


Helping women up-level their lives is what I do all day, every day. It’s my passion and it’s my highest level of expertise. I know how to make up-levels happen. Yet, it wasn’t until very recently that I realized the 4-step process for how an up-level works. Join me as I teach you this process so you can make up-levels continuously happen time and time again.


Dec 2, 2020 | GOALS | 0 comments

“I want to cultivate the growth of women in my lifetime, empower them, and help them to really step into their power.”

Level up in Life

Helping women up-level their lives is what I do all day, every day.  It’s my passion and it’s my highest level of expertise.  

I know how to make up-levels happen.

Yet,  it wasn’t until very recently that I realized the 4-step process for how an up-level works.

It’s broken down like this…

It’s a simple yet complex process that I’m going to walk you through in-depth today on the podcast.  

Once you get this process, watch out because you’ll accomplish your goals and dreams faster than ever before.  You’ll become one of those women who DOES the things she sets her mind out to do.  How crazy cool is that?

Listen via the link at the top of this page.

To up-leveling your life!


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Full Transcript

This is the Become an Unstoppable Woman podcast with Lindsay Preston Episode 86, How
to Uplevel.


Welcome to the Become an Unstoppable Woman podcast, the show for goal-getting, fearfacing women for kicking ass by creating change. I’m your host, Lindsay Preston. I’m a wife,
mom of two, and a multi-certified life coach to women all over the world. I’ve lived
through enough in life to know that easier doesn’t always equate to better. We can’t fear
the fire, we must learn to become it. On this show, I’ll teach you how to do just that. Join
me as I challenge you to become even more of the strong, resilient, and powerful woman
you were meant to be. Let’s do this.


Hey, there miss unstoppable, so excited to have you for another episode of this show, or if
it’s your first episode, welcome. This is a great one to start with. We’re going to talk about
how to up-level today. Up-leveling just means you’re going after new goals and dreams in
your life, be it in your career, in your personal life with your health, it really doesn’t matter.
It’s just that you’re wanting something new, you want to take things up a notch, you want
to get better in your life.

Today we’re going to walk through how to up-level step by step by step. Before we get
into it, though, I have to share the inspiration behind this episode. I, obviously, am always
up-leveling my life because I am a coach and obviously, I want to be walking my talk and
always growing and thriving more and more in my life, but I realized this past year, I have
really up-leveled a lot in my business, not just from a financial standpoint of making more
money, but in regards to fine-tuning who I work with.

Before when I very first started my business, I said, “Oh, I just work with 20 something
women,” and then it became 20 and 30 something women. I think I even went to go-getter
women a few years after that because I just kept getting some women who were right on
the brink of therapy and coaching. Then as time went on, it just became very clear that
therapy was a better option for them. This past year, I’ve really just hit home that go-getter
lingo of that, it’s who I work with, it’s go-getter women who want to accomplish their
goals and dreams. I help them to do that and feel better than ever in the process.

Just by fine-tuning and tweaking that language of who I work with, it has attracted a
different kind of clientele. Most of my clients now are highly ambitious, career-driven
women who come to me, and yes, do they want to work on their career sometimes? Most
of the time, yes. Other times, it’s career and a little bit of personal life or health. It doesn’t
really matter.

Really the core quality is that they’re just super go-getters. They are ready to make things
happen in their life, they’re ready to roll up their sleeves and get to work and get moving
on stuff. They take massive action to do that. Many times they come to me and they have
been taking action, but it’s been more of what I call this frantic action of, they’re just all
over the place, and they feel like they’re not making as much momentum in their life as
they want to, even though they’re really busy.

Anyways, this past year, I’ve really fine-tuned and tweaked that. I’ve also changed my
coaching process from it being little three-month programs and packages where you could
sign up and do one-on-one or you could do a group coaching or you can do it self-study to
just making it one package, nine months. There’s only one level to do it and that’s one-onone.
It just changed, to have a client who is saying, “Yes, I recognize with that go-getter term. I
want to accomplish my dreams, I want to feel even better.” They have to check that box,
and then they have to check the box of, “Am I ready to make an investment like a ninemonth coaching package it requires that is primarily one-on-one with Lindsay?”

In essence, I have accomplished the up-level. I am here now on the other side of it, but just
like any human brain, once we get something, then we sit in it for a second, and then we
say, “Okay, where am I going next?” I had some different ideas of how I want to fine-tune
who I work with even more. I’m realizing the goals that I love helping women with the
most are career goals. I love, love, love getting emails of things like, “Lindsay, I’m making
more money,” or, “Lindsay, I just got promoted,” or, “Lindsay, I’m growing my business or
making the shift from this to this.” It just lights me up.

Now of course the other stuff lights me up too. I love hearing when marriages are
improved or someone has found their ideal guy or girl or they’ve lost weight or improved
their health or whatever. Again, that career stuff is really what fires me up and so I’ve
started to think about, “Do I just want to work with go-getter women who want to improve
their career?” That’s a big question mark right now. I don’t know if I want to go down that
path yet.

I also had this vision recently. I was watching Kamala Harris give her acceptance speech to
be our new vice president here in the US. I’ve followed Kamala for a while. Even when she
was on the– I don’t know what you call it, but the circuit where we had more candidates
to run as the Democratic nominee, she stood out to me the most. I remember telling my
husband, “She is the one that I would pick.”

It wasn’t even about her policies. I didn’t even know her policies at the time and even still
now I don’t totally agree with a lot of her policies, but her energy. I just love her energy, I
love the way she carries herself and how certain she is. Just everything. There’s just so
many things I love about her being.

Anyways, while she’s giving this acceptance speech, I have this vision of, “I would love to
work with her. I would love to be her coach.” It’s so interesting to me because I’ve never
had this vision before with her. Even though I followed her for a while like I said. Too, I
caught myself off guard of thinking, “Wow, Lindsay, you really think you could be in a place
potentially where you could help out somebody like Kamala Harris?” It blew my own damn
mind, to be honest with you because again, for a while there, I was attracting women who
were a better fit for therapy because when I entered coaching, I was really on the brink
between the two, to be honest.

My husband and I, we’re watching The Crown season four right now. This is when they
introduced Princess Diana. We’re only in episode two. Diana is really young, she just met
Charles, and the way that she carries herself is she’s hunched over. She’s really shy and
unsure of herself in a lot of ways. My husband turned to me and he said, “She reminds me
so much of how you used to be.” He’s like, “Your confidence has just really blossomed and
bloomed over the past few years.”

I said, “Thank you. I feel the same way too.” I’ve seen year after year how I just carry myself
to friends and how I believe in myself in a whole different way. Of course, that shows in
my result line right now because I’m making more money and as I said, I’m attracting
different kinds of clientele where they are more go-getter, they’re in a really stable place
in life and I just helped them fly even more, versus working with most of my past clients
who I was trying to just stabilize their life. Anyways, going back to this vision I had with
Kamala, I’m just thinking, “Wow. I really think I’m starting to get in an arena where I could
coach somebody like her.”

Too, I was also thinking about some women who ran for office here local in the Dallas,
Texas area who lost. My mom mentioned one. I’m not going to say her name because I
don’t want to call her out. She said, “Oh, did you see so and so lost in Fort Worth?” which is
the city that I’m near. I said, “Yes, I’m not surprised because the way that she carried
herself versus the other woman candidate is the other woman candidate had confidence.
You could tell in the way that she put her shoulders back and the way that she spoke. I just
knew from the get-go that that other woman was not going to win.”

My mom sat there and she scratched her head for a minute, in essence. Again, I had that
vision of, “Man, I would love to work with women who are running for office,” because to
me running for a political office, especially here in the US is so brave. You are putting
yourself out there in a very big way with visibility and certainty. You have to be confident
to do something like that. Then if you lose, you lose in a very public setting.

Again I admire them very, very much to go and do something like that. I know that in my
work of being an entrepreneur and being a coach and putting myself out there, it’s taken a
lot of mindset work to be able to put myself out there in that way. I can only imagine the
mindset work that they would need to do that. Again, I’m at this place where I’m just
thinking, “Where do I want to go next up-level in my career, in my client-base and who I
work with potentially? Again, I’m really, really happy right now and I love what I’m doing,
but like any human brain, we’re always thinking about what’s next. I’m starting to put
myself back at the beginning of a potential up-level process.

I’m starting to, in essence, talk myself through, “What could this up-level look like?” It got
me thinking of “I need to teach this on the podcast because in essence, I’m teaching my
clients this in a very micro way as we’re coaching, but I want them to see it on a macro
level.” I want you to see it on a macro level so you can see everything that is involved
when you do make an up-leveling your life, and too, have a process of, “Lindsay said, this is
step one, have I done that? Lindsay said this is step two, have I done that?” Then walk
yourself through it.

Are you’re excited? I hope so. I love up-leveling. Of course, I’m doing this all day long for
women and for myself and so I’m so excited to share this process with you. Step one, it’s
very similar to what I just talked about in the last podcast with Accomplish Your Dreams.
That is you have to get a very clear vision on where you want to go. Many times it will hit
you like it did with me when I’m watching Kamala give her acceptance speech. It just hits
you out of nowhere and you just have this idea.

To me, a vision is even more than an idea. It’s something that just wakes you up inside of
you, like, “Oh, I would love to do that.” “I would love to start a business where I’m a coach,”
is what I hear from women sometimes. I just talked to a woman the other day and she said,
“I want to leave my executive director job and just focus in on my side business. It’s just
something inside of me. I never even thought I would leave this job behind. I thought
forever and ever, I would keep this job. Now here I am with a side business that’s starting
to thrive. I’m just a little thrown off that this vision has come to me and I’m taking steps
toward it.”

Again, it’s like when we’re hit with a vision, it does take us and make us off guard a little
bit, it knocks us on our toes because a lot of times we have built our life to accomplish
other steps and other dreams and goals. Then as we’re doing that, many times we’re
presented with another opportunity that we didn’t necessarily expect. Again, if we go back
to my example, I’ve been super happy this past year with the clients that I’ve worked with
and the way I have changed my process. It’s working really well.

It’s getting to a place too, in my business where I’m making good money. I haven’t made
money for years. If some of you are out there listening as, “Man, Lindsay is getting greedy
or whatever,” it’s like, listen, I’m almost on year seven in my business and this is the first
year that I’m finally taking a salary. I am definitely not getting greedy at all. This is way
overdue for me to start to be making this kind of money and to have some contractors on
my team that I get to help, provide for and they get to help make my business even better.
It’s been so great.

Again, I’m super happy. I just thought, “I’m going to ride this wave for a long time,” but
then all of a sudden, I get this vision of where to go next. Now, sometimes you may not get
the vision where it just hits you out of nowhere. It may be something that you just know
you need. I have some clients that say, “I just know I can’t keep working this job for the
rest of my life,” or “I just know, I can’t keep my marriage in the way that it is right now,” or
that, “I know that I don’t want my life to be where I just end up single with no kids. I know
that I want to have a family,” or, “Whatever, I want to be single.”

It’s tricky in the way the vision hits you, but it doesn’t really matter the way it does. If it
comes out of nowhere and hits you, great. Sometimes you do just need to sit down and
figure out, “What is my vision?” This is why I offer free consult calls because I will sit with
you for an hour in essence, and ask you questions to help you build your vision. This is
valuable. It’s so valuable because once you have the vision of where you want to go, then
you just start making steps toward it.

A lot of times again, we just need someone to hold the space for us and ask the right
questions for us to really figure out, “What is it that I want? Not what society wants from
me, not what I think I should do, or what I should give my family, but what is it that I really
want at the end of the day?” Then as I said from there, you just start getting to work off
that vision.

A lot of people too, they’ll get stuck here because what happens is they get a vision, and
then step two happens, which is basically all the mindset blocks come up, and they think,
“Oh, well, I’m just not meant for it,” or, “I can’t do it,” or, “My life is too hard to make these
changes.” They don’t realize that that’s just part of the game.

If we go back to my vision that I had with Kamala, and I thought, “Oh, my gosh, I’d love to
coach a woman like that or coach her,” all this stuff popped up in my head of, “Yes, but
Lindsay, you will have to do a lot of work to build your confidence. You’re going to have to
network in a way that’s next level for you and put yourself out there. You’re going to be in
a highly strategic industry of politics. You’re going to have to learn how to play that game,
in essence.”

Again, it was just all this mind drama that came up with it. Luckily, I know that’s part of the
game. I just think, “Cool, you’re showing me, brain, all of my blocks, all of the thoughts,
that I think I can’t do this and why it will be so hard, but I know how to get over that stuff.”
I know these are just thoughts that I can work through and I’m totally okay with that,
Versus old Lindsay, who didn’t know that the mindset drama and blocks are part of the
game, was just like, “Oh, okay. It’s just too hard,” or, “It’s too scary,” or, “It’s not a right fit.
It’ll take too long,” and I let the block stop me.

That’s why again, a lot of women, they don’t follow those visions because they just let that
mindset drama play at them and hold them back, and then they don’t do anything with it.
I’m thinking of a client that I have right now. She’s on my old system and she’s selfstudying one of my programs. That’s why I say she’s a sort of client. She’s kind of doing my
work and kind of not. She has some goals and dreams that she wants to change in her
career. She, in essence, signed up for my Become An Unstoppable Woman course and
really wanted to work through the blocks.

In essence, she just keeps talking herself out of doing the work. She even reached out to
me recently and thought about up-leveling and doing one-on-one coaching, and then let
the cost of it really scare her out of that. Which again, of course, we have to make smart
financial decisions, but at the same time, I asked her, I was like, “What’s the cost of you not
going after your goals and dreams? You know you want to go accomplish this vision and
yet you need help getting through the mindset drama.” You just need to be prepared for
that. I’m talking to you the listener now, not her, but you because it’s going to come up. It’s
just part of the game.

I always tell my clients, “New level, new devil.” Every time you’re up-leveling, just be
prepared, mindset drama is going to come up. Now, I just know that and I’ve gotten
smarter over the years. I’ve said this on other podcasts that I just have a coach in my
arsenal of people and I’m just constantly getting coaching. I’ve worked it into my budget.
It’s just a part of my way of being now. I don’t question it anymore, of, “Should I have a
coach or not have a coach?” because I continuously want to up-level my life and I see lots
of rewards from that, financially and elsewhere. I just make that happen for myself.
That’s part of my strategy to deal with the mindset drama because I’m always up-leveling
and you likely are or will be too if you fully commit to this go-getter lifestyle, in essence.

Too, if you don’t want to get to a place where you’re constantly investing in coaching, just
know if you work with me, I’ll teach you the tools for success and you can coach yourself.
You can run things like models like what I teach here on the show often, do journaling, and
just do little touch-and-go coaching sessions with me or somebody else. That will really
help you break through some of these barriers that will come up when you up-level.

Let’s go through the steps yet again. Step one is, paint a very, very clear vision about what
it is that you want. Many times again, it will slap you in the face, but sometimes you’ll have
to very intentionally sit down and say, “What is it that I want.” If you need help with this, I
encourage you to book a free consult call with me. Just go to lindsay-L-I-N-D-S-A-Yepreston.com/apply, and we will spend a whole hour painting a vision for you. Regardless,
if you want to use that consult call to move forward with me or not, I would love to give
you that time and space to go and have that hour with me.

Just know too, if you think, “Oh, I’ll do it later,” I can see very easily in a few months time
that I will be so booked out that I won’t be able to do these consult calls anymore so just
keep that in mind, or I’m going to have to get a lot more picky about who I have consult
calls with. Too, know if you do go apply, it is just a better fit that you will be somebody
who’s better for therapy, it doesn’t guarantee you’re going to get a consult with me but I
haven’t turned anybody away thus far. Most people if they are go-getter enough to go and
fill out that application then they are ready enough to do some sort of coaching, even if it’s
just on my consult call so just keep that in mind. Don’t wait on this, sign up, apply for a
consult, and let’s make it happen. Let’s paint that vision for you.

Then step two is just know the mindset drama is going to come up with that. It’s just part
of it. It’s just the way our brain works. Anytime we step out of our comfort of safety net, in
essence, the brain is just going to set off alarms. Even if it’s something that is exciting and
awesome, at the end of the day, our brain is just going to fear it until we do some mindset
work to make it not so scary to our brain.

Then step three is, you’re going to take that vision, and you’re going to break it down into
smaller steps. For me, what I do is, I do a 10-year vision, which I have talked about on
another podcast episode. I have a life vision and that life vision is changing often. I know
the general things that I want to accomplish in my life of how I want to make people feel
and the things that I want to do overall.

One overall thing is I just want to help women, and I want to cultivate the growth of
women in my lifetime, empower them and help them to really step into their power. I want
to make people feel really great in that process. I want when I leave this planet, for people
to say, “Lindsay just made me feel great. I always felt loved around her and that I could be
myself and be authentic. She just loved me exactly the way that I was.”
That’s part of my big life vision but then I take that and I break it down into a 10-year
vision. Then from there, it’s like, “What do I want to accomplish in the next 10 years?”

Recently I’ve redone this because I’m at a transition year where I’m going from the last 10-
year vision to the new one, and I’ve sat down and said, “Here’s what I’m going to do in the
next 10 years.” I keep that pretty general, but also specific to do one thing every year.
Next year for 2021, the big thing is I’m going to scale my business to where I’m making
more money than my husband because, for me, that’s just going to change the entire
power shift in our relationship and for our family to where I’m the primary breadwinner.

Then I can grow my business even more because right now I feel very limited in the way I
can grow because he makes more money and so if somebody has to cut something at work,
I’m the one that has to cut because we make that choice based off finances.

That’s my next big goal, and then after that is to scale my business to double the next
year, which is actually very feasible to do in the coaching industry, which is crazy to think
about. In other industries, it’s very hard to do that but then I’m going to double my
business after that. Then from there, I have some other things on my next 10-year vision.
Again, I’m just focusing on one big thing that I’m going to do that year, and stay focused
on that. Then when I have that big thing I’m going to do that year, then I break that down
into 90-day goals.

If we look at next year, I’m saying, “I want to make more money than my husband,” and of
course, I have that specific number in mind. Then from there, I’m saying, “What do I need
to do in Q1? What do I need to do in Q2?” because each quarter remember has three
months or 90 days ish, so I’m focusing on what the goals are for each quarter. Then from
there, if I need to cultivate new habits to get closer to that goal, then I know it’s going to
take at least 21 consistent days of doing something for my brain to wrap its brain wires
around, in essence, to say, “This is just going to become a part of me.”

I’ll give you an example. As I said, 2021, the goal is to make more money than my husband.
Q1 is all about hitting a first-target number of money and in that I’m really building up my
social media presence. I’m already taking steps on this now. I have a social media manager
that I recently hired. I also hired a videographer and so we’re just going to be pumping out
content like crazy on social. It’s really going to come out and be very strong in January. As I
said, we’re preparing now for that.

I’m not used to being on social that much and so I’m just starting to cultivate habits right
now between myself and my admin to be on social more and be active more. Our hope is
that by doing that, we will bring in more clientele from social media and it’ll get us closer
to that number. That’s just how I’ve broken that down with that bigger vision, my life
vision into a 10-year vision, into a one year focus, into a 90-day goal, and then into 21-day
habits. I know your brain may be like, “Whoa, that feels like a lot, Lindsay. I don’t know
how I’m going to be able to do that.”

That’s why again, people hire coaches because, in essence, you’re leaning on me to say,
“Hey, Lindsay, here’s what I want to do this next year.” My Living the Dream, people that I
have right now, that clientele group, those are the people that have worked with me in the
past. Now, when people go through my coaching process, we do all the block work the first
90 days and Unstoppable, then we do Building the Authentic Self in the next 90 days, and
then they get in essence, some of my basic training in Living the Dream. Then after that, if
they want continual support, then they can just continuously get coached by me every
single week if they want.

Anyways, when you sign up for that continual support in Living the Dream, then they have
these bigger goals, and I am helping them stay accountable for that, helping them break it
down into 90-day chunks, and helping them build habits to make those things happen.
They’re leaning on me for support to get all that done and in essence, they don’t have to
worry of like, “How am I going to do all this?” I’m working on it with them the whole time.

It’s like when you have a financial planner, is that, they tell you, “Hey, I need this amount
of money and this is what’s going to help you be able to retire by X, Y, Z year so that you
can have that amount of money that you want for retirement.” You provide the money, and
then you just trust that they’re going to invest it in ways that will help you flourish and get
the amount of money you want. Hopefully, that makes sense.

Step three is to then break it down, that vision, and then in step four, is to celebrate the
successes. This goes back to something I teach my clients called joy integration. When
you’re up-leveling your life, it feels scary to the brain, as I’ve mentioned before, even when
the good stuff happens. I remember earlier this year, when I booked my first client, at my
new package rate, it was a lot higher than my old package rate.

I remember just my whole body being in this vibration of, “Holy shit, I can’t even believe I
just did that. I can’t believe I sold a package for that amount and somebody bought it.” It
was the first time I’d ever done that, I just got really lucky and she happened to say yes.
She didn’t even have any objections, which was crazy cool, too. I just remember thinking,
“Oh, my gosh, this is incredible and amazing,” but my body, it was like it couldn’t even
integrate the joy that had just happened.

It wasn’t just an immediate thing, either. It was a couple of days, where I just felt like
almost the ground beneath me had shaken a little bit and I didn’t quite know where I was
anymore. I was like, “Wow, I’m just a person now who just gets paid that certain amount?
That’s crazy.” I knew what was happening and something called an upper limit problem
that the author, Gay Hendricks talks about in his book called The Big Leap. I give it to all of
my clients because it’s just so good.

The way he talks about it is that anytime we grow, in essence, we have this internal
thermostat of a certain temperature or a certain amount of joy that we can take, and to our
brain if we exceed that it feels scary until we’ll self-sabotage. The way to combat this is
this term called joy integration that I made up of, something great happens in your life,
and then you just need to take the time to integrate it. Really breathe through it, take
things slow, really process what has just happened, fully reflect on it.

For me, as I spent those days taking in that joy was, “I just charged this amount of money.”
I just kept saying that to myself over and over again. It’s like, “I’m a coach that makes this
kind of money. I’m the coach that delivers results worth this amount of money.” I just kept
taking it in, taking it in, and taking it in and really integrating it into my way of being and
allowing my brain to fully see that everything was okay, everything was fine, and just take
in the success of that.

Then too, taking a moment to celebrate that. Especially I do this every year at the end of
the year. I slow down intentionally in November and December and I take time off for the
holidays. I’m about to take a week off for Thanksgiving, and then I take off two weeks for
Christmas and New Year’s and I spend a lot of time reflecting. I reflect on the entire year
and I really soak in the growth that I had that year.

I just take in as like, “Wow.” This year, what I’m taking in is like, “Wow, I have made more
money in a year than I made in the first six years of my coaching business. That’s crazy.”
I’m just taking that in over and over again. It’s like, “Wow, I’m somebody when I set my
mind to things, I do with them. Wow, I am somebody that delivers X, Y, Z results for clients
now. Wow, I’m somebody who really enjoys herself now sexually. I didn’t use to be that
way, but I’ve worked on that this year, and look at me? Wow.”

Again, just integrating that in my way of being so that it becomes a part of me and then I
can up-level even more and I won’t fully self-sabotage. We see this happen a lot. He even
brings it up in the book, Gay Hendricks says in The Big Leap. I believe it was Bill Clinton
and he talked about Bill grew so quickly and when he got to the White House even his
approval rating was really high at one point and things are just going really well. What Gay
believes what happened with Monica Lewinsky was, in essence, of upper limit problem. He
couldn’t take in the amount of abundance he had created and so he self-sabotaged with

Now we can argue that in so many different ways because as we know Bill has had a
legacy of looking at other women and doing things with other women. Some even consider
him to be a sexual predator which I have some thoughts about that too. Anyways, Bill
really self-sabotaged himself with the whole Monica thing and tarnished his legacy, in
essence, because he just could not take any amount of abundance that he was creating.
Again, this is why it’s important for us to do things like celebrate our success, integrate the
joy so that we can continuously up-level our life and not self-sabotage.

That’s your up-level process in the nutshell in those four steps. I’m going to through them
one more time just so you see this. The first is begin with the end in mind, so get a vision
for what you want for your future self and your future life to look like. The second thing is
be prepared for the mindset drama that will come up. Have resources like a coach, know
the tools for success to get you through that, realize it’s just part of the game and nothing
has gone wrong so you don’t spin in doubt and confusion, and think that you can’t do it
because that’s not true at all. That’s just the way the brain works.

Then for step three, break that big vision down that you did in step one into goals. Have
10-year visions, one-year focuses, 90-day goals, 21-day habits. Then, when you do
celebrate or have successes, celebrate those successes, have that join agree somewhere
you integrate into your body, and take time to reflect on what has happened so that you
can fully integrate it and take in what has gone on as you up-level your life and you can
continue to up-level.

That’s my process in a nutshell. I hope it helps you. I know it has helped me out so much
to really put this process together in the past few months as I’ve sat back and said, “What
really is a process of up-leveling? What does that look like?” It’s so fun to share that with
you today. I can’t wait to hear about your successes as you up-level. Know I’m always here
to help you either in my free private community. You just go to lindsay-L-I-N-D-S-A-Yepreston.com/community to ask me questions. You’re always welcome to email me if you
want privacy, [email protected].

Then too, if you know that you want to quit f-ing around and really up-level your life and
make sure your results are going to happen because remember when we work together, I
guarantee results, you come in and say, “Lindsay, these are the things that I want from
coaching,” we make sure we’re both in agreement that that can happen in nine months and
then we make it happen. If it doesn’t happen then I give you your money back. In essence,
I’m investing in you really to go out and get your goals and dreams to happen because if
you don’t go and do it then I have to pay you money back and I have, in essence, spent my
time doing that.

That’s why again, I do those consult calls to really make sure as like, “Is this somebody I
want to invest my money and time in that I know will get those results?” Then we get to
work and we make it happen. It’s so cool and exciting to know that you could actually have
your up-level in nine months, whatever that may be. Then you will know the tools to
continuously do that over and over again.

You could potentially, too, bring me into your arsenal of having me in your pocket in
essence, whenever you want up-level time and time again beyond those nine months, to
just be that person that gets all your goals and dreams. How freaking cool is that to know
that whenever you set your mind to something, whatever goal you put down on paper,
whatever vision you have for yourself, that you can go do that and you have somebody in
your arsenal? Again, I keep using that word, but I just can’t help it, is that somebody there
to help you make that happen time and time again. How powerful.

I know for me, I love having a coach in my life. I just know that I’m going to get everything
and more that I want out of life because I have those tools for success, I know the process
like this up-level process and I have my coach to help me along the way when I feel stuck
and it feels hard. Again, I hope you love this episode. I hope it’s one that you listen to time
and time again and I will see you on the next one, my friend. Bye.


Hey there, Miss Unstoppable. Thanks so much for tuning into this episode. If you enjoyed
it, share it with a friend. Send them a picture of this episode via text, via email, share it on
social media, I’m sure they would be so appreciative to know these strategies and tips on
how to accomplish your dreams. If you are ready to guarantee you’re going to accomplish
your goals and dreams, then it’s time to start coaching with me.

In my nine-month simple success coaching system, I am going to walk you every single
step of the way to ensure that you get the goals and dreams that you want. The first step is
to apply for a free 60-minute consult call. Just go to LindsayEpreston.com/apply to get
started. As always, my friend, remember, you’re only as unstoppable as you believe you can
be, so believe in yourself. You got this.

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Hi! I'm Lindsay

Hi! I’m Lindsay Elizabeth Preston. I’m a certified & trauma-informed life & leadership coach who has spent the last decade helping successful women create lives that feel as good on the inside as they look on the outside by using my neuroscience-backed coaching process called, Awakened Woman.

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