


Are you the right fit for coaching? Tune into this episode to learn the qualities of the ideal coaching client.


Nov 11, 2020 | COACHING INFO | 0 comments

“Part of being really coachable is being open to seeing how you’re wrong because when you’re seeing how you’re wrong, that’s when you can open the doors to getting what you want.”

Ideal Coaching

I love asking people direct questions like asking potential clients on their consult calls, “What do you want to gain from coaching to say it was the best investment of your life?”

When I was interviewing for jobs, I’d ask “What are the qualities and results of your ideal person in this role?”

When I was dating, I asked men, “What are the qualities of your ideal partner?”

Being direct makes things a lot easier.  It allows you to see exactly what someone else is looking for.  Then, based on their answers you can see quickly if you’re an authentic fit for what they want.

It’s so simple and yet so genius, right?  

So, today, I decided to be direct with YOU and tell you the qualities I look for in my coaching clients BEYOND being a go-getter woman.  This list will allow you to quickly and easily see if you’re the ideal fit to work with me (and if you’re not right now, what needs to change for you to be ideal).  

My intention is that this list gives you clarity on if I’m someone who can help you.  

Get ready for a direct and fun conversation!  Listen in via the link at the top of this page.


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GOING ALL IN episode

Full Transcript

This is the Become an Unstoppable Woman podcast with Lindsay Preston Episode 80, The
Ideal Coaching Client.


Welcome to the Become an Unstoppable Woman podcast, the show for goal-getting, fearfacing women for kicking ass by creating change. I’m your host, Lindsay Preston. I’m a wife,
mom of two, and a multi-certified life coach to women all over the world. I’ve lived
through enough in life to know that easier doesn’t always equate to better. We can’t fear
the fire, we must learn to become it. On this show, I’ll teach you how to do just that. Join
me as I challenge you to become even more of the strong, resilient, and powerful woman
you were meant to be. Let’s do this.


Hi there, Ms. unstoppable. Welcome to another episode of the show. As always, so grateful
to have you here. I saw recently we are on the charts again in New Zealand. Woo-hoo. If
you are listening from New Zealand, I see you my friend. I’m so happy to have all the Kiwis
in the house. One of my very longest clients and one of my hardest working clients is a
Kiwi and she’s awesome. I would love more Kiwi clients. Just having you here listening is
such a pleasure. Thank you, thank you.

Of course, to everybody else listening out there, thank you for tuning in. Today, we are
talking about the ideal coaching client. If you haven’t listened to two episodes ago,
Episode 78, The Value of Coaching, this is a great, I don’t know, sister episode to that one.
You can listen to either one separately, but I encourage you to listen to both so that you
can understand exactly what you can gain from coaching and then if you’re the right fit for
coaching is what we’re going to cover today. This episode was inspired by me actually
asking one of the people that I’m a client for. I asked her specifically, “Who is your ideal
client?” because I like to know those sorts of things.

I remember when I would interview for jobs, I would ask them directly in interviews. Who
is it that you want for this position? What is it that you want them to achieve? What kind of
things are you wanting them to do? What would be somebody who’s extremely successful
in this position? I’d love knowing that information because then I know, “Okay, here’s what
they’re wanting. Here’s how I can over-deliver on what they’re wanting.”
To ask myself, “Is that me? Is this an authentic fit for me?” I just think it’s really great to
put that out there and be very direct with it so that you know. It’s very flat and easy and
simple. I asked this even on consult calls. I say directly, “What would you want to gain in
the next nine months to say this was the best investment of your life?” Then, they tell me.
I’m like, “Great. We can absolutely do that.”

Sometimes they’ll come back and be like, “Eh, I don’t know if we can do X, Y, Z in nine
months, which is very rare that I do that, but sometimes it happens.” Then I’ll say, “Okay,
you want this in nine months. We’re actually going to do this and this, this, this, this, this.”
Then, I know how to over deliver to them because I see very directly black and white in
words what they’re wanting and I know how to make it even more spectacular for them.
That’s why all of my clients have a very, very positive experience working with me because
I just make it very direct. Again, why don’t I make it direct for you? Who is my ideal
coaching client? We’re going to go through the qualities here today. You’re in. You’re
ready. Let’s go. The first quality and I’d say this is the most important one is just being

Yes, that’s it. You would not believe how many clients come in and we have to break down
the walls in order for them to be vulnerable. I must admit, even when I had my first coach,
I wasn’t very vulnerable with her. I had a lot of walls up. I really felt like I needed to, in
essence, perform for her and be a little bit perfectionistic for her. When I would make
mistakes and stuff I wouldn’t want to tell her, especially because she knew that I was
interested in being a coach at one point.

I thought, “Okay. If I’m interested in being a coach, then I need to portray this image that
everything’s going well and I’m doing awesome.” Then, it would come and bite me in the
butt later because when we’re not authentic and vulnerable things tend to snowball and
little problems become big ones. There’s a saying here in the US, molehills become
mountains. I recently experienced this with a client. Actually had my very first client ever

Yes, out of six years, my first client quit. She was actually an established client too. She
had resigned in a program and she emailed me. She said, “Lindsay, I’m quitting this
program and here’s–” She didn’t even really say why. She sort of said why, but not very
directly. What had happened is, I kept holding her to the agreement that she was supposed
to do certain things in this program. She wasn’t, including part of it was getting coached
regularly. She wasn’t.

I could feel off of her and see off of her how her mind was creating mountains out of
molehills. All of a sudden, she got to this point where her brain just convinced her that she
needed to give up on her goal, and she needed to quit coaching. She even told me, like,
“I’m just going to keep paying, Lindsay. Don’t worry about that.” I’m like, “What? That goes
against all things that you stand for deep down and I stand for. When we make an
investment, we show the eff up.

I tried to coach her through it, she wasn’t having it and we parted ways. A part of that was
because she wasn’t being vulnerable with me, she wasn’t being authentic with me. I make
this so clear with my clients from the start. Especially, now that I’ve done this for a while, I
just know the ones that I don’t have to dig into getting the vulnerable pieces out.
We just move so much faster, and they get such deeper results. Now, of course, trust can
be an issue sometimes, especially if someone has been hurt in the past where they have
been vulnerable, and that has been used against them. We figure that out pretty early on
in the coaching process, usually by week two. I’m very clear, “Okay, this is why so and so
person has trust issues, and we’ll talk about it directly.”

I had a client recently, who as we’re pulling some of the things that happened in her past,
and it just one thing after another about trust and trust and trust and trust, all of these
beliefs. I said, “I’m so shocked that you signed with me, because you just have a lot of
these beliefs around trust.” She’s like, “Yeah, I do, but I do have beliefs around myself and
being able to trust myself enough to know when to trust and I feel like I can trust you,”
like, “Great, that’s awesome.”

I also know that’s part of the game sometimes with people is building up that trust. That’s
why again, like I put out this podcast, I tell my story very openly on a lot of my life, pretty
much all of my life, because I just want you to know that I’m out here with you, my life is
not perfect by any means, my mind certainly isn’t perfect, I’m having to manage it all the

I’m hoping that by me being authentic and vulnerable with you, it’ll make you feel safe and
secure enough to be authentic and vulnerable with me, because that’s how you’re going to
get really, really great results. That’s the number one key of an ideal coaching client, it’s
just being vulnerable, and saying all the things, like “Lindsay, I feel like crap today.” Great,
let’s coach on it.

I have a client. We’ve gotten to a certain point in the process, where typically you feel
better, and she’s not. She could easily have stuffed that and said, “Oh, my gosh, I’m just
going to fake it and move along and act like everything’s great. She’s very open with me,
“Lindsay, this is how I’m feeling.”
I’m so grateful for that, because now we’re going to dig even deeper as to why she’s still
just not over this hump of this certain mindset block in her way of feeling the way that she
wants to feel. I feel like now it’s like, okay, we got all this other stuff out of the way that
we thought was the problem, but now we’re actually opening the door to what really is her

It’s such an opportunity. So many clients come to me, and they’ll say, “Oh, Lindsay, I feel
like you get really annoyed with me”, or “I bet you’re disappointed.” I’m like, “No, never.
Never, ever, ever.” Because as long as you’re being authentic and vulnerable, and we’re
talking about what’s really going on, not some bullshit version of what you think I want to
hear, then we can never lose, because we’re going to consistently just coach on it and
figure out what is it.

At some point, you’re going to overcome it. We can only overcome it if we bring it to the
light and bring it to the surface and talk about it. I even tell my clients when they start
working with me, “There may be times when you don’t like me. There may be times when
you don’t like coaching, and you’ll want to quit, or you’ll be like what did I sign up for? Just
be authentic about that. I don’t take it personal at all, at all.”

I just know it’s part of the game sometimes. I want you to come to the space of our calls or
even an email that you write me or anything we interact with with one another. I’m just
going to be myself no matter what. I’m the professional. I’m the one that if I get triggered
by something you do or say, it’s on me to go figure that out. It’s not on you. You just be
you. It’s another thing I’m always saying, you do you. You be you. Who cares about
everybody else. Again, number one quality, being vulnerable and authentic.
Number two quality, being action-oriented. In coaching, we’re getting awareness and then
we’re taking action, and then we’re getting awareness again and then we’re taking action.
That’s one of the biggest differences, generally speaking, between therapy and coaching.
Therapy is you’re getting awareness and more awareness and you’re following the feelings
and doing all that stuff.

It’s a slower moving process. Sure, there’s action here and there but coaching is awareness,
go. Awareness, go. Sometimes, it may not always be that way. For the first month in
coaching, it’s a lot of awareness. Now, I’m having them do action-oriented things between
sessions. They’re getting used to some of the tools that I’m teaching them and
implementing all of that and if they’re not doing that between sessions, that’s a huge red
flag that they’re not ready to move on in the process and I need to let them go which, to
my knowledge, has never really happened. Can’t think of anybody like that but action
orientation is so important because, otherwise, you’re not going to make changes.
You’re just going to build all of this awareness and then just stick with it which is hard for
some people. They like just sitting back and learning and we call it passive action of just
let me learn and sit back. During my coaching process, the first three months, that works.
The second three months, that works too. The last three months and beyond, that does not
work. Sometimes you do need to reflect a little bit more. You don’t need to take as much
action but especially the clients I have now in my living the dream program who have
already gone through my coaching process and then I’m just continuously coaching them,
it’s a lot of action-taking.

Every month is like, “Did you hit your goal or not? If not, we need to coach on it.” I’m tough
on them. I’m really tough. It’s all about the action because in essence, what has happened
before that, the first three months we’ve cleared out all the blocks that are keeping them
stuck, then they know their process on whenever new blocks come out again and stuck
with them. Then the next three months we’re building, in essence, their ideal life and their
authentic self is what we call it. The best version of them. After that, it’s like, “Okay. You
did that stuff. Now get to work. Get out there and make it happen.”

Granted they are making it happen along the way but it’s massive action is what we call it,
over and over again and you’re putting yourself out there. I can’t tell you how many people
I’ve had throughout the years that are like, “I’m going to do all of these things.” Then
because I didn’t have any coaching beyond that other than, “Just call me if you need me.”
They didn’t go and take action on that stuff. It’s so sad. Then they’ll come back to me and
be like, “Oh, Lindsay, remember that dream that we had dreamed and it was so authentic
and I want it so bad? I’m just still stuck at my day job or I still haven’t found a guy or I
haven’t been using my tools so I’ve diminished in my mental health.” It’s like, “Oh my

This is why, too, I don’t have self-study programs that I sell anymore because I even have a
few right now who could buy the program before I shut it down and they’re coming to me
and they’re like, “I know I need to finish this work but I just find it so hard to show up to
it.” I’m like, “Yes, it is really hard.” That’s why having a coach is the other part of the
equation. It’s the content plus the coaching that equals the change. Granted in there, the
coaching means that you implement the coaching and you take action on it but a lot of
that’s the accountability with it.

The action is so important here. You’ve got to be ready to take action on it. If you don’t
take action, again, that’s okay. Just be authentic about it. Be vulnerable and say, “Lindsay, I
said I was going to do this thing this month. It didn’t happen.” Awesome. Great, is how I
handle it. Let’s coach on it. Why? The third quality of the ideal coaching client is they trust
me and they trust the process enough to not resist it too much. I realized recently, a lot of
my clients are referrals from other clients. [chuckles] I just sat down and finally pulled the
numbers on where everybody came from, it’s like, “Wow, I get a lot of referrals.”
You know what I love about referrals is they’ve seen the changes in their friend or their
family member or coworker or whoever that’s gone through the work that they lean into
the process enough and they don’t resist it, that they just get amazing results because
they’ve already seen the results in their friend or whoever. So it’s like, “I know that this
thing’s going to work.”

I had one client who recently signed on and she had what she describes as bad
experiences with other self-help people, be it a coach or whatever they call themselves
and the one reason why she wanted to sign with me was because somebody she trusts, it’s
that coworker/friend worked with me and was like, “You’ve got to work with Lindsay and
here’s why.” She gave her all the reasons and she just really sold her on it. Then when she
came to our consult call, I could tell she trusted me enough but she was really hesitant
and she had a lot of questions about the payments and if she didn’t like it, how she could
get out of it.

I was really honest with her. I’m like, “Listen, if you don’t like it, I’m not going to hold you
to it but I’ve never had anybody get in it and then, in essence, get out of it except for that
one client I just told you about which is a different story but just give it a shot. Let’s see.”
She has just been totally mindblown of how much she’s been able to change and I’m just
glad that her friend gave her enough trust in me in the process before she had built it up
with me. For me, when I went through coaching, I really did not trust the process, I will tell

When my coach told me to do stuff, again, this went back to me not being fully authentic
because there were times I really wanted to question some of the things that she was
suggesting I do and I would just smile and nod and say I was going to do it and then I’d be
like, “I’m totally not going to do them.” Like mantras, for example, when we got to the
mantra section and that was program all these positive beliefs about yourself. I was like,
“Yes, yes, those sound good.” Then I totally didn’t do it. A couple weeks later, when we had
to keep moving on in the process and because I hadn’t done the mantras, my brain wasn’t
ready for that kind of abundance work that we were doing.

I had to then tuck my tail between my legs and tell her, “Hey, I haven’t been doing the
mantras.” We had to then finally talk about it and all that. Again, just be honest and open,
trust the process. When you don’t trust the process or trust me, be authentic about it. It is
totally okay to ask questions. It is totally okay to not want to do certain parts of the
process that don’t feel authentic to you. I have some clients sometimes that are like,
“Lindsay, I know you told me to get mad at this one part but I just don’t believe in getting
mad and that’s just not part of me.” I’m like, “Cool.” They feel good about it and I would
tell them, “Here’s what could happen if you don’t do this part.” And they are totally fine
with it.

Then they just decide that they don’t need that part and we move on and we just keep
going. It doesn’t seem to hinder them because they’ve decided they don’t need it. It totally
works. It’s not like when you sign up for coaching, especially with me, that you’re signing
your life away and your brain away. In essence, I’m teaching you how to take your power
back. A part of that is having a safe space to question everything. Then, too, to be able to
lean on somebody, especially as go-getter women we do this all the time. We think, “I can
just do it all myself.” But be able to lean on somebody instead and say, “I can trust other
people. I can ask for help and get really good help in return.”

I just got a client on this with her mindset. She’s like, “I just feel like I put so much out
there and I don’t get it in return.” I’m like, “Maybe that’s true in some instances but how is
it not true in other instances?” One way was of coaching. To learn how to lean on me and I
was able to support her. I think a lot of my job sometimes is teaching people how to
experience unconditional love and to be able to have a very safe secure relationship with
someone. A lot of people haven’t experienced that. I know, for me, with my coach, it was
one of the first relationships I had where I felt unconditionally loved and I felt like I could
just be myself with her, eventually.

As I said, at the beginning I had my reservations. That was something she just continued to
model for me and continued to show up for me in that way and she still does that. We still
coach together all these years later. She’s just constantly showing that to me time and
time again so I can continually trust the process and trust her. The next thing that an ideal
coaching client would have is a lean into discomfort and so they know that discomfort is
just part of the game of growth. They don’t think it’s anything that’s gone wrong. If they do
feel like something’s gone wrong, goes back to that number one quality again, they’re
vulnerable and authentic with it.

“Hey, Lindsay, this feels really uncomfortable. Am I doing this right? Hey, Lindsay, this feels
really shitty. Maybe I should reconsider the goal.” Great, let’s coach on it. Let’s make sure
that that’s coming from a place of authenticity and not from a place of fear. Just to give
you a little hint, 9 times out of 10, when changing a goal, it’s coming from a place of fear.
Their brain is not wanting them to grow.

It’s so important that they tell me that versus, again, just slapping on a smile and acting
like everything’s okay. They’ve just got to be willing to know that that’s part of growth. I
said it before in the podcast and I’ll say it again is, discomfort is just a part of life. We’re
going to experience it no matter what. Why not just experience it as we’re growing? If
we’re not growing, we’re going to be stagnant, and that’s going to feel uncomfortable.
Might as well just apply that feeling to growth and then have the growth benefits on top
of it. For a lot of people, they don’t know that discomfort is part of growth. We talked a
whole episode on that. Growth discomfort was one of our omens. Another one we did
recently about discomfort. They don’t know that. Then too they think, “Oh, something’s
gone wrong,” or, “This is too much for me,” or, “I can’t do this.”

Now, typically I don’t get clients anymore, that don’t believe in themselves. They know
enough by listening to the podcast or just doing other work that discomfort’s part of it.
Even when they do feel super uncomfortable, they’re just being authentic. The next quality
of an ideal coaching client is they go all in. We did a whole episode on this one called
going all in. It’s actually something new I’ve been incorporating in my life and in my
coaching process of how to go all in.

Granted most people when they come to me and want coaching, they don’t know how to
go all in. I’m teaching them through the process of, “Hey, here are the things to do to go all
in with this work. Watch these videos, do these tools, be authentic and open with me, show
up, prep for your calls, listen to the podcast.” If you’re not doing those things, that’s fine.
You don’t have to do them.

I want to teach you how to go all in on something and to fully give your attention and your
all to something because many times we don’t give our all to something as a way to selfprotect. That’s like, “Oh, well. I didn’t give it my all. That’s why I didn’t get the best results.”
That’s not what we’re about. If you’ve heard other podcasts, you’ve heard me say that the
core value of my business is that this is the best investment of your life and I truly want
that for you.

I’m teaching you along the way of how to make an investment, the best one of your life
because then you’re going to go on beyond me and you’re going to make really smart
choices. You’re going to make every investment, a very, very smart one because you’ve
learned how to do it once with me. You’re going to learn to how to make your money back
and how to grow in that money. It just becomes this amazing snowball effect of giving life
your all and making really smart choices.

It feels really flippin fun. Just know that’s part of the coaching journey is for me to teach
you how to go all in. That’s where you’ve got to trust me in the process enough to lean
into that discomfort of going all in because again, we want to self-protect and not go all
in. Too to kind of confine down on what you’re consuming. A lot of times I get people who
are like, “Oh, I buy these course bundles” or “I listen to all these people.”
I encourage the. I’m like, “Kind of condense that down.” I’m not saying you need to cut
everybody else out. You’ve invested with me so go in with me and really take in everything
I have to offer you because you’re paying me money too. Let’s just focus in here. Then
when we’re done, you can go focus in somewhere else if you want or whatever. Just
confine down enough to go all in here.
This goes back again to when it feels hard to go all in, you’re coming at me and you’re
saying, “Hey, Lindsay. This feels really hard.” The client I talked about, who recently quit, I
was calling her out on stuff. I was sending her emails, “Hey, you’re not showing up in the
community like we agreed to. Hey, you’re not applying for coaching calls. I need to see
you’re applying.” She wasn’t doing it.

I wish she would have come back to me and said, “Hey, this feels really hard right now.
Here’s why.” She just was unresponsive until it just blew up on her face. Was like, “Oh, I
just have to quit now. It’s too hard.” It’s not too hard. You’ve created that story in your
brain now. Now, we’ve got so many things to coach through because you weren’t being
authentic. You see how I’m hitting home this whole authentic thing. It’s so important.
It is so, so, so important to be authentic. Let’s keep going. I’ve got a couple more qualities I
want to reveal to you. The next quality of an ideal coaching client is they’re fired up, even
fed up for change. I had a consult call recently with somebody, who, when we were talking
about where she is now in her life and where she wants to be at a 10, at the end of us
talking about all that, I said, “Okay, how motivated are you to get your 10 life?”

She was like, “Eh”. I think she just felt like a five or a six. I’m like, “Whoa, what makes you a
five or six?” “Oh, I don’t know.” She went around on her things. I said, “Well, I just want to
let you know that most times, at this point, people are like a 9, 10.” I said, “Let’s really like
coach on this for a second. What is keeping you from a 10?” A part of that was even though
she was ranking most of her life at a place where she wasn’t thriving, she was ranking it
below an eight, like health was at a six, seven. I don’t remember all the details.
Relationships, six, seven, eight kind of place. She was at a place where she could definitely
grow, but she wasn’t fed up with the discomfort of where she was at yet.
Then when I told her the price, I told her process of coaching, she was like “Oh, whoa,
whoa, whoa, that’s too much. I can’t do that.” I’m like, “No, it’s just because you’re not fed
up enough. You’re not so uncomfortable that you’re like, yes, this is what I want. I want
this change. You’re not fired up for that.” Part of that is, I don’t think you have a big
enough vision. I don’t think you have a clear enough vision. Because if you really had a
clear vision, too, you would be so fired up to go get that, but you’re not. Go spend your
time there.” I love the clients who are like, “I can’t do this anymore. I have to make a
change, no more.” Like, yes, exactly. Because then they have a why. That why is their
passion for doing this work.

For me, it was a couple things. The first is I realized I was starting to have a dating pattern
of narcissistic guys. I realized some of that was on me. The second thing was, I had a little
girl who I was like, I do not want her dating narcissists, I don’t want her seeing me with a
bunch of guys as I’m starting to date. I want her to see a really healthy, happy mom,
because that’s what I want for her.

I know that she’s not going to be able to achieve that unless I give it to myself. I was fired
up. I was like, coaching? Yes, sign me up. Give me some of that, because where I was at,
wasn’t bad. It wasn’t what I wanted for my future, and especially her future. On those days
when it felt really hard, I was like, “Oh, I got to do this for my daughter, I got to do this for
myself if I’m wanting to live this great life, then I’ve got to do this work.
I’ve got to pay this money, even though it feels really tight, because when I invested in
coaching, I didn’t have a job.” Just invested some of the few thousands I have left in
savings. It was so scary. I was like “This is it. This is my ticket to change. I know it, I trusted
the process enough to believe in it enough to make that scary change. I’m so glad I did.”
The next quality of the ideal coaching client is they reach out for support. So this goes
back to my number one quality again being authentic, vulnerable and open. When
something comes up, they shoot me an email, if it’s between sessions, or they go to our
online community, if they want to share it with more people. We’re coaching on it. I have a
client who uses this up all the time. You know what? That girl gets so many damn results.
It’s insane.

She never sits there and spins, “Oh, does Lindsay think this is annoying? Oh, Lindsay is
going to be so fed up with me emailing her.” No, never. I’ve never once been like, “Oh, here
she is again.” I’m like, “Yes, let’s go. What do you got today, girl.” Now part of me coaching
her is like, “Hey, I want you to lean on yourself a little bit more”, because sometimes she
wants me to be her brain.

I’ll push back on her and I’ll say, I need you to ask these questions to yourself before– I
don’t want to be the one giving you the answer. You need to grow your own brain in this
process and your own mindset. Yes, that girl is like all in it all the time. Boom, boom,
boom, boom, boom, anything that comes up, she is authentic and open. She works hard,
because she’s ready for it. She is all in, in essence.

I love it too, because the financial investment that she makes is a bit of a stretch for her.
Because of that, it gets her butt in gear. I listened to her– I guess I didn’t listen, I read a
book recently and was talking about pricing. I’ve had a lot of guilt and shame around
pricing to be honest with you. That’s why my stuff has been very, very, very low cost for
many years. In that book, the author talked about money is what gets people paying

The more that people invest, the more they pay attention. I can’t tell you how many times I
let people come to some of my events for free or really low cost because they were friends
and family and they would leave those events and they wouldn’t apply anything at all from
those events. The people who invested thousands of dollars, they were up there taking
notes and they left that event and they applied it and then they made it one of the best
investments ever because they had to, they had money on the line.

For some of them really scary money. Then they got their butt in gear. It’s so funny, I just
had a consult call last night with a woman and she’s younger. When you’re younger you
don’t have as much money generally speaking. She’s between jobs and when we talked
about the cost in coaching, I let her know right before I was like, this cost is probably
going to freak you out because we’ve already talked about your finances and I know where
your finances are at. She was like, I want to do coaching so bad. I know you’re the person
to help me, but it’s just I don’t know how I’m going to come up with the money.

I said, I believe in your ability to know enough that if you really want this, you will go and
make the money happen.” I always tell my story. I was like, I happen to have a few
thousand in savings. I invested that, but then I had to continue to figure out how I was
going to pay for coaching. Part of that was I did get a part-time job that just covered my
daily living expenses. I would sell stuff around my house. I would flip stuff all the time. I
even had like a little craft business. I did all the things to pay for coaching.

You know what that created in me? It was resiliency and being, what do they call it? Like
the word of just really smart of, “Okay, I need to create this money. How am I going to
make it happen?” It allowed me to grow beyond our coaching sessions, just to be able to
afford coaching. It created a whole new money mindset for me. That’s one of the things I
love about coaching and investment. I have another client right now, who, again, she’s
younger. This is a stretch for her.

She did end up investing and already that girl is on fire and she’s not even a month into
coaching. She’s like, I’ve done this and I’ve done this and I’ve done this because it got her
butt in gear to finally make the decisions that she didn’t really have to make because she
didn’t have money on the line. Once she made that investment, it was like, “Oh, I can’t sit
around anymore and just put up with this stuff, I’ve got to start having these hard
conversations. I’ve got to say no to this.

I’ve got to start saying yes to this.” Now, just a month then her financial situation is
completely on a different trajectory. I have another client right now, who again, just a
month into coaching already made her investment back. She applied for a new job. She got
the job and they asked her what kind of salaries she wanted. She did her salary now, plus
15% they came back and they said, we’re going to give you the money you asked for plus
this because we find what you’re going to bring to the table so valuable that we don’t even
want you to look anywhere else. She’s like, “What in the world is my life, Lindsay.
I can’t even believe this.” I’m like, yes, because part of that is you invested in coaching and
it was again, an amount of money that scared her, and then she got her freaking butt in
gear and was like, I’m not putting up with this job anymore. They treat me like crap and
they underpay me and they don’t take me seriously. Let’s go, let’s move. That’s what makes
coaching so great or any investment so great is that then you get your butt in gear. Too,
it’s kind of a scary investment.

You’re like, when things come up, I’m going to email Lindsay. I’m going to go to the
community. I’m going to bring up all the authenticity in my session because I can’t afford
for this not to work so I have to give it my all to make sure that I can get my investment
back plus more. That’s what’s so cool. Another quality of an ideal coaching client is they
make coaching a top priority. They believe that coaching is a ticket to their next levels of

This goes back to believing in the process enough, believing in me and themselves
enough, we call it like the belief trifecta and sells is that the person who is interested in
buying whatever it is, if it’s coaching or something else, they have to believe in
themselves, believe in the product and believe in the person who’s giving them the
product enough to want to buy. Most times somebody has to come to me and have enough
belief in themselves that they can get the results that they want and stuff like that.
Then they just have to believe in me and the process enough, either by listening to this
podcast or seeing a friend experience coaching, or just try it for themselves and being like,
“Okay, I just have this inkling or this intuition enough to go and do this now,” and just
following that. I can’t tell you how many women I coach who don’t know how to trust their
intuition and their intuition is so flippin smart. It’s so smart. If they were just to listen to
that, oh my gosh, that’s what I teach them too.

They’re like, “Lindsay, life’s gotten so much easier.” Yes, because you learned to listen to
your intuition and I’m tired of clients coming to me and saying, “I wish I would have done
this so much sooner. I had the feeling that I needed to do it and I just didn’t do it.” It’s like,
no, please do this sooner because time is our most valuable asset and you want a life that
you can live at your fullest with a really strong mindset to be able to go and do that. Just a
couple more things I want to touch on real quick about the ideal coaching clients is they
do the work between the sessions and they’re honest about it when it doesn’t happen.
There are times when it’s like, okay, you need to go watch these videos between the
session or do this assignment or whatever, and sometimes it doesn’t happen and that’s
okay. Again, it goes back to my number one, being honest and authentic. “Hey, I didn’t get
this done. No problem. We can talk about it here or we can put it off until next week. Or
we can coach on it, why did it not get done?” Then finally, they’re willing to see how they
could be wrong. This is a big one.

This is what makes somebody really coachable is the reason why you kind of sign up for a
coach, you may not know this, is because you’re wanting them to show you things that you
can’t see in yourself or to help you solve your problems. Because otherwise, if you already
had the results that you’re wanting, then why would you need me? The reason why you
need me is because you’re doing something “in the wrong way”. Now of course that’s very
black and white thinking.

It’s just not quite in the right way or the ideal way at the end of the day, but you’re not
doing it in a way where you’re getting the results you want and so you’re going to have to
be called out sometimes of like, “Hey, you think that you’re not getting X, Y, Z result
because of this, but it’s actually because of this in your mind. Let’s be real about it.” You’ve
got to be able to take those little hits, if you want to call it. I just have this inner coaching
session of my own. I was talking about a coaching thing that I want to invest in and I said,
“Oh, the amount just feels really scary to me and I was saying all the feelings and all that.”
She’s like, “Man, you sure don’t believe in yourself enough when it comes to this.”
I thought, “Who the f are you woman? How dare you say that to me?” She was totally right
because if I completely believed in myself to make that investment and then make it back
really quickly, then it would be a no brainer to have signed up for the program. I’m so glad
she showed me that because I’m like, “Oh my gosh, you’re right. I still have these little
things, these little tweaks I need to make and believing in myself to make an investment
that big, because I’ve never done it before.” It stinks sometimes, it feels uncomfortable.

I had a client just recently tell me, I hate the way I feel sometimes after our coaching
sessions. Like yes, you think it’s going to be all rainbows and butterflies? No. Especially
when we get to a certain point in the coaching process, we’re in the highly action phase of
like that living the dream process, it’s going to be uncomfortable. That’s part of it is being
really coachable and open and to seeing how you’re wrong because when you’re seeing
how you’re wrong, that’s when you can open the doors to getting what you want.
Really set that in for a second. When you see how you’re wrong, it opens the doors to
possibilities in getting what you want, because you’re going to be able to shift something
to be able to then get closer to what you want. Just keep all of this in mind, my friend, if
you are an ideal coaching client now, of course, this is my ideal coaching clients.
Somebody else can be totally different. Like, for example, I’m in this coaching group in
Facebook and somebody had talked about, she had a consult and the client was in a lot of
victim mode.

Every time she would try and show her her mind, the client was like, no, that’s not it. That’s
not me. I said, if that was my consult I would say, I really encourage you to look at therapy
because you’re kind of wanting to wallow in victim mindset, which is fine and sometimes
we need that in our lives and all these other coaches are like, “I would totally take her on. I
would take her on. i would take her on.”

I’m like, “Great. That’s awesome but for me, I’ve got to have people that believe in
themselves enough and are ready to be challenged and are willing to see how they’re
wrong and all the other things I listed on here. If you feel like you are ready to start
coaching, I would love to have you. The first step is to always apply for a free consult call.
You will have to answer a couple of questions so I can know a little bit about you and then
give you a link to my calendar. Just go to Lindsay, L-I-N-D-S-A-Y, epreston.com/apply, and
let’s get started. I’ll see you on the next episode, my friend. I hope this was helpful for you,
and until we meet again, all my love and blessings. Bye.


Hey there, Miss Unstoppable. Thanks so much for tuning into this episode. If you enjoyed
it, share it with a friend. Send them a picture of this episode via text, via email, share it on
social media, I’m sure they would be so appreciative to know these strategies and tips on
how to accomplish your dreams. If you are ready to guarantee you’re going to accomplish
your goals and dreams, then it’s time to start coaching with me.

In my nine-month simple success coaching system, I am going to walk you every single
step of the way to ensure that you get the goals and dreams that you want. The first step is
to apply for a free 60-minute consult call. Just go to LindsayEpreston.com/apply to get
started. As always, my friend, remember, you’re only as unstoppable as you believe you can
be, so believe in yourself. You got this.

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Hi! I'm Lindsay

Hi! I’m Lindsay Elizabeth Preston. I’m a certified & trauma-informed life & leadership coach who has spent the last decade helping successful women create lives that feel as good on the inside as they look on the outside by using my neuroscience-backed coaching process called, Awakened Woman.

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