it just seemed too easy.
I’m so glad that I did and I’m so glad my life took that turn.

Going back to you, is sometimes we want to plan everything, and we think we have this big
vision, but then life throws us a curveball, and from there, then we have to change our
vision. 10 years to me just seems like it’s long enough that it’s still within reach. Now, of
course, we want to work more our goals into one-year goals, and then break those down
even more into 90-day goals, and month goals, and so on and so forth. This isn’t about
goals today, today is about a vision.

Here’s how to make a 10-year vision. It’s very simple. It’s really envisioning your future
self. Right now, I’m 36 years old. I really started to do this last year when I was 35. For
whatever reason, the five birthdays feel more of a milestone to me than the zero birthday.
When I turned 30, it was just like, “Okay, I’m 30,” but then when I hit 35, last year, it was
like, “Okay, I’m in my mid-30s. Here I am really rocking this 30 thing now, what is it I want
to have by the time I’m 45?”

It took me some time to really think this through. Months on end of really trying to get this
vision. Don’t feel like you’re just going to snap your fingers necessarily and have this vision
for your own life, but you can do this again, at any time. It doesn’t have to be a milestone
birthday, but just start to think, “Okay, in 10 years from now, what is it that I want to have
accomplished? How is it that I want to feel? What are the things that I did?” All those
questions. “What do I look like? Who am I around? What things do I have, what things do I
not have?”

Then, I also think through because I’m somebody who can really get wrapped up in work
sometimes, and really start to think about what’s the next thing to accomplish and be so
focused there. I know many people listening to this podcast are like that because a lot of
my clients are like that. I have to center myself and I think about again, Lindsay, at 45 right
now. She’s really peaceful, she’s really calm, she enjoyed the journey from 35 to 45. She’s
like, “Man, Lindsay, you just did it, and it seems so seamless, you had so much peaceful

I intentionally really think about that as I’m envisioning my future self in 10 years so that I
can create that board now. When I start to get a little bit off track with that, like I did in
August, even though August was a great month in my business. I worked a lot. I’ve had to
pull myself back and say, “Whew, all right, Lindsay, let’s get in alignment again, peaceful
success, peaceful success.”

It’s just really important that we’re thinking about our future self often, and starting to
envision who she is, what she’s done as I said, how she feels, who she’s around because
life moves at us so quickly. We have so many opportunities presented at us, so many
decisions to make, and it’s very easy to get swept up in the currents of some opportunity
that maybe seemed okay when it started out or maybe you said yes to it, just because you
didn’t really think about it.

Then, all of a sudden, you’re down this pathway and you’re like, “Mmh, this isn’t quite
where I want to go.” Because you have that vision, you know you can pull yourself back
and say, “Whoa, wait a second. 10 years from now this project or this thing I’m a part of is
not that important. One thing I talk about on the show from time to time, is I get pulled
into a lot of stuff with my daughter’s school especially.

I’m really good at organizing things. I’m really good at communicating things. I run a
business. It’s easy for me to email parents. It’s easy for me to set up tech stuff for
everybody to sign up for things and to just make things happen. I’ve been a room mom for
many years now and whenever she started school, this past year, I really sat down and I
thought about, is this something in my 10-year vision and then my bigger life vision too
that I was really happy that I did? It really wasn’t.

It was something that’s brought me a lot of stress, even though it’s not that much, but it’s
like another thing on my plate and I really want to focus in on raising my kids these next
10 years and getting my business to a certain place financially. Those are my two big
things, and then enjoying my husband and my kids along the way. My two big things I’ve
really focused in on raising my kids well till they can be happy and healthy adults, and
then getting my business to certain spots.

When I think about being things like room mom or doing all these volunteer opportunities
for my daughter, does she appreciate it? A little bit, but it’s just not where I make the most
impact as a mom. I would rather be using that time elsewhere with her and elsewhere in
my business, so I can stay focused, and on my business, when my kids are gone versus
those room mom things take up time when I’m working.

Again, it’s just like these little things, but they take us away from what we really want.
Two, they take away our energy and our time. Then, even they can trigger things in us to
cause our inner mean girl voice, that negative inner voice we have in our head that I refer
to often here on the show to beat us up and create drama in our lives and we just don’t
need it.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had client calls, where we’re coaching on something,
and if you were to look at it from a bird’s eye view of what we were talking about, it’s just
such little piddly stuff. We put ourselves out there to go through that stuff when we really
don’t have to. I think of in my own life, for example, with my daughter’s grade, the moms
do activities from time to time, and I enjoy the activities. I don’t get more involved there
because when I have, there’s a lot of gossip. There tends to be some drama with things
and I’m not interested.

I could get into that realm and I could have many fruits from that, but I just think, “This
isn’t in my vision.” Again, it keeps me really focused of what it is that I want to create and
staying there. If I think about Lindsay at 25, 26, she’s popping up this baby on Medicaid. I
think it’s Medicaid. I don’t know why I keep questioning it. I’m thinking, “Oh, my gosh, what
am I going to do? I don’t even know how to be a mom. Financially, we’re not in a great
place. We were living in an apartment at the time. It just seems like we were never going
to have a house and all that.”

I just started, in essence, and I didn’t really know I was consciously doing that. I just kept
thinking, “What is it that I want for the next few years, but then even the next 10 years for
my daughter?” For a long time, it was just like the next five years of getting her to
kindergarten and really making sure she had a stronger preschool education that was there
for her. I was a stay-at-home mom for a long time, and taking care of my mental health.

When the whole thing went down with her dad, it was again, really making sure I was
mentally strong for her and keeping a relationship with him where I made sure financially
he was still paying for things and things of that sort. Anyways, I don’t want to get into the
details of all that, but these visions are so important my friends. I hope you’re getting that.
It’s so important to spend time with our future self and talk about, what is it we want to
think and feel, and what is it that we want to do, and stay focused in on that.

I do encounter clients from time to time who come to me and say, “Well, Lindsay, I just
have too many ideas. I don’t even know where to go. I don’t even know where to start.”
That’s where it really comes back to decision-making. You think it’s an idea problem or a
focus problem. It’s really you just need to decide and move.

You may have so many thoughts come up for you along the way of, “Did I make the right
choice? Should I have gone this way?” That’s where you have to know coaching skills. You
have to be able to coach yourself, in essence, to get yourself back in a place where you are
able to coach yourself through those days when it’s going to feel like you made the “wrong
choice,” or it feels really hard, because a lot of times people ask me, “Well, Lindsay, how
did you know coaching was it?”

I said, “I did things like the puzzle of me, like what I do with my clients. I knew my
strengths and my passions and my values and blah, blah, blah, blah. It made sense. It was
also just because I decided. I decided coaching was it. I decided, ‘Okay, I’m going to give
this coaching thing a chance. This is going to be my profession.'” I talk about from time to
time on the show that I went to a tarot card reader and she, in essence, told me based off
my birth chart and doing tarot cards, that I was going to have a big career, and it was going
to be as a life coach.

At the time, I didn’t even know what life coaching was. I thought she was full of crap.
Here’s what happened is because she put that thought in my mind, I just made the
conscious choice to believe it. She’s put other things in my mind like I would have this
country house and do all these other things, and I didn’t choose to believe it so it didn’t
come true. Again, it’s like sometimes we just have to choose, decide, and then just go with
it, and make things happen.

If you have so many different ideas, and so many things that you want to do, just choose
what is it that I want to do first and focus in on that. This is why again, so important to
have coaching tools and even hiring a coach. I was thinking about before I started this
episode about my own 10-year vision because it hasn’t been perfect, my friend, the past 10
years. I didn’t do every single thing I wanted to do in the past 10 years, especially either

I created this vision when I was 25, 26, very unconsciously. I have very much created that
vision and then some. About five years ago, well, I guess it was 2016, I created this other
vision after I had had some coaching tools and after I had then already met my husband,
and I believe we were already married. I had already started my coaching business. It was
like, “Okay, I’m going to dream big now.”

I was looking at that before we started and it was things like, “Oh, make this amount of
money and have a baby that year. I’m going to be a published author and I’m going to be a
top-level speaker,” within a very short timeline. I was looking at that I’m like, “Yes, I’ve
done some of those things but some of them, I haven’t done at the time when I said I was
going to do them.”

Again it’s like, it doesn’t have to be perfect here but just get yourself envisioning
something bigger, and thinking about the future too, because sometimes I meet people,
and you can tell they’re not really happy with their life, but they’re not making changes. I
just want to knock them over on the head, like, knock, knock, knock, right on their forehead
and say, “Okay, if you’re not liking life today, and you’re not doing anything to change it,
what do you think is going to happen in 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, 30 years on your

You have got to change now. There’s no better time than now to change, and yet, you’re
not doing it.” Gosh, it’s crazy to me. If you’re at that place to where you’re just like, “Okay,
Lindsay, I don’t like my life today. I don’t really know where I want to go. I have some idea.
I know what I’m doing now it’s not it, but I need help.” That’s again, hiring a life coach like
me or somebody else.

It goes back too of what I was saying earlier was when I was sitting down and thinking
about this episode of one of the biggest mistakes I think I’ve made over the years is not
continuing to have coaching in my life. I had a coach from 2013 through 2014 for about a
year. Then after that, I was like, “Okay, I think I’m good on my own.” We’d have a session
over here and there. Then from 2015 to 2019, I didn’t have a coach. I would do a couple of
little programs here and there and I didn’t really grow that much those years.

Yes, I got married and yes, I had my son. I wasn’t staying stagnant per se and my business
did grow a little bit here and there, but it didn’t grow as much as the year I had coaching.
Now that I’m having coaching again for the past year, I’ve grown a crap ton. It’s made me
realize of, if you’re somebody who’s just a go-getter and you want to achieve a lot in your
life, it’s like having a dentist. Having a life coach is part of, I don’t know, your repertoire of
people that you have, because a coach is going to be the one that helps you get what you

I really feel like a few years ago when I decided not to keep doing coaching, it was for one
belief that I had, and that was I felt like I could do it on my own then. The other belief was
that I didn’t want to then be a coach that said, “Oh, let’s just keep coaching forever
because I was scared that people were going to think I was trying to take their money.”
Again, I realized just over the years, it’s like, “Oh, I’m not taking people’s money.” It’s not
like I’m just trying to swindle them into saying, “Oh, be my client forever,” but it’s more so
of like, “Okay, if you want to keep growing, especially at the pace that you have been
growing as we’ve been coaching together, then it just makes sense.

That’s a big reason why of why I opened my Living the Dream program this year was a
client coaches with me for six to nine months. What in essence we do is I teach them how
to release all their blocks that are holding them back for the first three months in my
Unstoppable Woman program. The next three months, they’re learning about their
authentic self and getting them in alignment with who that is and their life vision, and
then from there, it’s just action taking over and over and over and over.

Every once in a while, we’ll have new blocks come up, let’s clear those out. Every once in a
while, we’ll need to tweak the vision, got it but we’re just constantly taking action and
because they’re growing so much, they need that support to just keep going. They need
somebody who’s holding them accountable, who’s looking at their mind from a different
angle, who’s challenging them and pushing them in the way that they want to go and all
those things.

It’s just really important that, again, if you want to create big things with your life, you
want to be this accomplished person, this go-getter, to really consider adding in a life
coach. Like I said, like you do a dentist in your life and you have a doctor and you have
maybe your lawn person or whoever, your hairstylist. It’s like, “Okay, this is just part of my
crew is I have my life coach in there because that’s what a life coach is for is to help you
just continually go after your vision over and over again.

Going back to the 10-year vision. I just want to wrap this up one more time is sit down,
think about what you want to create the next 10 years. Yes, it’s really that simple and start
to really think about in 10 years from now, what is it that I want to think? What is it that
I’ve accomplished? How do I want to feel? Whom am I around? What do I have? What do I
not have? Who’s not around? Now we’ll get you moving in the right direction of, “Whew,
okay, why am I hanging out with these people? They’re not part of my 10-year vision.
If I’m feeling this, this and this, I’m not really feeling that right now. What is it that I need
to do to get myself to that place? If I want these things in my life, right now I don’t have
any money, so how am I going to get there? Here’s where I feel my career, but in 10 years
from now, I’m going to have this in my career and feel like this, so I better get to work and
figure out what it is that I can do.

A lot of people, when they hear, “Get to work,” for some, they get really excited by that. I
get really excited by it. Other people, they think, “Huh, it’s going to be so much work. It’s
going to be so much. Lindsay, is it really worth it?” I will tell you, it is so worth it. I heard a
quote recently from Brooke Castillo, I’ve been listening to her a lot because I’ve referenced
her a lot on the show. She said something like, “The discomfort we have today–” No, this is
what it was.

She said, “We can either choose the discomfort of today or we can choose the discomfort
of going after our dreams.” Which one would you choose?
Obviously, the discomfort of going after your dreams. Then what happens is, I tell my
clients a lot of times, we ride these waves of we grow and then we just enjoy for a while.
It’s like, “Wow, this is so cool. Look what I’ve created.”

One of the big things that I created the first time I had coaching was my husband. I just
rode that wave for a little bit of like, “Whoa, this is so cool. Look, I’ve created my “dream
guy.” Then it was finding my coaching business was the other thing I created and in that
first wave and I was like, “Whoa, look at me. I created this business. Now I have clients,
now I help them, that’s so cool.” Then that wave went away and that’s where I wish I
would have hired my coach again or another coach to keep up loving because I just stayed
stuck, and when you stay stuck, then–

There’s a quote out there it says, “You’re either growing or you’re dying.” I was dying a
little bit. I was backtracking when I could’ve just kept going up and up and up and up and
up and up and up. Now that I’m back in that place, it’s like, “Man, this is where I wish I
would have been back in 2016, 2017, because it’s such a great place. I felt like I wasn’t
growing as much during those years I didn’t have a coach.

A coach will help you with your vision too, as I said, if you need that help but again, really
start to think about what is it that I want in 10 years. This is a great exercise to do when
you’re sitting down and doing goals for a year or a quarter or the month. I’m using this
exercise constantly, constantly, even if I have an event or something. Like I mentioned on
another podcast, I had a recent photo shoot for my business and it was about two months
away at the time.

I thought, “Okay, how is it that I want to feel at that photo shoot? How is it that I want to
look?” That was really what sparked the change to say, Lindsay, lose the last of the baby
weight, let’s make this happen. Then, all of a sudden, when you just set those intentions,
it’s like the right teacher starts showing up and that’s when I was really introduced to
Brooke Castillo’s work and what she does with weight loss, and that really worked for me.
Then there’s some certain things I wanted to feel, and so that I started doing the work

It’s just so cool how it comes together when we set the intention sometimes. We say,
“Listen, I’m going to make this happen. I’m going to go after it,” and then the right teachers
appear. I can’t tell you how many clients come to me and say, “Lindsay, it was just like you
fell in my lap. It was like, I asked the universe for something, in essence, maybe not
directly, and it was like, boom, here you are, and now you’ve created it.” It’s just so much

Okay, so sit down and do that exercise. It’s so fun to do it. I know for some people too, they
can get a little emotional doing it because they realize where they are today is just not
where they want to be, and there’s some hard truths with that sometimes. I was really
thinking about, again, where I was at 25, 26. Although I really cared for my daughter’s
father and I thought we would be together forever, I look back at that time and I had so
much intuition.

These intuitive red flags, in essence, of, “Something’s off, Lindsay. This doesn’t feel right,
Lindsay.” All these things that I didn’t really want to admit to. To be honest, I wasn’t denial
for a long time, and then the universe slapped me in my face and said, “Well, Lindsay,
you’re not in denial anymore. He’s living a double life with another woman. When are you
going to wake up to this stuff?” I was forced out, which was so scary at the time, but so

That’s the last thing I want to say here too is sometimes when we make these visions or
we set an intention, we get stopped on our butts sometimes. We think, “Well, how am I
ever going to get that vision now because my life has taken a complete turn?” Just trust. I
have to tell you that, just trust because many times you can’t see the pathway beyond
where you’re at right now.

When I was 28 years old and I’m going through that divorce as a stay-at-home mom with a
two-year-old and no money and all that stuff, it was really easy for me to just say, “Oh, F it,
screw it, my life’s over,” but I just kept believing. I was like, “I’m going to have a great life.
I’m going to have a great career. I’m going to meet the guy of my dreams. My daughter’s
going to thrive out of this.” I just believed in it, and it was almost to the point where I
didn’t have the choice not to believe. I just kept going back to that.

I know I tell that story so often, but it’s so true. You can do whatever you set your mind to,
trust the process, find people to help you. If it’s a coach like me or somebody else, but you
can absolutely get what you want. I’m living proof of that. Your brain may be telling you
all the excuses of like, “Well, Lindsay was younger,” or, “Lindsay, was a white girl,” or
whatever. I get that. Some of that may be things we need to overcome, but we can
absolutely get you to wherever you want to go.

I would love to help you do that, but just know you can do it no matter what. It would be
so great if we could do it together too. As always, the link and the outro of if you want to
coach with me and start the process of getting a free consult and doing all that stuff, but
regardless, I hope this episode inspired you and showed you just how easy it is to create a
10-year vision and the power of that, and how much you can change in 10 years. Pretty
incredible stuff. All right, my friend, I’ll see you next time. Bye.


Hey there, Miss Unstoppable. Thanks so much for tuning into this episode. If you enjoyed
it, share it with a friend. Send them a picture of this episode via text, via email, share it on
social media, I’m sure they would be so appreciative to know these strategies and tips on
how to accomplish your dreams. If you are ready to guarantee you’re going to accomplish
your goals and dreams, then it’s time to start coaching with me.

In my nine-month simple success coaching system, I am going to walk you every single
step of the way to ensure that you get the goals and dreams that you want. The first step is
to apply for a free 60-minute consult call. Just go to LindsayEpreston.com/apply to get
started. As always, my friend, remember, you’re only as unstoppable as you believe you can
be, so believe in yourself. You got this.

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Hi! I'm Lindsay

Hi! I’m Lindsay Elizabeth Preston. I’m a certified & trauma-informed life & leadership coach who has spent the last decade helping successful women create lives that feel as good on the inside as they look on the outside by using my neuroscience-backed coaching process called, Awakened Woman.

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