


Learn the steps you’ll need to take in order to authentically show up in life to speak your truth.


Feb 1, 2021 | MINDSET | 0 comments

“When speaking your truth it’s going to be uncomfortable and you’re going to make mistakes but it’s the only way you’re going to grow into the fully expressed person you want to be.”

Speaking Your Truth

Recently, I was asked to speak my truth about a topic I wasn’t used to speaking up about and I messed up.

I must admit, it’s been a while since I spoke my truth and didn’t get it right.

I’ve grown over the years from being a quiet people pleaser to a bold coach, wife and parent but on social media I’m still finding my way on how to authentically say what I want to say well.

When I messed up, I felt like I was in the arena with my clients who I’m intentionally working with on how to speak their truth too.  I felt the anxiety and pain again that can happen when you take the courageous step to go outside your comfort zone and I was able to pin down the 3 steps it takes to make speaking your truth happen.  

I realized as these 3 steps came to fruition, I HAD to record a podcast episode about this.  It’s too good not to share.  

The 3 steps I share with you today and my raw emotion about how it feels when you speak your truth will inspire you to take the bold leap to speak up in your own life too.

I must say I’m proud of this episode.  It’s good. Take notes.

Listen via the link at the top of this page.



Full Transcript

How to Stop Being a People Pleaser

This is the Become an Unstoppable Woman podcast with Lindsay Preston Episode 98, Speak
Your Truth.


Welcome to the Become an Unstoppable Woman podcast, the show for goal-getting, fearfacing women for kicking ass by creating change. I’m your host, Lindsay Preston. I’m a wife,
mom of two, and a multi-certified life coach to women all over the world. I’ve lived
through enough in life to know that easier doesn’t always equate to better. We can’t fear
the fire, we must learn to become it. On this show, I’ll teach you how to do just that. Join
me as I challenge you to become even more of the strong, resilient, and powerful woman
you were meant to be. Let’s do this.


Hey there, Ms. Unstoppable. Welcome to another episode of the show. This one is going to
be a good one. Take some notes, pay attention. It’s powerful information. I know this,
because I was recently called to speak my truth in a whole new way. I had to use the steps
that I’m going to share with you today to fall back on when it felt really scary and hard. I
must admit, in my life now for the most part, it’s pretty easy for me to speak my truth. It’s
certainly was not that for a long time.

I used to not even raise my hand in class because I didn’t want to get it wrong. I’m an
Enneagram Five, if you know what that means, you know where I’m going with this. It’s
like, I just did never wanted to make a mistake and wanted to be shown that I didn’t know
enough, so I just wouldn’t participate. I wouldn’t speak my truth there, I wouldn’t speak my
truth in my relationships, hence why I ended up in a relationship where he was living a
double life. I just stepped back. I was a huge people pleaser part of my life.

As time has gone on and I’ve had coaching and all the things, I’ve shed those layers. My
immediate relationship with my husband, I definitely speak my truth, with my parenting, I
definitely speak my truth, with my coaching, this is an area I’ve really grown in. Before, I
wouldn’t necessarily always speak my truth with my clients. If I felt something off of them,
or I didn’t want to necessarily push them too hard because they may not like me or all the
things, I wouldn’t speak up, but this past year or so, I really own my power in that area. My
coaching has gotten way more powerful.

It was always pretty powerful before, but now it’s next level. You can even talk to clients
who have been with me a while, they’re like, “Wow, Lindsay, there was something that
happened for you in summer of 2020, and you were a whole new coach.” I speak my truth
very well in those areas of my life. Those are primarily the areas of my life, I’m in all day,
every day. I’m not really around friends, we’ve got COVID going on. To be honest with you,
I don’t really have a lot of close friends right now.

I’m rebuilding some relationships and starting new relationships there. With my parents, I
don’t really see them that much. They don’t really challenge me or that much and when
they do, I’m still growing in that area to speak up with them. One area I am really
consistently and intentionally wanting to speak my truth is on social media. At the end of
2020, I really invested in, okay, I want to show up in a different way on social. I don’t want
to just regurgitate other people’s information and share general quotes, I want to have my
own voice.

Because this is new to me, granted, I’ve been on social for a while, but stepping into this
new level of me of like, “What do I want to say here? I’m going to make mistakes.” That
recently happened to me, where I was asked to speak my truth on a post. I did that and I
fumbled a little bit. Again, I’m going to walk you through here, these steps of what I had to
go through. Two, I’m working with some clients right now to help them speak their truth.

I’m going to give you examples of how I’m helping them and coaching them in their lives
so you can get a variety of examples that you can apply in your own life. All right, you
ready for this? As I said, it’s a good one, so get ready. Okay, so first things first, what
typically happens when we’re called to speak our truth? Is that it hits us out of nowhere.
It’s not like we’re going into our life intentionally saying, “Let me speak my truth today.”

Now, sometimes that’s the case, with some of my clients, they intentionally know that they
need to speak up more in their life. We’re building habits and intentionally doing work for
them to show up every day and say, “How can I speak my truth today?” For most of us, we
are just living our daily lives and something happens and we are called to step into this
other level and to speak up and to say something.

If you’re a parent, you know what I’m talking about. You are parenting, you’re just living
your day, something happens with your child and you are called to step up. This especially
happens once they’re in school and maybe something happens at school, where they get in
trouble or something happens to them, or maybe a teacher, principal, other support person
comes to you and says, “Hey, your child is doing X, Y, Z. Here’s how I want to handle it.”
You’re like, “Eh, I don’t know person. I really want to handle it in this other way.”

You’re forced to step up in this whole new way. This happens in our careers. We get into a
career and a job, we get probably pretty comfortable there. All of a sudden, something
happens at our job and maybe, a boss gets changed out or just something happens on the
job and we’re forced to step into this new level of ourselves. If we’re in a marriage, this is
obviously happening all the time in our relationships. Now, granted, we can get
comfortable in there, but we typically just have things thrown at us.

I’m going to give you a couple examples of how this has happened recently. For me, as I
said, it happened on social media. What happened was the Capitol, I don’t know what we
want to call it, the Capitol takeover. I don’t know. That happened, and this is really January,
2020, by the way, if you’re like, “What is she talking about?” It’s when basically Trump
supporters invaded the Capitol and I don’t know, they did bad things. I don’t know what
you want to call it. They damaged property and hurt people.

Anyways, my social media manager came to me, which is a new addition, as I said, I just
recently invested in social media in the past few months. She came to me and she said,
“Lindsay, do you want to say something about the Capitol?” I had been sharing things on
my stories. I thought, “Oh, okay, well, I guess I should make a post about it.” What I did, is I
started to think about what I wanted to say, because as I said earlier, I don’t want to just
regurgitate other people’s stuff for the most part.

I started thinking about what I was telling myself throughout the day as I was processing
my own feelings about it. What I was basically coaching myself on, was I had a lot of
disdain and self-righteousness and judgment toward people who have been following
Trump. Because to me, it’s just been very obvious that he’s a narcissist, I’ve had my
experience with narcissists and I see all the signs in him.

I just felt like, I was almost a little angry at them of like, “How could you have supported
this person? Now you see what he promotes and you can’t deny it anymore.” It was almost
like this feeling I had of like, ha, ha, you should’ve seen this better. I caught myself and I’m
like, “Lindsay, that’s not how you want to show up in life. That’s not how you want to think
and believe about other people.” We all make mistakes. You’ve been a victim in essence,
“Victim of a narcissist.” It happens.

This is an opportunity for you to open people’s eyes and say, “Let’s start talking more
about racism and being anti-racist.” You finally come into terms that Trump has been
promoting racism. Now, I know for some of you listeners, you may be very triggered by
this, because you may not agree with me on this. If that’s you and you’re like, “Lindsay, I’m
done with you.” That’s totally fine. I get you, but I’m just sharing behind the scenes of my
life. This is what I’m doing to speak my truth.

Anyways, that’s where I’m at with it. I’m starting to coach myself and I’m like, “Lindsay, this
is not where you want to go, you need to process your feelings of hate and anger toward
these people. Instead, come to a place of love and come to a place where you’re going to
be neutral, so that you can open the door and maybe possibly start to change their minds.”
That’s in essence what I put on my post.

At first, I posted this really late at night because that’s when I have my aha, what I want to
say. I went to bed, the first couple of comments were like, “Lindsay, this is great.” It was
from women that I respected. Woke the next day, I got a different response. I’ll walk you
through in a minute what happened after that, as I get for future steps. All right, so I spoke
my truth. I checked in with myself many times to make sure that was authentic.

That is what is so important when we speak our truth, is we ask ourselves, “Where do we
want to go with this?” We know that authentic voice inside of us enough to say, “Okay, is
this true for me?” That takes work. Okay, so many people will come to me and they say, “I
just want to know how to speak my truth. I want ABC steps.” I’m going to give you the ABC
steps, but there are so many steps beyond the big ABC steps I’m giving you today, because
you’ve got to know yourself enough to know of, is this authentically me or not.

Now, for many of my clients, especially for specifically working on them speaking their
truth, they already know their truth. They just don’t trust it. You may be in that boat too of
you know what it is you want to say, you know what feels right to you and you know where
you want to go, but for whatever reason, you just don’t trust that enough. My role as their
coach is to reassure them of, yes, that is in fact your truth and the way that you’re saying it
and this is how I know that. We talk about the science and we talk about things like their
inner mean girl voice. I show them black and white terminology of like, here’s this and
here’s that so they can wrap their head logically around it. For others of my clients, they’re
more of a feeling being, and they’re like, “You’re right, Lindsay, this feels good.”

This is where I need to go and so they’ll take action from that place. I’ll give you two
examples of clients that I’m working on this with. The first is a CEO of a company and her
company right now is in a little bit of turmoil and she has just passively led the company
for a while now because she didn’t want to be labeled as “bitch” and many of other people
in her life, especially women at work were like, “You can’t do things like speak her truth
and essence because you’re going to get labeled this way.” She’s really fallen into this way
of being, that’s not really her and because of that, her company, as I said, is having some

As we’re working together and she’s talking, I’m like, “Yes, that’s your truth.” You know
exactly where you want to take this company. You know exactly what you want to tell that
employee, you know exactly what you want to be doing all day and not doing and what
boundaries you want to be holding with these people. You’re just not listening and
honoring that and then we’re talking about, here’s why because these people said this to
you, and that’s been programmed in your brain to mean dah, dah, but I’m telling you where
you know where you need to go. Another client that I’m working with, she’s right out of
college. She’s very young and I’m just going to give her a shout out, even though I’m not
saying by name.

This girl is busting her butt to pay for coaching. Let me tell you because coaching is not
cheap and she sees so much value in it and she knows that she wants to have it at this
time in her life, that she is working a second job and I don’t take that lightly. I will tell you,
I feel so grateful that she is doing that and see so much value and because she works her
butt off to just be able to afford coaching, this girl shows the F up. Those of you out there
that are always like, “Oh, I can’t afford coach and dah, dah, dah.” You can afford whatever
you want to afford if you really see a value in it. You can see this with this girl and she’s
coming to me and she’s definitely in a high pleaser mode.

She does not speak her truth at all. In fact, when she speaks, it’s almost very meek because
she’s just never spoken her truth before. She’s telling me these things like, “Oh, I want to
say this to my parents, oh, I want to say this to my fiancé, oh, I want to say this at work.”
We are fine-tuning that in a way for her to be able to speak her truth but to say it in a way
that’s powerful that people will then resonate with, and it’s still of course, authentic to her.
I’m teaching them behind the scenes of like, here’s what it means to be authentic. Here’s
what it feels listen to your body. What does it feel like when you’re doing this and then
trusting that and going with that?

If we go back to my example of when I was called to make a statement about the capital
ambush, I’m going to call it a capital ambush. There’s the word ambush. I was checking in
with myself. I know what it feels like to be authentic at this point in the game and I read
that post. I read it again and I read it again and I read it again and I was like, “Lindsay, it’s
good enough, put it out there, go to bed.” I didn’t even put it by anybody else because I
didn’t want them to talk me out of anything I was going to say because I knew my
husband, he was going to say, “Don’t say anything negative about Trump, Lindsay. Don’t
put politics into business.” That’s the message, he always tells me.

I’m like, you know what? I’m done with that? I want to just authentically put myself out
there and say what I’m thinking and what I’m feeling and how I’m coaching myself and
how I’m coaching some of my clients because I have been coaching some of my clients in
that way of what I shared on that post. With that, I was authentic with my clients. I’ve been
teaching them how to get them to be authentic and I must admit, this is the hardest step.
Once you can find what’s authentic to you though, you are golden because then you just
have to have the courage to speak it. It’s like trying to find your ideal career or your ideal
mate or something like that.

Once you find them, it’s like, man, this is so cool. It took me so long to find you most of the
time. Then you can just maximize it from there. It’s the same thing with speaking your
truth, you find the authenticity and it’s like, okay, how can I maximize this now? Then you
move into step two, you know where to go and you share that. Then in step two, you’re
having the courage to speak it. You’re putting it out there and what happens is you’re
going to mess up because it’s like any skill you’re going to make mistakes. If you’re
learning to ride a bike, you’re going to fall. If you’re learning to walk, you’re going to

If you’re learning to speak your truth, you’re say things in a way that’s maybe a little harsh,
maybe a set it a little wrong, but you’re not going to know until you actually have the
courage to go and speak it. I mentioned with my one client who’s younger and she knows
that her truth has, but it’s just coming out a little harsh right now or fine-tuning it a bit.
She’s at least having the courage to speak to me that truth and practicing with me and
then taking bigger steps, like having the courage to speak to her fiancé. What she’s doing
here in essence is she is building a safety net of, “I feel really safe with Lindsay, I’m going
to save all the things I need to say.”

Then she’s going to go to her fiancé because she feels really safe with them and then she’s
going to go to her next level, the next level. With my client, who’s a CEO again, she’s
saying things to me, it feels like a very safe space, and then for her, she’s built her truth
enough that she doesn’t really need more layers after that, that she’s like, okay, I’ve passed
this by Lindsay and I’m starting to trust myself even more and then she’s going, and she’s
speaking to her employees and so on and so forth. For me, like I said, when I made my
post, I didn’t put it by anybody. I didn’t share with anyone because I’ve spent so many
years speaking my truth to coaches, speaking my truth and my journal, and just reading it

Speaking my truth to my husband who definitely gives me his input for sure. Speaking my
truth to my daughter, who too is very outspoken and will tell me, “Hey, mom, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah.” And doesn’t hold back and I genuinely respect her, even though she’s 10
years old, that girl is sharp as a whip. Let me tell you. Then I’ve had different people that
I’ve thrown stuff off of, but in this case, I was like, “Okay, I trust myself enough, I’ve
coached women on this who have found great ahas from that coaching and I put it out
there.” What happens as I mentioned earlier, you’re going to make mistakes. You’re going
to realize at times it’s like, “Oh, that wasn’t quite right.”

Especially when it’s a new arena that you’re playing in, an arena meaning a new space that
you are putting yourself out there in. For me, it’s social media. I’m speaking in a different
way on social media now and I’m not an expert at it. I would not define myself as an
expert. In a coaching call, I’m pretty damn good. I’ll be speaking my truth with my
husband, pretty damn good. Social media, not so much because, again, I haven’t had a lot
of practice with it and so you’ve got to be willing to experience some of the feelings that
may come with that. Meaning humiliation, shame, embarrassment, resentment at yourself,
or somebody else, regret whatever it is.

At the end of the day, really what’s happening is you’re just feeling feelings and, yes,
you’re probably going to get some people that say things back to you that’s going to hurt.
When I made my social post, there were people coming at me and saying, “Hey, Lindsay,
this isn’t appropriate, and here’s why,” and showing me reasons where I had dropped the
ball in my post. I was able to take that in and some were very gracious and kind, and
others weren’t. Again, we can define gracious and kind, however we want.

It’s always just a thought, but something that really hurt me and I lost gosh, over a
hundred followers within a couple of days and they weren’t happy with the way that I had
shown up in that post. I am still so glad that I made that post though because has it moved
me into step three of speaking your truth is you have to be able to love and forgive
yourself no matter what happens to know, “Okay, I feel like I authentically spoke my truth.
Yes, maybe I made some mistakes, I saw some things that maybe I didn’t see.” That’s why
we speak our truth.

That’s why we do anything we do is we do it so that we can get better. We’re not going to
get better if we just sit at home and see nothing or do nothing. We’ve got to get into
action and get ourselves messy and get little boo-boos here and there and pick ourselves
back up. You’ve got to have your own back, in essence, you’ve got to know how to talk that
inner mean girl voice. I talk often about on the show. Talk her down when she’s going to
come up and she’s going to beat you up because other people are probably going to beat
you up a little bit and you’ve got to be able to handle that and to be able to still love and
forgive yourself in the process and to see too how you messed up.

In my case, these people came at me and were like, “Hey, Lindsay, here’s what you missed
on your post.” At first, I was like, “Oh, that’s you girl?” That’s what I’m thinking in my head
like, “No, that’s you.” Then, I started taking in deeper and I’m like, “Okay, how could they be
right?” I ended up just happening to get coaching on it that day. I just happened to have a
coaching session booked for many weeks ago and I got coaching and I realized, “Hey, here
are the areas that I dropped the ball on this and here are the areas that I wish I would have
shown up differently.”

I started to open my eyes even more in the coming days of how some of the things they
were saying were right and where I dropped the ball even more. Again, I started to beat
myself up a little bit of like, “Oh my gosh, Lindsay, how embarrassing? You didn’t know
this. You didn’t realize this,” and blah, blah, blah. “Now all these people hate you. Maybe
all your clients are going to leave you and you’re going to start all over.” Our brain tends to
go that way. It goes very extreme. I’m just sitting there and luckily I knew that skill to love
and forgive myself. It’s like, “Lindsay, I love you. You make mistakes. It’s okay. You’re
getting better. You’re not going to be perfect. If everybody leaves you, you know how to
rebuild, it’s going to be fine.” I’m just talking myself through that.

What I’m realizing too is first off, I’m like, “I have to do a podcast on this because I’m
feeling myself through this process.” Now, granted I hear this from clients all the time, but
I hadn’t really been in the depth of feeling some of the pain of speaking your truth
sometimes because as I said, I’ve gotten really good at it in other areas. I was like, “Whew,
yes. I forgot how uncomfortable this is. I forgot what it’s like to really make mistakes at
this. This takes some self-love work. You’ve really got to be able to have your own back as
I keep saying.”

I’m so glad that I’m able to emotionally process some of the things that I’m feeling versus
just hold them in. I have the mindset work to do this. That’s why it’s so important that you
learn the mindset work so you can go out and speak your truth more. People who have
gone out and spoken their truth, it’s not like they were just born that way. Most of them,
they had to do a lot of work on themselves at some point to be able to go and do those
things, be it as a coach.

If we look at just MLK, he just recently he was MLK day here, Martin Luther King Jr. He was
a trained preacher or trained minister. I always get those two confused, but he was trained
in that. Of course, that is a huge profession where they’re teaching them how to speak and
in essence, how to speak their truth in relation, of course, to the Bible, but how to speak
up. He had to build that skill along the way.

I know so many people tell me with my podcast. It’s like, “Oh, you’re so brave to put
yourself out there and to say those things.” It’s like, “Oh my gosh, I was so scared to do this
at the beginning.” I had to rerecord those first episodes over and over and over and over
and over again. Of course, my body was in the stress response of fight or flight or freeze
and just like, “Oh my gosh, what’s going on?” Now, when I record an episode, it’s nothing.
Even an episode that’s coming up, I really go deep into some of the mistakes that I’ve

I have sat on that episode for months, if not years of, “Oh, I know I want to share this in the
world,” but I had to do a lot of mindset work to be able to have the courage to say some of
those things. It’s going to seem like when you hear that episode, that it’s just very natural
for me, even though I’ll say at some points like, “Oh, I’m nervous because I just recorded
it.” I know what I say, but it wasn’t. It took a lot of courage and it took a lot of me being
able to fall forward in essence too.

I know one of the mistakes I’ve made, it’s going to turn some people off and I may get
some pushback from it. I have to take that. I would rather take that step than sit back and
swallow who I am and hold myself back because the only way that I’m going to grow and
the only way that I am going to be fully expressed as the Lindsay I want to be in this
world, is to get out there and get freaking messy.

I speak about this often on the show, but I don’t ever want to leave this planet when I pass
and say, “Oh, I should’ve, could’ve, would’ve. I wish I would’ve done this. I wish I would’ve
said that.” I want to leave and say, “I did it. I did at all.” Even if, God forbid, tomorrow is my
last day or later today is my last day, at this point in my life, I am still showing up fully
expressed and granted, there’s more I want to do, of course. Every day I’m asking myself,
“How can I fully express myself today?” I’m growing bigger and bigger and bigger than

Just know, as you’re speaking your truth, is it going to hurt? Sometimes yes. Are you going
to make mistakes? Yes. If we go back to my social posts, I realized I had some gaps in my
judgment. I realized, “Oh my gosh, why didn’t I think of this one thing that I needed to
say?” I realize I need some more training on certain things. It allowed me to then see of
like, “Okay, I know for sure now that I need more training on, and I’m just going to say
what it is. It’s anti-racism, I can’t just read articles and read books haphazardly. I need to
get in there and I need someone to hold me accountable like a coach would, and really
take me into biases that I’m not seeing it myself and open my eyes in a whole new way.

You know what? Allow me to finally take that step in speaking my truth and making a
mistake because for months on end, I was passively just letting everybody else talk about
it. I would say things here and there, but it would be resharing and it’d be very watered
down generic bullshit. Now it’s just like, “Okay, now I know.” What’s so great about this
too, is I want to be a huge advocate for change. Somebody told me recently like, “You don’t
want to be an advocate. You want to be a co-conspirator,” which I’m still trying to wrap my
head around really what that means but really at the end of the day, I want to be
somebody who fought for equality and who brought people together.

I haven’t fully been stepping into that. It wasn’t until I was able to speak my truth and see
where the gaps are that I need more learning was it that I then saw, “Oh, here’s what I
need next. Here’s where I need to go next so that I can step into this bigger role of who I
want to be.” We go back to my clients, we look at the one that’s a CEO. She wants to be the
CEO. She knows she can be.

She knows that she can turn her company around for it to be massively successful, or at
least be able to sell it in a way where it can be successful, but she knows she hasn’t been
showing up as her. She’s been letting all these voices from her past dictate who she is
today. We’re having to shut that away. Yes, she’s going to make mistakes along the way.
She’s going to say things that people aren’t going to like. She may lose some employees
along the way because they’re like, “Oh my gosh, who is this person now,” because she’s
acting different? That’s just part of it.

With my client who I mentioned, that’s younger, that’s just learning to speak up in every
area of her life, she’s going to show up in different ways. We’re very early on in her
speaking her truth, but there’s going to be things that she’s going to get pushed back on.
This is why I love having a coach too. As a client, I’m saying for myself is I got so much
coaching last week. As I said, I just happened to have a coaching session and then I
happened to have some other coaching sessions booked with different people because I’m
getting coached a lot right now, a lot, a lot, a lot. I’m in a massive phase of growth. I just
know when I want to grow a lot, I get a lot of coaching.

I got some different perspective on it. I got different coaching on it. It allowed me to clear
out all the mind drama I had, all the self-judgment I had, and instead get my booty back
into action from this place of authentic Lindsay, as I like to call it, and get back out there
and seeking my truth again. I hope this is helpful for you. I just want to reiterate one more
thing is that when you do speak your truth, it’s going to feel uncomfortable. When I spoke
that truth, it was like my whole body was in this anxious state for a long time, for days. It
probably would have been pretty easy if I had gotten all positive feedback but because I
had gotten some negative feedback, it set me into another stress response.

In time, it’s like that stuff gets easier. The first few times I really spoke my truth in
coaching sessions just months ago in 2020, I was very nervous. I was like, “Oh my gosh.
This client’s going to quit because I’ve really called her out on some of her stuff versus
dodging around the round the bush or whatever, beating around the bush.” It didn’t
happen that way. [chuckles] If anything, it’s like people get really drawn to that.
Now there’s this graph that I see often and I’ve written it from a book called Expert Secrets.

In it, he has basically this horizontal line and he has five dashes on this horizontal line. I
said that middle line so that number three line is where most people are with different
thoughts. You can take any topic and put them with like, that’s the mainstream, but when
you start to go off of the mainstream and you go toward the other dashes on the other side
of that middle dash, you’re going to be looked at as prolific but what happens if you go on
one side of the dash you’re prolific to some people on the other side they’re going to be,
“Oh, this is not resonating with me at all.”

Some people may even say, “Oh, man, this is definitely not resonating with me, she’s
crazy.” The other people are going to be like, “I love this so much. She thinks just a little
bit outside of the box and I like this.” They start gravitating to that. So what happens is you
start becoming more magnetic to the people that you are authentically meant to be
around and less magnetic to the people who you were kind of just putting up with anyway.

So, it does feel hard at first because you probably are going to say goodbye to some
people. I’ve had some old clients who have unfollowed me recently and I know exactly
why it is. It’s because I think politically they view things differently than I do and that’s
totally fine. And again, in a coaching session that stuff doesn’t matter but on social media
I’m just going to speak my truth and that’s where I’m deciding to go with that. Anyways,
they’ve unfollowed me and it’s been kind of a mourning process for me, it’s like that
relationships probably over but I’ve opened this door to all these other people who have
come in. They’re like, “Lindsay, I love how you said that post.”

I had a client session on Sunday and she was talking about, “Lindsay, I just loved your post
at first it triggered me a little a bit and when you came back a couple of days later and said
hey here is where I missed the mark, my love for you grew so much. It made me realize the
own processing that I need to do and thank you so much for doing that.” I was like see this
is exactly what speaking your truth delivers. Is you deliver to more authentic relationships
with other people. They see oh my gosh look at this girl she’s doing it. She’s putting
herself out there and I want to be more like that.

They see that you have opened this door because most people want to be speaking their
truth. They want to be authentically seen and heard and listened to and when they see you
doing it and you maybe got a little bit beat up in the process but you’ve survived and
you’ve gotten stronger they’re like, “If she can do it I can do it too.” It becomes this whole
ripple effect. It’s empowering and it’s amazing. It allows you to just fully step into who you
are. So I highly suggest speaking your truth but just know it’s going to hurt a little bit.

It’s going to take some work on your end to find that authentic voice to do the mindset
work of when you start beating yourself up to have the courage to go out and speak it but
it’s worth it. It is so worth it because then you get to grow versus feeling stuck of just
thinking the same thoughts and doing the same things and wishing on a star maybe one
day I’ll be different. Maybe one day my life will be different. Well in order to get that
different you’ve got to stand up for yourself and speak your truth in the process and get
messy and dirty and then pick yourself up and keep going. Okay, I hope this episode
helped you. I’ve certainly loved recording it for you and I can’t wait to see you in the next
episode, my friend. Bye.


Hey there, Miss Unstoppable. Thanks so much for tuning into this episode. If you enjoyed
it, share it with a friend. Send them a picture of this episode via text, via email, share it on
social media, I’m sure they would be so appreciative to know these strategies and tips on
how to accomplish your dreams. If you are ready to guarantee you’re going to accomplish
your goals and dreams, then it’s time to start coaching with me.

In my nine-month simple success coaching system, I am going to walk you every single
step of the way to ensure that you get the goals and dreams that you want. The first step is
to apply for a free 60-minute consult call. Just go to LindsayEpreston.com/apply to get
started. As always, my friend, remember, you’re only as unstoppable as you believe you can
be, so believe in yourself. You got this.

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Hi! I'm Lindsay

Hi! I’m Lindsay Elizabeth Preston. I’m a certified & trauma-informed life & leadership coach who has spent the last decade helping successful women create lives that feel as good on the inside as they look on the outside by using my neuroscience-backed coaching process called, Awakened Woman.

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