


Just hearing the word “failure” is something that used to make me anxious. It was grilled into me as a child from my parents and society that failing is a very bad thing. There came a time though when my relationship with failure had to change. I had to learn how to view failure as a GOOD thing. I had to learn how to fail FORWARD. Tune in today as I teach YOU how to fail forward too.


May 17, 2021 | MINDSET | 0 comments

“Failure is not a result. Failure is just data that wasn’t what you expected.”

Just hearing the word “failure” is something that used to make me anxious. It was grilled into me as a child from my parents and society that failing is a very bad thing.

This thought about failure being bad served me for a time. I strived to make “good” (non-failing) grades in school so I could have opportunities open for me to create the success I have today.

There came a time though when my relationship with failure had to change. I had to learn how to view failure as a GOOD thing. I had to learn how to fail FORWARD.

Failing forward simply means that you’re refining the traditional definition of failure as “lack of success” and instead defining failure as “data that isn’t what’s expected.” 

With that simple definition shift, your ability to grow even MORE expands, your anxiety decreases significantly and you open yourself up to massive success (because you’re willing to massively fail on your way there).

Helping my clients redefine failure is a huge reason many of them create the success they do while working with me and beyond. They know failure is part of the game of growth and they’re no longer scared of it.

(Fun fact: I recently considered sending flowers to my clients when they hit a goal in their life. I realized I would be sending flowers to everyone all of the time! So when I say my clients grow and hit their goals, I mean it.)

If you’re wanting to hit your goals with more ease while feeling better than ever in YOUR life, today’s episode is a must listen. Listen now on your favorite podcast player or at the link at the top of this page.

To failing FORWARD!



Full Transcript

This is the Become an Unstoppable Woman podcast with Lindsay Preston Episode 112,
Failing Forward.


Welcome to the Become An Unstoppable Woman podcast, the show for goal-getting,
fear-facing women for kicking ass by creating change. I’m your host, Lindsay Preston.
I’m a wife, mom of two, and a multi-certified life coach to women all over the world.
I’ve lived through enough in life to know that easier doesn’t always equate to better.
We can’t fear the fire, we must learn to become it. On this show, I’ll teach you how to
do just that. Join me as I challenge you to become even more of the strong, resilient,
and powerful woman you were meant to be. Let’s do this.


Hi there, Ms. Unstoppable. Happy as always to have you for another episode of the
show. Today, we’re talking about failing forward. If you are like me, and even the word
failure can make you hyperventilate, this episode is for you because I’ve done a crap
ton of work in my mindset about changing my thoughts with failure. Failure is defined
in the dictionary as lack of success.

I don’t know about you, but I want to create a very successful life. When I hear a lack of
success, I like, it takes my breath away of, “Oh my gosh, are you saying I’m not
successful?” My brain goes into these black and white thinking of like, “I’m not a
success because I failed.” I just spin on that for a while. Again, I’ve had to do a lot of
work around this and it doesn’t help that our school system looks at failure as a very,
very bad thing.

I know in my household growing up, if I even made a B on something, so it wasn’t even
near failing, just a B, I got in trouble. Think about, if I failed, holy moly, it would have
been a huge deal. I actually did fail once. I failed a class in college, and you get
pass/fail. It was anthropology 101. I hated it. I don’t know why took it. It was an
elective. I thought I might like it, but I got in there, I didn’t like it. I couldn’t drop the
class. It was like past the deadline.

I thought, “I’m just going to take this class pass/fail and I’m going to show up as little
as possible and do as little as possible,” because I hated it so much. I did so little that I
made a D in the class which was considered an F when you took a pass/fail. I had to go
home to my parents. I think I was like 19 or 20 at the time, they were paying for
college, and tell them that I failed. It was rough, let me tell you. All these brain wires
were formed in my brain to make failure a very, very bad thing.

Then, in time, I became an entrepreneur. If you’re an entrepreneur, you may know this,
you have to get very comfortable with failure because you fail a lot. A lot. You do a lot
of things. I always say it’s like you’re trying to get spaghetti to stick on the wall.
Sometimes things don’t stick and you don’t get the results that you want, and it can be
defined in your brain as failure, because you did not get the success that you wanted
from whatever you did, whatever actions you took. Your brain can spin in that failure.
I actually caught myself in this recently. I had a client who told me she wasn’t happy
with her results. It’s the first time I’ve had a client do this in seven years. To my brain, it
was this like big siren going off in my head of, “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh. A client’s not
happy. We’ve never done this before. What do we do?” I got on a coaching session and
I’m like, I’m having some anxiety around this of her not being happy. Now I know
logically, these are her thoughts and these things and all of the stuff, but emotionally,
my brain is freaking me F out.

As I was getting coached, it went back to the primary thought I was having deep down
about this client saying that she wasn’t happy was that I failed. Me just pulling that
thought, again, brought the depth of the amount of anxiety that I had around failure
again. It got me thinking, I’m like, “Oh my gosh, here it is again, this failure thing and
this anxiety that it creates in me.” Two, I had worked a lot with clients on this.

I just had a client who emailed me a list of beliefs that were pulling currently in her
mind, and one of her beliefs is failure equals humiliation. To her brain, if she goes out
and fails, it’s going to be this horrible, horrible humiliating thing. She has had what she
would define as failures in her past, she’s had a marriage that’s ended, she’s had a
relationship that didn’t go as she wanted, and a variety of different things. Her brain is
wrapped around this thing of failure as being very, very bad.
It’s allowed her now to get into this space where she’s just numbed out. She’s not really
taking risks anymore. She’s living in some fear and anxiety because to her brain, failure
is such a bad thing.

Again, I wanted to create this episode because we’ve got to change our mindset with
failure. Otherwise, like I said we get really numb, we don’t put ourselves out there. We
just live in this anxious state. We don’t take as many risks and life just doesn’t really
create more success for us because we’ve got to go out there and fail in order to create
massive success.

You think about different inventors. Thomas Edison is the first one that comes to mind,
and he had something like a hundred different inventions if I’m remembering this
correctly. Yet, only a few of them took off. What if he would have just been like, “Oh
man, I’m such a failure. I failed at another one,” and he didn’t keep going to invent
things like the light bulb. He had to keep failing in order to have a massive success
which was the light bulb. I know he’s had other inventions, but that’s the one that
comes to mind.

If I go back to entrepreneurship, many entrepreneurs will tell you, as you hear their
story of, “Oh, yes, we did this, this, this, this, this, this, this and then finally, this one
product or this one service, the way that I worded this one thing, it finally took off. I see
this with my business all the time is we run ads for different things or you put up
different posts and we’ll get crickets. Like nobody will sign up for anything or take any
action that I wanted.

My brain could easily be like, “Wow, Lindsay, what a fail. You’re a failure. You failed at
this thing,” and want to just stay in the misery of that.
I’ve had to do the work to be around, “Okay, this is just information that now I need to
move forward with.” That’s what we’re going to start with this episode is if we look at
the definition of failure, again, as lack of success, that’s what it says in the dictionary.
It’s a lack of success. It also defines it as the omission of expected or required action.
That you’re not taking action. When I hear that definition, I think, “This is somebody
who’s just sitting on their couch, eating Cheetos all day, watching Netflix and not going
after their goals and dreams.”

What’s so frustrating with that is many of us are not doing that, and yet, we still fail. It’s
like, “Man, this shouldn’t happen. I’m taking action. I should be getting the result that I
want.” What I’ve had to redefine failure is failure is just data. Let me say that again.
Failure is just data. Failure is not the result. It’s just information. It’s just data. My
definition of failure that I have defined it as it’s data that isn’t what was expected.
We go back to a post example. I put a post out there and I say, “Hey, sign up for my free
four-day Accomplish Your Dreams training. Here’s what you’re going to get, here’s the
results you’re going to create,” and nobody signs up. I could be like, “Wow. That post
means that I suck as a coach, that people don’t want what I have to offer, my offer is
shitty.” I could go into all those thoughts because in essence, if we look at the old
definition, lack of success, my brain could say, it’s a lack of success, Lindsay, this is what
it means about you and what it means about other people.

Instead, if I look at it from the definition of it’s just data that isn’t what’s expected. With
that post, I expect I’ll get a couple of signups off of it at least, and I get nothing. I’m
like, “What needs to change here?” Maybe it was the time that I posted, what’s the
algorithm on it. How many people saw it? Only 50 people saw it. Maybe I need to post
at a different time, and I’ll take action from that place and post at a different time.
Maybe I post the same thing again at a different time and 500 people see it and still
nobody takes action.

I’m like, so now it’s not an eyeball thing. Now it’s maybe a wording thing. Maybe I
change the wording up and try again, and maybe I still don’t get the results I want.
Maybe it’s an image thing, and I try that. You just got to keep showing up and keep
going after whatever result you’re wanting. Again, for that example, it would be signups
to my free offer and just keep going and keep going and keep going until you get the
result that you want.

This is what failing forward is my friends is just taking the result that you get and
looking at it as data, instead of defining it as lack of success in that very black and
white big way your brain likes to naturally define it. It seems like the world likes to
naturally define it. Instead, look at it as it’s just data. It’s not what I expected. How can I
take this “fail” and now turn it into getting what I want?

It’s a very, very simple shift and you may miss it. You may be like, “Lindsay, that’s too
simple. I need more information.” Our brain loves to spin, and give me more, give me
more information. Truly, if you just make that shift in your brain of viewing failure as a
lack of success and a very, very bad thing to it’s just data that isn’t what’s expected and
looking at it from a very neutral perspective, it’s going to open up so many doors for

I even have a thought in there many times of failure is just part of the game of success.
That thought added into the other thought of failure is just data has allowed me to
expand in so many ways. Before if I would fail at something and not get what I wanted,
I would just be like, “Oh my gosh, Lindsay, you know you’re bad, you have the wrong
audience. I would change up all of these things in my business because of that. It was
way too much and it would slow me down so much.

It wasn’t until I changed my perspective about a year or two ago with failure, that’s
when I started to create a lot more success in my business because I just didn’t view
failure the same way. This is so important for all of us, especially entrepreneurs
because as I said, entrepreneurs fail a lot. There’s many times you’re going to reach out
to somebody for a sale, and they’re not going to buy.

You could view that as a lack of success, I didn’t get the sale. It didn’t happen, or okay,
it’s just not what I expected. I probably thought that this person would buy, he or she
didn’t. All right. Now I know, moving onto the next one. What do I need to do
differently? We did this in the coaching process of consults that I’ve learned from Stacy
Boehman, I mention her often. She has after a coach, as a consult to sit down and you
write what went well, what didn’t go well, what will you do differently next time?
It’s so eye-opening because even if you do get the sell, then it’s, “What went really
well? Let me quadruple down on that because it works.” If it didn’t go well, it’s like,
“What do I need to do differently next time?” I’ve taken this and I’ve implemented it
with my clients, and every month, they sit down and they do a decode process with
their goals. They answer some questions, and part of those questions is what went well
towards your goals, what didn’t go well and what needs to go differently next month.
This is allowing them to see of, “Again, failure is just data if I have failed.” Maybe they
said, “For this month, I’m going to make 10K in my business,” and they didn’t. All right,
that’s just data. What needs to go differently next month for you to make another
attempt at hitting that goal. Now, let me give you some other examples beyond

I have some clients who are expanding in their careers. They’re applying for jobs and
wanting to make more money and things of that sort. Every month that they don’t hit
that goal, again, they need to analyze what went well, what didn’t go well, and what
needs to be different. Then, on the what didn’t go well, really looking at that stuff, not
avoiding it. The brain loves to avoid looking at uncomfortable things. That’s why I have
them look at it. Look at the stuff. What did not go well?

Maybe they didn’t show up and apply. Maybe they went on an interview and they
weren’t in the right headspace, and so then they didn’t get called back. Maybe they’re
not quite clear on what it is that they want, and that’s not allowing them to bring forth
the jobs that they want. Maybe they have some really crappy beliefs about the world.
I have encountered this a lot in the past year, people coming to me and they’re like,
“Well, Lindsay, the job market with COVID.” COVID, COVID, COVID. I’m like, “Stop. Yes,
maybe statistically on paper it may be a “harder job market” but all of my clients that
I’ve worked with, and I say that confidently, all of my clients who have wanted job
growth this past year have gotten it and more.

It’s so funny because I have really been thinking about special things I want to do for
my clients when they have positive celebration things happen in their lives. Something
I explored was sending them flowers. I think as a woman, we just love getting flowers,
don’t we? Like when these moments happen, I’ve been talking to clients about this too.
It’s just like this, I don’t know, it’s this thing. I don’t know if it’s because I’m a dancer
and we would get flowers after shows, but I hear it from other clients who aren’t

I don’t know what the psychology is with that, but I thought about, “What if I send
flowers to clients when they have these life moments.” I sat down and I looked at my
client list, which I have about I think around 30 clients right now, active clients. I would
be sending flowers to 20 of them right now because they have job growth. Maybe
they’ve gotten a new position, they’re making more money, or they have personal
growth of things like engagements and babies and so many other things.

I’m like, “Holy crap. I’d be sending flowers all the time. This would be a very expensive
thing for me, as much as I want to do it. I just don’t think it’s financially feasible.” I just
want to challenge you again, if you’re having thoughts of the job market is shitty or I
hear from clients sometimes of like, “Lindsay, maybe I’m too old to have a baby,” or find
my ideal person because I’m older. Those thoughts, my friends, are what is attributing
to your “fail” of not having the goal that you want because these thoughts are not
helping you.

If you think you’re not going to be able to find your ideal mates, and you have that
thought in your mind, that’s what you’re going to take action from. I’m working on a
client with this right now, pushing through this. Some months, she does not put herself
out there at all. She does not show up on the dating app. She does not go on dates with
people that she feels could be a right fit. If she does go on a date, maybe she shows up
in a really funky way.

When she’s analyzing her month, it goes back to this thought that she just has that we
have to keep working through for her to heal it and to shift her perspective so that she
can believe that the potential person is out there. We’re having to do some work, to
heal some past pain for her to really shift that thought.

It’s so important my friends that you are looking at your “fails” because again if we’re
looking at the definition of fail as just data, that isn’t what expected. You have to look
at the data. You have to face it of, “I’ve applied for 50 jobs, and I haven’t gotten a call
back for a single one. Why is that, and having the tools to look at what that is? In most
times it goes back to some crappy thoughts or thoughts that you are having that’s
creating that result for you. I’ll give you an example of a client I worked with last
summer about this.

She was applying, applying, applying, applying, applying for jobs that was right when
COVID hit too. She started bringing the thoughts of like, “Now with COVID, I’m not
sure.” We were able to easily shift those and get her to a place where she’s like, “I will
find the right job for me,” but then these thoughts started coming up of, “I’m not
qualified, I’m not qualified.” We spent a whole session on examining those thoughts,
doing some work to shift those thoughts to look at that she’s more than qualified for
the right positions. Boom, two weeks later, she had the job offer that she wanted.
It was like she just had this funky energy when she was going out there in the world of
I’m not qualified. She was applying for jobs that she probably wasn’t a good fit for her

and all the things. When we have those kinds of beliefs, we’re taking action from that
place. I know in my business as a coach, when I’m not getting the results I want, I’m
looking at my thoughts. That’s the core of what is causing my “fail”.
Recently we ran an ad campaign for my free Accomplish Your Dreams training. It’s just
was not converting. It was not converting. I finally looked deeper down of, what is
going on in my thoughts here for this not to convert. My thoughts were things like, “I
don’t really care to promote this.

I don’t really want to work with the person who is promoting this. It’s not a good fit
right now.” I just had all these thoughts about the training and doing it right now, and
that was why I was half-assing it and not getting—
Even though I wanted results from it, but I just had these thoughts of, “I don’t know, I
don’t really want to do this.” I’m doing the same thing with social media right now. I’m
really pumping up social media and I’ve hired an agency to help me. As they’re
challenging me to do all of these new things on social, I feel a lot of resistance to it.
I’ve had to look at, “What are my thoughts here?” My thoughts are things like, “I hate
social media. I think it’s sleazy. I don’t think it works. It’s a waste of time.”

I’m like, “Whoa, it’s no wonder, Lindsay, you’re not getting the result that you want of
getting a constant stream of clients from social because you have these thoughts and
so you’re showing up on social in a way that is like, “Man, who cares?” I have to analyze
that to say, “The result that I want is I want a steady stream of clients from social. What
do I need to think in order to take action from that place and get the result I want?”
Hey, this goes back to The Model tool I teach very often here on the show. If you don’t
know what The Model is, I will link in the show notes an episode where I break it down
piece by piece. There’s even a video for you to watch me do it. It’s the Solve Any
Problem episode of like, you really need to look at how your thoughts create your
feelings, then your feelings drive your actions, and your actions create your results.
This is failing forward my friends, is then too, once you have the data of this, I can paint
and give me what I wanted, or I didn’t get the guy that I wanted this month or the job
that I wanted this month. I didn’t lose the weight I wanted this month, or I didn’t
decrease my anxiety like I wanted this month or whatever your goal is. I’m just giving
you examples. At the end of that month, you don’t get what you want, you then have to
decide, “What am I going to make this mean? Really, it’s just data.

If I go back to the example I gave many minutes ago of a client who recently told me
she’s not happy with her results, and my brain went to, “Oh my gosh, I’m a failure.”
Meaning I’m a failure as a coach. Then, as I found that, I was like, “Whoa, Lindsay, that’s
not true.” I was able to start to find reasons to, in essence, calm my brain down and be
like, “Here are the reasons why you’re a great coach, especially for this person,” and
then start to see this is just data.

Maybe this type of client is not somebody that I want to work with in the future. Maybe
I just need more work and understanding this client and her mindset. I’m starting to see
some patterns here with certain clients who have certain, I’ll just be frank, certain
Enneagram numbers. We’re not meshing as well. I think I’ve mentioned this on the
Enneagram episode, but we’re just not clicking. I’ve decided, “Lindsay, you need to learn
more about this Enneagram number. You need to understand what is going on here
because there’s a pattern now.”

I’m taking that data of, how am I going to make this different? How am I going to
change the results so that I can continue to have a 100% success rate and satisfaction
rate? Just FYI for you, that client has come around. She’s like, “What’s so funny is that,
that week I was really spinning in my thoughts that I wasn’t happy. I ended up going
back and using the tools you taught me, and I was able to see that that was a thought
and it wasn’t serving me.” In essence, it allowed her to have even more belief in the
process and the tools and how it’s working, which is so crazy cool.

Regardless, I don’t want those moments with clients and I’m seeing of like, these
moments that my brain viewed as a “fail” of how can I use this to fail forward? How can
I use this to get better next time? It goes back to one of my favorite books is called
Mindset by Carol Dweck. I read it many many years ago. It talks about growth mindset
versus fixed mindset.

Fixed mindset is like, “Hey, basically I’m as good as what you get right now. Whatever I
can do right now is just kind of it, kind of thing. A growth mindset is saying, “I can grow.
I can change. I can make things better. I can evolve and get better stuff.” I know it
seems like, “Why wouldn’t everybody be in growth mindsets?” Hopefully, you are
because you’re listening to something like personal development, but I know in the
past I was definitely in a fixed mindset, and I really believe that my outer world
growing up was very fixed.

If I even look at my parents with grades, they were very black and white about things of
like, A is good. Really, even it was 100 is good, and anything below 100, not good. For a
while there, there was this fixed mindset with some things of, “Oh, well, Lindsay, you’re
not good at this. Oh, well, Lindsay, you’re not good at that.” I just started to feed into
that and to think, “Oh, okay, well, these are just the things that I’m good at and not
good at.”

I do think there is some healthy balance with that of really focusing on your strengths
and going all-in with that and leaving the things you’re not good at bay. Also, with that
of like, even if you just focused on what you’re good at, you’re still looking at making
those things that are good and making them better and better and better and better.
Not in a way too of like, I’m not good enough, but just like, I want to improve. I want to
get better. I want to fail forward. I want to take the data and change it in a way so I can
get the result I want.

This also goes back to me talking about, in another episode, and I talked about this in
my coaching process of going all in. When you decide that you want a certain goal– I
do this a lot with clients, and I’ve done this a lot with clients when they’re changing
their careers. They’ll tell me what their hell-yes-offer is.

They’ll say, “Lindsay, I want to make this amount of money. I want to have this
flexibility. I want to be doing this in my job. I want to work with these kinds of people.”
They’ll tell me all the things, and then they get an offer that’s not their hell-yes-offer,
and some of them want to take it. I’ll say, “You can take this offer. You can do whatever
you want, you’re a free being, but I just want to challenge you that you can get your
hell-yes-offer too.”

I actually do this with a client about a month ago. She was really scared to let this
small offer go, and she did, and a couple of weeks later, she got her hell-yes-offer.
She’s like, “Oh my gosh. I’m so glad that I waited.” It’s not just my hell-yes-offer, it’s
even more than my hell-yes-offer. She was willing to take the data of, “This is an offer,
but it’s not my hell yes,” and to say, “What needs to change in me? What do I need to do
to get my hell-yes-offer?”

She went all-in on that and stayed committed to that so that she could get what she
wanted because here’s what happens, my friend. This is a side tangent, but a lot of
times we settle. We think, like the offer idea, “Oh, this is good enough,” or we settle
with different other things in our life and then you know what happens? We get in
there and we get resentful and we think, “Oh, if I could’ve, just should have, would
have. Oh, I wish I would have held out,” and then what?

Then, we stay in that cycle again of just being moderately happy, if we even want to
call it that, moderately fulfilled. When we knew deep down of what it was that we
wanted. Why didn’t we go after it? I know for me, when I look back on my life, I don’t
want to have regrets. I don’t want to say, yes, if only I would have played a bigger
game. If only I would have told people that I love them. If only I would have gone all-in
to my business and really put myself out there so I could help as many women as

I don’t want to have those kinds of fails where I fail in advance. I want to have fails
where it’s like, “Oh, I put myself out there–” and maybe I told somebody I love them,
and they didn’t tell me that back, but at least I put it out there, or at least I put a
million, gazillion offers out there and I just kept telling people, “Hey, I’m a life coach.
Here’s what I do.” I just keep saying it over and over again, and I don’t feel like I miss
an opportunity to help somebody that I was the right person to help. I put it all out

Yes, I’m going to have fails along the way, because there’s people that are going to say
no to me, that’s just part of the game. In fact, most people that I meet are going to say
no to me, that’s just the way it works for the most part. I would love for everyone to say
yes to me, but statistically, only about a small percentage of people that I meet are
going to say yes to me. I have to keep putting myself out there and feeling and taking
that information and using it to fail forward and go into the next thing, and go into the
next thing, and cleaning up my mind along the way.

I just want to go back to where we started this whole episode with changing that basic
definition of failure as lack of success to it’s just data that I didn’t expect or that I just
didn’t want at this point. It’s not what I’m wanting. That shift alone, if that’s the only
thing that you take from this episode will be huge for you. I offered that bonus thought
of you viewing failure as just part of the game of growth and success. That’s a thought
that’s really helped me.

Regardless, I want you to just analyze what your thoughts are about failure and see if
you can start to shift those, see if you can take your brain and say, “Whoa, all right,
we’re not going to think that about failure.” Let’s start to intentionally think this other
thing about failure, and then from there, every month, spending some time looking at
your goals and say, what went well, what didn’t go well, what needs to go differently?
What didn’t go well, use that to then decide what needs to go differently so that you
can continue to move forward until you hit that goal, and you have your success.
Now for some people, they need deeper healing work. They need deeper healing work
on failure. It’s not as easy for them to just shift their mindset of failure as horrible and
bad and humiliating and all of the things to failure is neutral because they’ve had
experiences in their past that were in essence trauma.

If you’ve heard my understanding trauma episode, this goes beyond just like your life
being threatened. It’s anytime you felt really unsafe, you felt like you had to dim your
light. In a breakup, that’s a trauma for a lot of people. For a lot of people, break up is
viewed as a fail. We’ve had to go in there, we, meaning my client and me, and heal that
stuff. Just know if that’s you, and you feel like you need deeper healing work here, it’s
totally okay, and that’s totally normal, and that’s something we do in coaching.

Look at that as a possibility for you.
Otherwise, if you feel like you could shift it, great, move forward. Failure is just data. Go
rock it, fail forward, my friend, it’s going to create so much momentum for you. It has
for me and my business, it has been so huge, just that one thought shift. All right, my
friends, thank you for tuning into this episode. I’ll see you on the next one. Bye.


Hey there, Miss Unstoppable. Thanks so much for tuning into this episode. If you
enjoyed it, share it with a friend. Send them a picture of this episode via text, via email,
share it on social media, I’m sure they would be so appreciative to know these
strategies and tips on how to accomplish your dreams. If you are ready to guarantee
you’re going to accomplish your goals and dreams, then it’s time to start coaching with

In my nine-month simple success coaching system, I am going to walk you every single
step of the way to ensure that you get the goals and dreams that you want. The first
step is to apply for a free 60-minute consult call. Just go to LindsayEpreston.com/apply
to get started. As always, my friend, remember, you’re only as unstoppable as you
believe you can be, so believe in yourself. You got this.

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Hi! I'm Lindsay

Hi! I’m Lindsay Elizabeth Preston. I’m a certified & trauma-informed life & leadership coach who has spent the last decade helping successful women create lives that feel as good on the inside as they look on the outside by using my neuroscience-backed coaching process called, Awakened Woman.

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