


One of the things I do best is helping my clients create and ACCOMPLISH goals in their lives that feel fulfilling to THEM. I have a process that works. Tune into today’s episode as I teach YOU this process so that you can set and accomplish strong goals too!


Dec 28, 2020 | GOALS | 0 comments

“When it comes to setting goals, less is more.”

How to Set Goals

One of the things I do best is helping my clients create and ACCOMPLISH goals in their lives that feel fulfilling to THEM.  

I can’t tell you how many clients I have that think there’s no way they can accomplish a goal and then they do it (while feeling better than ever in the process) after using my proven goal setting process.

The relief and JOY they feel after learning how to set and accomplish goals with ease is something worth the price of working with me x 100.  Society makes goal setting so hard and complicated when it doesn’t have to be.

Once you know the process on how to set strong goals, you’re unstoppable.

Tune into today’s “Become an Unstoppable Woman” episode as I teach YOU this process so you can DIY your own goals….and then get ready to watch as you ACCOMPLISH your goals with more ease and fun than ever before.

Listen via the link at the top of this page.




Goals for the Future

Full Transcript

This is the Become an Unstoppable Woman podcast with Lindsay Preston Episode 93, Set
Strong Goals.


Welcome to the Become an Unstoppable Woman podcast, the show for goal-getting, fearfacing women for kicking ass by creating change. I’m your host, Lindsay Preston. I’m a wife,
mom of two, and a multi-certified life coach to women all over the world. I’ve lived
through enough in life to know that easier doesn’t always equate to better. We can’t fear
the fire, we must learn to become it. On this show, I’ll teach you how to do just that. Join
me as I challenge you to become even more of the strong, resilient, and powerful woman
you were meant to be. Let’s do this.


Hi there, my friend, welcome to another episode of the show. Today, we’re talking about
goals. It’s the end of the year if you’re listening to this episode live. Goal setting is on
pretty much everybody’s mind, even if they’re not goal-setting kind of people. Of course, I
got to put one out there, if you would need some help setting strong goals in your life and
if you just see in more tips on how to make your goals even stronger. I must brag on
myself for a second and say I am a pro at setting goals.

This is something I can do in my sleep for you. It is so easy for me to help clients or
anybody really, but clients are who I get to do this with. It is so easy for me to sit down
with them and set goals for them, goals that are authentic to them and intentional for
them, ones that we can break down and allow them to create in 90 days, ones that will
stretch them just enough, ones that tap into a deeper why, and then to their values and
their needs, and allow them to get closer to this 10 life. A 10 life is really like your ideal,
most fulfilled life.

I’m going to teach you today how I do that. Now granted, this is a skill you have to learn.
Even my clients, I’m constantly trying to teach them more and more how to do this for
themselves, and you have some room to grow, most of them, even the ones I’ve worked
with for years. It’s just something that comes very natural to me. In time it’ll become more
and more natural to you if you want it to be. Otherwise, you can always outsource it to
somebody like myself to help you set these goals. I know there are certain things in my life
that I’m like, “I could learn how to do the perfect curls in my hair, but I’d rather just have a
hairstylist do it.” That’s maybe the thing for you.

Again, if you want to DIY it, here we go. Today is the day, I’m going to tell you how to set
strong goals in your life. We’ve got a lot to cover. I’m just ready to jump right in. I hope you
are too. The first thing I want you to do, if you feel like you’re entering a new year, so for
us, as this episode is going live, we are about to enter 2021. For a lot of people that’s when
they feel like their year starts, for other people it’s a different time of the year. Maybe it’s
their birthday. Maybe it’s the beginning of a school season. I know for me, I feel like my
year starts in September 1st, but I still kind of play with this new year stuff too.

Again, you don’t have to follow any kind of rule or system here. Whatever you feel like your
year starts, go with it. The first thing I want you to do is, when you’re thinking about the
next year of your life is, what is your number one priority? What’s the number one thing
you want more than anything out of that next year? It can’t be more than one thing. It is
one thing. Start thinking what that could be for you, but I’m going to give you some
examples here of how I do this.

Of course, I’ll sit back and I’ll think about maybe these little goals that I want to create,
like more money here or this relationship I want to improve here. Maybe my health, I want
to do X, Y, Z with, something about all the little things. Then I sat back and I say, “What is
this really about? What are the commonalities between all of these things here? What’s
the big thing I really need to embody in order to make these things happen?” Again. I’m to
ask that again, what is it that I really need to embody to make these things happen?

Last year, my goals, and last year, meaning 2020, were things like make a certain amount
of money in my business. I even forget my goals now. Oh my gosh. That’s so bad. The loss
of the baby weight was another one. Gosh, again, I can’t think of them offhand, but I had
all these goals. When I sat down and I really thought about it, it was like, “Okay, what’s the
really big thing I need to embody here.” At the time it was joy. I was like, “I need to be able
to take in more joy in my life.” So many things are going well and I find myself selfsabotaging the stuff that’s going well. I really need to get accustomed to feeling more joy.

I remember another year, this was a few years ago, that big thing I needed to embody was
strength. That felt like the number one priority of the year. Another year, it was learning.
Another year, it was consistency. Another year, it was connection. Again, what’s the number
one thing you need to embody? It needs to be a word or phrase that you are going to fully
work on the whole year and that’s going to become a part of you by the end of the year, is
to have that one quality.

I gave you some examples there of me in the past with things like strength, joy,
connection, consistency, learning. What is it for you? Whatever you come up with, that is
your word or phrase of the year. I encourage you to do this exercise. Don’t skip over this.
This is the biggest thing. Because if you don’t have this, your year is probably going to feel
to your brain like it’s a shit show a little bit, and you’re all over the place, because you’re
not going to really know where you’re going.

If you have that one phrase or word, you know where you’re heading and you know at the
end of the next year, when it’s over, did I do that or not? What’s really cool is, many times
when you just set that word or phrase, you can set all of these little goals that you think
are going to get you there, but what happens is like, the universe, God, whatever, the
worlds, whatever you believe in, takes you there and allows you to experience whatever
you need to experience to then embody that by the end of the year. Most of the time.

Now some people will set a word or phrase, and then their brain totally freaks them out of
it. They go into avoidance and they just totally give up on the whole thing. I’m guessing
that’s probably not you though, because you listened to this podcast and you consider
yourself a go-getter woman. I’m not worried about that with you, but just in case that
happens to you and you’re like, “Lindsay, in the past I have done this and it didn’t work.”
That’s because you probably have some avoiding tendencies, and it may even come out of
you overworking in other areas for you not to deal with your stuff.

Just avoiding tendencies doesn’t mean you sit at home all day and eat bonbons and lay in
bed. It means sometimes you throw all your energy into something else so you don’t really
look at what needs to be released and looked at and processed so that you can move the
needle forward. Because our brain hates feeling negative emotion and sometimes we have
to go into the negative emotion to do that. Side tangent for you, but going back, word or
phrase. Think about what that is for you.

Again, if this is really hard for you, because, for some women, it is. They’re not used to
trusting themselves, they’re not used to tapping into their intuition and their body and
feeling what’s right for them, they’re so used to just people telling them what to do, that’s
a big sign. It’s time for you to hire a coach, be it me or somebody else, because I really
want you to live a life where you’re tapping into yourself and you know yourself. That’s
what’s going to create a fulfilling life for you. You can set all these goals all day long, but
if you don’t know how to tap into yourself and what you need and what you want,
otherwise you’re just going to be a little robot achieving. It’s not that fun.

If you have that word or phrase, great, that’s awesome. Let’s then off that word or phrase,
say, “Okay, what are the top one, maybe two or three goals that I want this next year?” You
can set more than those three, but really, what I’ve learned over the years, as somebody
who used to set a million and one goals, less is more. For me, when I’m going into 2021, I
have one big goal for the year, one, and it’s to make a certain amount of money. Then I
have two other pretty important goals. That is to really embody that I have a 10 marriage.
Meaning, I know I have a 10 marriage, I just need to fully accept it and quit selfsabotaging, that I don’t. Then the other one is to be in my body more.

From that is to work out a little bit more and process some feelings that I know I need to
get rid of. Those are my three big goals. Now, I have some other little ones in there, like
I’m going to travel a certain amount of times this year and I really want to be present with
my family more, and dah, dah, dah, dah. To me, I have one big goal next year with my one
big overarching phrase or word, which, if you’re curious, is joy integration. That is my big
phrase. My big goal is the money goal. Then I’ve got the two little ones, and then some
little baby ones beneath that, that I feel like are almost already done. We already have
three trips book next year. I just stretch it to say, “Maybe we’ll take four trips.”

Making sense? I hope so. Again, I used to be somebody who would set pages and pages of
goals. Gosh, I think I have some of the documents on my computer of just 10 million goals
under finance, 10 million goals under spiritual, 10 million goals under health. Because
there is a point in your life when you’re like, “Dang, there’s so many things that I want to
change.” You just want to change them all at one time. That’s how I felt my late 20s. Right
when I entered coaching, then I saw this whole new world of possibility and I was like, “Oh
my gosh, I want all of these things.”

Then two, before that meeting, before I got into coaching, I would set all these goals, and
the year would go by and I really wouldn’t do any of them. Then I feel really shitty. Then
I’d be like, “Oh man, I’m just going to pile it onto the next year. Oh, let me see what I can
take on next year.” It’s so bizarre, my brain would think, “Oh, if I didn’t do it next year, let
me try next year and add on more things.” So weird, like that’s really going to work.

Again, it’s like, we totally overestimate what we can do in a year, but we underestimate
what we can do in 10 years. If you haven’t listened to my 10-year vision episode, I’ll put a
link in the show notes, the goal isn’t to that one, because I talk about this even more about
having a 10-year vision and how important that is. Because if you have a 10-year vision, it
makes this so much easier to look at the year to year because you see this bigger vision
and you’re like, “Wow, I’m going to get all that done. Great. I don’t need to stuff it all on
one year. I can take this slow. I can enjoy the ride.”

As I keep saying over and over again, you can get that one thing done, and if you get that
one big goal you want done really well, it moves the needle typically on so many other
things in your life. I know by me making more money at work, it’s really me just, again,
integrating this joy and taking in the story that I’m able to have a job that I love that
creates massive results for people and that I make a good living off of. It’s just like me just
integrating that even more, because before it was just too much. It was like, “Okay, I could
love my job and maybe I can give people great results, but make money from it? Oh my
gosh, whoops. Too much abundance.”

Now I’m like, “Whoa, I’m going to take that in.” Same with the marriage. It’s like, “If I can
take in that kind of abundance, I can take in that I have a great marriage.” I can take in the
abundance that I have a really great body, and my past is my past in some ways. I can
process some of those feelings that I know I need to process. You follow me here? I hope
so. Now, what do we do from here? After you’ve got that big overarching focus, that word
or phrase, you’ve got one and then maybe a couple of little goals into that, where do we go
and how do we make those goals something that you can measure and you can achieve?
I encourage you to take your goals and put them in a SMART format. You probably know
what the SMART format means. It’s all over the place, especially in the corporate world,
but it’s just taking a goal, making it specific, measurable, attractive, or attainable.

It depends on who you talk to and what word they use there. Then for some people, they say
it’s something like relative or relatable or they use the R in different ways too and then it
has a timetable. Really what it’s saying there is, “Let’s make the goal specific. Let’s make it
something you actually want to do. Let’s make it something that we can measure. Let’s
make it on a timetable.”

When I’m looking at this with my clients, we typically do 90-day goals because that has
what research has shown is the optimal period for making a goal happen. For some reason,
the brain just sees 90 days is just far enough that it feels like a stretch, but it’s not too far. I
set 90-day goals with them. Typically what we’re doing is, we’re saying, “By-,” whatever the
end date is. If you’re setting a goal for January 1st, it would be by March 31st, 2021.
They’re saying by March 21st, 2021, and right there we’re making that a timetable, then
they’re saying what they want.

For some clients, it’s pretty easy-peasy. It’s straight and cut-dry, something like a weight
loss. I will weigh X amount, or I have lost X pounds. For some clients, it’s like, “I’ve paid off
X amount of debt,” or “I’ve increased my income by X.” Those goals, again, pretty easy to
set there. We’re making a specific, we’ve got the measure because we’ve got the pounds or
the money or whatever. We’ve got the timetable, and then we’ll work a little bit deeper
here on making sure it’s something that’s attractive to them and something they can

Now, what if it’s like a goal of feeling a certain way? You want to feel happier in your
marriage, for example. Then you’ll say again, you’ll have that timetable by March 31st,
2021, “I have increased the fulfillment in my marriage,” or whatever word you want to
measure, if it’s not fulfillment, happiness, peace, connection, joy, whatever, by a blank
number to a blank number. What you’re going to do here is make a 1-to-10 scale, 10 being
you have the ideal, 1 being you don’t. If you’re going to measure fulfillment in your
marriage, where do you fall on that scale? You may say a six. By March 31st, where do you
want to be what number? You may say a nine.

Then what I have my clients do as I say, “Okay, describe to me what a six feels like, and
what are you’re doing as a six?” They may say, “Sometimes I connect with my husband, and
sometimes I don’t. We communicate about work and school and kids, but we don’t
communicate about anything else. We’re intimate with one another two times a month. We
rarely, if ever, go on date nights, we argue about blah, blah, blah.” They go into all the
details of where they’re at right now to make it a six.

I encourage you go into a lot of details here. So many times with clients, they’ll come back
to me and they’ll give me very basic stuff. I just have a client right now who sent me a
goal, just before I got on this podcast, and it happened to be a marriage goal. I think she’s
starting at a 7 and wants to be at a 10 with her marriage.

I said, “Okay, tell me what a seven feels like.” She gave me like three words. I was like, “Oh
my gosh, we’ve got to get more details than that. We’ve got to go off everything. Tell me
everything about what makes it a seven right now. Then tell me everything about what
you want it to be in 90 days, what that number represents to you.”

Maybe and things like, “We’re intimate with one another every week, we go on date nights.
Once a month, we communicate about everything. I feel at peace with him instead of
feeling anxiety, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah.” The more we can get details there, the
more we can measure, and the more the brain will start to say, “Okay, I know what I need
to do now to get to work here.” Because if we don’t bring awareness to what you need to
do, you’re screwed. You’re totally screwed.

This is what I was talking about earlier. So many people, they don’t fully dive in head first
into where they are in their life right now and where they want to go. They avoid this crap
for whatever reason, their brain just says, “Don’t go there.” Then what? They don’t
accomplish their goals. It’s just like this flighty little vision board exercise in essence,
which is fun. I love vision boards and all of that, but it’s not going to move the needle. It’s
just going to be you dreaming a dream. Let’s get specific here. Tell me the details.

All that makes sense? Make it measurable, get specific, put it on a timetable. Then what I
do with my clients is I say, “Tell me your why for this goal. Why is it so important for you to
lose weight? Why do you want to pay off debt? Why do you want to make more money?
Why do you want to improve your marriage? Why do you want to get more fit?” Whatever
the goal is. Most times they start with a superficial answer. “I just really want to connect
with my husband more.” I’ll say, “Okay, why is that important?” “Because I just don’t like
the way that I’m feeling right now.” “Why is it important for you to change?” “It’s important
for me to change because I don’t want to live my life this way.”

“Why is that?” “I don’t really want to live my life this way because I don’t like it.” “You don’t
like what?” I have to keep digging and digging. Do you see where I’m going here? Until you
get to a place with that why, when you realize one of two things typically is what I find
with my clients. The first is that you’re here to serve, so if we’re going back to the marriage
one and say these people have kids, it’s like, “I don’t want my kids to see a marriage that
isn’t the ideal.”

Then it comes from a place of service, and that motivates us as human beings because we
realize it’s not just about us. We’re here to do something bigger and here to give back.
That we need to tap into with your brain. On the days when you’re like, “Oh, I don’t want to
go work out. I want to lose the weight, I don’t want to connect with my husband, I don’t
want to save the money,” you go back to that why and you’re like, “Oh, shit. Oh no, Oh no,
no. I’m going to work out because I need to show my children what it means to be healthy.
I need to show my children what it’s like to save money. I need to show the world, my
clients, my coworkers, anyone I’m in countering with what it’s like to do XYZ.”

Now that’s the first deeper reason I talked about. I said, there’s a second one. The second
one is that you realize this is about you and your journey, and you showing up as the best
version of you. For me, if I’m thinking about my money goal next year, for example, and I’m
thinking, “What’s my why with that?” Initially, I would say, “Because I want to be able to
integrate more joy. I want to take in that I can make money for my business.”

If I was coaching myself, I’d say, “Why is that important?” I would say, “Because I’ve worked
so hard in this business. I really haven’t made a lot of money and it’s my time.” “Why is that
important?” “Because I want to give back to my husband, my husband is supportive of me,
and dah, dah, dah.”

I could stop there. By then it’s gotten to a point where it’s a place of service, and I’m
wanting my husband to experience a job, that’s as joyful as mine, because currently, right
now, he doesn’t, and I want him to have that. Money is a part of that for him to go
experience that.

Then it goes deeper, it’s like, I want my daughter to see that women can go out there and
have a job that they love and they create massive transformation for people and they make
a good living off of and you don’t ever need anybody to support, you can support yourself.
I’m helping other women in this, and she sees the power of that.

Again, I could stop there, but I coach myself even deeper. I said, “Not only that, but I want
my clients to see what’s possible for them. If they’re not at a place where they’re making
the amount of money they want to, I want to show them that once I set my mind to
something and I do it, it gets done. Then all of a sudden, that opens up space for them to
go do it. They realize that the world is their possibility and they can create whatever they

Do you see how I get like so passionate and so fired up? On the days that I’m like, “Oh, I
don’t really want to show up on social media day,” or “I don’t really want to make that offer
to that person. What if they say no?” or I’m having a really difficult day with this client, I
just want to peace out and go watch Netflix and not have to deal with it.

I go back to that why and I’m like, “No, no, no, Lindsay, you are here to help your husband,
to help your daughter, and to help your clients. Get your body out of bed and make this
happen.” That is so motivating. You’ve got to do that for you, too. What is your why?
Because you got to tap into that sucker, because otherwise you’re going to talk yourself
out of school so many times. Our brain doesn’t like change, remember? It doesn’t feel
good. We’ve got to show it, “Hey, we got to get to work, my friend, and this is why we’re
doing it. It’s not about me, it’s about something bigger.”

The other thing I ask my clients, “How is this goal going to take you closer to your 10 life?”
Many times this is pretty easy, because they’re like, “I want to improve my finances. By
improving my finances, I don’t have debt. That’s going to improve my life fulfillment with
my finances. When I’m more to fulfill my finances, I’m going to have more peace of mind.
When I have more peace of mind, I’m going to have more time for my marriage.” It just
spills over into all these different areas. Just get really clear for you of how it gets you
closer to your 10 life.

This is why, again, it’s so important for you to know what your 10 life is, and that 10-year
vision episode, I talk about this more. If you want help creating your 10 life vision, I do this
on my free consult calls. We spend almost a whole hour you talking about your 10 life, and
I ask you so many questions to get you very clear on your 10 life. You can walk away from
that call having that.

Just something to think about, if you want that in the links in the show notes, if you want
to go apply for that consult call, but I will get you there, because it’s so important you
know where you’re heading in your life. Everything I ask my clients is, “How does this goal
relate to your top needs and values?”

Those are two assessments that I give them as we work together. They can test what are
their top values in their life. Values are just the things they value the most. Values that are
on that assessment are things like freedom, experience, community, spirituality, teaching,
leadership. Gosh, I’m trying to think of some other ones. Those are the ones I see the most,
I feel like, yes, I think so, family, I think, is one.

Those we have to then go in and say, “Okay, how does this tie to this goal?” Because your
values are things you naturally want to live in anyway. Then what their needs, their needs
are the things that they feel like they need the most. For every single one of my clients,
they have a top need of growth. Now they have other top needs on there, things like
contribution, love and connections, stability. Oh gosh, what are some other ones?
Significance, but every single one of my clients, they have growth, which is no surprise,
because coaching is about growth.

Then we tie it back to their needs of growth and whatever it happens to be and say, “Okay,
this is how it’s going to fulfill that need in you of you doing X, Y, Z is going to help that
need feel more complete and fulfilled in you.” Again, this is just going to create a more
natural response from your brain because you’re already intuitively needing these things.

Then the last thing we do is, we develop mantras that will help support the goal. If we go
back to that marriage goal, they could easily just say the mantra of “I connect with my
husband daily, we are intimate X amount of times.” Oh gosh, what else? “We are at peace
with one another, it’s easy to communicate with him,” all the things basically that she is
wanting to create in those 90 days, she starts saying to herself every day.

If it’s somebody who’s paying off debt is, “I have paid off X amount of debt.” If someone
making more money, “I make X amount more money.” Somebody is trying to lose weight, “I
weigh X amount of pounds.” They just start saying that over and over again. What happens
is, the brain builds a wire in the brain to believe that, that it already has that thing.

If you’re thinking, “Oh, I weigh this amount,” you start making choices from that state of
being, because your brain thinks you already have it. Then it’s like, “Oh, no, I don’t want to
overeat. Oh, no, I don’t want to do this,” because you fully believe that you are that person.
Right now, my income goal, I say every single day, “I make X amount of money, I make X
amount of money,” or “I have made X amount of money,” sometimes I say, and I just like sit
in that space.

In my brain right now, because I’ve been saying that now for weeks, it takes about at least
three weeks for that to set in of you saying every single day, I feel like I’ve already done it.
It’s weird when I go to my bank account, I’m like, “Oh, I haven’t done this yet.” In my brain,
I have done it.

I’m making choices from that space already of, “I have made this money.” That, my friend, it
seems woo-woo and it seems weird. When you do that, the goal just happens so naturally,
because your brain is supporting you in that. If you’re a believer in the universe, or
anything like that of manifesting, then all of a sudden it’s like, “Oh my gosh, this goal just
happened and it became so easy. It’s like I wanted this X amount of money, and I just
happen to get the job offer and that amount of money. How crazy is that?” I don’t know
how it all works.

Somehow it works, my friends, it works. It’s so crazy cool how it works and how easy it
feels when you do that. For me, it just goes back to a science thing of when you build that
brain wire, your brain knows what to look for, your brain just naturally attracts that, even if
you don’t consciously know that that’s going to be the job that pays you that amount of
money, or by you taking this one class out of the nowhere, that’s going to be the thing that
moves the needle in your marriage, or by you having this thing happen to you, that’s going
to be the thing that loses weight for you, when you thought it was going to be this other

You just start to program that in, you don’t worry about how you’re going to get to the goal
as much. You just become that state of being. All of a sudden, it’s like you have the goal.
This is why, with my clients, and I’m not effing around here, when I’m saying this, I’m
trying to pump this up and brag about this, but I have clients who were like, “Holy crap,
Lindsay, how did I get this done in 98 days? When I set this goal with you, I thought it was
such a stretch, and there was no way. Yet, I’ve done it.”

I’m like, “Yes, you have. Isn’t that so incredible?” I pump them up. I’m like, “This just shows
you, you can do anything you put your mind to. When you know how to set strong goals, in
this process I have just literally walked you through.” This is exactly what I do with my
clients. I’m not leaving anything out here. Other than, of course, we’re coaching and I’m
asking them questions, and they can talk back to me, of course.

As you do this process, and if you do this process well, you will hit your goal. Now, again,
it’s not just like you settle this and you put it aside. I have my clients look at their goal,
specifically, every single week, they go back in, rewrite their goal every single week, and
they say in their workbook, “What progress have I made? What progress needs to happen
next?” Because they have to look at their goal over and over and over and over again.
Let’s recap really quick how to set strong goals. First, set that number one priority for the
year, your focus, that’s your word or intention. What’s the big thing I need to embody this
next year for me to hit my goals in essence? Then you think, “What’s my number one goal?
Maybe I have a couple little goals underneath that.” That’s it.

For all my goaloholics out there, that’s it, you don’t need more than that. If you really
struggle with this, you have anxiety go to create that 10-year vision, it’ll help put some
peace of mind with that. Then from there, you take those smaller goals, you put them into
90-day chunks. What do I want to do the first 90 days? You make it specific and
measurable, at least, and have a timetable, which again, is that 90 days, get very, very
specific on that.

Then you ask yourself the why questions. You ask yourself, “How is this getting me closer
to my 10 life?” You ask, “How does this relate to my needs and my values?” If you know
those things, and then you develop mantras. Mantras are, in essence, the after of what you
have at the end of those 90 days. I have paid off X amount. I weigh X amount. I do blah,
blah, blah in my marriage. Again, the after is the mantras you’re saying to yourself. Less is
more. Slow and steady is the key. I am somebody who is like that jackrabbit who loves to
run out of the gate and be like, “Let’s do all the things.” I’ve learned over the years slow
and steady is the key to success. I encourage you, if you haven’t listened to my- I think it’s
called “Learn your seasons episode,” it’s a couple of episodes back, I’ll link it in the show
notes, go listen to that one, because that teaches you, you cannot go all crazy, wild, full of
action all year. You’re going to have ebbs and flows in the year.

I’ve learned, with my goals, to create them in a way where I really pump them up, and I am
at max speed with them in spring and summer. When I’m in the fall and winter seasons, I
slow them down, and I adjust accordingly for that, because that’s the way my body works. I
know it’s a lot to think about. I know it’s a lot to learn. Your mind is spinning. That’s why,
again, if it’s too much for you, hire a life coach. It makes it so much easier.

I know that it’s a direct pitch, and you may be pissed at me for that, but it just makes it
easier. Otherwise, what I’m teaching you today, go out and DIY it too. If you feel confident
with that, go rock it. This is what I use on my clients. You just got a crap ton of value today
from this, but if it’s over your head, don’t sit here in victim mentality and be like, “Oh, it’s
too much.”

Be like, “Hey. If I really want to make my own goals and dreams to happen, then I need to
outsource this, because I’m just going to have somebody else do this who is really good at
this and who is trained in this. Then, I just get to sit back, and she tells me what to do. I
just make sure it’s authentic to me, of course, but then I go do it, and then my goals
happen. Lindsay guarantees my goals, because I know if I work with her, she’s going to
guarantee this happen. Otherwise, she’s going to give me my money back.”

What is the problem here, brain? Either go do it myself or hire somebody to do it. Let’s go.
There’s no reason for you not to set your goals and to get your goals. None, zero, zilch, not
one reason. You have found this podcast. Thank the stars above you have found it. Then,
take action from that place, or either I’m going to do it for myself, or I’m going to hire
Lindsay or somebody else to make this happen.

I know I get really fired up when I talk about goals, get a little sassy in there, but it’s just
because I love it so much, and it’s so easy once you know how to do this. Please, please,
my God, don’t ever sit in a space where you’re not getting your goals. It is so flipping fun to
get your goals. You just need to know how to set them in a way that works for you. You
got, this my friends, but reach out if you need me. I’m always available. Link in the show
notes. O course, if you want to start the coaching process and do that free consult call, I’m
here for you. Let’s go. Have a wonderful 2021, and I can’t wait to see your goals too, and
you rock them, and I’ll see you on the next episode. Bye, my friend.


Hey there, Miss Unstoppable. Thanks so much for tuning into this episode. If you enjoyed
it, share it with a friend. Send them a picture of this episode via text, via email, share it on
social media, I’m sure they would be so appreciative to know these strategies and tips on
how to accomplish your dreams. If you are ready to guarantee you’re going to accomplish
your goals and dreams, then it’s time to start coaching with me.
In my nine-month simple success coaching system, I am going to walk you every single
step of the way to ensure that you get the goals and dreams that you want. The first step is
to apply for a free 60-minute consult call. Just go to LindsayEpreston.com/apply to get
started. As always, my friend, remember, you’re only as unstoppable as you believe you can
be, so believe in yourself. You got this.


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Hi! I'm Lindsay

Hi! I’m Lindsay Elizabeth Preston. I’m a certified & trauma-informed life & leadership coach who has spent the last decade helping successful women create lives that feel as good on the inside as they look on the outside by using my neuroscience-backed coaching process called, Awakened Woman.

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